Publikasi S3 Teknologi Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2019 Concept and Implementation of Family Education as an Efforts to Prepare Youth Generation for Industrial Revolution 4.0
The purpose of this study is to find a model of successful family education instilling moral and religious values in an effort to prepare the young generation to face the 4.0 industrial revolution. The findings can be used as best practice for families who want to instill moral and religious values for their children and also can be used as a basis for compiling a theory of family education that is in accordance with Indonesian culture. The research approach is Qualitative. The sampling technique was purposive snowball sampling. Data were collected using the method of in-depth interviews and observations, while to maintain the credibility of the data using triangulation methods and sources. The data analysis technique uses qualitative descriptive. There are three findings, the first is that education begins when the child is still in the womb of the mother. Secondly, the principle used in educating is
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1387 (1), 012040, 2019
2021 The collaborative problem based learning model innovation
Learning models that can specifically support 21st-century skills which are fundamentals and global in nature, especially in higher education, are still not available. The Problem Based Learning (PBL) model and the Collaborative Learning (CL) model have characteristics that have the potential to support these skills. The purpose of the study is to develop a collaborative problem-based learning (CPBL) model. The study's results are five model syntaxes consisting of problem orientation, organization, collaborative problem solving, presentation and discussion, and evaluation. Besides, a model matrix was produced to guide lecturer and student learning activities to achieve fundamental and global 21st-century skills, namely problem solving, critical thinking, and collaboration. The syntaxes and matrix of the model produced are feasible, valid, and practically implemented to produce graduates who have ready and competitive skills. Thus, the developed CPBL model can become an innovative initial role model for learning to support learning at various levels, especially higher education, to produce graduates who have skills that are ready and competitive in the current era, maybe even in the future.
Journal of Educational and Social Research 11 (4), 97-106, 2021
2021 Collaborative Problem-Solving Based on Mobile Multimedia.
The development of mobile technology has an important role to play in achieving 21st-century skills. Collaborative skills and problem-solving are seen as fundamental skills for achieving 21st-century skills as a whole. This study aims to develop collaborative problem-solving based on mobile multimedia (CPMM) to achieve student collaborative and problem-solving skills. Multimedia development life cycle (MDLC) is used as a research method to develop CPMM. The CPMM was developed by involving 100 students at the Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Indonesia. The CPMM development result consisted of three main features. The first feature was the homepage which was used to show student profiles and progress in the course. The second feature was collaborative to become a forum for students to discuss and interact in multi-way mobile ways to solve problems. The third feature was evaluation as tasks from a lecturer to individual students to solve problems. In addition, the study results showed that CPMM was valid and effective for improving students' collaborative and problem-solving skills. This study recommends that CPMM can be used as an essential study and the basis for lecturers and practitioners to develop 21stcentury student skills as a whole (not only collaborative and problem-solving skills) to produce graduates who are ready to face the revolutionary era 4.0.
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies 15 (13), 2021
2020 The effect of project-based learning assisted pangtus on creative thinking ability in higher education
This study aims to determine the effect of Project Based Learning Assisted PANGTUS media on statistics and probability courses on students' creative thinking abilities. The design of this study is true experimental design. All external variables that influence the experiment can be controlled through this design. The design used was a pretest-posttest control group design. The experimental group is the group that gets the application of Project Based Learning Assisted PANGTUS, while the control group is the group that gets guided discovery learning. To find out the differences between the experimental group and the control group, the two groups were given a pretest. Pretest results are said to be good if the value of the experimental group did not differ significantly from the control group. Based on the results of statistical tests show that:(1) the Project Based Learning Assisted PANGTUS model can effectively improve …
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 15 (11 …, 2020
2019 Local wisdom behind traditions in Madura District Indonesia
The aim of the study is to investigate local wisdom behind traditions in Madura district Indonesia via ground theory with literature study. As a result, peace and conflict prevention will be more felt when local wisdom is supported, facilitated, and assisted by the role of the state and government. But local wisdom has not yet been fully accommodated by the government as an authorized party or from public awareness itself. In conclusion, there are one or two traditions found that can be at the root of the conflict, such as the existence of carok in Madura.
Opción: Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, 2965, 2019
2019 Character education: Gender differences in moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral action in elementary schools in Indonesia
The aim of this study is to determine differences in character education between male and female students with a theoretical foundation from Lickona, which emphasizes three components in character education, namely moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral action. This study adopted a survey method approach, which was one of the quantitative research methods with explanatory research methods. Data were collected through questionnaires in this study, which were developed based on Lickona's theory. The survey carried out to 219 males and 263 females from 482 students at two selected elementary schools precisely at the sixth grade in 16 sub-districts of Bangkalan District, Indonesia. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS. The results showed that there were differences in character education between men and women.
Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 7 (3), 547-556, 2019
2021 Collaborative Problem based learning integrated with online learning
The development of science and technology during the Covid-19 pandemic re-quires universities to prepare their students to have collaborative and problem-solving skills through appropriate learning today, namely, integrating learning with online technology. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of im-plementing collaborative problem-based learning (CPBL) integrated with online learning on student collaborative and problem-solving skills. The research meth-od used was quantitative with a post-test quasi-experimental design involving fourth-semester students in the Early Childhood Education Study Program, Uni-versitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Indonesia. The effectiveness of implementing CPBL integrated with online learning was analyzed primarily using the t-independent sample test. The study results showed that the implementation of CPBL integrated with online learning effectively improved …
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 16 (13), 29-39, 2021
2020 Using Electronic Design Automation and Guided Inquiry Learning Model in Higher Engineering Education
Electronic design automation software is a part of software learning. This study uses digital electronic circuit design software as learning media, namely, Electronic Design Automation (EDA), in the form of simulations and a guided inquiry learning model in higher engineering education. The device is a type of multimedia, because it involves graphics, animation, and text as external data. The software facilitates the learning process of cadets using the guided inquiry learning model. Given its accessibility, mobile learning has its own advantages. This study uses quantitative data with a type of quasi-experimental research. The sample consists of 100 cadets in the engineering study program. Results show that the model can improve the learning process of cadets in the air digital engineering program subject, in which the implementation of the model has been integrated into a special theme from the test scores and results of cadets. An effect is observed on the use of the EDA and guided inquiry model to the learning outcome and motivation of cadets in engineering education. The researchers concluded that the implementation of EDA and the guided inquiry model are effective. In addition, it provides benefits for practitioners and educators in improving the learning outcomes and motivation of cadets in engineering education.
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8 (7), 2946-2953, 2020
2019 Development of Online Project Based Learning Models
Learning patterns require synergy with technology. In the era of disruption of online-based learning answers the challenges of the time, learning without being bound by space, distance and time that requires the active role of students in the learning process itself. Integrating project-based learning models and online learning methods, the purpose of this research is to produce an Online Project Based Learning model in the subject of Graphic Media Development that has feasibility aspects for students of Educational Technology. This research is a development research using the development model of Borg and Gall which has ten steps. The results of this study indicate that the Online Project Based Learning model has been validated by learning design experts and material experts. Learning design experts and material experts have assessed and stated that this model is feasible. Thus, it can be concluded that the …
2019 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET), 127-130, 2019
2023 Media Pembelajaran Mengenalkan Asmaul Husna Untuk Anak Usia Dini: Kajian Literatur
This study aims to determine the learning media of Asmaul Husna for Early Childhood Education (PAUD). The data in this study were obtained through the literature study research method. Researchers collect all data in research from various existing sources to obtain information relevant to the problem to be solved through systematic techniques. The data or information comes from books, theses, theses, journals, and articles from official websites that have been indexed and accredited within the last five years. Early childhood education should basically be based on the philosophical and religious values held by the environment around the child and the religion he or she adheres to. Religious education emphasizes an understanding of religion and how religion is practiced and applied in actions and behavior in everyday life. Religion is also the foundation for instilling faith in children, which begins with faith education in Allah SWT. One of the faith learning is through Asmaul Husna. For children, religious values are something abstract, so teachers need learning media as a tool to introduce the Asmaul Husna. The results showed a variety of learning media developed to help children recognize Asmaul Husna.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education 9 (1), 2023