Publikasi S1 Pendidikan Luar Biasa

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2021 The Implementation of CBT to Reduce Hyperactive Behaviors among Adolescents with ADHD.
Adolescents with ADHD need serious handling to reduce their hyperactive Behavior. One strategy that is alleged to reduce this behavior is by implementing Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the implementation of CBT and to analyze the effectiveness of CBT in reducing hyperactive behavior of adolescents with ADHD in Inclusive Junior High Schools. The implementation of this research used a pre-experimental research design with the One Group Pre-Test Post-Test research design by using the Vanderbilt ADHD Rating Scale behavior check instrument which is adopted by considering Indonesian language and culture. The subjects in this study were 3 adolescents with ADHD who had a level of activity representing the mild, moderate, and severe levels. The time used was 5 meeting sessions with a time allocation of 2× 30 minutes for each meeting. The results showed that there is an effect of the implementation of CBT in reducing the hyperactive behavior of adolescents with ADHD at Inclusive Junior High School.
International Journal of Online & Biomedical Engineering 17 (12), 2021
2020 E-learning development for special education postgraduate students
The specific purpose of this study is to report the process of developing e-learning course on motion-building and mobility for students’ learning at the postgraduate of special education study program. This research was conducted to measure the e-learning capability on motion-building and mobility courses, which were applied through expert validation tests by using instruments in conducting assessments. Whereas the test users are the postgraduate students of special education study program by using the instrument in conducting assessment. The blended learning model of motion-building and mobility courses is designed and packaged offline in online textbooks of motion-building for blind children and motion therapy of cerebral palsy children. Based on the process of assessing the feasibility of the product’s validity and practicality, the product validity test results from the validator on all assessment items get a …
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 15 (14 …, 2020
2019 Design Science Education for Student with Special Needs Use Learning Management System Platform Moodle
The fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0) has changed education for the future. Education 4.0 indicated is disruption in science education for student with special needs to prepare graduates for work achieved and future life. The aim of this research was how to design science education for student with special needs use learning management system platform Moodle. The research design was analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating (ADDIE) models. A website platform Moodle was designed to accommodate the requirements of the course and all the instructional materials were uploaded to the website. This program was implemented by college students at second year special students. The result of first phase is analysis about a gap of student performance, courses objective, student characteristics, resources identification, the drive of courses, and material base on LMS platform Moodle. The …
2019 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET), 94-97, 2019
2017 A comparative study of teacher's opinions relating to inclusive classrooms in Indonesia and Thailand
This research compared the work and opinions of regular school teachers teaching in inclusive classrooms in Indonesia and Thailand. These teachers were drawn from schools participating in an in-service training program to enhance the capacity of students with special needs in regular classrooms. A sample of 172 teachers in primary schools in Thailand and 165 from Indonesia answered a questionnaire based on Friedmen's concept of teacher burnout. Eighty percent of the Thai teachers had bachelor's degrees, but only 1 percent were in special education, whereas 77 percent of the Indonesian teachers had bachelor's degrees and 13 percent were in special education. Teachers' opinions on four areas were investigated: inclusion, support from various parties, work environment, and exhaustion. There was no correlation between background variables and teachers' exhaustion and fulfillment. There was a …
Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences 38 (3), 291-296, 2017
2023 A TEACCH Class Model for Comprehensive Intervention in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are pervasive developmental disorders that cover various aspects of development. Interventions using drugs are still not clearly proven to address the core problems of children with autism spectrum disorders, so interventions are directed at non-pharmacological approaches. The aim of this study is to examine the TEACCH class model for comprehensive interventions for children with ASD in all aspects of development. This research uses a qualitative approach. The data sources for this study were a vice principal and two teachers from one of the autism special schools in Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Data collection techniques through interviews and observation. Data analysis used the Miles & Huberman Flow Analysis Model. The validity of the data was carried out by triangulating sources, techniques, and theories. Research findings (1) The minimal TEACCH class model …
Journal of Education for Sustainability and Diversity 1 (2), 138-154, 2023
2023 Employability of Special Education Graduates according to Indonesian National Accreditation Standard
Accreditation of the Undergraduate Program of Special Education (UPSE) in Indonesia is still carried out by the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN-PT) based on national higher education standards. One of the assessment elements is graduates employability. The aim of this research is to describe the employability of special education graduates according to BAN-PT standard. This research is a survey with a cross sectional design. Respondents were 161 graduates of the UPSE Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) spread across Bangka Belitung, Banten, DKI Jakarta, Yogyakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, South Kalimantan, West Nusa Tenggara, and Papua. Data were collected using online questionnaire and analyzed quantitatively. The results are:(1) the average waiting period of the graduates is 3.8 months, and (2) 88% of graduate employments have compatibility with the …
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Luar Biasa 9 (1), 10-14, 2023
2023 Buku Panduan Guru Keterampilan Pembuatan Boneka Hortikultura (Horta) bagi Siswa Tunarungu
The aim of this study;(1) produce a teacher's manual on horticultural doll-making skills for deaf students that are suitable for use;(2) to describe the feasibility of the teacher's manual for the skills of horticultural doll making for deaf students. This research is a development research, according to the steps taken by the development of Thiagarajan, Semmeln and Semmel with the 4-D model, however the researcher modifies it to 3-D, collecting data using a media validation questionnaire, validating material and validating PLB experts. The results showed that the product developed in terms of material aspects, general instructions for books, lesson plans, and learning assessment tools. The results obtained from the material expert validators were 97.8%, the results obtained from the media expert validators were 96.8% and the results obtained from the PLB expert validators were 95.7%. Based on the results of the material validator, media and PLB experts, the guidebook for making horticultural dolls is said to be valid and can be used in the skills learning process for deaf students.
Jurnal Pembelajaran dan Riset Pendidikan (JPRP) 3 (1), 1-18, 2023
2022 Improving Reading Comprehension of Simple Reading Text Using Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) Strategy for Deaf Students
The purpose of this study was to describe the steps in using the Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) strategy to improve reading comprehension skills of simple reading texts in class VII deaf students of SMPLB Karya Mulia Surabaya. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) carried out in two cycles. Each cycle consists of 2 meetings. The subjects used were class VII SMPLB Karya Mulia Surabaya students, with ten students. While the object used is a simple reading text. The data sources of this research are students and teachers. Data collection techniques using tests, observations, interviews, and documentation. Test the validity of the data using triangulation techniques. And for data analysis used is qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques.
Eighth Southeast Asia Design Research (SEA-DR) & the Second Science …, 2022
2022 Involving Children with Special Needs in Managing a Digital-based Waste Bank
The Covid-19 pandemic has increased plastic waste. Those may cause microplastics and nanoplastics contaminants in soil, water, and air that have the potential to interfere with environmental health and human health. Waste management from the source is important in solving the problem of plastic waste, one of which is through a waste bank. Can children with special needs be involved in managing a digital-based waste bank? This study aims to determine:(1) the skills of children with intellectual disabilities in sorting waste, and (2) the skills of children with hearing impairments to record waste transactions digitally. This research is a one-group posttest only design. The sample was carried out purposively, totaling 10 children with intellectual disabilities and 14 children with hearing impairment in special high schools. Data were collected through tests after training. Data analysis used descriptive statistics. The …
INCLUSIVE EDUCATION 1 (1), 38-47, 2022
Anak berkebutuhan khusus (ABK) memiliki karakteristik khusus serta berbeda dengan anak pada umumnya. Dalam hal ini penanganan untuk siswa dalam kategori ABK sangatlah diperlukan, terutama di lingkungan sekolah dan rumah. Di sekolah selingkung Labschool Unesa memiliki 20 siswa ABK yang tersebar pada jenjang TK, SD dan SMP. Di sekolah, peserta didik tersebut dilayani oleh guru kelas dan orang tua yang mendampingi ketika belajar. Berkaitan dengan hal ini, para guru kelas dan orang tua siswa belum memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup tentang ABK dan penanganannya. Selain itu, guru dan orang tua juga tidak memiliki latar belakang Pendidikan Luar Biasa (PLB). Dari permasalahan tersebut, maka diperlukan pelatihan bagi guru dan orang tua. Tujuan pelatihan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang penangan ABK, supaya para guru dan orang tua dapat bersinergi dalam memberikan pelayanan, sehingga akan memberikan hasil pendidikan secara optimal. Kegiatan dilakukan dalam bentuk workshop dengan teori dan praktek. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian dinyatakan sangat efektif. Selain itu secara penguasaan materi, peserta pelatihan juga mengalami peningkatan yang dapat diketahui melalui hasil pre-test dan post-test. Berdasarkan hasil pre-test dan post-test diketahui terdapat perbedaan rata-rata hasil pada peserta pelatihan. Saran untuk guru dan orang tua yakni agar selalu konsisten dalam menguatkan perannya untuk mengakomodir kebutuhan anak, termasuk kebutuhan ABK.
Community Development Journal: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 3 (3), 2020-2030, 2022