Publikasi S3 Teknologi Pendidikan
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Year | Title | Description | Publisher | Author(s) |
2022 | Management Model Development of Instructional Materials For Professional Competence Improvement Of Teachers In Indonesia | This study is aimed at developing a management model of web-based instructional materials that can be used by teachers to obtain teaching materials, knowledge sharing and discussions in order to improve their professional competence. This research used Borg and Gall’s theory, 4-D Model and Development Model Prototyping. The results revealed that based on the judgement of expert of educational technology, expert of web design, and expert of information systems, the model fits to be applied. The results from individual evaluation, small group test, and field test showed that 84, 00% of the web-based module can be used well. Furthermore, the results of the expert evaluation and field test indicate that the webbased module can be used by Indonesian teachers either individually or in groups and it is very helpful for learning activities. |
Journal Eduvest. Vol 2 (10), 2081-2090, 2022 | |
2022 | Asynchronous dan Synchronous Learning pada Pendidikan Tinggi: Studi Komparasi | Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan asynchronous dan synchronous pada pendidikan tinggi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah comparative study. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa berjumlah 60 yang terbagi menjadi dua kelompok. Kelompok pertama adalah mahasiswa yang dibelajarkan dengan asynchronous learning dan kelompok kedua menggunakan synchronous learning. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang tidak terlalu signifikan antara kedua kelompok tersebut. Berdasarkan perolehan rerata nilai mahasiswa pada kelompok Synchronous lebih tinggi sebesar (71, 53) dan rereata nilai mahasiswa pada kelompok Asynchronous memperoleh sebesar (62, 67). Dalam penerapan kedua model tersebut, Synchronous learning memberikan pembelajaran yang lebih baik untuk mahasiswa daripada pembelajaran menggunakan Asynchronous learning. Dalam penerapan pembelajaran synchronous mahasiswa lebih antusias karena pelaksanaan dilakukan secara realtime membuat mahasiswa dapat merespon dan menanggapi secara langsung dan tanpa terjadi miskomunikasi. |
Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education 8 (4), 2022 | |
2022 | Pelatihan Intensif Pembuatan Alat Permainan Edukatif Pada Guru PAUD | Kegiatan pelatihan yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk membantu guru dalam meningkatkan kompetensi dalam hal membuat alat permainan edukatif. Pendampingan pada pelatihan ini dilakukan secara intensif, dimana peserta akan menghasilkan alat permainan edukatif. Partisipan yang mengikuti pendampingan, yaitu guru Taman Kanak-Kanak se Kecamatan Pakal Kota Surabaya. Peserta diberikan penjelasan tentang konsep Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini dan pernacangan alat permainan edukatif. Kemudian, peserta melakukan pembimbingan sehingga menghasilkan alat permainan edukatif yang tepat. |
DEDICATE: Journal of Community Engagement in Education, 69-77, 2022 | |
2022 | PEMBELAJARAN DARING UNTUK MENDUKUNG IMPLEMENTASI MERDEKA BELAJAR KAMPUS MERDEKA (MBKM) | Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kelayakan dan keefektifan perangkat pembelajaran daring untuk mata kuliah Pengembangan Model dan Realia berupa rancangan pembelajaran semester (RPS), media, dan bahan pembelajaran. Perangkat pembelajaran ini akan digunakan secara daring oleh mahasiswa yang melakukan kerjasama pertukaran pelajar dalam rangka mendukung implementasi Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) di Pendidikan tinggi. Pengembangan ini menggunakan model ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, andEvaluate). Hasil uji kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran dinyatakan sangat baik oleh ahli materi (100%) dan ahli media (91, 67%). Demikian juga dengan hasil uji coba yang dilakukan kepada mahasiswa sebagai sampel pengguna. Pengguna menyatakan hasilnya sangat baik (90%). Sedangkan keefektifan produk penelitian ini dapat dibuktikan dengan nilai hasil tes yang dicapai mahasiswa kelas experimen. Hasil tes nilai A dicapai 86, 4% mahasiswa kelas eksperimen dan 57, 2% mahasiswa kelas kontrol. Sebagai kesimpulan dapat dikemukakan bahwa produk ini memenuhi kaidahkaidah kelayakan dan efektif digunakan untuk pembelajaran daring. Mengingat produk yang dihasilkan ini mudah diakses dan user friendly maka akan dapat mendukung implementasi program merdeka belajar kampus merdeka. |
Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan 10, 01, 2022 | |
2022 | Student Responsibilities Towards Online Learning in Interactive Multimedia Courses | In online learning, an attitude of responsibility is needed in the learning process. Today, the attitude of responsibility in students is reduced. This study aims to look at the student's responsible attitude towards online learning in the interactive multimedia development course. This research is descriptive, namely research to describe the symptoms, phenomena, or facts studied by describing the independent variables, without intending to connect or compare. Data collection techniques using a Google Form questionnaire. The population in this study were students who were taking Interactive Multimedia courses totaling 167 respondents. The data obtained were analyzed using a descriptive percentage technique. The results of this study indicate that a very good attitude of responsibility in online interactive multimedia learning is related to aspects of punctuality in collecting assignments and knowing the lecture schedule, aspects of revising work and doing all assignments independently, aspects of using original ideas, and do not do plagiarism works. While the attitude of responsibility that is still lacking in online interactive multimedia learning is related to aspects of participation in online class forum discussions and providing suggestions or input on the work of colleagues, aspects of using illustrations/drawings themselves. So that we get the results that there are aspects of the attitude of responsibility related to social responsibility that is still lacking, while individual responsibility is quite good. |
Journal of Education Technology 6 (1), 38-44, 2022 | |
2021 | Modeling of x-ray attenuation on SS316 metal foam shielding using MCNPX | The use of lead plates as shielding to X-ray radiation has the disadvantages of being heavier and not environmentally friendly when compared to other materials. Currently, metal foam technology is developed that is expected to be close to the ability of lead plate as a radiation shielding that is lighter and environmentally friendly. This research was conducted by modeling SS316 stainless steel plates and foams for the thickness of 5-40 mm, the diameter of 2, 3, and 4 mm at an energy of 0.1, 0.662, and 1 MeV. The metal plate and foam modeling were carried out using the program of Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended (MCNPX). Calculation of X-ray attenuation from the modeling results shows that SS316 stainless steel performance both in the form of plates and metal foams is almost equivalent to pure lead. From these results, it can be concluded that metal foam technology is expected to be a lighter and … |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1825 (1), 012094, 2021 | |
2021 | Online Learning for English Language Learners During Covid-19 Pandemic in Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya | An existence of a government policy for study from home in the COVID-19 pandemic era has disrupted the conventional learning process. Online learning was an alternative that can overcome the problem of the spread of COVID-19 pandemic in universities. A purpose of this research was English language learners that needed online learning during COVID-19 pandemic in Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya. Learning English, especially in speaking skills, is an important skill in English as a foreign language (EFL). One thing that also influenced the behaviour of English language learners in the online learning model was Computer Self Efficacy (CSE). Students' confidence used computers that are also a success factor in online learning. This research was conducted at the medical faculty of the Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya. The method used descriptive qualitative. The subjects of this research were 80 students of the first semester students in medical faculty in Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya. This research showed the results that the implementation of the online learning model can provide many English learning activities independently at anywhere and anytime. The learning English online for students were very interesting. Therefore, it can be increased students' motivation to practice speaking in English. |
IISTE 12 (9), 97-104, 2021 | |
2021 | Pengaruh Strategi Contextual Teaching And Learning Terhadap Kreativitas Desain Logo Dimasa Pandemi | Ragam desain logo produk saat ini mulai berkembang pesat seiring majunya teknologi informasi dan ekonomi digital. Selain sebagai identitas, logo produk berperan penting dalam pemasaran guna menarik konsumen. Penelitian ini disusun atas dasar kurangnya pemahaman siswa dalam mengaitkan materi yang dipelajari dengan mempraktikan sendiri materi pelajaran yang didapatkan agar lebih bermakna sehingga hasil desain lebih variatif (tidak monoton), orisinil dan memiliki standar sesuai kebutuhan pasar. Tujuan riset ilmiah ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh strategi contextual teaching and learning terhadap kreativitas dan hasil belajar siswa menengah kejuruan kelas X pada mata pelajaran dasar desain grafis. |
Educate: Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan 6 (1), 42-53, 2021 | |
2021 | THE EFFECT OF STATION ROTATION ONLINE MODEL ON PROBLEM SOLVING STUDENTS ABILITY: A CASE STUDY AT JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL. | This study aims to determine the effect of the station rotation online model in improving problem-solving students science abilities at Junior High School. This study uses a quasi-experiment with nonequivalent control group design to examine the effect of station rotation model on problem solving in the experimental group. The subject in this study are 50 students (The experimental group) and 50 students (The control group). The data consist of pretest and posttest using a test instrument that had been checked for validity and reliability. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using t-tes. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant difference in means value of achievement in problem-solving abilities in the experimental group. So it is recommended that teachers use modern teaching strategies, especially using the station rotation online model. |
Review of International Geographical Education Online 11 (10), 2021 | |
2021 | The effect of demonstration and mind mapping learning methods on achievement of cultural arts course | This study has looked at the variations in cultural learning outcomes for groups of students that utilize the methods and methods of thinking mapping, as well as the interaction between the two approaches in their role in learning arts. This study used experimental methods and a 2x2 factorial design to conduct quantitative research. All Junior High School second-grade pupils use the population. The analysis technique used is a two-way variant (two-way ANOVA). Student learning outcomes utilizing a demonstration technique are better than student learning outcomes using the mind monitoring method, according to the results of data processing. Students who use the demonstration approach perform better than those who use the mind mapping method. The average score for learning activeness with high demonstration methods and employing the approach of mapping student activeness thinking is poor. |
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies 3 (6), 403-408, 2021 |