Publikasi S1 Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2023 Developing Construct 2 application-based online puzzle in teaching Pancasila symbols during Covid-19 outbreak for first graders of elementary school
During the Covid-19 outbreak, learning media that make online learning easier for students are required. The objective of this study was to create educational media in the form of digital puzzles using the Construct 2 application. The ADDIE model was used in this study consisting of Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate, but being modified up to the development stage. The digital puzzle's material was Pancasila principles. The material was chosen based on an initial needs analysis showing that first graders in elementary school could not understand the symbols for Pancasila's principles. Interviews and questionnaires were used to collect data in the form of a validation instrument. Two experts, primarily material and media experts, validated the instrument. Qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques were used in the analysis. The results of interviews were analyzed qualitatively, while the …
AIP Conference Proceedings 2679 (1), 060009, 2023
2022 Implementasi Model PJBL Berbasis Steam pada Kelas IV SD: Mobil Bertenaga Angin
Seiring perkembangan zaman, tantangan serta tuntuntan hidup semakin tinggi. Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi secara global, serta tingginya tingkat persaingan dalam berbagai bidang baik ekonomi, sosial, politik, hingga budaya, sehingga dibutuhkan pembelajaran yang dapat membekali peserta didik untuk menghadapi perkembangan zaman. Salah satu model pembelajaran yang cocok yaitu PjBL berbasis STEAM. Oleh karena itu, peneliti melakukan implementasi pembuatan mobil bertenaga angin untuk kelas IV sekolah dasar, di MI Hidayatul Mubtadiin, Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini, menggunakan metode Education Design Research (EDR) yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan sebuah produk serta mengetahui keefektifan dari produk tersebut. Pembuatan mobil bertenaga angin ini, dapat membuat siswa melaksanakan pembelajaran PjBL berbasis STEAM tanpa merasa jenuh. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari antusiasme siswa, dalam melakukan proyek tersebut bersama
J-SES: Journal of Science, Education and Studies 1 (2), 2022
2022 Pengembangan Alat Evaluasi Pembelajaran Menggunakan Platform Wordwall. net Untuk Siswa Kelas II Sekolah Dasar
Pandemi COVID-19 telah merambah di Indonesia pada awal tahun 2020. Sejak itulah sistem pembelajaran berubah menjadi daring. Perubahan sistem pembelajaran ini tentunya banyak menyulitkan guru dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran, salah satunya dalam pelaksanaan evaluasi pembelajaran. Karena hal itulah akan dikembangkan sebuah alat evaluasi pembelajaran menggunakan platform wordwall. net yang bertujuan untuk mengukur kevalidan, kepraktisan dan kefektifan pengembangan media berupa alat evaluasi pembelajaran menggunakan platform wordwall. net pada materi ungkapan bahasa Indonesia. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas II UPT SD Negeri 220 Gresik. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Devolpoment (R&D) dengan model ADDIE. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, angket dan tes. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu uji kevalidan, uji kepraktisan dan uji keefektifan. Kevalidan media memenuhi kriteria “sangat valid” berdasarkan persentase nilai rata-rata dari ahli media 89% dan persentase nilai rata-rata dari ahli materi 85%. Kepraktisan media memenuhi kriteria “sangat praktis” berdasarkan hasil persentase angket respon siswa 92% dan angket respon guru 100%. Keefektifan media memenuhi kriteria “tinggi’atau “sangat efektif” berdasarkan hasil ketuntatasan belajar yang dihitung dengan bantuan N-Gain dengan perolehan nilai 0, 76. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa alat evaluasi menggunakan platform wordwall. net untuk kelas II sekolah dasar dinyatakan valid, praktis dan efektif digunakan sebagai alat …
Jpgsd 10 (6), 1415-1424, 2022
2022 Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu dengan Risiko Stunting pada Balita di Masa Pandemi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu dengan Risiko Stunting pada Balita di masa Pandemi. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian Kuantitatif dengan rancangan Cross Sectional. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan kuesioner sekaligus wawancara secara langsung. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu yang memiliki balita usia 0-5 tahun dengan sampel sebanyak 160 responden dengan Teknik Sampel Total Sampling. Uji dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Uji Chi Square. Hasil uji statistik Chi Square nilai kemaknaan p= 0,001 dengan taraf (< 0, 05) dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil tersebut terdapat hubungan tingkat pengetahuan ibu dengan risiko stunting pada balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Lok Bahu. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai evaluasi dalam program ilmu kesehatan masyarakat dan masyarakat mengetahui pentingnya …
JPKM: Jurnal Profesi Kesehatan Masyarakat 3 (2), 165-169, 2022
2022 Hubungan Antara Sikap dan Sarana terhadap PHBS di Sekolah pada Siswa SMA
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan antara sikap dan sarana terhadap PHBS di sekolah pada siswa SMA Negeri 2 Tenggarong. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan Cross Sectional. Data diperoleh menggunakan pengisian kuesioner online (google form). Populasi penelitian adalah siswa kelas 10 dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak 188 orang yang diambil menggunakan teknik Simple Random Sampling. Uji statistik dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji Spearman. Didapatkan bahwa Responden yang memiliki sikap baik berjumlah 103 orang (54, 8%), dan sikap kurang berjumlah 85 orang (45, 2%). Responden yang memiliki sarana baik berjumlah 97 orang dengan persentase sebesar 51, 6%, dan sarana kurang berjumlah 91 orang dengan persentase 48, 4%. Responden yang PHBS baik di sekolah berjumlah 181 orang (96, 3%), dan …
JPKM: Jurnal Profesi Kesehatan Masyarakat 3 (2), 171-176, 2022
2022 Creative Attitude in Science Learning Model to Improve Creative Thinking Skills and Positive Attitude of Students Towards Science
The results of the literature study show that the Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Creative Problem Solving (CPS) models are proven to be able to improve students' creative thinking skills, but also have weaknesses that need to be improved. To complement the weaknesses of the application of the PBL Model and the CPS Model, it is necessary to develop an Innovative Learning Model that can improve students' creative abilities. The CASL (Creative Attitude In Science Learning) model is a learning model that integrates the CPS model with the PBL model in learning activities. The development of the CASL model is supported by the latest learning theories and the empirical foundation of the latest research. The CASL model has five phases, namely:(1) Generating positive attitudes as creative individuals,(2) Organizing creative learning,(3) Guiding creative investigations,(4) Forming positive attitudes in demonstrating scientific creativity, and (5) Attitude evaluation positive and scientific creativity.
IJORER: International Journal of Recent Educational Research 3 (6), 701-717, 2022
2022 Mathematics Learning Model in Elementary School to Developing Critical Thinking
21st-century learning is about material and critical thinking skills, collaboration, communication, creativity, and character. During the learning tools workshop, researchers as instructors found a tendency for teachers participating in Teacher Professional Education (PPG Daljab) to be confused about the learning model. The result is that most teachers use models of problem-based learning and project-based learning. If there is no other choice, there may be a lack of literacy regarding learning models to develop students' critical thinking. This study aims to reveal the nature of critical thinking learning and alternative learning models in developing students' critical thinking. The method used in this study is a literature review of articles on Google Scholar. The literature review results include the nature of critical thinking learning to facilitate students with constructing thinking, adapting, evaluating, and planning a follow-up. Alternative learning models include problem-based learning, problem posing, project-based learning, reciprocal teaching, scientific, discovery learning, inquiry, discovery, cooperative learning, ethnomathematics, steam, and realistic mathematics approach (RME). This article is expected to provide convenience for elementary school teachers in choosing various learning models to develop students' critical thinking.
International Conference on Elementary Education 4 (1), 92-99, 2022
2022 The Impact of Covid-19 on the Implementation of Online Learning at SDN Jenggot for the 2020 Academic Year
This study was to find out how the implementation of the online learning model is, the inhibiting factors for the implementation of online learning and also to find out the supporting factors for the implementation of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic in elementary schools. Online learning requires teachers to prepare learning that is more creative than ordinary learning when offline, because it requires special skills in terms of technology and adaptation to remote situations with students. The type of research used is a type of qualitative research. The focus of this research is on the impact of Covid-19 on the implementation of online learning. The research location is at SDN Jenggot, Krembung District, Sidoarjo Regency. The interview respondents were a total of 6 including teachers and students who were involved to strengthen the results of the interviews. Data collection techniques using literature review methods, observations and interviews. As for the validity of the data using data manipulation techniques so that the data is believed to be a truth or fact. The data analysis technique uses descriptive data in compiling research data so that it can be concluded that this study shows that teachers have different standards of success with other teachers, while the causative factors include age which is difficult to adapt to technology. Meanwhile, other junior teachers are easy to adapt to the online learning process. Teachers who apply online learning are able to operate devices and software that support online learning.
Buana Pendidikan: Jurnal Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Unipa …, 2022
2022 College Student Perception of the Sustainable Environment: Learning Opportunities after Covid-19
College Student Perception of the Sustainable Environment: Learning Opportunities after Covid-19. Objective: This study aims to determine students’ perception as prospective educators at the basic education level on environmental issues and the orientation of sustainable environmental education in universities after the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods: This study uses a quantitative analysis approach with a survey method. The population in this study were students of the Department of Elementary School Teacher Education, amounting to 880 people. The number of samples taken was 249 from four generations spread from 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2017—data collection using a questionnaire with an electronic google form format. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistics. Finding: The results showed the diversity of students’ perceptions of environmental problems and the need for sustainable …
Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif 12 (2), 840-852, 2022
2022 Responses to the Socio-Ecological Crisis: Perceptions of In-Service Teacher
The teacher's response to the problem of the socio-ecological crisis becomes important and urgent as an effort to increase teachers' sensitivity, willingness and ability to identify potential and socio-ecological problems that exist in the school environment and the surrounding area. Therefore, this study aims to analyze how teachers participating in in-service teacher training, called Teacher Professional Education (PPG), perceive socioecological issues. This study aims to analyze the teacher's perception of the socio-ecological crisis. This study uses a quantitative analysis approach with a survey method. The population in this study were 102 teachers participating in the Teacher Professional Education Program (PPG) primary school teacher training program, with a sample of 96 people. Data collection uses a questionnaire with an electronic google form format. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistics. The research results on teacher perceptions support the inclusion of socio-ecological crisis material in environmental learning in schools and PPG in in-service teacher training positions. In conclusion, although teachers still practice caring and environmentally friendly habits in schools, teachers have paid attention to the importance of critical environmental learning, outdoor learning, collective, and environmental problems in preventing and overcoming socio-ecological. The implication is that teachers are expected to gain many dimensions and critical environmental perspectives in responding to social-ecological problems.
Journal of Education Research and Evaluation 6 (4), 2022