Publikasi S1 Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2018 The use of primary documents on literature history in primary scholl
This study aims to determine the effect of the use of primary documents against the literacy of the students of 5th grade Al-Azhar Mojokerto Islamic Plus Primary School. This research uses Quasi Experimental Design research design in the form of Non-equivalent Control Group Design with instrument test. Data analysis technique used is t-test. The results showed that there is significant influence of the use of primary documents to the historical literacy of students as evidenced by hypothetical test t count 5,626> ttable 2.030. Through literacy history, students are facilitated to be skilled at reading, writing, expressing views through various sources (photos, pictures, articles, newspapers, maps, videos, textbooks, documents/records/archives and non-documents such as architecture. Students not just become passive recipients or remember historical facts but active involved in interpreting it, so they obtain complete understanding of the cause-effect (chronology) of a historical event.
1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017), 121-123, 2018
This research was conducted based on the lacks of creative thinking skill from elementary school students based on their experience and knowledge. The purpose of this study was to examine the significant differences in creative thinking skill between two classes that use social inquiry learning model and conventional learning model. This study used quantitative method with (quasi-experimental design) by using non-equivalent control group design research. The t-test analysis showed that the value of-t count<-t table (-4,096<-2.006) and significance value (0.000< 0.05), whereas the result of the N-Gain test, indicated that the average value of the experiment class has increased by 0.58 and 0.22 on the control class. The result of the present study shows that there is a significant difference in creative thinking skill between two classes that use social inquiry learning model and conventional learning model.
ICPECE 2017, 2018
2018 Pelatihan Keterampilan Informasi Melalui Pembuatan Media Literasi
Implementasi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS) masih dihadapkan pada sejumlah kendala diantaranya (1) program literasi masih belum tersosialisasikan dengan baik,(2) pemahaman peserta terhadap strategi implementasi gerakan literasi masih terbatas,(3) berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan guru menghendaki pengalaman praktis mengintegrasikan literasi ke dalam pembelajaran. Kendala tersebut dialami oleh guru-guru SD di Kelompok Kerja Guru (KKG) Kecamatan Tosari Kabupaten Pasuruan. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk memfasilitasi kelompok sasaran yang difokuskan (1) pembuatan media literasi baik secara konseptual teoritis maupun praktik,(2) strategi implementasi program literasi di sekolah. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan meliputi alur tahapan kegiatan, cara kerja dan output/luaran kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat. Cara kerja meliputi (1) pembagian materi sesuai bidang keahlian,(2) pendampingan …
Jurnal Publikasi Pendidikan 8 (1), 13-18, 2018
2018 Special Service Class, An Elementary School Program for Street Children
This study aimed to delineate and to describe the elementary school program for street children called special service class in elementary school at Surabaya. Using qualitative approach, data was collected through observation, interview, and documentation study. This research focused on the implementation of special service class program including supporting factors and its obstacles, and the stakeholder’s respond to the accomplishment of the program. As a result, implementation of special service class program run quite well. It can be seen by reaching the purpose of the program to capture street children in order to get an education in formal school. Availability of teacher and infrastructure became supporting factors but one of the obstacles was the lack of parent’s awareness about the importance of education for their children. The society declared they supported the program to help them getting a formal education.
International Journal of Educational Science and Research 8 (3), 147-156, 2018
2018 E-Learning as Media Teaching Learning Pancasila Education in Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Along with the progress in information technology, learning-based on the internet at this time is a requirement, In order to increase knowledge and broad insight for students, it is necessary to be developed by using electronic media-based learning through the utilization of the Internet network called e-learning. E-learning as one of the media in learning has an important role in overcoming the limitations of space and time in the learning process. This study aims to analyze the response of the students of the Javanese Language Education program on learning Pancasila Education through e-learning at the State University of Surabaya.
1st International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2018), 220-223, 2018
2018 What is Visual Quantum Learning Effect to Student Learning Results
The problem faced by developing countries, including Indonesia, are still the lowest thinking of student ability, proved the low value of the PISA test. An alternative to improving the problem of student ability is the application of visual quantum learning. The research aims to determine how the influence of visual quantum learning on the result of learning. Which is this research experimental with pretest-posttest control group design? Data collection was done using the test method. The test used is a written that is a matter of multiple choice with 4 answers choices. The data obtained than in the analysis using a t-test. The result showed that students learning outcomes in the learning using visual quantum learning with an average score of 80.74 compared to students whose learning using classical learning, with an average of 78.28. this is reinforced by the results of the t-test analysis showing significant differences between students who were treated through visual quantum learning models with students who were not treated through classical learning. The results of this research can be concluded that visual quantum learning model learning model influences the 4th grade of science learning outcomes in elementary school. In order for science learning to obtain good results, then learning can be done by using visual quantum learning of models.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 382-388, 2018
2018 Pengembangan Perangkat Asesmen Autentik pada Tema Makanan Sehat dan Bergizi Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar
Kurikulum 2013 ini mewajibkan setiap guru untuk menggunakan tema pada jenjang Sekolah Dasar (SD) atau Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI). Siswa dituntut menjadi orang yang aktif untuk memperoleh pengetahuan. Keterampilan proses yang dimiliki siswa selama pembelajaran, menentukan hasil belajar yang diperoleh. Asesmen autentik memberikan kesempatan luas pada siswa untuk menunjukkan apa yang telah mereka pelajari selama pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini menghasilkan produk perangkat asesmen autentik pada tema Makanan Sehat dan Bergizi subtema Makananku Sehat dan Bergizi siswa kelas IV SD, serta mengetahui hasil uji validasi perangkat asesmen autentik pada tema Makanan Sehat dan Bergizi Subtema Makananku dan Bergizi siswa kelas IV MI melalui uji coba ahli, telaah guru, dan tanggapan siswa. Desain penelitian pengembangan yang digunakan ini adalah model pengembangan asesmen autentik O’ Malley & Pierce yakni (1) membangun sebuah tim;(2) menentukan tujuan dari asesmen autentik;(3) analisis konstruk;(4) melakukan pengembangan professional pada asesmen autentik;(5) mengkaji penelitian terdahulu mengenai asesmen autentik;(6) mengadaptasi asesmen yang ada atau mengembangkan yang baru;(7) mencoba asesmen; dan (8) revisi asesmen. Hasil uji coba ahli evaluasi pembelajaran mendapatkan 86, 6% dan ahli pembelajaran tematik memperoleh skor 78, 85%. Hasil uji lapangan kepada guru dan siswa mengenai keefektifan, keterterapan, dan keterbacaan mendapatkan kategori sesuai.
INVENTA: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar 2 (2), 55-62, 2018
2018 Development of Social Network Website Tracer Study Faculty of Education Universitas Negeri Surabaya
This study aims to create a web design tracer study. Tracer study contains important information about the relationship between higher education and professional work, assessing the relevance of higher education, information to stakeholders. The Tracer Study is the completeness of the requirements for higher education accreditation requiring information on the profile of the first waiting period of the graduates. Urgency web design 1) facilitate the administrative staff of the institution in collecting data alumni of the Faculty of Education students; 2) facilitate the access of alumni data for the fulfillment of various accreditation needs and administrative needs related to other alumni. The research used research development of procedural model. Develop products and Test product effectiveness. The first objective as a development function and the second goal as a function of data validation obtained from the media …
MISEIC 2018, 2018
2018 Labour Issues as a Context in Designing Mathematics Activity for Counting Strategy
Every year the labour demonstration in the industry area has always been the fundamental problem of a developing country, Indonesia is no exception. Some mathematics present regarding the labour issue. In order to excavate mathematical concepts from the setting, an auto| ethnographical study was conducted by the teacher and the researcher. Emerging mathematical concepts that are found often, was developed to design a set of mathematical activities. The learning design was using Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) as a learning approach and Problem Solving Learning (PSL) is defined as the learning model. This study combines two research methodologies, which are auto| ethnography and design research. The results indicate that Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) which consists of several learning activities can help students understand the concept of calculation strategy on the material of …
MISEIC 2018, 2018
2018 An Integrative Thematic Textbook for Higher Education Based on Ethnopedagogy
This paper aims to present the development of integrative thematic textbook based on ethnic-pedagogic studies. The textbook is created to fulfill the gap between the curriculum in Indonesian elementary schools and the curriculum in Department of Elementary Teacher Education in university. The Indonesian elementary school curriculum required integrative learning of multiple subjects within a theme, whereas in the university level prospective primary school teachers are learning the disciplines separately. This integrative thematic approach makes an urge for the university to prepare the model of textbook which is used by undergraduate students in higher education as an example of conducting integrative learning. Ethno-pedagogic studies are conducted to identify appropriate themes for the book. The initiated ethno-pedagogic themes are used as a unique property of the book which can integrate linking competencies from many different subjects. The first-year research of book design shows that the themes are powerful to compile various disciplines of several chosen lectures (social studies, mathematics, science, Indonesian language and art) in higher education. The second year of this study used experimental research design and it found that the book is considered to be appropriate to use for undergraduate students in the department of elementary teacher education.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 456-461, 2018