Publikasi S1 Psikologi

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2021 Development of the Psychoeducation Model to Decrease Academic Stress When Learning from Home (LFH).
This study aimed to develop and test the acceptability and effectiveness of the psychoeducation model to decrease academic stress when learning from home (LFH). This research used a development research design, with two main objectives: developing the product and testing the effectiveness of the product. The instruments used were questionnaires on rating scales about aspects of product utility, feasibility, accuracy and also stress academic scale. Data analysis was carried out quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative data were analysed by descriptive statistical analysis, while qualitative data in the form of comments, suggestions and criticisms were analysed qualitatively. Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that the psychoeducation model developed fulfils the acceptability criteria which includes utility, feasibility and accuracy. The developed psychoeducation model is effective in reducing academic stress among college students when LFH.
Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences 16 (4), 1492-1502, 2021
2021 Professional Commitment: Its Effect on Kindergarten Teachers' Organizational Citizenship Behavior.
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is one of the keys to the success of an organization. This current research aims to evaluate the effect of Professional Commitment on Kindergarten teachers' OCB. This quantitative research applies a cross-sectional survey design with an explanatory research type, with 145 Kindergarten teachers as the research subjects. The results show that Professional Commitment significantly affects OCB by 70.6%. In addition, teachers with higher Professional Commitment possess higher OCB in carrying out their professional duties. The results also show that the dimensions of Affective Professional commitment, Normative Professional commitment, and Continuance Professional commitment significantly affect the OCB of Kindergarten teachers.
Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences 16 (4), 2037-2048, 2021
2011 Bringing Agency Back In: Indonesian Migrant Domestic Workers in Saudi Arabia
This article highlights how, in pursuing their goals, Indonesian female migrant workers exercised their agency by coping with the challenges of life and work in Saudi Arabia. Due to the lack of legal protection of their rights in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia, many such workers suffer various forms of exploitation and maltreatment by actors who took advantage of them. This study examines how three Indonesian domestic workers in Saudi Arabia adapted to an alien environment, overcame problems in the workplace, and negotiated with their employers. This study reveals that these women were not passive victims of the existing social system; they were capable of exercising their agency.
Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 20 (3-4), 479-502, 2011
2019 Local wisdom behind traditions in Madura District Indonesia
The aim of the study is to investigate local wisdom behind traditions in Madura district Indonesia via ground theory with literature study. As a result, peace and conflict prevention will be more felt when local wisdom is supported, facilitated, and assisted by the role of the state and government. But local wisdom has not yet been fully accommodated by the government as an authorized party or from public awareness itself. In conclusion, there are one or two traditions found that can be at the root of the conflict, such as the existence of carok in Madura.
Opción: Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, 2965, 2019
2019 Character education: Gender differences in moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral action in elementary schools in Indonesia
The aim of this study is to determine differences in character education between male and female students with a theoretical foundation from Lickona, which emphasizes three components in character education, namely moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral action. This study adopted a survey method approach, which was one of the quantitative research methods with explanatory research methods. Data were collected through questionnaires in this study, which were developed based on Lickona's theory. The survey carried out to 219 males and 263 females from 482 students at two selected elementary schools precisely at the sixth grade in 16 sub-districts of Bangkalan District, Indonesia. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS. The results showed that there were differences in character education between men and women.
Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 7 (3), 547-556, 2019
2023 Fuzzy Logic Sebagai Decision Support Sistem Uantuk Mendeteksi Kelelahan Dalam Monitoring Keselamatan Kerja
Di dalam dunia industri, kelelahan fisik yang disebabkan oleh waktu tambahan dalam bekerja tanpa istirahat yang cukup dapat mempengaruhi produktivitas dalam pekerjaan. Kelelahan mengurangi kinerja terutama dengan meningkatkan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan tugas. Dampak dari kelelahan dalam bekerja yang tidak diiringi dengan istirahat yang cukup dapat menyebabkan kecelakaan dalam bekerja. Tujuan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk memonitoring tingkat kelelahan pekerja agar meningkatnya keselamatan pekerja dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan dapat terkontrol dengan baik. Selain itu penelitian ini mengembangkan sistem monitoring yang tertanam langsung pada Hardware sehingga tidak membatasi pekerja dalam melakukan pekerjaannya. Proses penentuan kondisi pekerja didasarkan oleh parameter Elektrokardiograf dan Electroencephalograf. Proses penentuan hasil kondisi pekerja digunakan metode Fuzzy Logic. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengambilan data terhadap pekerja dalam 2 kondisi yaitu bekerja pada jam normal (7-8 jam), dan bekerja berlebihan (lebih dari 8 jam). Pada tugas akhir ini dihasilkan Instrumentasi untuk melakukan deteksi yang digunakan menentukan tingkat kelelahan yang dimiliki seseorang. Dari seluruh tahap perancangan hingga pengujian diperoleh hasil yang sesuai dengan yang diharapkan, yang mana estimasi tingkat kelelahan dapat diukur dengan menggunakan parameter ekstraksi fitur dari sinyal ECG yaitu HRV (pNN50 dan RMSSD) dan Heartrate dan EEG yaitu gelombang Alpa, Beta dan Theta. Terdapat korelasi perubahan dari ekstraksi fitur ECG dan …
ITS, 2023
2023 Penerapan Pemeriksaan Psikologis pada Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus untuk Memaksimalkan Potensi
Fenomena yang masih sering dijumpai di sebagian besar sekolah adalah adanya siswa yang tertinggal. Guru dan orang tua tidak mengetahu secara pasti hambatan yang dihadapi anak, sehingga mereka juga tidak mengetahui pengasuhan dan pembelajaran yang tepat untuk memaksimalkan potensi yang dimiliki anak berkebutuhan khsuus. Oleh karena itu, pemeriksaan psikologi yang diberikan bertujuan untuk mengetahui hambatan perkembangan yang dihadapi oleh siswa. Metode yang dilakukan melakukan pemeriksaan psikologis menggunakan wawancara pada siswa, guru, dan beberapa orang tua, observasi pada siswa, dan juga beberapa alat tes psikologi. Hasil dari pemeriksaan psikologis akan memberikan saran dan rekomendasi untuk mengembangkan siswa sesuai dengan kebutuhannya. Pemeriksaan psikologis diberikan kepada 17 siswa yang telah melalui proses skrining dari masing-masing guru kelasnya. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar, yaitu 59% siswa mengalami hambatan dalam intelektual, 52% hambatan dalam sosial, serta 41% hambatan dalam aspek membaca dan menulis, dan 47% hambatan dalam motorik halus. Beberapa saran dan rekomendasi yang diberikan, salah satunya adalah pembuatan Program Pembelajaran Individual (PPI) yang disusun berbeda dengan siswa lainnya untuk menyasar aspek perkembangan yang ingin dicapai oleh masing-masing anak. Hasil juga menunjukkan bahwa guru sekolah dan orang tua mulai memahami bagaimana pola pengasuhan dan juga pembelajaran yang disesuaikan dengan masing-masing kebutuhan siswa.Abstract: A phenomenon that is often found …
JPKMI (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Indonesia) 4 (1), 95-105, 2023
Detection of growth and development in children, especially those who are still at an early age, is very important to do to identify if there is a delay or developmental abnormality in children. Children who are identified as having developmental barriers or who are known as children with special needs certainly need a special form of handling or treatment that can help them develop optimally according to their abilities. The phenomenon that often occurs is that parents experience delays in knowing that their children are classified as children with special needs so the treatment given is quite late. For most people, it is not easy to know that a child is said to be or is categorized as a child with special needs. This is an obstacle and obstacle experienced by the TK Negeri Pembina Bangkalan Regency. So far, because there has been no detection or screening of child development, it has made it difficult for teachers to apply mentoring patterns to children. Therefore, it is necessary to have early detection or psychological examination to find out and ensure barriers to child development, so of course, children can also get appropriate treatment according to their needs. The aim is to help parents or guardians of children to find out the special needs of each child if they are identified as having developmental barriers. The hope is that this can help parents to be able to understand the limitations and also parents and guardians of students can provide a form of early handling of the limitations possessed by children.
Transformasi dan Inovasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 3 (1), 30-34, 2023
2023 Multi-discipline Approach to Improve the Role of Higher Education in Disaster Risk Reduction: Case Study in Unesa
Although the government has established the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) and the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), the involvement of Higher Education and other agencies is crucial, given the vast territory of Indonesia, which consists of 17,000 islands with diverse geographical characteristics and resource capabilities. As a scientific community and a forum for experts on disaster, tsunami, earthquake, earth science, geographers, sociologists, scientists, artists, athletes, geopolitics, doctors, medical personnel, psychologists, and economists. The role of Higher Education is very important to support the government in disaster management in Indonesia. This study aims to increase the role of Higher Education disaster mitigation through disaster management synergies both pre-disaster, during, and post-disaster. The data in this study uses observation and documentation method of Unesa's role in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) by sorting out three pillars of DRR, namely: 1. DRR management. 2. DRR Education, 2. DRR Learning Facilities. Regarding the management of DRR, Unesa has established a Crisis Mitigation Center Unit (SMCC). The SMCC is tasked with synergizing resources at Unesa for disaster mitigation purposes in Indonesia and this is a pre-disaster mitigation program. Regarding DRR Education, SMCC has implemented various program activities involving Lecturers, Students and Alumni. These programs are Community Service Program (KKN), education and community empowerment towards disaster independent communities. Programs during disaster and post-disaster that can be carried out …
Unima International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (UNICSSH …, 2023
2023 The Effectiveness of Expressive Art Therapy to Increase Resilience in Sexual Violence Victim
Sexual violence often occurs, not only within the family, social, and educational institutions. Sexual violence victims frequently experience various unpleasant impacts, such as physical, psychological, and social impacts. However, the are expected to be able to defend themselves overcome, go throught, to survive and be able to return to their normal condition after they experienced an unpleasant experience. This study aims to (1) design expressive art therapy that can be applied to sexual violence victims to increase their resilience skill;(2) to knowing the effectiveness of expressive art therapy in increase resilience skill, especially for sexual violence victims. The research design used was a mixed method research design with an explanatory sequenstial designs. The research subjects consisted of a single subject case with the AB method, with measuring the baseline and conditions when the treatment was carried …
International Journal of Applied Counseling and Social Sciences 4 (2), 61-72, 2023