Publikasi S2 Teknologi Pendidikan
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Year | Title | Description | Publisher | Author(s) |
2021 | Online Learning Evaluation In Malang City and Batu To Improve SMK Students Competency | The important role of policy makers is to develop and improve program implementation. The purpose of the study in general is to evaluate the supporting components of the implementation of online learning which include learning facilities at home and parents' attention in learning, the input component of students' initial abilities, and the process components of activeness following online learning in relation to increasing the competence of SMK students in Malang and Batu. The research design uses evaluation research. The research sample involved 240 students of the multimedia expertise program at SMKN 4, 5, 11 Malang City and SMKN 3 Batu. The data analysis technique used in this research was SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) and LISREL. The results of this study are, 1) learning facilities at home have a direct effect on students' initial abilities, student activity. 2) parents' attention in learning has a direct effect on students' initial ability and student competence, and has an indirect effect on student learning activeness and competence. |
Journal of Social Science 2 (4), 356-364, 2021 | |
2021 | Penerapan On The Job Training Terhadap Keterampilan Kerja Pegawai Frontliner PT. Transrekreasindo Surabaya | This study aims to determine the effect of implementing on the job training on the performance skills of frontliner employees. The type of research used is experimental with a quantitative approach and the research design is quasi-experimental. The population in this study was 60 employees from 3 different branches. The purpose of data analysis is to determine the magnitude of the relationship and the effect of the independent variable (X) on the dependent variable (Y). The results obtained by linear regression test which shows that the effect of on the job training on job skills is 73.9%, of which the rest is influenced by other factors. The t-count value of 6.060 with a sig value of 0.000< 0.05 can be interpreted that there is a significant influence between on the job training on employee work skills. So that it proves that all that can be drawn from the results of the analysis is that there is a significant influence between the application of on the job training to the work skills of frontliner employees of PT. Transrekreasindo Surabaya. |
Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education 7 (3), 2021 | |
2021 | Pengembangan Mobile Multimedia Learning Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga Dan Kesehatan Materi Kombinasi Gerak Berjalan Berlari Dan Meloncat Untuk Siswa Kelas III Di … | Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian dan Pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk media pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan kelas III Sekolah Dasar Insan Mulya Driyorejo Kabupaten Gresik. Masalah dalam penelitian ini dirumuskan sebagai berikut:(1) Bagaimana proses pengembangan mobile multimedia learning mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan materi kombinasi berjalan berlari dan meloncat untuk siswa kelas III di di Sekolah Dasar Insan Mulya Driyorejo Kabupaten Gresik.(2) Apakah media mobile multimedia learning mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan materi kombinasi berjalan berlari dan meloncat layak digunakan untuk siswa kelas III di Sekolah Dasar Insan Mulya Driyorejo. Penelitian dan Pengembangan ini mengacu pada langkah-langkah model pengengembangan Lee & Owens, yang meliputi:(1) Assessment/analysis (penilaian/analisis),(2) Design (desain),(3) Development (Pengembangan Produk),(4) Implementation (implementasi),(5) Evluation (evaluasi). Sampel penelitian dan pengembangan ini terdiri dari dua ahli materi dan dua ahli media. Analisis pada penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Data dalam penelitian ini diambil melalui wawancara, observasi, dan kuesioner. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data diperoleh hasil uji validitas dari ahli materi sebesar 93, 1% dan hasil validitas ahli media dari segi edukatif sebesar 100%, dari segi kualitas teknis sebesar 95, 31% dan uji validitas ahli media secara keseluruhan sebesar 96, 25%, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa multimedia … |
Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education 7 (3), 2021 | |
2021 | Pengembangan E-Learning untuk Bimbingan Teknis Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan | Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan E-learning yang layak dan efektif untuk dapat digunakan dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran bimbingan teknis di LPMP Jatim. Penelitian yang dilaksanakan termasuk dalam model penelitian dan pengembangan dengan menggunakan metode ADDIE. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen angket dan Tes. Kelayakan media dinilai dari data yang diperoleh dari ahli materi, ahli media, ahli pembelajaran bermedia, fasilitator hingga sasaran. Keefektifan produk dinilai dari hasil tes pada saat uji coba lapangan kepada sasaran. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan didapatkan hasil bahwa:(1) secara umum uji kelayakan dari 3 ahli menunjukkan bahwa produk yang dikembangkan sangat layak untuk digunakan;(2) E-learning yang dikembangkan memiliki keefektifan yang baik untuk meningkatkan pemahaman peserta dinilai berdasarkan hasil tes. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa E-learning sangat bermanfaat untuk dikembangkan dalam media pembelajaran, dan keefektifan penggunaan E-learning berdampak positif untuk meningkatkan pemahaman materi peserta bimbingan teknis. Simpulannya bahwa E-learning sangat bermanfaat untuk dikembangkan dalam media pembelajaran, dan keefektifan penggunaan E-learning berdampak positif untuk meningkatkan pemahaman materi peserta bimbingan teknis. |
JOEAI (Journal of Education and Instruction) 4 (2), 343-352, 2021 | |
2021 | The Impact of Nurse Caring on the Recovery of COVID-19 Patients: A Systematic Review | Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from mild to severe symptoms. At least two types of coronavirus are known to cause diseases that can cause severe symptoms, such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new type of disease that humans have never previously identified. The virus that causes COVID-19 is called Sars-CoV-2. The nurse is the provider of nursing services for all patients, inpatients, and outpatients or emergency patients. Nurses must be able to develop attitudes, behaviors, and knowledge that can support quality care. Literature searches were conducted from 28 August to 20 September 2020 in several scientific publications such as SCOPUS, Springerlink, Proquest, and Science Direct. The keywords for publication in 2018-2020 were impacted, caring, nurses, patients, Covid-19. Besides, it was also limited in the field of English nursing. Caring for nurses is very necessary for the healing process in covid 19 patients so that it can accelerate the patient’s healing process and avoid the anxiety caused by covid. |
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 12 (1), 1506-1513, 2021 | |
2021 | Do Task-Based and Competency-Based Learning Models Influence Learner Autonomy and Student Learning Outcomes?: Writing Courses | This study examines the relationship between task-based and competency-based learning models on student autonomy and student learning outcomes in writing courses. Structural Equation Modeling was adopted to get a detailed understanding of the influence between variables. This study involved around 104 students in writing courses at the Majapahit Islamic University, Mojokerto. These findings indicate that several task-based and competency-based learning models affect students' autonomy and student learning outcomes in learning writing courses. In part, the task-based learning model has an insignificant impact on the formation of learning outcomes. Furthermore, this study found a significant difference between task-based learning models' impacts on learning outcomes. Meanwhile, the relationship between other variables shows no significant difference between task-based learning models and competency-based learning on student autonomy and student learning outcomes in writing courses at the Majapahit Islamic University, Mojokerto. These results imply that selecting learning models in writing courses with task-based and competency-based learning can encourage establishing independence and student learning outcomes. |
Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences, 2021 | |
2021 | The Effect of Practice-Based Learning on Learning Outcomes in Vocational Education | --------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT-----------------------------------------------------------Practice-based learning is learning for education that is oriented towards the working world. It is because practice-based learning can produce work-ready graduates. Although graduates are focused on the work environment, practical education cannot be separated from how the conceptual understanding system is precisely the cognitive taxonomy as a basis or foundation in carrying out learning activities. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of practice-based learning on conceptual understanding. The design of this research was experimental research using data analysis techniques, namely the Mann-Whitney test. The research subjects in this activity were 90 students, who were divided into experimental class and control class. The data analysis results showed differences between the two groups, and the class that received practice-based learning treatment obtained better learning outcomes than the control class. |
The International Journal of Engineering and Science (IJES) 10 (4), 69-72, 2021 | |
2021 | Menstrual-Mi: Mobile Application for Women | Every month, women experience menstruation or menstrual periods. The menstrual period greatly affects the daily lives of women. This menstruation often causes other symptoms such as menstrual pain, back pain and even acne. Things like this can actually be overcome by women. There are several foods and nutrients that can be consumed to reduce menstrual pain and other symptoms. However, due to lack of information they consider this to be trivial and allow the symptoms to affect their daily lives during menstruation. A mobile application is a computer program designed to operate on a mobile device or device such as a cellphone/tablet or watch. This research has the objectives of (1) knowing the various forms of mobile applications,(2) identifying the content and content required to be included in the mobile application,(3) knowing the effect of social media and mobile applications on user trust. This Andorid-based mobile application was developed using the ADDIE method, the stages carried out in this study were 1) Analysis, 2) Design, 3) Developmet, 4) Implementation, 5) Evaluation. This research will produce (1) various forms of mobile applications, namely: native-app, web-app, and hybrid app (2) mobile application content and content consists of: imagery/photography, video/sound, and text/message,(3) based on selected journals, it is stated that mobile applications are very beneficial for users. The mobile application will provide easier access for users to search and get information. Developers will further improve application development, so that later they will produce useful mobile applications related to information about nutrition … |
International Joint Conference on Science and Engineering 2021 (IJCSE 2021 …, 2021 | |
2021 | Pengembangan bahan daring mata kuliah desain pesan bagi mahasiswa s1 teknologi pendidikan | Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan Bahan Ajar Daring mata kuliah Desain Pesan dengan menggunakan fasilitas vi-learning yang telah disediakan oleh Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pengembangan ini menggunakan model pengembangan Four-D Model oleh Thiagarajan Semmel dan Semmel (1974). Tahapan pengembangan meliputi define, design, develop, desiminate. Pada setiap tahap dilakukan evaluasi dan revisi dengan tujuan melihat hasil tahapan pengembangan yang ditujukan untuk melakukan tahap selanjutnya. Dari hasi validasi ahli materi dan ahli media didapatkan data masing–masing 87, 5% dan 85, 7%, sehingga bahan ajar daring layak digunakan. Sedangkan uji coba pengguna didapatkan data berdasarkan aspek tampilan menunjukkan prosentase 50% dengan kriteria cukup dan kualifikasi cukup layak, aspek penyajian materi menunjukkan prosaentase 85, 4% dengan kriteria sangat baik dan kualifikasi sangat layak dan aspek manfaat menunjukkan prosaentase 95, 8% dengan kriteria sangat baik dan kualifikasi sangat layak. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil pengembangan bahan ajar daring mata kuliah desain pesan dikatakan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. |
Educational Technology Journal 1 (1), 11-18, 2021 | |
2021 | Online Learning in Digital Innovations | Students and lecturers cannot do direct learning. It is an obstacle in the delivery of material by the lecturer. The purpose of this research is to develop learning in the Digital Learning Learning Media course. This research uses development research—the model development used by ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The research subjects are three experts, which include material experts, media experts, learning design experts. The subject of the product trial is students. The methods used to collect data are observation, questionnaires, and tests. The instruments used to collect data are questionnaires and test sheets. The technique used to analyze the data is descriptive qualitative, quantitative, and statistical analysis. The results of the material expert test are 90% with the |
Journal of Education Technology 5 (4), 547-555, 2021 |