Publikasi S2 Teknologi Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2023 Media Pembelajaran Sparkol Videoscribe untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mengingat Konsep Pelajaran Bahasa Arab Siswa SD MICA
Penting bagi seorang guru memiliki inovasi pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan perkembangan pembelajaran abad ke-21. Selain daripada penggunaan teknologi yang tepat, identifikasi struktur belajar dan isi mata pelajaran juga menjadi bagian yang penting sebelum menentukan penggunaan teknologi itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi keefektifan media pembelajaran sparkol videoscribe dalam meningkatkan kemampuan mengingat konsep pelajaran Bahasa Arab siswa SD MICA. Variabel yang akan diteliti yaitu kemampuan mengingat konsep (menirukan dan menulis) materi nama alat-alat di sekolah pada pelajaran Bahasa Arab dengan metode observasi dan teknik pengumpulan data tes. Rangkaian tes yang dilakukan yaitu tes unjuk kerja untuk mengukur indikator kemampuan menirukan, dan tes tulis untuk mengukur indikator kemampuan menulis. Hasil uji post-test kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol diperoleh U hitung< U tabel= 55< 99. Nilai rata-rata beda kelompok eksperimen (M x) adalah 36, 11 dan nilai rata-rata beda kelompok kontrol (M y) adalah 28, 05. Data tersebut menunjukkan bahwa adanya peningkatan yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan siswa dalam mengingat konsep pada kelompok eksperimen setelah menggunakan media pembelajaran sparkol videoscribe.AbstractIt is important for a teacher to have learning innovations that are in line with the development of 21st century learning. Apart from the proper use of technology, identification of the learning structure and content of the subject is also an important part before determining the use of the technology itself. This study aims to explore the …
Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education 9 (1), 2023
2022 Innovation on Education and Social Sciences: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2021) October 2, 2021, Surabaya, Indonesia
After a year of a global Covid-19 pandemic, still, we have more questions than answers to the future of education and our social life. It is more important than ever to follow the developments closely in the coming period, pay attention to critical concerns such as inequality, as well as positive signs of transformation and innovation in all aspects of the world of teaching and learning. Expectations on what the future brings will have to be based on solid research rather than short-term perceptions. The proceedings of IJCAH 2021 are an interdisciplinary platform for teachers, researchers, practitioners, and academicians to discuss the latest research findings, concerns, and practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Arts and Humanities. The subject areas within the proceeding are education, language learning, arts, culture, social sciences.
Taylor & Francis, 2022
2022 Efektivitas Project Based Learning Terhadap Digital Literacy Skill Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Teknologi Pendidikan Pada Mata Kuliah Analisis Jurnal Ilmiah Di Universitas Negeri …
This research aims to test the effectiveness of project-based learning on digital literacy skills of graduate students of educational technology in scientific journal analysis courses at State University of Surabaya.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education 8 (2), 2022
Pergantian kurikulum dalam dunia pendidikan merupakan hal yang umum terjadi, namun tidak selalu mudah untuk dihadapi bagi guru sebagai garda depan yang akan mengimplementasikan kurikulum tersebut. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk membantu guru PAUD khususnya jenjang Taman Kanak-kanak (TK) dalam memahami, merencanakan dan mengimplementasi kurikulum merdeka dalam pembelajaran. Sasaran kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah guru-guru TK di Kota Mojokerto sejumlah 25 orang guru. Desain PKM yang dilaksanakan yaitu: sosialisasi kurikulum merdeka dan pelatihan menyusun rancangan kegiatan dalam pembelajaran di TK. Metode Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi, pemberian tugas dan simulasi, PKM ini dilaksanakan secara daring dan luring untuk memberikan pengalaman dalam menyusun dan mengimplementasikan pembelajaran di TK. Hasil PKM ini dapat dilihat dari hasil pre-test dan post-test guru TK di Kota Mojokerto telah memiliki pengetahuan tentang Kurikulum Merdeka namun belum secara keseluruhan. Berdasarkan hasil kuesioner yang diisi oleh 25 guru TK di Kota Mojokerto diperoleh data hanya 8, 7% lembaga yang telah menggunakan Kurikulum Merdeka. 52, 2% menggunakan Kurikulum campuran (50% Kurikulum 2013 PAUD dan 50% Kurikulum Merdeka). Sebanyak 39.1% masih menggunakan Kurikulum 2013 PAUD, sehingga dapat disimpulkan dari PKM ini adalah terciptanya kemampuan guru TK dalam menyusun, merencanakan dan mengimplementasikan pembelajaran berbasis kurikulum merdeka secara tepat.
Transformasi dan Inovasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2 (2), 87-92, 2022
2022 Utilization of Educational Games For Distance Learning In Mathematics Class VIII Middle School
The development of information and communication technology has now touched various domains that are able to change conventional methods into modern ones. As an example of technological developments in student learning media which are now varied and creative, such as the application of learning through educational-themed games. The game contains content in the form of interesting and interactive learning materials with the aim of being able to increase student interest in learning and form a fun learning environment. This study used the research and development (R&D) method with the aim of implementing a design game with the theme of educating mathematics subjects at the VIII grade level of junior high school in the distance learning process. The results of the study, namely educational game learning media, met the validity criteria with an average proportion obtained from expert validators of 85.94% and included in the
Devotion Journal of Community Service 3 (14), 2534-2542, 2022
2022 Infusing Storytelling and Game Elements in Designing Instructional Media
Storytelling and games have been utilized successfully in education to increase involvement and engagement. However, according to recent research, storytelling and games are not always appropriate to integrate into an instructional setting. Although considered enjoyable, it is not always evident how a storytelling session or game may help students learn or how it can be utilized in a class. The approach was used in creating the Savior of the Kingdom Plantae game, which assists in the learning of middle school Biology. In an ADDIE model, we used the 5/10 approach in the (analyze) design process of the instructional media. To gather more input in this exploratory study, we asked an expert in educational media design and five middle school students to try on the first version of the instructional media. The result from the expert and students showed a good remark during the validation level for both the story elements and the game elements in the media. All in all, as an initial project, the media design is considered good to be developed further.
Proceeding Series of International Conference on Arts and Humanities 1 (2), 2022
2022 Pengaruh Blended Learning Terhadap Efikasi Diri Peserta Didik dalam Pembelajaran Geografi di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Mojokerto
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perubahan efikasi diri peserta didik melalui pembelajaran berbentuk blended learning. Metode yang digunakan desain kuantitatif dengan pendekatan quasy eksperimental design dalam bentuk pre-test-post-test control group design. Lokasi penelitian di MAN 1 Mojokerto. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh peserta didik kelas X MAN 1 Mojokerto. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 30 peserta didik diambil menggunakan teknik sampling cluster random sampling. Teknik pengambilan data melalui kuesioner melalui Google Form. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan:(a) terdapat perubahan efikasi diri peserta didik,(b) efikasi diri peserta didik dengan model pembelajaran blended learning lebih baik dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran online.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education 8 (2), 2022
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of interactive teaching materials on students' creativity in learning the basics of graphic design. Students can use interactive teaching materials to support their creativity. This study uses an experimental type using a quasi-experimental design in the form of a nonequivalent control group design. This research was conducted at SMK Wijaya Putra Surabaya on the basics of graphic design involving 60 students of which 30 students were in the control class and 30 students in the experimental class. Pre and posttest sessions were conducted to obtain information about the impact of using interactive teaching materials on students' creativity. This research has implications for educators regarding the use of interactive digital learning materials for learning.
Akademika: Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan 11 (01), 33-40, 2022
2022 Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition Terhadap Reading Comprehension Achievement Siswa Disekolah Berbasis Pondok.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the CIRC learning model on students' reading comprehension achievement in boarding schools. The method used is experimental by comparing the results of the pre-test and post-test of the control class with the results of the pre-test and post-test of the experimental class. The subjects of this study were 70 boarding students who were divided into a control class and an experimental class. This study uses the independent samples t test analysis technique with the results showing that sig.(2-tailed) is 0.000< 0.05, which means that there is a significant difference between the final score of the control class and the experimental class. The cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) learning model has an effect on increasing students' active roles in the learning process and improving students' reading comprehension achievement
Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education 8 (1), 2022
2022 Evaluation Effectiveness of Implementation Training on Making ICT-Based Learning Media for Teachers
This research aims to determine the effectiveness implementation of training in making ICT-based learning media for teachers. This evaluation research uses the CIPP evaluation model from Stuffelbeam with quantitative and qualitative approaches. The subjects of this study were participants, instructors and training providers, with the object of research being documentation of the implementation of ICT-based media creation training, the instructor's performance, and the work and impact reports of the training participants. Based on the results of the research evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of training in making ICT-based learning media for teachers at LPMP West Sulawesi, it can be results (1) Context Aspect is the suitability of the objectives of the implementation of the training program for making ICT-based learning media with the Vision and Mission of the LPMP West Sulawesi. The training service was considered very satisfactory at 93% and declared effective at 7%.(3) In the process aspect, the trainees assessed that the performance of the training instructor was very effective, 95% of the respondents gave an assessment of being very effective and the remaining 5% gave an effective assessment of the instructor's performance.(4) Product Aspect, the percentage of teachers who can fulfill the assignment requirements is 95% for video work or about 40 teachers from a total of 42 participants, while for impacting there are 39 teachers who submit impact reports or around 93%. The implementation of training on making ICT-based learning media for teachers at the West Sulawesi LPMP is running effectively.
Prisma Sains: Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA …, 2022