Publikasi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2023 The Effect of Cooking Class on the Cognitive Abilities of Group a Kindergarten Children in Cluster IV Gedangan Sidoarjo District
This study aims to determine the effect of cooking class activities on the cognitive abilities of group A children in Cluster IV, Gedangan Sidoarjo District. This study uses a quasi-experimental design through a quantitative approach. The experimental design used was nonequivalent control group design. The subjects in this study were the children of group A RA Al Islah Karangbong with a total of 51 children as the experimental group and PAUD Tashwirul Afkar Karangbong with a total of 30 children as the control group. Data analysis techniques in this study used non-parametric statistics with the Mann Whitney Test. The results of this study indicate that
Prisma Sains: Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA …, 2023
2023 Pembiasaan Nilai-Nilai Kepedulian Lingkungan pada Anak Usia Dini melalui Prinsip Pembelajaran
Implementasi pembelajaran yang berkaitan dengan alam pada peserta didik PAUD seringkali terabaikan. Untuk mengentaskan permasalahan kerusakan lingkungan, perlu adanya penanaman karakter peduli lingkungan sejak anak dalam tahapan usia dini, salah satunya melalui pengenalan lingkungan alam sekitar, Literasi alam memberikan kesempatan bagi peserta didik untuk berinteraksi langsung dengan lingkungan sekitarnya seperti tumbuhan, hewan, dan ekosistem alam lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hasil dari penerapan pembiasaan nilai-nilai kepedulian lingkungan melalui prinsip pembelajaran. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang dilakukan adalah purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan berupa hasil dokumentasi, observasi, dan wawancara terstruktur. Uji …
Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini 7 (1), 1105-1118, 2023
2023 Multi-discipline Approach to Improve the Role of Higher Education in Disaster Risk Reduction: Case Study in Unesa
Although the government has established the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) and the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), the involvement of Higher Education and other agencies is crucial, given the vast territory of Indonesia, which consists of 17,000 islands with diverse geographical characteristics and resource capabilities. As a scientific community and a forum for experts on disaster, tsunami, earthquake, earth science, geographers, sociologists, scientists, artists, athletes, geopolitics, doctors, medical personnel, psychologists, and economists. The role of Higher Education is very important to support the government in disaster management in Indonesia. This study aims to increase the role of Higher Education disaster mitigation through disaster management synergies both pre-disaster, during, and post-disaster. The data in this study uses observation and documentation method of Unesa's role in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) by sorting out three pillars of DRR, namely: 1. DRR management. 2. DRR Education, 2. DRR Learning Facilities. Regarding the management of DRR, Unesa has established a Crisis Mitigation Center Unit (SMCC). The SMCC is tasked with synergizing resources at Unesa for disaster mitigation purposes in Indonesia and this is a pre-disaster mitigation program. Regarding DRR Education, SMCC has implemented various program activities involving Lecturers, Students and Alumni. These programs are Community Service Program (KKN), education and community empowerment towards disaster independent communities. Programs during disaster and post-disaster that can be carried out …
Unima International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (UNICSSH …, 2023
2023 The Effectiveness of Expressive Art Therapy to Increase Resilience in Sexual Violence Victim
Sexual violence often occurs, not only within the family, social, and educational institutions. Sexual violence victims frequently experience various unpleasant impacts, such as physical, psychological, and social impacts. However, the are expected to be able to defend themselves overcome, go throught, to survive and be able to return to their normal condition after they experienced an unpleasant experience. This study aims to (1) design expressive art therapy that can be applied to sexual violence victims to increase their resilience skill;(2) to knowing the effectiveness of expressive art therapy in increase resilience skill, especially for sexual violence victims. The research design used was a mixed method research design with an explanatory sequenstial designs. The research subjects consisted of a single subject case with the AB method, with measuring the baseline and conditions when the treatment was carried …
International Journal of Applied Counseling and Social Sciences 4 (2), 61-72, 2023
2023 Online Consulting Service System Design
In everyday life, every individual has experienced problems. The increasing variety of problems in daily life makes every individual need consulting service with the psychologist profession. However, not all individuals who need consulting services are willing to get face-to-face services. In this regard, the design of an online consulting service system is made that can make individuals do online consultations wherever they are. This study aims to design an online consulting service system in order to make it easier for the public to get consulting services widely. The method used is Research and Development. The model used is a prototype and data is collected through observation, interviews and literature study. The results of this study indicate that the design of an online consulting service system can be arranged.
Unima International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (UNICSSH …, 2023
2023 Guidance and Counseling Referral System Initiative
This study aims to examine the development of a referral system for optimizing the services of the Character Development Center and Counseling Guidance and Psychology Service Center. This type of research uses research and development methods using a descriptive procedural model. Participants in this study were the head or secretary of the service center or task force in Unesa who had similar or almost similar services to having a program with the Center for Character Development and Counseling Guidance and the Center for Psychological Services. Data analysis in the form of observation, documentation and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) were collected directly. The results show that the Guidance and Counseling referral system initiative is a psychological consultation program system at the UNESA LP3 Psychology Service Center which is carried out by providing an initial oral and written assessment, which will then be evaluated to find out whether the client needs a referral to another center or not. With this referral system initiative, it will facilitate coordination between clients and the psychology service center team with other central teams in LP3 UNESA.
Unima International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (UNICSSH …, 2023
2023 Development of a Referral System to Optimize Centers for Character Development and Counseling Guidance as Well as Psychological Service Centers for Professional Learning and …
The research aims to determine the implementation of the referral system at the Centers for Character Development and Counseling Guidance (CCDGC) and Psychology Service Centers. This study uses a type of R&D with a descriptive approach. The participants in this research are the chairperson or secretary at the Center for Psychological Services, the CCDCG, and related parties in the internal referral system and system developers. Data analysis in the form of observation, documentation, and focus group discussion (FGD) was collected directly. This study's results indicate that the referral system carried out by the CCDCG can be implemented as needed. In addition, the Psychological Service Center in the psychological examination and consultation program can develop a referral system according to the needs of clients from outside the Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA). This study implies that the implementation of the referral system makes it easier for users to access services according to their needs, and the psychology service center has an optimized SOP to rule the CCDCG at UNESA. The limitation of this study is that it is only focused on UNESA. Hence, further research can analyze the development of a referral system in the CCDCG to other institutions and compare it to UNESA.
IJORER: International Journal of Recent Educational Research 4 (1), 91-103, 2023
2023 Pengembangan Media Kartu Gambar Digital Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Kognitif dan Rasa Cinta tanah Air Pada Pembelajaran IPS Siswa Kelas V di Sekolah Dasar
Social studies learning for fifth graders at SDN 3 Soko Lamongan tends to like a lot of things that remember and understand the social studies material presented. Innovative and effective learning media are needed to attract and assist students in improving cognitive abilities and a sense of patriotism. Based on this, this study aims to describe love and differences in cognitive abilities and a sense of homeland before and before using digital picture card media. This study uses research and development methods or Education Research and Development (RnD) and trial learning outcomes using pre-test and post-test. The study was conducted in the 2021/2022 academic year with 20 students as research subjects, and data collection techniques used namely observation, interviews, expert validation, student response questionnaires and learning outcomes acquisition tests. The results of the validation research on learning media have adequate validity and feasibility. The results of the media experts obtained a validity percentage of 89%, the results of the material content experts obtained an overall validity percentage of 86%, the assessment results from the fifth grade teacher or material content experts obtained a 90% validity percentage and the results of the responses or responses of students in the field achieved the overall validity percentage. 89%. Meanwhile, the students' cognitive ability pretest test got an average score of 59 while the posttest got an average score of 86.5. In the affective domain, students get an average score of 61 while the posttest gets an average score of 87. Thus, it can be said that digital picture cards can improve …
EDUKASIA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran 4 (1), 163-172, 2023
2023 Development of Teaching Materials Based Learning Management System “Sifajargoro” to Foster Attitudes of Responsibility and Student Learning Outcomes in The Subjects of Civics …
The background of this study is that the use of Google Classroom in elementary school spoon II Bojonegoro is considered less effective e. This study aims to determine: 1) the development process of teaching materials based on LMS
Edunesia: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan 4 (1), 294-311, 2023
2023 The Effectiveness Of Online Learning In Mathematics Class 5 In Elementary School
This study aims to identify and describe planning, implementation, evaluation, inhibiting factors and inhibiting factors as well as efforts to resolve obstacles to online learning of class V mathematics at SDN Gugus 4, Bagor District, Nganjuk Regency. This research is a type of qualitative descriptive research using data collection techniques through questionnaires, observation sheets, interviews, and documentation. The research respondents were teachers, parents and students at SDN Gugus 4, Bagor District, Nganjuk Regency, with a total of 142 students, 6 teachers and 5 parents. The results of the study showed that (1) the teacher had carried out the planning of online learning for the fifth grade mathematics subject as outlined in the form of lesson plans,(2) the implementation of online learning for the fifth grade mathematics subject could be carried out properly where students stated that the teacher had managed online learning well, the responses and activities of students are happy, they can prepare themselves, they are actively involved, where the learning outcomes obtained are good,(3) The evaluation of online learning for the fifth grade mathematics subject has been carried out by the teacher who can explain that the learning carried out runs effectively with increase in learning outcomes of class V mathematics subject,(4) Supporting factors for online learning of class V mathematics subject, namely the existence of an internet network, the ability of human resources to carry out management related to online learning,(5) Factors inhibiting online learning of class V mathematics subject complained of by teachers, parents of students a and …
Journal on Education 5 (3), 9965-9978, 2023