Publikasi S1 Bimbingan Dan Konseling

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2021 Pengaruh Kecanduan Game Online Terhadap Prestasi Akademik Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 5 Banjar Dimasa Pandemi
Jurnal BK Unesa 12 (1), 559-571, 2021
2021 Guidance and Counseling Services to Improve Student Resilience
The purpose of this study is to describe the resilience of junior high school students and the types of services that can be applied to improve the resilience of junior high school students. This research is a quantitative descriptive study with data collection techniques are resilience scales, and interviews. There are two sources of this research. There are 44 junior high school students, namely primary sources, and six school counselors as secondary primary sources. The results of the resilience scale show that 48.18% of students have high resilience and 58.82% have moderate/medium resilience. The services that can improve resilience are classical guidance, group guidance, individual counseling, and group counseling. This research can be used as initial data to provide intervention in providing guidance and counseling services to students who have low resilience.
International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2021 (IJCAH 2021 …, 2021
2021 Rebranding dan Peningkatan Kualitas Produk Air Minum Dalam Kemasan “Maden” Pondok Pesantren Mamba'ul Ma'arif Jombang
Mitra dalam kegiatan ini yaitu produsen air minum dalam kemasan pondok pesantren Mamba’ul Ma’arif Denanyar Jombang. Permasalahan utama yang dihadapi oleh mitra dalam kegiatan ini adalah kualitas produk belum memiliki keunggulan khusus yang dapat disejajarkan dengan brand air kemasan yang berskala Nasional. Selain itu, produk belum memiliki standart SNI, Surat Ijin Edar dari BPOM serta pemasaran yang dilakukan bersifat tradisional. Pola marketing mengandalkan rekomendasi klien (dari mulut ke mulut). Jenis air mineral yang ditawarkan tidak variatif belum memenuhi kebutuhan pasar. Promosi yang digencarkan belum mempertimbangkan mix marketing serta produk belum dibranding secara maksimal. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk dan penerapan mix marketing. Metode yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan permasalah mitra menggunakan model pemberdayaan Asset-based community development (ABCD). Kegiatan PKM dengan pola ABCD ini dilakukan melalui tahapan yaitu persiapan/pemetaan Asset, perencanaan Aksi, pelaksanaan Aksi, dan evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah rebranding produk, meliputi: desain kemasan, logo/motto, harga, kelengkapan fitur dan atribut produk; strategi pemasaran; dan peningkatan kualitas produk.
Inspirasi: Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat 1 (1), 1-13, 2021
Pondok pesantren merupakan lembaga pendidikan yang berfokus pada pengembangan karakter bangsa. Perlu adanya media sosial yang mampu menyebarkan informasi agar masyarakat mampu memahami kegiatan-kegiatan pesantren serta mampu mendakwahkan agama islam pada kalangan masyarakat. Agar pengelolaan media sosial dapat berjalan dengan baik, pengurus pesantren harus memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam pengelolaan media sosial. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini mencakup tahap persiapan, survei kebutuhan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Kegiatan pelatihan diikuti oleh pengelola media sosial pesantren. Terdapat 2 materi pelatihan yang diberikan, yaitu Media Sosial sebagai Optimalisasi Media Dakwah Pesantren dan Pengelolaan Media Sosial sebagai Sarana Dakwah. Melalui kegiatan pelatihan ini, peserta memiliki tambahan pengetahuan dan kompetensi berkaitan dengan pengelolaan media sosial sebagai media dakwah. Peserta dapat mengoperasikan media sosial secara optimal dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas yang ada di setiap media sosial.
Transformasi dan Inovasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 1 (2), 89-93, 2021
2021 Identification of the Emotional Regulations of Surabaya Junior High School Students on the Tendency of Bullying Behavior
This study aims to determine the level of emotional regulation of junior high school students in Surabaya on bullying behavior. This study is a comparative study with a sample of 135 students (80 female students, 55 male students). This study is a quantitative study with a descriptive approach. The instrument used is the scale of emotion regulation developed by Gross, JJ, & John, OP. Analysis of the data used to identify students’ level of emotional regulation is the independent samples test. The research findings show that there is a significant difference regulation of students’ emotions. This study recommends counseling services to improve students’ emotional regulation.
International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2021 (IJCAH 2021 …, 2021
2021 Mobile Counselling Online an Alternative Counselling Guidance System For Millennial Era Student
During the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a shortage of counseling guidance services, so students have difficulty consulting with teachers. This study aims to analyze the counseling service system during the COVID-19 pandemic on the introduction of potential and preparation of learning strategies for middle and high school students in the Sidoarjo district. This research design is a mixed-method with quantitative and qualitative approaches using exploratory factor analysis, and further research and development (R&D) is carried out to produce products in the form of online counseling guidance services. The qualitative exploratory factor analysis results revealed various problems experienced and needed by students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Quantitatively showing eight forms of guidance and counseling services, strengthening skills with the highest score of 0.999 affected increasing self-efficacy and achievement motivation. The findings of this study indicate that online counseling services are very much needed to recognize potential and problems. The online counseling guidance service developed must meet three factors: understanding the potential for effective learning, developing and developing learning strategies, and building internal and external motivation. The innovation of online counseling guidance services must consider the factors of convenience, convenience, and user confidentiality that are adaptive, flexible, and unlimited in the millennial era.
Journal of Education Technology 5 (3), 425-433, 2021
2021 Analyzing School Program With Online Counselling Guidance Based Android During The COVID-19 Pandemic
Journal of Education Technology 5 (3), 2021
2021 Upgrading Counselor’s Critical Thinking Skills for High School Counselors in Surabaya to Improve Student Problem Solving Readiness during The Pandemic
The optimization of counselors in high school during the pandemic must be carried out properly based on the fact that students experience many problems both academic and non-academic during online learning. the transition process from face-to-face learning to online learning requires students to adapt quickly to the situation. Differences in student adaptability create problems for certain students, such as lack of motivation to attend classes which result in decreased academic achievement. In dealing with this problem, counselors are required to have critical thinking skills so that they can analyze the root of the problem and provide appropriate alternative solutions for students as their counselors. Therefore, the workshop is carried out to improve the critical thinking skills of counselors in Surabaya with the hope that they will be able to optimize their role in overcoming student problems. The workshop was followed by a focus group discussion to directly practice critical thinking skills in mapping problems and solutions for students.
International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2021 (IJCAH 2021), 945-949, 2021
Jurnal BK UNESA 12 (2), 2021
2021 Modification of Relaxation with Local Culture to Reduce Anxiety of Pencak Silat Athletes Against Championship
This article aims to examine the effectiveness of modification of counseling strategies to reduce anxiety of pencak silat athletes against championship. The subjects in this study were pencak silat athletes. Pencak silat was chosen because this sport requires local culture in various aspects of life, namely wirasa, wiraga, and wirama. These three aspects develop and are applied to their behavior, feelings, and cognitive patterns. This study used a pretest-posttest kontrol design. The treatment given to the experimental group was a modification of the relaxation strategy. There were 10 research subjects in each group with random group determination. The pre-test mean of the experimental group was 74.70 and 78.20 in the kontrol group. Meanwhile, the mean post ice in the experimental group was 50.60 and 60.60 in the kontrol group. The data analysis technique used is the T-test. The results of the analysis of this study showed that the group that received a modification of the relaxation strategy with cultural elements had decreased anxiety levels more than the kontrol group. Culture influences the client's thinking, feeling, and behavior patterns. It’s mean that combining cultural elements with counseling strategies can effectively reduce athletic anxiety against championships.
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Jiwa 4 (2), 237-242, 2021