Publikasi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2020 Empowerment Academic Data as the Basis of Mapping Priority Program of Quality Assurance Organization
This study was inspired by the confusion of academic data at Postgraduate Program. Improving data by relying on the SIAKADU program as the mainstay of PPTI State University of Surabaya (Unesa) is just a pile of data that has no meaning. Therefore, through this evaluative research, the data collected in SIAKADU program is evaluated and processed to obtain information and have meaning. Through the technique of collecting data from SIAKADU application, the results can be obtained as follows:(1) SIAKADU academic data that can be studied includes;(a) menu of Course Lesson Plan (RPS),(b) menu of print order by lecturer, and list of Final Test/Midterm Test questions,(c) menu of lecturers questionnaire and registration per semester;(2) The programs produced in this study include;(a) planning an intensify learning devices program to the lecturers through massive collection by the head of the Study Program with UPM,(b) limitation on the number of course subjects that postgraduate lecturers must teach based on the scientific capabilities,(c) optimizing the doctoral staff potential to assist professors in teaching, so that a mature scientific development occurs from their seniors,(d) increasing an intense communication between heads of study programs and UPM in order to carry out balanced academic functions;(e) academic mentoring program by optimizing the role of academic supervisors for postgraduate and doctoral students who had run out their maximum time of courses.
3rd International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2020), 242-247, 2020
2020 Assisting Learning From Home for Children: Developing the Video Tutorial for Parents
Corona Virus Disease-19 (Covid-19) began to grip the community, when the number of people who died has been increased since January 2020. Over time, the Minister of Education and Culture on March 24, 2020 issued a Circular on Education Policy in an Emergency for the Spread of Covid-19. In point (a), it states “Learning from Home through online/distance learning is carried out to provide a meaningful learning experience for students, without being burdened by demands to complete all curriculum achievements for class promotion and graduation.” In reality, facts show that not all parents have the ability to properly teach their children from home online. Based on these conditions, it is deemed necessary to have a video tutorial designed with a psychological and pedagogical approach for parents so that they can assist their children to learn from home during the Covid-19 pandemic which can be accessed online. This study applied the research and development model that refers to the design by Gall, Gall & Borg in which there are 8 stages completed. Those stages included developing and implementing a formative evaluation through the feasibility testing and practicality testing. The results showed that video tutorials for parents reached 87.8% of feasibility and 89.6% of practicality to be used to assist children’s learning from home.
International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020), 1363-1367, 2020
2020 The Development of Guidance in Language Development Field: Listening and Speaking for Deaf Child (Hard of Hearing) in Special Kindergarten Schools for Deaf
The aim of this research development was to produce the product of guidance in language development field for deaf child (hard of hearing) in TKLB-B (Special Kindergarten School for Deaf) which is fulfilled the criteria of valid, practical, and effective. The guidance development in this research was used 4-D development model from Thiagrajan including define, design, develop. While disseminate was not done. The result of this guidance development was the product of guidance in language field: listening, and speaking for deaf child (hard of hearing) in TKLB-B which is packed in form of guidance in size 19 x 25 cm softcover binding. Meanwhile the number of participants in small scale test including six students, with research instruments used were validation sheets, teaching osbervation sheets, and pre test and post test questions, also the data were analyzed with analysis formula based on Riyanto’s argument in Laksono and Sugiyono, to analyze in small scale test used sign test. This feasibilibity of this guidance product has been tested with earn the result of data analysis which was done by three experts including content expert is 4, 3 (very feasible), design expert is 4, 37 (very feasible) and practician/teacher is 3, 75 (feasible), and the evaluation of practicality level is 4, 25 (very good), also test for knowing the efectiveness level from small scale was obtained z count 2,449> from z table 1, 96. So it can be concluded that the development of Guidance in Language Development Field: listening and reading for deaf child (hard of hearing) in TKLB-B is feasible to be used.
1st Progress in Social Science, Humanities and Education Research Symposium …, 2020
2020 Development of Detector Vibrating Watch Model for 100-Meter Dash Race for Visually-impaired Athletes.
Rapidly developing technology in the 21st century brings significant change to youth education. The paradigm shift requires a change to comply to the model of technological knowledge century, including in sports. People with visual-impairment experiences movement limitations in their environment. Limited visual affects their daily activity. The 100-meter dash is one of the races performed by athletes with visually-impairment. Thus, the development of a detector vibrating watch model which can give signals or alarm when performing race in the track without an assistant is needed. The use of detector vibrating watch could help visually-impaired athletes to directly determine their position and when would they arrive to finish line. This conditioning could minimalize the crash between athletes because each athlete could finish in their respective supposed track. Thus, visually-impaired athletes could achieve their …
International Journal of Online & Biomedical Engineering 16 (10), 2020
This research b Level 1 sewing training is one of the programs aimed at housewives and young women in order to become productive people, to provide participants with skills in the form of livelihoods that can be used as entrepreneurship, which is one way to reduce unemployment. This study aims to analyze about:(1) Implementation of level 1 sewing training;(2) Entrepreneur motivation for level 1 sewing training participants;(3) Implementation of level 1 sewing training that is able to foster entrepreneurial motivation for training participants. This study uses a qualitative approach, research subjects include two instructors and four training participants sewing level 1. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, and documentation, as well as using data analysis techniques with data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study were the first level sewing training carried …
JPUS: Jurnal Pendidikan Untuk Semua 3 (2), 12-20, 2019
This research is motivated by the people in Kedawong Village Diwek District Jombang Regency who feel that they still need education in the context of their existence because there are many residents who are economically including the lower middle class, seen from the lack of purchasing power and housewives who have a lot of free time. In order to provide solutions to these problems, PKBM Insan Mulia organizes community economic empowerment through various souvenir courses. This study aims to describe and analyze its implementation. The research approach chosen by the researcher is a qualitative approach to the type of descriptive research method. The results showed that the economic empowerment of the community through various souvenir courses had a positive impact on the community who participated because the learning income of citizens increased after going through the empowerment …
JPUS: Jurnal Pendidikan Untuk Semua 3 (2), 39-45, 2019
2019 The Evaluation of Paket C Program in Improving the Learning Quality of Learning Citizens at Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar Cerme Gresik
Digital era education becomes a challenge for citizens learning Paket C. Along with the progress of the times the improvement in the quality of education is directly proportional to the competencies of learning citizens. The Paket C program is a program in the non-formal education pathway that is organized in stages and structured. Learning citizens as adults to receive education have not been maximally facilitated in the formal education pathway equivalent to high school (high school) or Madrasah Aliyah (MA). This research was conducted on learning citizens of Paket C at Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar (SKB) Cerme Gresik. The purpose of this study was to find out how the description of the Paket C program at SKB Cerme Gresik, as well as to describe the quality of learning the learners of Paket C at the SKB Gresik. In this study using Mixed Methods method with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The results of this study illustrate that the evaluation of the Paket C program is carried out in five stages such as planning, organizing, mobilizing, coaching, and evaluating. And the quality of learning can be seen from the tutors who have scientific qualifications that are appropriate to the subject. And the results of pre-test and post-test learning showed an increase in the quality of learning before and after learning
5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2019), 90-95, 2019
2019 Chinese Students and Customers Purchasing Demands: A 10-year Systematic Review on Luxury Education
The measurements of Chinese demand on purchasing luxury goods are varying depending on the design implemented by researchers in the previous luxury studies. This review aims to explore empirical implications by identifying the key demands that influence Chinese students or consumers’ attitudes towards purchasing luxury goods. Full-text articles related to luxury and published in Science Direct and EBSCO databases during 2009–2018 were collected. Among a total of 480 articles worldwide, the systematic review under PRISMA guideline included 12 articles into this study which represented clearly on Chinese luxury purchasing demands. The findings showed that researchers tended to develop their own measurements. The rating scale method was found in almost all of those studies. Shanghai was the top destination in conducting the research. Most researchers categorized the measurement dimensions following Branding, Price & Values, Design & Uniqueness, and Self-evaluation respectively. This paper will broaden the research pertaining to luxury purchasing demand measurement, and help saving time for future research which shares advantage to students studying in business and luxury marketing education.
3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019), 379-383, 2019
2019 Birokrasi di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 (Studi Pelayanan Perijinan memulai Usaha di Indonesia)
Indonesia saat ini berupaya untuk menumbuhkan iklim investasi dengan memberikan kemudahan berusaha. Salah satu strategi yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah adalah dengan melakukan debirokratisasi dan digitalisasi pelayanan perizinan memulai usaha. Pergerakan yang dilakukan tersebut dalam rangka memenuhi nilai publik untuk menciptakan kecepatan dan kemudahan dalam berusaha di era revolusi industri 4.0. Namun demikian, langkah yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah tersebut tidak berdampak siginifikan terhadap capaian ease of doing business 2019 yang menempatkan Indonesia pada posisi 73 dari 190 negara di dunia. Capaian tersebut masih jauh dari target Presiden Jokowi yaitu pada peringkat 40 besar pada tahun 2017. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan mengapa debirokratisasi yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah belum mampu memenuhi nilai birokrasi yang juga merupakan adaptasi nilai public, serta bagaimana risk society dari adanya debirokratisasi dan digitalisasi pelayanan perizinan memulai usaha. Hasil pembahasan dalam artikel ini menemukan bahwa arus besar elektronisasi dan pendirian PTSP tidak dibarengi dengan semangat penuh untuk menghilangkan silo mentality serta struktur hirarki yang panjang.
Journal of Social Politics and Governance 1 (1), 2019
2019 Deradicalisation and Disengagement from Terrorism and Threat to Identity: An Analysis of Former Jihadist Prisoners’ Accounts
This qualitative study aims to explore the personal experience of former prisoners jailed for terrorism-related offenses in Indonesia who have reported or have been reported as having deradicalised or disengaged from violent extremism. The participants were interviewed about their experiences of deradicalisation and disengagement and the perceived implication of the experiences on their identities. Data were collected through semistructured interviews and analysed using a thematic analysis. The results show that most participants reported that they experience identity threats because of their status as former terrorist prisoners from former comrades as well as from the wider society. The threats were said to have impacted negatively upon their positive sense of self; thus, they invoked the strategies to cope with the threats. While participants’ strategies to cope with former jihadist comrades’ threats operated in the …
Psychology and Developing Societies 31 (2), 227-251, 2019