Publikasi S2 Pendidikan Luar Biasa
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Year | Title | Description | Publisher | Author(s) |
2019 | Indonesian teachers’ epistemological beliefs and inclusive education | A growing number of children with intellectual disabilities attend inclusive schools in Indonesia. Previous research has suggested that teachers’ type of school and experience influences their beliefs about inclusive education. This research collected questionnaire data from 267 Indonesian teachers and compared the responses from those working in inclusive, special and regular schools regarding their epistemological and pedagogical beliefs. The results showed that teachers in inclusive schools expressed stronger social constructivist beliefs than those in other schools. However, it was teachers’ epistemological beliefs, rather than their type of school or experience, which were the significant predictor of their beliefs about inclusive education. The findings suggest that international epistemological research needs to have a more nuanced view of constructivist models of learning to better understand and inform how … |
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities 23 (1), 39-56, 2019 | |
2019 | IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM PADA MODEL FULL DAY SCHOOL DALAM MEMBENTUK KARAKTER DAN KEDISIPLINAN SISWA KELAS III SD ‘AISYIYAH 1 MATARAM TAHUN AJARAN 2019 | Banyak siswa/pelajar sekarang yang tidak memanfaatkan waktu luang untuk hal-hal yang bermanfaat, misalnya bermain, menonton televisi, bermain play station, mengganggu teman, lempar buku kesana-kemari, tidak disiplin dan lain sebagainya, bukan digunakan untuk investasi masa depan, seperti mengaji, belajar, mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, dan kegiatan positif lainya. Dalam konteks ini full day school hadir sebagai solusi alternatif yang menjadikan sekolah sebagai wadah untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan secara optimal demi terciptanya masa depan bangsa yang berkualitas tinggi. Pendidikan agama Islam merupakan upaya sadar dan terencana dalam menyiapkan peserta didik untuk mengenal, memahami, menghayati, hingga, mengimani, bertakwa dan berakhlak mulia dalam mengamalkan ajaran Islam dari sumber utamanya kitab Al-Qur’an hadits, melalui kegiatan bimbingan, pengajaran, latihan, serta penggunaan pengalaman. Full day school merupakan sekolah sepanjang hari atau proses belajar mengajar yang diberlakukan dari pagi hari sampai sore hari, mulai pukul 06.45-15-30 WIB, dengan durasi istrahat setiap dua jam sekali. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk, dampak, dan kendala implementasi pendidikan agama Islam pada model full day school dalam membentuk karakter dan kedisiplinan siswa kelas III SD ‘Aisyiyah 1 Mataram. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data di ambil dari hasil wawancara dengan guru dan siswa. Dalam penelitian ini, ditemukan bahwa dengan adanya penerapan full day school pendidikan agama Islam mampu meningkatkan … |
Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram, 2019 | |
2019 | Implementation Inclusive Education Policies in Lumajang Regency | Lumajang Regency has declared as one of the districts providing inclusive education. Several schools have been appointed by the Lumajang District Education Office to implement inclusive education and provide education services for special needs students. This research was held to provide an overview of the implementation of inclusive education policies in Lumajang regency. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Data is collected through in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. After the data was analyzed, it was found that the human resources inclusive education still has less competence. However, the attitude of schools that are committed to implementing inclusive education to educate which is good. The information obtained in the implementation of inclusive education in Lumajang regency is still minimal so that each school has its different understanding of inclusive education, the quality of facilities that are still not evenly distributed in every school, and all schools not use SOPs in implementation. |
the 3rd International Conference on Special Education (ICSE 2019) 388 …, 2019 | |
2019 | Evaluation of Teacher and School Infrastructure Inclusive Education in Bontang | Implementation of inclusive education provision has been implemented in the majority of districts/municipalities in Indonesia, one in Bontang. Bontang in East Kalimantan concerned with education and development of learners with special needs appeared at the launch of inclusive education program. In this regard, this study aims to evaluate teachers and school infrastructure inclusive education providers in Bontang based Implementation Guidelines for Inclusive Education Directorate PKLK 2011. |
3rd International Conference on Special Education (ICSE 2019) 388 (Elevating …, 2019 | |
2019 | Developing Interactive Multimedia Flood Prevention Education (FPE) on Disaster Risk Reduction Learning for Students with Hearing Impairment in Special School | This study aims to describe the practicality of interactive multimedia flood prevention education (FPE) in improving the understanding of flood disaster risk reduction (DRR) and describing the understanding of flood disaster management learning for students with hearing impairment. This development research used the design of media development stages according to Luther with the development of media applications based on 5 stages namely: concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing. Data were collected from through observation and tests. The result of this development product is interactive multimedia flood prevention education (FPE) to tackle flood risk among students with hearing impairment. Based on research on the development of interactive multimedia flood prevention education (FPE) to reduce the risk of flooding for students with hearing impairment in Special School Pasuruan City, it can … |
Conference: 2019 5th International Conference on Education and Technology …, 2019 | |
2019 | The effect of implementing problem based learning on the result of students’ learning at school | After natural disasters, such as earthquakes, the community and schools’ conditions were uncontrolled and unconducive. Students could not carry out the learning process as before. Anxiety and fear came to students when in school. This study explained about the implementation of problem based learning on students at a shelter school after earthquake and the effect towards their learning outcomes. This study aimed to know the effect of problem-based learning on students’ learning outcomes after an earthquake happened. Problem based learning brought students closer to the problematic context. This research compared the effect of problem based learning as well as the conventional teaching on 2different groups from different emergency schools. The total number of the subject research was 120 students. The results of the study showed a positive influence on students’ learning outcomes. In the learning process of problem based learning, students were brought closer to real problems in their environment and fostered a sense of confidence. |
Journal of Education and Vocational Research 10 (1 (V)), 12-14, 2019 | |
2019 | Cooperative Learning: Method For Improving Students’ Motivation of Post Earthquake In Junior High School of East Lombok | This study aimed to determine the impact of cooperative learning on the motivation of junior high school students after an earthquake disaster in East Lombok. Students had experienced a decrease in learning motivation after and during earthquakes. Cooperative learning which was a learning with small groups and its interactions, positive dependence, individual responsibility, face-to-face interaction, and collaborative are expected to increase students’ motivation. The research method used was ANOVA with 120 students. The results of the study indicated that there was the influence of collaborative methods on student motivation. Students’ experience increased motivation during cooperative learning, because of the feeling of togetherness among members and supporting one another. |
International Journal of Education and Research 7 (8), 41-48, 2019 | |
2019 | The Influence of Cooperative Group Investigation on Student’s Learning Result in Natural Science Subject for Grade VIII in Kota Komba East Manggarai | The study aims to find out the influence of Cooperative Group Investigation on the student's learning result in Natural Science Subject for Grade VIII in Kota Komba East Manggarai. It is a quantitative research, using a quasi-experiment method. The variables are:(1) The Independent Variable that is the learning design model named Cooperative Group Investigation; and (2) The Dependent Variable consist of the learning activity and the result of the learning. The technique of data collection exerts the achievement test. The sample of the research applies to 88 students in Grade VIII of Junior High School (SMP) during the 2018-2019 academic years in Kota Komba East of Manggarai. This research is carried out in four groups, namely:(1) Grade VIII of SMP Satu Atap Pedak, is as a control group;(2) Grade VIII of SMPN 8 is as a control group;(3) Grade VIII of SMP Pancasila Mukun, is as an experimental group;(4) Grade VIII of SMPN 3 is as an experimental group. Hypothesis testing is using analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the aid of SPSS 22. The result of the analysis concludes that the Cooperative Group Investigation gives a significant influence on student's learning, as it represents in the value of F 19,696> 0,000 with the degree of sig on 0.05 (5%). |
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies 1 (8), 893-897, 2019 | |
2019 | Development of Motion and Mobility Teaching Materials Based on Blended Learning for Master Students of Special Education Program | The aim of this research was to produce prototypes of products development of motion and mobility based on blended learning for master students special education program at the Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Surabaya. This development research used ADDDEM model design (Analyze, Design, Develop, Deliver, Evaluate, and Maintenance)(Purnomo, Made, et al.). This research produced prototypes of products development of motion and mobility based on blended learning based for master students special education program at the Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Surabaya. The result of blended learning based products was classified into 2 ways, namely offline in the form of textbook products with 400 pages, and 2online in the form of e-material. |
International Conference on Science, Technology, Education, Arts, Culture …, 2019 | |
2019 | Teaching Science to University Students with Visual Impairment | The research aims to describe the implementation of measurement experiment student worksheet for a student with visual impairment based on braille code, adapting cylinders, adapting instruction, and adapting environment learning. The research design was a descriptive case study. The study conducted on the experience of one male student with visual impairment. The student has a great ambition to understand science concept, but with little support in the regular classroom. Findings show that students with visual impairments need adjusted instruction and environment accommodation in the classroom for better science learning. Moreover, students need instruction with braille code, audio, and more tactual, also technical skill to structure practical work. |
3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019), 4-6, 2019 |