Publikasi S1 Pendidikan Luar Biasa
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Year | Title | Description | Publisher | Author(s) |
2019 | Program Intervensi Terpadu Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus: Proses Pengembangan Kurikulum | Curriculum development for children with special needs intervention programs is important to support the implementation of effective learning and intervention program services. The more so is related to the success of the mission of the service unit for children with special needs Unesa to provide educational solutions for children with special needs in all circles. |
JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Inklusi) 3 (1), 1-10, 2019 | |
2019 | Guided Group Investigation, Scaffolding Task Questions and Self-Efficacy in Learning to Solve Social Problems in Inclusive School | This study aims to examine the effect of guided investigation group scaffolding questions and assignments on improving learning outcomes in solving social problems in Indonesian inclusive schools. It used a quasiexperimental design and took inclusive junior high school students in Surabaya Indonesia. It used test results and inventory self-efficacy. Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA. The results showed that the learning outcomes of social problem solving students who studied with guided investigation group scaffolding questions and assignments increased more than students who studied with un guided investigation groups, self efficacy significantly affected the increase in social problem solving learning outcomes, students with high self efficacy learning outcomes are higher than students with low self efficacy, there is an interaction between learning strategies with self efficacy in improving the results of learning social problem solving. |
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, Volume I l. No 12 …, 2019 | |
2019 | Increased Understanding of Principals and Deputy Principals Regarding the Implementation of Inclusive Education | Equality has long been the main goal of education throughout the world. But in fact, the implementation in the field is still not optimal, it has not run smoothly and completely. Thus, mentoring activities are useful to improve the understanding of principals and vice principals in implementing an inclusive education system. Indicators of this activity can be seen from three aspects, namely the understanding of principals and vice principals on inclusive education, understanding of principals and deputy principals for children with special needs, and principals and deputy principals for improving policies in implementing inclusive education at their school. The target of this mentoring activity was the principal and deputy principal of the Mojokerto Middle School. Problems will be solved in three phases, namely preparation, implementation and evaluation. Preparations were made with a preliminary survey to look at the conditions in the field regarding the preliminary understanding of the principal and vice principal about inclusive education and children with special needs. The next phase is the service activity phase. In this phase, the development and provision of some material. The last stage is the evaluation stage. At this stage, evaluation of results is achieved by the mentoring participants. The results show that the understanding of principals and deputy principals has increased from 30% to 82% who have understood about inclusive education. In addition, school principals and deputy principals' understanding of children with special needs in schools also increased, out of 46% of school principals and deputy principals who did not answer children with … |
3rd International Conference on Special Education (ICSE 2019), 216-219, 2019 | |
2019 | Scaffolding task analysis and multimedia in development life skill intellectual disability student | This study aims to examine the effect of scaffolding and multimedia audio motion visual on improving learning outcomes in vocational life skill intellectual disability student in Indonesian schools. It used a pre-experimental one group pre test-post test design design. Subjects of the study were students of exceptional junior high school intellectual disability in East Java Indonesia. It used test performance. Data were analyzed using test wilcoxon. The results showed that the learning outcomes of vocational life skill students who studied with scaffolding and multimedia audio motion visual increased more than students who studied with un scaffolding and multimedia audio motion visual. This means scaffolding and multimedia audio motion visual give a better influence on the results of vocational life learning students' intellectual disability skills. |
3rd International Conference on Special Education (ICSE 2019), 322-325, 2019 | |
2019 | Teaching Science to University Students with Visual Impairment | The research aims to describe the implementation of measurement experiment student worksheet for a student with visual impairment based on braille code, adapting cylinders, adapting instruction, and adapting environment learning. The research design was a descriptive case study. The study conducted on the experience of one male student with visual impairment. The student has a great ambition to understand science concept, but with little support in the regular classroom. Findings show that students with visual impairments need adjusted instruction and environment accommodation in the classroom for better science learning. Moreover, students need instruction with braille code, audio, and more tactual, also technical skill to structure practical work. |
3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019), 4-6, 2019 | |
2018 | Development of textile natural dyeing using hybrid dyes from mango leaves turmeric | In this study, natural staining procedures have been evaluated using hybrid dyes of mango and turmeric leaves. To get rich color shades with high strength and color fastness, coloring is done by involving a number of preparation stages which include washing using Turkish Red Oil (TRO), mordanting using alum, and staining which ends with fixation using iron material (II) sulfate (tunjung), alum and lime. The results showed the appearance of dark blue (dark), greenish yellow and yellow from the staining results using mango leaf extract as a single dye, each of which was fixed using tunjung, alum and lime, while in natural coloring with turmeric extract as a single dye with all three types of fixer the same each produces shades of brown, bright yellow and cream. The combination of mango and turmeric leaf extract as a hybrid coloring material has enriched the color shades produced with color strength 78.64%-90.16% for 25% DM/75% K; 77.33%-90.70% to 50% DM/50% K; and 75.87%-87.36% for 75% DM/25% K. Furthermore, the use of hybrid dyes from a combination of mango and turmeric leaf extract has resulted in high color fastness. This can be seen from the staining scale of each dye, ie 2-3 (less)-4 (good) for 25% DM/75% K; 3-4 (good enough)-4 (good) for 50% DM/50% K; and 3 (enough)-3-4 (good enough) for 75% DM/25% K |
Seminar Nasional Kimia-National Seminar on Chemistry (SNK 2018), 50-55, 2018 | |
2018 | The Management of Beginning Literacy for Children with Special Needs in Inclusive School | This study aims to describe the implementation of the management functions including: planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating in the development of literacy, especially in the beginning literacy in inclusive school which was focussed on: school literacy management by principal, learning process in inclusive class or resource class, also facilities support for beginning literacy. Qualitative approach with the multi-case design and Stake procedure were used. The study was held in SDN (Public Elementary School) Klampis-426 Surabaya. The result of this study showed that the function of literacy management according to GLS (School Literacy Movement) was good enough as the effect form the strong power performed by principals, in addition the management of beginning literacy in inclusive class was adequate by implementing collaborative principles, resource room and facilities were good enough, but on the other hand special class was not good enough. |
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 517-520, 2018 | |
2018 | The management of students with special needs in inclusive school | The objectives of this research were to know the implementation of student management in inclusive school, and to know the supporting and inhibiting factors in its implementation. This research used a qualitative approach, with descriptive type of research. The data were collected through observation, interview, and documentation in public inclusive elementary school Ketintang II/410 Surabaya Indonesia. The informants were principal, classroom teacher, and special education teacher. The result of this research is that the implementation of student management is quite good in all aspects including planning, organizing, implementing, supervising, and evaluating. However, an aspect of planning still requires an improvement in the new student's registration team. Supporting factors in the implementation of student management are optimal support from various parties and inclusive culture that has been developed well, while inhibiting factors in student management are the direct support from parents and the lack of knowledge and experience of teachers. |
1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017), 312-315, 2018 | |
2018 | Are Indonesian Sign Language and Total Communication Beneficial for Teachers in Inclusive School? | Deaf children experience obstacles in language development and speech because there is no sound imitation process. They need speech and language coaching in accordance with the level of hearing loss. Lack of understanding both oral and written language often causes deaf children to misinterpret something that can be a pressure for his emotions. This pressure can cause deaf children to show an attitude of self-closing, aggressive action and lack of confidence. The expected results of this activity are as follows:(1) Enriching the knowledge of special supervisor teachers about the characteristics of deaf learners, effective communication strategies for deaf learners, causes and classification of medical impairments, and total communication through the Indonesian sign language system (SIBI) for deaf learners, and (2) Enhancing skills of special counsellor teachers in communicating effectively with deaf learners and the application of total communication through the Indonesian sign language system (SIBI) for deaf students. The subjects of the training were school principals, inclusive coordinators, and special counselling teachers in 14 partner schools with 40 teachers who were trained over three days to gain knowledge and skills about the Indonesian Language Sign System (SIBI). The activities were conducted on campus and partner schools for three weeks according to the planned procedure by involving community service team members with the appropriate scientific background. The researchers, in these activities, were intended to make materials and gave comprehensive training including:(1) characteristics of deaf learners,(2 … |
2nd INDOEDUC4ALL-Indonesian Education for All (INDOEDUC 2018), 203-206, 2018 | |
2018 | Understanding Emotion Patterns in Children with Autism: A Case Study | The study investigated the emotion pattern in children with autism. Children with autism are considered to have disabilities in recognizing and expressing their emotion. Even though, latest studies show that actually, the children are able recognize and express basic emotions in their daily life. However, just a few in those studies explore emotional pattern in children with autism by look upon their behavioral responses. This is a qualitative research employed through observation with audiovisual records to explore three ten-year-age children with autism in Surabaya, Indonesia. The observation was conducted to observe emotional stimulus, responses of emotional stimulus in children with autism such as emotional reactions or emotional control in subject. The results found that human being, object, and condition could be stimuli that may cause emotional reactions. From the emotional reactions could be classified based on the subject’s expressed emotions, namely positive emotions (ie happy, love, missing, and shy) and negative emotions (ie angry, scary, sad, and shocked). In addition, in terms of emotional control of the subject could be in the form of external and internal emotional controls. |
2nd Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Conference: Establishing …, 2018 |