Publikasi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
Pronunciations of Chinese that are different from Indonesian pronunciation make beginner learners feel difficult and the need for companions in learning Mandarin. Spelling mistakes make meaning mistakes in Chinese. This requires a language learning model. The Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA) model is a language learning model for the development of foreign language skills according to native speakers. So the CALLA model is used for learning Chinese in order to practice self-directed learning and Mandarin phonetics. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the CALLA model in Chinese learning in 10th grade. The research method used was a quasi-experimental study in 10th grade with data collection in the form of a response questionnaire to assess learning independence and a performance assessment rubric to assess Mandarin phonetics and then analyzed by using the independent sample t-test. The results of t-test are 0.00< 0.05 in phonrtic aspect and 0.014< 0.05 in self-directed learning. This suggests that the Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach Model is effectively used ini the 10th grade Mandarin learning in the phonetics and self-directed learning aspect.
Akademika: Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan 9 (02), 65-71, 2020
2020 Application of Learning Mobility Orientation on Social Skill of Blind Children.
Visually impaired children within aged of 7-8 years old often face problems dealing with the adaptation in the environment. They have very low social skill and turn into dependence on their parents. Further, they need developing their self-confidence towards social skills. Mobility orientation, learning was one of the learning strategies that aimed to improve their social behavior in the environment. The purpose of this study was to develop the social skills of blind children in interacting with the environment and peers. This study involved a single subject research method (SSR) with A-B-A design. The subject of the study consisted of 3 blind children within 7-8 years old. The results showed that there was a significant improving in their social skills and independence during their daily lives. The female children tended to have some difficulties during the school activities compare with the male children. The family's involvement is important to be used for helping them during the
Journal of Education and Learning 9 (1), 196-204, 2020
2020 Development of Learning Textbook Based ICT For Master’s Student of Primary Education
This research aims to produce learning textbooks based on ITC that are suitable for master students in primary education. This research is a type of research and development, which is a research to develop a product. The subjects of the study were master's student of primary education class 2018/2019. Data collection techniques through the validation of learning textbooks based ICT, observation and tests. The results showed that 1) valid, according to expert validation ratings with valid categories, 2) practical, in accordance with the assessment of the two observers seen from increased student activity at each meeting, 3) effective, visible from the significant difference between the results of the pretest and posttest test master’s student of learning result and positive master’s student responses. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the development of ICT-based learning textbooks based ICT …
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies 2 (5), 2020
2020 Android-Based Mobile Learning Media Development with Multiple Intelligence of Literate Language Skills on the Fifth Grade Elementary School Students
The purpose of this study is to develop media mobile learning based android contain multiple intelligence language literacy skills of five grade elementary students. The design of this study is research and development (R&D) which is 4D Model one group pretest and post-test design. The data collection technique that is used in this study is validity, questionnaire, observation, and test. For the data analysis, the researcher used analysis validity media, observation data result, questionnaire data result, and test data result. The findings showed for the test, the researcher used t-test with the level of significance 5%(2,052), so t_value> t_tabel (18, 61> 2,052). From the result, it can be concluded that there is improving learning outcomes with media mobile learning based android contain multiple intelligence in language literacy skills of five grade elementary students.
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding 7 (5 …, 2020
2020 Development of pop-up book media based on balanced literacy approach to improve skills of reading class 1 students basic school
The background that drives this research is the low interest in reading and the lack of reading skills in grade 1 students. The purpose of this study is to produce a pop-up book based on a good quality balanced literacy approach. The test subjects in this study were 60 first grade students at SDN Pacarkeling V/186 Surabaya. The method used in this study is the method of developing Research and Development (R&D). The development model of Borg and Gall in this study goes through 10 stages. The product developed in this research is a valid, practical and effective pop-up book media. The validation results show that the developed media is valid with very good criteria. Practicality in small scale and large scale trials reaches very good category. The effectiveness of the developed media can be seen from the increase in the results of the reading skills test using the t test with the t-test result of-11.6.
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding 7 (5 …, 2020
2020 Safe Hand Antiseptic Formulation Produce from Cymbopogon Citratus Essential Oils for Children with Special Needs to Anticipate The New Normal Protocols of The COVID-19 Pandemic
The goverment has set on June until December as the recovery phase and must implement the new normal protocol. The policy applies to all levels of society including children with special needs who must start going to school gradually. This condition requires conscious effort to maintain personal health through paying attention to cleanliness of the hand to slow the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Handwashing with soap and use of hand antiseptics habit are the keys to success in preventing COVID-19 transmission. According Block (2001) repeated use of alcohol on hand antiseptic preparations can cause skin dryness and irritation. The aim of this research is (1) to develop a non-alcoholic hand antiseptic formulation that is safe for children with special needs made from lemongrass essential oils base carbomer-940 and CMC-Na gel.(2) examine of aorganoleptic test, pH, homogeneity, and consistency test of the product hand antiseptic formulation. The research method is an experiment by conducting laboratory tests on the preperation of carbomer-940 and CMC-Na gel. The research result of carbomer-940 gel base with a concentration lemongrass essential oil 15% is clear yellow, thin, lemon odor, pH 6, 6, homogeneous no granules, until a five days spend there is no phase separation, consistent, and nonsticky. The result of CMC-Na gel base is clear yellow, thick, lemon odor, pH 7, 0, homogeneous, consistent with no phase separation, sticky. The conclution shows that using a carbomer-940 ge is more comfortable on the skin and is not sticky so panelists are preferable than CMC-Na gel.
Proceeding International Joint Conference on Science, Technology, Art, and …, 2020
2020 The Urgency of Gender Mainstreaming Regional Draft in Jombang Regency
The implementation of national development must be able to improve the quality of human life as a whole, which gives justice to all parties. There are various regulations focused on Gender Mainstreaming (GM) development, namely;(1) President Instruction Number 09 Year 2000 concerning GM;(2) Minister of Affairs Regulation Number 15 Year 2008 concerning guidelines for the Implementation of GM in the Regions;(3) Minister of Finance Regulation Number 111 of 2011 concerning Finance gender budgeting statements;(4) East Java Governor Regulation No. 93 of 2018 concerning the East Java GM Regional Action Plan 2018-2019. The substance of this paper explains the urgency of the Drafting of Local Regulation on Gender Mainstreaming (GM) in Jombang district. The design used is exploratory study, the questionnaire was chosen as a data collection technique, with the percentage of data analysis techniques. The subject of this research is the Regional Government Work Unit (the so called SKPD) in the district of Jombang. The results of this study indicate that there are six urgencies in the preparation of this draft regulation;(1) Development planning, implementation and evaluation in various SKPDs, not yet gender responsive;(2) GM Draft Regulation as a follow up to the higher laws and regulations;(3) The preparation of the GM Regional Draft must consider the characteristics, socio-cultural aspects, social, religious norms, to regulate the scope of women’s involvement;(4) The draft GM Regulation prepared must be comprehensive, clear and general in nature;(5) The process of drafting the draft regulation must involve relevant agencies …
International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020), 547-552, 2020
2020 The Effect of Cutting Occupational Therapy to Increase Soft Motoric of Children With Autism
The effect of cutting occupational therapy to increase the soft motoric of Children with Autism. The purpose of this research is to test the influence of the skill of putting on the soft motoric of Children with Autism. This research was conducted using a quantitative with the draft of Single-Subject Research (SSR). The data were analyzed with pre-test and post-test. The results showed that occupational therapy cutting can improve the smooth motoric skills of Children with Autism.
International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020), 325-330, 2020
2020 Manajemen Pendidikan Anak Dengan Gangguan Emosi Perilaku
Mata kuliah pendidikan anak dengan gangguan emosi dan perilaku diajarkan sebagai mata kuliah umum yang diberikan untuk membekali mahasiswa dalam mengasesmen, merencanakan, menyusun program, melaksanakan program, serta mengevaluasi program bina bicara bagi klien yang memiliki hambatan gangguan emosi dan perilaku. Melalui buku ini mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memberi sumbangan pengetahuan dalam mendeteksi individu dengan hambatan komunikasi lebih dini untuk diberikan program penanganan yang tepat. Buku ini dimulai dengan penjelassan tentang tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai, lalu dibahas secara terperinci, dan dilengkapi dengan beberapa soal untuk mengukur tingkat penguasaan materi serta tingkat ketuntasan yang dicapai mahasiswa.
Jakad Media Publishing, 2020
2020 Model Project Based Online Learning
Penerbit CB Beta Aksara, Batu Malang JawaTimur 1, 1-62, 2020