Publikasi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2018 Use of Web Technologies for Practice Based Learning Model in Vocational Education: A Literature Review
Practice-based learning model is about making the learning environment as realistic as possible and requires students to demonstrate what they know to linking theory and practice. The nature of web technologies such as user centered, flexibility, mobility and multimedia capability are the key features that make web technology as a potential match for practice based learning. Our objectives were to identify the use of web technologies for practice based learning model in vocational education and to summarize strengths and limitations identified in the literature. The research methodology for this study was to review published studies and research on practice-based learning and web technologies in vocational education, the range of which included literature reviews and empirical research. We searched for the term †œweb technologies†in combination with †œpractice based learning†and †œvocational …
MISEIC 2018, 2018
2018 Pengaruh strategi pembelajaran dan gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar penerapan konsep dan prosedur
Many studies report that learning style plays an important role in the effectiveness of learning strategies. This study will offer, present and simultaneously test the effect of direct learning strategies and tutorial strategies and learning styles of the ability to apply concepts and implementing procedures in the course Development Media Video/TV Learning. Based on calculations by multivariate analysis of variance can be concluded in general that there are differences in the acquisition of learning outcomes of the application of the concepts and procedures on learning strategies directly and learning strategies tutorials, the difference in the acquisition of learning outcomes on student's learning style, and there was no interaction effect of learning styles and strategies the application of the concept of learning outcomes and procedures.
JINOTEP (Jurnal Inovasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran): Kajian dan Riset Dalam …, 2018
2018 The Role of Multimodal Communication in Language Learning: Making Meaning in Conventional Learning Spaces
There is space in conventional learning on language learning that must be filled with various ways or methods of delivering information, so it can be delivered to students. The space can be filled out by referring to the principle of multimodal communication by Kress and Van Leeuwen (1996) on how people communicate using different modes at the same time. This paper does not present the results of an analysis of a product design using semiotic mode with multimodality analysis as a procedure of analysis, but it is a theoretical study by linking the principles of multimodal communication with learning theory so that it can be applied in language learning. Therefore, this paper is intended for the purpose of how the delivery of a message by using more than one semiotic modes in language learning in order to make the learning of a conventional nature becomes more meaningful. The use of verbal communication, images, and video as a multimodal communication product in this case has its own role in facilitating language learning. Space in conventional learning methods on language learning can be filled by combining verbal communication, images, and video in the learning process. It will be able to make learning more interesting.
International Conference on Language Phenomena in Multimodal Communication …, 2018
2018 Augmented Reality Learning Materials for Motion Picture Making Subject
Learning materials is one of the important components of learning. Learning materials based on Augmented reality is capable of accommodating the needs of learners. Augmented reality intends to insert virtual objects into the real environment. In recent activity, learning materials are still using conventional media such as presentation slides and the internet. Consequently, students do not obtain appropriate material for certain learning. Learning materials assisted by augmented reality can be a solution for students in understanding moving pictures. The development model used was the Lee & Owens model. It produces valid and effective learning material products with augmented reality.
Jurnal Pendidikan Humaniora 6 (3), 108-114, 2018
2018 Sistem Pendidikan Indonesia dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan
In the world of education it is very necessary for continuous quality improvements, TQM components, and challenges in TQM in education, ways and strategies applied by educational institutions. TQM in educational institutions is a necessity in improving the education system, especially in Indonesia. Because of this the authorities are involved in managing the education system by making efforts to improve the quality of education in Indonesia in terms of matching Indonesian education standards with developed countries. In Indonesia today in the transition period, the movement gives greater regional autonomy, although there are also many who are not yet sure whether the change in the centralized management education system towards decentralization management will have an impact on the expected results. This study must continue to be studied for Indonesia and thoroughly and deeply studied so that the …
Edu Research 7 (2), 916-916, 2018
The purpose of this researchwasto identify and analyze the aspects of Teacher Performance Assessment (PKG, in Indonesian language is Penilaian Kinerja Guru) on teacher’s performance. The hypothesis of this researchreads the aspects of teacher performance assessment (PKG) partially significant effect on teacher’s performance. The population in this researcharecivil servant teachers of SMKN 2Jember. This research used a Simple Random Samplingtechniquesince the sampling was done randomly without regarding to strata contained in the population and the whole population are teachers of SMKN 2 Jember. The samples in this researchare71civil servant teachers in SMKN 2 Jember. Data collection methods used in this research are observation, interview, questionnaires and documentation. The implications of the findings of this study may contribute to the development of science and for practitioners. The result of this research was to improve the teacher’s performance, then the aspects of PKG should be improved. This was in accordance with the concept of human resources. Some suggestions can be given was the results of this study indicate that aspects of the Teacher Performance Assessment (PKG) gave significant effect on performance partially.
MBA-Journal of Management and Business Aplication 1 (1), 2018
2018 Management of School Operational Assistance at Elementary School of Mojokerto Regency
This research is based on postpositivism philosophy which is used to examine the condition of natural object and researcher as the key instrument. The results of this study are: 1) School Operational Assistance Fund is the only source of operational funding of schools coming from the central government, because of the funding sources obtained, its application and management requires good managerial skills as well. 2) the principal is an educational administrator, particularly in organizing, managing and evaluating finances from school funding sources, in which the three basic skills are indispensable in implementing financial management processes based on the School Operational Assistance Fund technical principles for the creation of operational activities effective.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 432-436, 2018
2018 Leadership, Discipline And Motivation Affecting To The Performance
This study aims to identify and analyze the influence of leadership, discipline and motivation on the performance, as well as to find out which of the leadership, discipline and motivation are the dominant influence on performance. The subjects in this study are members of Lumajang Police Force Sabhara totaling 63 people. This research uses explanatory research. As independent variables, namely leadership, discipline and motivation, and the dependent variable is the performance. Analysis of the data used are validity and reliability, the classic assumption test, regression analysis, and hypothesis testing. The results showed that the leadership has a significant effect on performance, discipline significant effect on performance, motivation significant effect on the performance and motivation of the dominant influence on performance. The coefficient of determination (R2) is equal to 0,795. This means that 79.50% of performance can be explained by the leadership, discipline and motivation. While the rest of 20, 50% performance is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.
MBA-Journal of Management and Business Aplication 1 (1), 2018
2018 Pengembangan Media Komik Sebagai Sarana Pengenalan Karir Siswa Kelas Iv Sdn 1 Babatan Surabaya
Pengembangan media komik adalah alat atau sebuah upaya dalam mewujudkan inovasi dalam dunia pendidikan terutama dunia Bimbingan dan Konseling. Pengembangan media komik disini bertujuan untuk mengenalkan pengenalan karir pada siswa kelas IV SDN 1 Babatan Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian Borg And Gall yang telah disederhanakan oleh Tim Puslitjaknov. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini berupa angket yang sudah berisi item–ite pernyataan untuk dijadikan sebagai sebuah bahan penilaian.
Jurnal BK UNESA 8 (3), 2018
2018 The Implementation Of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Within The Scope Of Education
The purpose of this study is analysing the application of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) in the scope of education. The research used a library research method. The data analyzed with content analysis techniques. Checking between libraries and re-reading libraries and paying attention to advisory comments is done to maintain eternity of the assessment process and prevent and overcome miss-information The results of this study are: 1) Based on the results of studies of 20 journal counselling applications Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) managed to overcome various problems, 2) The implementation of EFT starts with identifying problems, Set Up, Tune In, and Tapping on 9 gamut procedures, 3) The objectives of applying EFT are mostly schools, namely secondary schools to universities with application targets are individuals or groups in the span of school age, 5) suggest implementing EFT with different places, methods and objectives.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 720-725, 2018