Publikasi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2018 Numeric toys media: introducing number sense in early childhood with movement and multisensory cards
The poor introduction of the concept of numbers in early childhood caused the number sense teaching to use too many worksheets. This study aims to introduce the effectiveness of numeric toys media in introducing number sense to improve the understanding of the concept of numbers in early childhood as a basis for learning mathematics in the next school level. The methods used follow the Barg and Gall model with the research subject of 36 children aged 5-6 years in Al Ibrah kindergarten, Gresik, Indonesia. The results showed a better understanding of the posttest after being given a learning with numeric toys media in the form of motion games and multisensory cards. This research provided an efficient idea ofhow to introduce number sense in kindergarten in a multisensory way and further research on the implications of this media on the mathematics of children in elementary school is still required.
1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017), 269-271, 2018
2018 Development of Active Learning-Oriented Textbook of Early Childhood Education Lesson Plan Subject
The aim of this research is to describe: 1) the result of development of active learning oriented textbook of early childhood education lesson plan subject. 2) the properness of developing of active learning oriented textbook for early childhood education lesson plan subject. The research method that used is the adapted R&D research by Dick&Carrey. The research subject is 70 early childhood education student of State University of Malang. Interview sheets and questionnaire are used as data collecting instrument. Data analysis technique for this research is quantitative descriptive dan qualitative descriptive technique. Research result shows that the developing of this textbook is adjusted by need analysis from users, curriculum and learning plan of Early Childhood Education for semester in State University of Malang. Validation result from the book design expert is 91% and the textbook is valid and proper to be used. The lesson plan validation result is 94.12%, valid and proper to be used. The individual trial result is 89.29%, valid and also proper to be used. The trial result for small group is 90.80%, valid and proper to be used. The conclusion is the textbook is proper to be used in lesson plan of Early Childhood Education classes. Suggestion is a wider trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the textbook.
SELING: Jurnal Program Studi PGRA 4 (2), 102-110, 2018
2018 The Modification of Hopscotch for Developing Children’s Gross Motor and Social
Nowadays children's gross motor and social are a crucial problem to be solved including Indonesian children. The low capacity of gross motor and social will affect children's lives in the future. This research aims to determine the effect of a modified hopscotch on the development of children’s gross motor and social. The data collection technique used was the observation by using rating scale instrument model, while the data were analyzed with statistical analysis Mann Whitney test. The results showed that the modified hopscotch affect children’s gross motor and social development. The average value and significance level of the post-test obtained Asymp value. Sig. 2 tailed of 0.000, less than 0.05, so it can be concluded that there is a significant difference of post-test value between the experimental and control group.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 119-124, 2018
2018 The Effect of Computer Assisted Learning Strategy on Learning Outcomes of Engineering Physics Viewed From Different Learning Styles
This research aims to determine the effect of computer-assisted learning strategy on learning outcomes of engineering physics viewed from different learning style. Learning style is the way humans begin to concentrate, absorb, process and get new information. The use of information technology can facilitate the learning process so that it can improve learning outcomes. So that required computer-assisted learning strategy. This study is a quasi-experimental type of experiment. The method chosen in this research is a quasi-experimental method with factorial design 3 x 2 x 2. The population used in this research is Taruna Akademi Engineering and Safety of Flight (ATKP) Surabaya. Based on the result of data analysis, it can be concluded:(1) There is no difference in learning of physics technique between cadets which have a visual, auditorial and kinesthetic learning style.(2) There is no interaction between learning strategy and learning style to the result of physics learning.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 593-596, 2018
2018 Development Learning Tools with CTL Approach for Elementary School Students
This research aims to produce learning tools with a Contextual Teaching and Learning approach (CTL) that is valid, practical, and effective for fourth graders in elementary school. This research is a development study using 4D development model which includes four stages of define, design, develop and disseminate. The result of the research shows that learning tools are valid with the very good category by the validator. Implementation of learning tools can be done with very good category and students responses to learning tools are in the very good category. There are differences in learning motivation and significant learning result between experimental classes using learning tools with Contextual Teaching and Learning approaches and control classes that do not use learning tools result of development. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the development of learning tools with Contextual Teaching and Learning approach fulfills the valid, practical, and effective criteria.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 137-141, 2018
2018 Implementation Of Neuroscience Learning To Develop Early Childhood’s Cognitive
This study aims to know in depth about the implementation of neuroscience learning to develop cognitively in Early childhood. Especially to stimulate brain structure so as to have a perfect executive function in the future. Due to the impact of globalization that changes the pattern of children to lazy move. So fewer children's gross motor stimulated that will affect the cognitive development and health in the future. It takes a gradual maturation of nerves that will prepare the child's. The research method used is a qualitative phenomenon of research subjects because it is rare for kindergartens to apply neuroscience learning. Neuroscience will be very effective if applied in early childhood brain development by using kinesthetic memory principles such as Alphabet Engram Kinesthetic is related closely related to the work function of the brain, that the movement of the body can provide nerve stimulation which can increase the memory capacity.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 89-93, 2018
2018 The Development of Contextual Teaching and Learn-ing-Based Comic as a Learning Media for Elementary School Students
The research aimed at developing and testing the validity, practi-cality, as well as the effectiveness of learning a learning media in the form of comic based on Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) on Social studies. Observation model and development model (R&D) of Borg and Gall used were the research. The result of this research showed that the CTL-based comic is a reasona-ble, practical and effective media. The use of CTL-based comic gives influence to the learning outcomes of the students. It could be seen through the result of the t-test from the try-out which showed that tcount is 2.55> from ttable 2.903. The use of CTL-based comic as a learning media also got good response from the students with percentage 90.5%. Therefore, it could be concluded that CTL-based comic was reasonable, practical and effective to improve the learning outcomes on Social studies lesson of the third-grade students in Elementary School.
1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017), 13-16, 2018
2018 Pengaruh strategi pembelajaran investigasi kelompok (group investigation) berbantuan scaffolding dan efikasi diri terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah sosial
ABSTRAK Widajati Wiwik. 2018 Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran Investigasi Kelompok (Group Investigation) Berbantuan Scaffolding dan Efikasi Diri Terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Sosial. Disertasi. Program Studi Teknologi Pembelajaran Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing (1) Prof. Dr.H. Punaji Setyosari M.Pd. M. Ed. (II) Prof. Dr. I. Nyoman Sudana Degeng M.Pd. (III) Prof. Dr. Sumarmi M.Pd. Kata Kunci strategi pembelajaran investigasi kelompok scaffolding efikasi diri pemecahan masalah sosial. Pembelajaran di era modernisasi dan globalisasi sekarang ini lebih menekankan pada pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa. Hal ini sangat penting agar siswa belajar mandiri berpartisipasi aktif kerjasama menggunakan pemikiran divergen mengkonstruksi pengetahuan untuk pemecahan masalah sosial dan mengaitkan materi tersebut dengan konteks nyata. Strategi pembelajaran yang bisa mengakomodasi hal tersebut adalah investigasi kelompok (group investigation) berbantuan scaffolding. Penerapan strategi pembelajaran investigasi kelompok tersebut seharusnya juga memperhatikan karakteristik siswa khususnya efikasi diri (self efficacy) karena mempengaruhi hubungan penerapan strategi pembelajaran terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji (1) perbedaan kemampuan pemecahan masalah sosial antara kelompok siswa yang belajar dengan strategi pembelajaran investigasi kelompok berbantuan scaffolding dengan kelompok siswa yang belajar dengan investigasi kelompok tanpa scaffolding (2) perbedaan kemampuan pemecahan masalah sosial …
Universitas Negeri Malang, 2018
Self-efficacy plays an important role in facing and solving various problems in the era of modernization, especially social problems in real life every day. This study aims to determine the relationship between self-efficacy and the learning outcomes of solving social problems of middle school students. This research was conducted on Inclusive Middle School students in Surabaya Indonesia. The data collection instrument used was inventory self-efficacy consisting of 27 items with reliability values of 0.896, test and inventory social problem solving consisting of 45 items with reliability values of 0.926. Data analysis is using Pearson Product Moment. Based on the results of research data analysis with a significance level of 0.01, the correlation coefficient was 0.533, p= 0.000< 0.01 and at the 0.05 level of significance the correlation coefficient was 0.294, p= 0.016< 0.05. This means that there is a significant relationship between self-efficacy and learning outcomes in solving social problems in Inclusive Middle School students.
European Journal of Education Studies, 2018
2018 Metode ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) Terapi Perilaku Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus
Surabaya: Unesa University Press, 2018