Publikasi S2 Pendidikan Luar Biasa

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2023 Buku Panduan Guru Keterampilan Pembuatan Boneka Hortikultura (Horta) bagi Siswa Tunarungu
The aim of this study;(1) produce a teacher's manual on horticultural doll-making skills for deaf students that are suitable for use;(2) to describe the feasibility of the teacher's manual for the skills of horticultural doll making for deaf students. This research is a development research, according to the steps taken by the development of Thiagarajan, Semmeln and Semmel with the 4-D model, however the researcher modifies it to 3-D, collecting data using a media validation questionnaire, validating material and validating PLB experts. The results showed that the product developed in terms of material aspects, general instructions for books, lesson plans, and learning assessment tools. The results obtained from the material expert validators were 97.8%, the results obtained from the media expert validators were 96.8% and the results obtained from the PLB expert validators were 95.7%. Based on the results of the material validator, media and PLB experts, the guidebook for making horticultural dolls is said to be valid and can be used in the skills learning process for deaf students.
Jurnal Pembelajaran dan Riset Pendidikan (JPRP) 3 (1), 1-18, 2023
2022 The Digital Literacy On Constructivist Philosophical Aspect
Indonesia is the third in Asia with internet users reaching 212.35 million people in March 2021 according to internetworldstats data. After the Covid-19 pandemic, there were changes in habits that appeared because they had never happened, thus triggering the community to find the right solution in overcoming changes in both activities and habits. The platforms that are often accessed are social whatsapp, facebook, youtube, Instagram, tiktok, telegram, twitter and line with the age range that often accesses is the age of 13 to 18 years. Internet access in the form of social media platforms has not been able to balance their ability to use digital media to develop their potential in the form of critical thinking patterns and build logic. Digital literacy in constructivist philosophical aspects uses literature research methods from several relevant sources. The purpose of this article is to describe the addition of knowledge and a constructivist learning process through digital literacy. The results of this literature study showed that when constructivist philosophical aspects were formed in individuals, they would build critical thinking patterns in processing information in the form of symbols and writing.
Cendikia: Media Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan 13 (2), 211-216, 2022
2022 Knowledge and Perceptions of Elementary School Teacher Education Students on Educational Philosophy
Education is a very vital thing in human life. Educational philosophy is a philosophy that sees education as a process to humanize students. This study seeks to reveal how the knowledge of PGSD students about the philosophy of education and students' perceptions of the philosophy of education. This study uses quantitative methods with descriptive research type. Respondents in this study were 174 students. This study found that the source of knowledge of each elementary school teacher education student about educational philosophy was 60.3 percent, namely social media. Most elementary school teacher education students consider educational philosophy to be an important science. Most of the perceptions about the importance of educational philosophy are because it can provide a complete understanding of science and be able to use the knowledge possessed. Philosophy of Education is very important to be taught to PGSD students who will become educators. For this reason, it is necessary to develop an innovative and creative educational philosophy of education model.
Widyagogik: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar 10 (1), 203-214, 2022
2022 The Influence Of Academic Supervision On Teacher Performance Based On The Philosophy Of Essentialism
Very quality education and learning depending on how well the quality of the teacher's performance is in carrying out his academic duties at school. Teacher performance influenced by many factors including supervision principal, professional competence, job satisfaction and teacher motivation. All four factors should workin an integrated and sustainable way to have an impact good to teacher performance. The method used is with a literature approach. surveillance approach in education conducted by the principal's office as a supervisor has a primary role as supporters of the educational process in schools. Understanding Challenge Academic Supervision in an Epitemological Perspective which is part of philosophy and origin Academic Oversight Inquiry
Cendikia: Media Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan 13 (2), 272-276, 2022
2022 Filsafat Ilmu Design Based Learning (DBL) pada Pendidikan Vokasi: Ontologi, Epistemologi, dan Aksiologi
The world has entered the era of knowledge-based society and economy which is open (digital) and relies on free competition. The new era brought changes in the skills required by the job market. Vocational education and training at the secondary education needs to equip graduates with life and career skills: productivity and accountability in managing projects and producing products. Based on data from Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) 2021, the ratio of the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is still 3.47 percent or only around 9 million people of the total population. The percentage of trading business owners who are graduates of Vocational High Schools (SMK) is 5.5%. Through the SMK revitalization program in 2020 it is hoped that conditions will be created in 80% of SMK graduates work in their fields, 12% are entrepreneurs, and 8% continue their studies. SMK gradute can be identified by the competency of each expertise program, so that the existence of products or applied results for society is absolutely there. A learning concept that can facilitate SMK students in producing products is a design-based learning/DBL. DBL as a science is an activity of knowledge and explanation that has direction and purpose. This activity is carried out with certain procedures, using methods, steps and means of support. Philosophy of science invites people to reflect on their knowledge activities through three foundations of discussion, namely: ontology, epistemology, and axiology. This literature study aims to examine the DBL framework from three aspects above.
Jurnal Sinestesia 12 (2), 605-617, 2022
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan korelasi pemikiran Paulo Freire terhadap praktik pendidikan di Indonesia terutama tentang kebijakan kurikulum merdeka dan tawaran Paulo Freire terhadap persoalan yang dihadapi dalam dunia pendidikan kita. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini studi pustaka di mana peneliti mengumpulkan berbagai sumber penelitian dan referensi lainnya yang dapat digunakan untuk menjelaskan dan memecahkan persoalan yang dikemukakan. Persoalan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini berkaitan dengan praktik pelaksanaan kurikulum yang tidak merata karena sumber daya manusia yang tidak memungkinkan untuk dilakukan standarisasi. Analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan perspektif pedagogi kritis dari tokoh filsafat pendidikan, yakni Paulo Freire. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ada korelasi antara pemikiran Paulo Freire dan kurikulum Merdeka. Poin …
JURNAL YAQZHAN: Analisis Filsafat, Agama dan Kemanusiaan 8 (2), 302-311, 2022
2022 Filsafat Pendidikan di Pesantren Dari Pesan Kyai Menuju Insan Sejati
Islamic boarding schools are one of the hallmarks of this nation's education. Islamic boarding schools have a role related to the philosophy of life. As the oldest education in Indonesia, Islamic boarding schools have at least five pillars, namely Kyai, Santri, Mosque, Al Qur'an and Hadith. There are several aspects that must be strengthened in Islamic boarding schools, namely adab, fardu ain science, fardu kifayah science, administration, networking and so on. Education in Islamic boarding schools is very influential with the surrounding community. The purpose of education in Islamic boarding schools is to educate a person to become an independent person, have good morals, and become someone who is khaira ummah. Regarding the education that is applied in Islamic boarding schools, it can be seen from one of the most frequently encountered principles, namely the principle of non-contradiction. Islamic boarding schools study the science and works of both classical and contemporary scholars in the form of yellow books. And the yellow book is a work that was born from Islamic scholars who sourced from the Koran and Hadith. This principle is based on distinguishing what is right and what is wrong. It is impossible to contradict the Al-Qur'an and hadith which are the main study material in Islamic boarding schools, because both are true sources of Islamic teachings. If someone says the Qur'an and hadith contradict, then it is due to a lack of knowledge in studying and studying them
JUPE: Jurnal Pendidikan Mandala 7 (4), 2022
2022 Perspectives On The Philosophy Of Education Progressivism in Learning Models Ubiquitous Learning
The development of technology in the world of education gave birth to various new learning models and methods, one of which is Ubiquitous Learning. Ubiquitous Learning is uu-learning, referred to as u-learning, leveraging digital content, physical environments, mobile devices, pervasive components, and wireless communication to provide users with a teaching-learning experience anytime, anywhere, and anywhere. The birth of Ubiquitous Learning is in line with and in line with the philosophical view of progressivism which considers education to always innovate or change in accordance with the changing times and science and technology in another sense the philosophy of progressivism is a school of modern educational philosophy that wants a change in the implementation of education to be more advanced. This study aims to analyze uLearning learning in the perspective of the philosophy of progressivism to see the relationship and assess the compatibility of the two concepts in indonesian education today, the research method uses qualitative methods with a literature review approach on Ubiquitous Learning and analyzed using the philosophical theory of progressivism. The results of the study can be explained as follows, first: Ubiquitous Learning is a learning model in which there is a separation between students and teachers in the teaching and learning process so that students are emphasized to learn more independently from where and at any time by using technological facilities and networks both the philosophy of progressivism education is a belief in the natural power of man, the power that is passed on to humans from birth …
FALASIFA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman 13 (02), 127-133, 2022
2022 Development Of Learning Media For The Formation Of Characteristics Based On The Philosophy Of Science
Teachers tend to have different characteristics in delivering the material, which may result in different interpretations in the student's point of view. Learning media can be created using writing, audio, visual, or even a combination of all of them. If the selection of learning media is carried out correctly, it will greatly help the interaction in learning activities in the classroom. The philosophy of science and education has a great role in shaping the characteristics of learning media. In the philosophy of science and education, there are several aspects and dimensions that are the basis for making learning media, namely aspects of ideas and facts, as well as abstract and concrete dimensions both theoretically and practically. The approach of philosophy of science and education ontologically, epistemologically, and axiologically in the development of learning media, if summarized in accordance with its practical objectives, will be able to form practical values that lead to learning abilities or outcomes.
Cendikia: Media Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan 13 (1), 182-187, 2022
2022 Implementation of Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior (DRO) with Digital Video Assistance to Reduce Maladaptive Behavior in Deaf Children
This study aims to determine the effect of the Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior (DRO) program to reduce maladaptive behavior or behaviors that should not appear in children with hearing disabilities that occur during online learning at home. The research approach uses quantitative research with the type of experimental research. The experimental approach used is the Single Subject Research approach. The design used is the A1-B-A2 design. The research subjects were students with hearing impairment in class II SDLB–B Karya Mulia II in Surabaya. Data collection through descriptive statistics and displayed in the form of graphs. The components being analyzed are analyzed under conditions. The results showed a decrease in the duration and frequency of maladaptive behavior demonstrated by the subject. Based on the time and frequency of the appearance of the subject’s behavioral targets, it is known that the results of the estimated trend of direction increase during the baseline phase 1, decrease during the intervention phase, and decrease in the baseline phase 2. It can be concluded that using the Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior (DRO) program can reduce maladaptive behavior.
Eighth Southeast Asia Design Research (SEA-DR) & the Second Science …, 2022