Publikasi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2018 The Management of Beginning Literacy for Children with Special Needs in Inclusive School
This study aims to describe the implementation of the management functions including: planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating in the development of literacy, especially in the beginning literacy in inclusive school which was focussed on: school literacy management by principal, learning process in inclusive class or resource class, also facilities support for beginning literacy. Qualitative approach with the multi-case design and Stake procedure were used. The study was held in SDN (Public Elementary School) Klampis-426 Surabaya. The result of this study showed that the function of literacy management according to GLS (School Literacy Movement) was good enough as the effect form the strong power performed by principals, in addition the management of beginning literacy in inclusive class was adequate by implementing collaborative principles, resource room and facilities were good enough, but on the other hand special class was not good enough.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 517-520, 2018
2018 The management of students with special needs in inclusive school
The objectives of this research were to know the implementation of student management in inclusive school, and to know the supporting and inhibiting factors in its implementation. This research used a qualitative approach, with descriptive type of research. The data were collected through observation, interview, and documentation in public inclusive elementary school Ketintang II/410 Surabaya Indonesia. The informants were principal, classroom teacher, and special education teacher. The result of this research is that the implementation of student management is quite good in all aspects including planning, organizing, implementing, supervising, and evaluating. However, an aspect of planning still requires an improvement in the new student's registration team. Supporting factors in the implementation of student management are optimal support from various parties and inclusive culture that has been developed well, while inhibiting factors in student management are the direct support from parents and the lack of knowledge and experience of teachers.
1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017), 312-315, 2018
2018 Are Indonesian Sign Language and Total Communication Beneficial for Teachers in Inclusive School?
Deaf children experience obstacles in language development and speech because there is no sound imitation process. They need speech and language coaching in accordance with the level of hearing loss. Lack of understanding both oral and written language often causes deaf children to misinterpret something that can be a pressure for his emotions. This pressure can cause deaf children to show an attitude of self-closing, aggressive action and lack of confidence. The expected results of this activity are as follows:(1) Enriching the knowledge of special supervisor teachers about the characteristics of deaf learners, effective communication strategies for deaf learners, causes and classification of medical impairments, and total communication through the Indonesian sign language system (SIBI) for deaf learners, and (2) Enhancing skills of special counsellor teachers in communicating effectively with deaf learners and the application of total communication through the Indonesian sign language system (SIBI) for deaf students. The subjects of the training were school principals, inclusive coordinators, and special counselling teachers in 14 partner schools with 40 teachers who were trained over three days to gain knowledge and skills about the Indonesian Language Sign System (SIBI). The activities were conducted on campus and partner schools for three weeks according to the planned procedure by involving community service team members with the appropriate scientific background. The researchers, in these activities, were intended to make materials and gave comprehensive training including:(1) characteristics of deaf learners,(2 …
2nd INDOEDUC4ALL-Indonesian Education for All (INDOEDUC 2018), 203-206, 2018
2018 Distance Education Program: Using Video Streaming to Improve Teachers' Competence
This is a qualitative research which describes the implementation of distance education programs for teachers in East Java region by using video streaming, not having to meet teachers in the formal classroom environment such as traditional learning patterns. To collect data, the authors used observation and interview methods. To analyze, the authors used descriptive qualitative approach. The results of this study indicate that this program is implemented for justice in an effort to improve the competence and ability of teachers as professionals. The materials presented in the video streaming format include both theoretical and practical materials. The design of distance education was developed by utilizing streaming video technology. However, there has no been any evaluation research on distance education program so far. Thus, it is suggested to be evaluated to know the effectiveness of the program.
1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017), 346-348, 2018
2018 Organizational justice analysis on employees satisfaction and performance in Faculty of education Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Influencing is the core of educational leadership. The ability to influence people is a necessary'strength'and'way', so onehas the power and creative in creating a way to move towards achieving goals. The justice of the institution to its each employee has an effect on the job satisfaction and performance of the employee. The formulation of the problem in this research was whether there was an influence of organizational justice to job satisfaction and performance of Education Faculty toward Unesa staff. The research was conducted by correlational quantitative approach with variance analysis. Based on the research conducted and the data analysis results obtained, it can be concluded that the organizational justice variables that include procedural, distributive and interactional justice gave influence to job satisfaction and performance of Education Faculty toward Unesa employees. Organizational justice carried out by institution leader gave big influence to job satisfaction and performance of Education Faculty to Unesa staff.
1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017), 124-127, 2018
2018 Parenting education dalam literasi budaya dan kewargaan
Prosiding Seminar Nasional & Temu Kolegial Jurusan PLS Se-Indonesia, 55-58, 2018
2018 The social emotional development of homeschooling children
The Success in the development process and able to compete in the era of globalization nowadays has made every nation needs qualified human resources-a generation of nations that have adequate education level and sufficient ability to support the development process. In order to achieving qualified human resources is needed efforts to facilitate access to education as well as various models of alternative education, one of which is homeschooling. This is naturally understandable given the fact that the learning process takes place at home and among family members, especially the parents, who must be actively involved in providing any necessary support for their child/children in attaining the best outcomes of their education (Mulyadi et, al, 2016).Alternative education at an expensive cost and is preferred by school-age celebrities is a paradigm that comes when we hear the word homeschooling. In fact this is not entirely true, homeschooling is one of the nonformal education channels that can be a choice for a nation or even made a choice for certain communities such as children who dropped out or children in remote areas. The role of education will influence man power source in quality and quantity so as to promote community welfare and prosperity in a country and finally can raise national pride and dignity,(Shofwan, 2014: 51).
Journal of Nonformal Education 4 (2), 151-160, 2018
2018 Understanding Emotion Patterns in Children with Autism: A Case Study
The study investigated the emotion pattern in children with autism. Children with autism are considered to have disabilities in recognizing and expressing their emotion. Even though, latest studies show that actually, the children are able recognize and express basic emotions in their daily life. However, just a few in those studies explore emotional pattern in children with autism by look upon their behavioral responses. This is a qualitative research employed through observation with audiovisual records to explore three ten-year-age children with autism in Surabaya, Indonesia. The observation was conducted to observe emotional stimulus, responses of emotional stimulus in children with autism such as emotional reactions or emotional control in subject. The results found that human being, object, and condition could be stimuli that may cause emotional reactions. From the emotional reactions could be classified based on the subject’s expressed emotions, namely positive emotions (ie happy, love, missing, and shy) and negative emotions (ie angry, scary, sad, and shocked). In addition, in terms of emotional control of the subject could be in the form of external and internal emotional controls.
2nd Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Conference: Establishing …, 2018
2018 Software deteksi anak adhd (attention deficit and hyperactive disorder) bagi guru pembimbing khusus (GPK) di sekolah penyelenggara inklusi
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) adalah suatu kelainan medis yang dapat dikenali dan memiliki ciri tersendiri yang cenderung merupakan keturunan. Secara umum ada tiga jenis perilaku yang dikaitkan dengan kelainan ini, yaitu: sikap kurang memperhatikan sekeliling (inattentiveness) atau mudah terganggu (distractibility/hyperactivity), dan sikap menurutkan kata hati (impulsiveness). Pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan memiliki target untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan guru pembimbing khusus tentang konsep dasar ADHD bagi guru-guru pembimbing khusus di sekolah penyelenggara pendidikan inklusif serta meningkatkan keterampilan guru pembimbing khusus penggunaan software deteksi ADHD bagi guru-guru pembimbing khusus di sekolah penyelenggara pendidikan inklusif.
JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Inklusi) 1 (2), 154-160, 2018
2018 Survei Kondisi Fisik Pemain Sepakbola SSB NAGA EMAS KU 14 Tulungagung
Football is one sport that needs physical condition. The purpose of physical condition training is to improve the quality of the immune system in accordance with the need to achieve optimal performance in football. This research will discuss Survey of Physical Condition of SSB Golden Dragon KU 14 Tulungagung. The purpose of this research is (1) To know how much power (power) owned by football player SSB Golden Dragon KU 14 Tulungagung,(2) To know how big speed (speed) owned by player SSB Golden Dragon KU 14 Tulungagung, 3) To find out how far the agility of soccer player SSB Golden Dragon KU 14 Tulungagung,(4) To find out how much endurance soccer player SSB Golden Dragon KU 14 Tulungagung. The results of this study were:(1) SBK Dragon Golden Dragon player 14 Tulungagung has an average leg muscle strength 426.55 power categorized as being.(2) SSB Dragon Dragon player KU 14 Tulungagung has an average speed of 3.71 seconds is categorized less.(3) SSB Dragon Dragon player KU 14 Tulungagung has right leg agility is 9.27 seconds left foot agility is 8.55 seconds is categorized as good.(4) SSB Golden Dragon KU 14 Tulungagung has a mean (VO2 Max) is 38.3 ml. kg/min categorized as sufficient, with the lowest value of 28.1 ml. kg/min and the highest value of 48.7 ml. kg/min. The conclusion in this study is the majority of SSB Naga EMas KU 14 Tulungagung majority in the category of being.
Jurnal Prestasi Olahraga 1 (1), 2018