Publikasi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2019 The Mechanism of Experience, Representation, and Verbal Reasoning on the Visually Impaired Individuals
This study aimed to explain the mechanism of experience, representation, and verbal reasoning on people with visual impairment. The methods used in this study were focused group discussion (FGD), interview, and think-aloud. The result of this study showed that participants often used concrete versus abstract comparison to explain their difficulties in understanding and verbal reasoning; however, the term concrete often refers to something they could immediately experience, while abstract means something that requires visual information. Some concepts may be abstract, but it can be understood if it is related to their personal experience. Concrete and abstract therefore, is a way to describe the limitation of the participant’s mental representation of object. It is also suggested that early experience on childhood is the primary foundation for the future object representation that determines one’s ability in abstract concept formation.
3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019), 102-106, 2019
2019 Apa yang berbeda? Kemampuan kognitif pada anak tunanetra tanpa pengalaman visual (congenital visual impairment)
This study is aimed to obtain cognitive profile of children with congenital visual impairment. The method used is research synthesis. The sample in this study is 11 research-based references on visual impairment. The data is collected using online search engine that is google scholar using specific keywords. The references were chosen based on the relevance with criteria set up for this study. The variables in each articles were then identified assuming that there should be at least one variable in each research-based article. There were 5 variables identified that are reasoning, memory, spatial orientation, vocabulary, and verbal reasoning. Variables, aspects, and indicators were identified using reduction and coding. The result in this study is presented in a matrix consisting variable, aspects, and indicators of cognitive ability of children with visual impairment.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil kognitif anak dan remaja tunanetra. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sintesis riset (research synthesis). Sampel dalam penelitian ini merupakan 11 referensi ilmiah tentang ketunanetraan yang dianggap paling merepresentasikan fokus penelitian ini. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan mesin pencari daring, yaitu melalui scholar. google. com, dengan memasukkan kata kunci tertentu. Referensi ilmiah dipilih berdasarkan kesesuaian dengan kriteria dan batasan dalam penelitian ini. Variabel diidentifikasi berdasarkan fokus dari masing-masing referensi ilmiah, dengan asumsi bahwa referensi dari hasil penelitian memiliki fokus variabel tertentu yang diukur. Adapun 5 variabel tersebut adalah penalaran …
JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Inklusi) 3 (1), 20-39, 2019
2019 Interpreting facial expression: A Challenging study using existing video
The study aims to investigate the challenging situation that might be faced when using an existing video to interpret facial expressions within the context of a classroom situation. Facial expressions, as part of non-verbal communication, are a crucial means of sending messages between the teacher and students. Most studies assess facial expressions using static rather than moving images. One way to examine facial expressions deriving from the interactions between teacher and students, which are always represented as moving images, can be carried out using existing video. This study utilizes literature to investigate the challenges in assessing facial expression using existing video and will contribute to the scope of knowledge on this topic.
3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019), 357-360, 2019
2019 Islamic Based Crisis Counseling Model
Crisis conditions in individuals are basically normal for everyone. But not all people, especially teenagers are able to deal with these conditions. When this crisis problem does not go away within a certain time, a new problem will arise. This research aims to develop a book in the form of a book. This research is a type of development research. This research produces a book that has met the acceptability criteria of a media. The results of the expert test on the aspect of content worthiness had a score of 95%, a feasibility study of 94%, a feasibility of 85% graphic, and a practicality rating of 84%. Based on the four criteria and the results are categorized very well and do not need revision. Based on the assessment of user eligibility tests the content has a score of 68% with good criteria, no need for revision. Language eligibility scores 58% with poor criteria and needs revision. The feasibility of graphics with presentations …
Proceeding the International Conference on Education Innovation 3 (1), 1-4, 2019
2019 Differences in the Level of Self-Esteem in Science Class and Social Class Students of SMA Negeri 1 Taman Sidoarjo (in Terms of Gender)
This research aims to test methodologically and empirically whether or not there are differences in the level of self-esteem in science class and socialclass students in term of gender. The research variables consist of:(a) the level of self-esteem,(b) class status, and (c) gender measured using a modified Likert scale and using a level of self-esteem scale. This research is a type of quantitative research. The population was teenagers who attended SMA Negeri 1 Taman Sidoarjo and aged between 15-17 years. The research sampling obtained 80 samples including 40 samples from science class consisting of 20 males and 20 females and the other 40 samples from social class consisting of 20 males and 20 females. Data analysis of the research applies the two-way ANOVA technique. ANOVA test, using computer program assistance (SPSS 19.0 for windows), was used to test two or more variables and to find out whether or not the two variances are the same. After conducting the difference test using the two-way ANOVA technique with the help of SPSS 19.0 for windows, the basis for decision making is if the significance value is p> 0.05 then H0 is accepted and vice versa if the significance value is p< 0.05 then H0 is rejected. The difference test results show that scienceclass and social class students in term of gender.
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding 6 (2 …, 2019
2019 Parent Involvement in the Program for Developing of Children's Emotional Social Values in Darussalam Kindergarten of Sugihwaras Sidoarjo
This study aims to determine the forms of emotional, social values of children aged 5-6 years and their implementation with a parent engagement program. The subject of research children aged 5-6 years group B in the Sugihwaras kindergarten in Sidoarjo Temple with a total of 7 children and their parents. The research approach used is qualitative data collection techniques through observation, documentation, and interviews and field notes as well as the use of Cresswell's data analysis which is processing data and preparing data for analysis, reading all data, coding data, applying the results of the coding process and finally describe the results of the data during the study. The findings of this study will be tested for truth by using triangulation techniques. The findings of this study indicate the results that the Parental Involvement in the Children's Emotional Social Value Program in TK Darussalam Sugihwaras Sidoarjo Temple is carried out through the social-emotional value program by involving parents in the TK institution. Parental support has benefits and a big contribution to the education of their children. Throughout bonding activities, cooking classes, parenting, curriculum preparation, habituation activities at home, and modeling to develop children's emotional values according to their age stages and abilities. The involvement of parents in children's emotional, social value programs at every school institution should be fully socialized. Given the participation of parents is needed in the child's emotional, social process. Support, appropriate stimulation, and opportunities to explore children can grow and develop good social-emotional values …
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies 1 (3), 157-165, 2019
2019 Self-Efficacy with Educational Purpose on Consuming Nanogold and Nanosilver as Medication for Cancer
The purpose of this study was to analyse self-efficacy for cancer patients and volunteers who consumed nanogold and nanosilver medication. The self-efficacy I consider here includes intention to obtain information, persistence, and results of performance. In this paper, self-efficacy means a person's determination to success to overcome cancer by consuming nanogold and nanosilver. This self-efficacy influences a feeling of their determination to success. This research employs method of qualitative, along with collecting data through interviews, observation and documentation. Interviews were conducted on volunteers in the cancer museum with 10 people, which consist of 1 doctor, 7 volunteers and 1 cancer patient. Collecting data is undertaken through two stages. The first is a focused interview. The second is to provide questionnaires. Following data collection, subsequently the questionnaire was revised to complete their explanation with documents collected from the literature and cancer museum. The results of the snowball sampling analysis employed in this process shows that the characteristics of people who have highly confidence are indicated by their readiness to find out information from doctors, internet sources, and information from the cancer museum, as well as persistence in consuming nanogold and nanosilver. Moreover, mental readiness is required to bring a cancer patient to accept the live whatsoever. Spirituality and religiosity sway the patient to belief in the success during the treatment consuming nanogold and nanosilver. By such a mental, the medication is considered as an effort with strong belief on God’s assistance and …
3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019), 315-317, 2019
2019 Developing Instruments for Need Assessment in Crisis Counseling Programs
The purpose of this research is to develop a measuring instrument used to analyze the needs of students. The very instrument is designed for crisis counseling and guidance programs. It is utilized to map out anxiety on counselees those are in a crisis situation. There are 7 indicators developed in it, including aspects of psychological development, violence, broken family, twisted moral and religious values, bullying in schools, suffering for HIV/AIDS, and busy working parents. Tests for validity of the data are in two stages, that are a test for construct validity and a test for empirical one. Test for construct validity is undertaken through setting appropriate indicators which are in accordance to a theoretical point of view. Whereas a test for empirical validity is obtained through testing on data collecting out of 75 high school students in Surabaya. The test for validity and its reliability uses the Cronbach's Alpha method. The test produces 20 items that are valid. Need assessment in crisis counseling can be used by counselors to map out the students at the beginning sessions of individual and group counseling. The results of this need assessment help the counselor to set goals and strategies along with the counselees.
International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 30-38, 2019
2019 Penerapan strategi cognitive restructuring untuk mengurangi persepsi negatif siswa pada layanan bimbingan dan konseling kelas VII-I SMPN 3 Gresik
Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh persepsi negatif siswa pada guru BK, khususnya layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling di sekolah. Hal ini terjadi karena layanan informasi yang diberikan oleh guru BK kurang optimal sehingga mempengaruhi persepsi siswa menjadi negatif. Persepsi negatif siswa dapat menimbulkan hambatan bagi pelaksanaan bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah. Timbulnya persepsi negatif dalam diri siswa karena tindakan yang dilakukan oleh bimbingan dan konseling merupakan tindakan disipliner seperti memarahi siswa, memberikan hukuman pada siswa yang melanggar, bahkan sampai memberikan surat rekomedasi siswa untuk keluar dari sekolah merupakan label dari bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah. Siswa menjadi takut dan bahkan menolak untuk diberikan layanan. Siswa tidak dapat terbuka dan tidak dengan sukarela datang untuk menceritakan masalahnya pada guru bimbingan dan konseling. Berdasarkan masalah tersebut tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji efektivitas strategi cognitive restructuring untuk mengurangi persepsi negatif siswa pada layanan bimbingan dan konseling. Rancangan penelitian yang akan digunakan adalah one group pre-test post-test design. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VII-I SMPN 3 Gresik yang terdiri dari 5 orang siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis statistik non-parametrik menggunakan metode uji wilcoxon. Adapun hasil analisis dari uji wilcoxon, diketahui nilai Asymp. Sig (2-tailed) bernilai 0,043. Karena nilai 0,043 lebih kecil dari 0, 05 maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa …
Jurnal BK UNESA 10 (3), 2019
2019 Penerapan Teknik Self-Management Untuk Mengurangi Perilaku Yang Tidak Dikehendaki (Off-Tasks) Pada Pembelajaran Siswa di Kelas Atlet VIII-A SMPN 3 Gresik
Off-tasks adalah perilaku memalingkan perhatian dari tugas, tidak memperhatikan dan siswa mengalami kebingungan pada suatu pelajaran yang tidak berhubungan dengan pembelajaran yang terjadi di kelas sehingga dapat menganggu proses belajar siswa di sekolah. Perilaku off-tasks ini sering terjadi di sekolah yang dapat mempengaruhi proses pembelajaran di dalam kelas menjadi terhambat. Penelitian ini berfokus pada 2 perilaku off-tasks yaitu berbicara sendiri dengan temanya pada saat jam pelajaran berlangsung dan meninggalkan tempat duduk tanpa izin guru. Perilaku ini terjadi di kelas atlet VIII SMPN 3 Gresik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengurangi perilaku yang tidak dikehendaki (off-tasks) pada pembelajaran siswa di kelas atlet VIII-A SMPN 3 Gresik setelah diberikan perlakuan dengan teknik self-management.
Jurnal BK UNESA 9 (3), 1-10, 2019