Publikasi S1 Pendidikan Luar Sekolah

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2019 Partisipasi masyarakat dalam mewujudkan masyarakat pembelajar (learning society) melalui kampung herbal Nginden Kecamatan Sukolilo Surabaya
Kampung Herbal Nginden merupakan variasi dari program bentukkan masyarakat yang mana kegiatannya meliputi penghijauan dengan TOGA berbasis masyarakat yang dapat meningkatkan kesadaran nilai-nilai lokal dan kesadaran pemberdayaan serta pendidikan dalam masyarakat serta perwujudan masyarakat pembelajar (learning society). Tujuannya untuk mengetahui bagaimana program tersebut mampu menumbuhkan masyarakat pembelajar di Kampung Herbal Nginden, dengan menganalisis implementasi masyarakat pembelajar, mendeskripsikan bentuk dan faktor yang memengaruhi partisipasi masyarakat dalam mewujudkan masyarakat pembelajar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa 1. Terimplementasikannya 8 dari 9 prinsip masyarakat pembelajar, 2. Bentuk-bentuk partisipasi masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh warga Kampung Herbal Nginden meliputi buah pikiran, tenaga, harta benda, keterampilan serta sosial, 3. Faktor yang memengaruhi partisipasi masyarakat dalam mewujudkan masyarakat pembelajar melalui Kampung Herbal Nginden: a) fasilitas yang dimiliki oleh Kampung Herbal Nginden cukup lengkap, b) adanya respon yang positif dari masyarakat, c) komitmen dan semangat yang tinggi dari pengurus, d) serta adanya sumber dana yang memadai e) usia. Faktor penghambat: pasang surut semangat warga.
JPUS: Jurnal Pendidikan Untuk Semua 3 (1), 27-36, 2019
2019 The Analysis of Early Children Education Services Quality in Increasing the Satisfaction of Students Parent in At-Taqwa Kindergarten Surabaya
The purpose of this study is to describe the quality of early childhood education services at At-Taqwa Kindergarten in Surabaya. This research was conducted with qualitative approach with case study design of data is interview, observation and documentation techniques. After the data is collected, the data analysis includes data reduction, data display, and verification. To test the validity of the data the researcher uses credibility with triangulation and member check, besides that, dependability, confirmatibility and transferability are also carried out on the process and results of the study. The result of the study that is the quality of early childhood education services at At Taqwa Kindergarten Surabaya can run very well. This can be seen from the 8 standard indicators of early childhood education, starting from the STPP, the standard content, process, management, financing, education and staff, facilities and infrastructure. While satisfaction can be seen from three aspects, namely the existence of confirmation of hope, ease of obtaining opportunities and services and willingness to recommend.
1st International Conference on Education Social Sciences and Humanities …, 2019
2019 Management of Learning Activities at a Local English Camp in Indonesia
The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the management of learning activities at a local English camp, the Azizah Princes Camp. This study aims to analyze and describe the management of learning activities in Pare Kediri and analyze the supporting factors and inhibitors of the management of learning activities in the Kampung Inggris Pare Kediri. This type of research is a qualitative approach, the technique of collecting data is in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. Management of the learning activities in a non-formal education runs well and smoothly. Management of learning activities can be seen from the implementation of the program based on the components of learning, student, learning places, learning resources, learning sources, and learning outcomes. As for the factors that support are friendly tutors with course participants, high motivation from the participants of the course, and supporting infrastructure. Meanwhile the inhibiting factor is the camp location, which is very close to other camps. Furthermore, development and improvement must be carried out thus learning activities can continue to increase and become more qualified.
3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019), 299-303, 2019
2019 Parenting pattern analysis for social emotional development early childhood
This study aimed to describe:(1) the views of Kunti integrated service post parents about early childhood parenting that they are considered has good value with its reasons;(2) parenting patern about their early childhood as well as the factors on which to base their behavior;(3) the success criteria of social and emotional development of early childhood by parents; and (4) a collaborative effort Kunti integrated service post manager with parents in improving social and emotional development of their children. The approach used is qualitative with case study type. The location of this research in Kunti integrated service post is on Kunti Street I/30 Surabaya. Primary data were obtained from the informant, the organizers of Kunti integrated service post, Head of Kunti integrated service post, and 10 informants Madurese ethnic migrants. Secondary data were obtained from the Chairman of RW VIII, Sidotopo district head, people around the Kunti integrated service post, and some parents who are not active in the program and informant from their husband. Data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. Data were analyzed with interactive analysis and Mile Huberman.
Journal of Education Khon Kaen University (Graduate Studies Research) 13 (1 …, 2019
2018 Lifelong Learning as a Response toward Learning Society
The importance of lifelong learning is in accordance with human life in fulfilling the learning needs and the education needs. The existence of lifelong learning is caused by the appearance of learning needs that keeps growing along with human life. People get an education through several methods. Firstly, they get it from their families and neighbors where they live. Such process of education is known as an informal education. Secondly, people get an education through school and known as a formal education. Third, education is gotten through the social life and known as a nonformal education. There is a learning process within these three educational processes. Such processes are used to improve a quality within a person and the society because they provide knowledge, skill, moral values, attitude and functional understanding. Therefore, the spirit of learning needs to be enhanced by the people and society. A society that is open to the learning is a society that can grow to a betterment of life. Learning activity must be the life needs and social habit.
1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017), 373-376, 2018
2018 Binary Opposition in the Educational Study in Indonesia: Non Formal Education Deconstructs Formal Education
Binary Opposition in the Educational Study in Indonesia: Non Formal Education Deconstructs Formal Education Page 1 Binary Opposition in the Educational Study in Indonesia: Non Formal Education Deconstructs Formal Education by Sjafiatul Mardliyah And Zainal Abidin Achmad Fakultas Pendidikan Unesa Submission date: 30-Nov-2021 07:30PM (UTC+0700) Submission ID: 1716289175 File name: -777_Binary_Opposition_in_the_Educational_Study_in_Indonesia.pdf (325.03K) Word count: 2830 Character count: 15731 Page 2 1 3 7 Page 3 Page 4 2 2 Page 5 10 Page 6 1 4 6 9 Page 7 5 8 11 12 Page 8 6% SIMILARITY INDEX 5% INTERNET SOURCES 2% PUBLICATIONS 3% STUDENT PAPERS 1 1% 2 1% 3 1% 4 1% 5 <1% 6 <1% 7 <1% 8 <1% Binary Opposition in the Educational Study in Indonesia: Non Formal Education Deconstructs Formal Education ORIGINALITY REPORT PRIMARY SOURCES …
International Conference on Education Innovation 1 (1), 772-777, 2018
2018 The Importance of Parental Control of Teenagers in Wacthing Anime with Pornographic Content on the Internet
The purpose of this study was to explain the communication experiences between parents and teenagers in providing an understanding of the impact of watching pornographic content on the internet, and to identify the perceptions of parents and teenagers about anime with pornographic content. So that parents will get the best way of controlling. Most parents perceive anime as a cartoon for children, whereas many anime have pornographic content or ecchi elements (nudity and sexual intercourse). It is necessary to disseminate knowledge for parents to control teenagers when watching anime. Theories used include: stimulus organism response (SOR) theory to analyze perceptions, dialogical ethical theory to explain the process of interpersonal communication between parents and teenagers through dialogue, as well as role theory to explain how parents control teenagers. The research method used is qualitative through in-depth interviews of two groups of informants: teenagers anime buffs and parents. The results show that parents assess many inappropriate scenes in some anime, because they have ecchi or pornography and are not appropriate for children and teenagers to watch. Teenagers are free to watch anime with pornographic content because it takes advantage of parents' ignorance. Parents and teenagers have different experiences in understanding anime impressions with pornographic content. Limitations of parental knowledge are the main reason in the process of providing an understanding of the impact of watching anime with pornographic content to teenagers. Growing awareness for parental control should be done in …
International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Affairs …, 2018
2018 The Involvement of Informal Sector Society in English habit at Kampung Inggris Pare Kediri
This research was aimed to describe and analyze the workers' participation in the informal sector in the habituation for learning English at the Kampung Inggris, Pare Kediri. The research approach is a qualitative–descriptive approach by collecting the interview data, observation, and documentation. The result of this research is that the participation or the workers' in the informal sector has run smoothly and positive, as we can see from 1). The involvement of the workers in the habituation for learning English in a camp and guided by English tutors who helped them to familiarize the communication in English as a Foreign Language correctly and appropriately. The activities run in the evening until the night before 9 pm 2). The involvement or the participation of ojek drivers and food sellers in the habituation and implementation of communication in English daily could be done maximally, like when they used to communicate in English to the course participants at Mahesa, BEC, and Rhima. 3). The involvement of food seller in the English habituation course program could be done very well and run smoothly as seen when they adapt and practically communicate with the participants in English.
1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017), 368-372, 2018
2018 Keterlibatan pekerja sektor informal dalam aktivitas learning society (studi multi kasus di Kampung Inggris Pare Kediri)
RINGKASAN Yulianingsih Wiwin. 2018. Keterlibatan Pekerja Sektor Informal Dalam Aktivitas Learning Society (Studi Multi Kasus di Kampung Inggris Pare Kediri). Disertasi Program Studi Pendidikan Luar Sekolah Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing (I) Prof. Dr. Supriyono M.Pd. (II) Dr. Ach. Rasyad M.Pd. (III) Dr. Umi Dayati M.Pd. Kata kunci pekerja sektor informal learning society kampung Inggris Kecamatan Pare KabupatenKediri adalah sebuah daerahdi Jawa Timur yang dikenal mempunyai fenomena unik dan menarik. Disanalah keberadaan kampung dengan sebutan Kampung Inggris . Kampung yang melibatkan hampir keseluruhan masyarakatnya menjalankan program pendidikan nonformal. Terdapat banyak sekali lembaga kursus bahasa terutama Bahasa Inggris disamping bahasa asing lainnya.Masyarakat kampung Inggris memiliki tanggungjawab dalam menciptakan ekosistem pembelajaraan. Tujuan penelitian ini secara rinci adalah (1) menganalisis proses keterlibatanpekerja sektor informal dalam learning societydi Kampung Inggris Pare Kediri (2) menganalisis makna keberlangsungan keterlibatan pekerja sektor informal dalam learning society yang dipandang sebagai kekhasanKampung Inggris Pare Kediri (3) menganalisis faktor-faktor penghambat dan (4) faktorfaktor pendukung keterlibatan pekerja sektor informal dalam learning society di Kampung Inggris Pare Kediri. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif jenis penelitian studi multi kasus. Metode pengumpulan data dengan metode wawancara observasi partisipan dan dokumentasi. Subyek penelitian …
Universitas Negeri Malang, 2018
Tingkat pengangguran di Kabupaten Nganjuk masih tinggi, hal ini disebabkan karena banyaknya masyarakat dengan tingkat pendidikan dan keterampilan dibawah standar minimal yang dibutuhkan pasar kerja. Sehingga masyarakat perlu diberdayakan melalui salah satu satuan pendidikan nonformal yaitu pelatihan. Pelatihan menjahit tingkat terampil diselenggarakan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan, dalam hal ini pelatihan juga diselenggarakan untuk membentuk jiwa wirausaha warga belajar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui korelasi antara pelatihan menjahit tingkat terampil dengan pembentukan jiwa wirausaha warga belajar di LKP Modes Wahyu Nganjuk. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian korelasional. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini ada 27 orang dari warga belajar LKP Modes Wahyu. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah tes, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan rumus Kendall Tau. Metode ini digunakan untuk menganalisis sampel berukuran kurang dari 30. Hasil penelitian menggunakan analisis korelasi menunjukkan bahwa r hitung lebih besar dari r tabel (0,685> 0,381) yang artinya terdapat korelasi antara kedua variabel. Hubungan antar kedua variabel termasuk dalam kategori kuat yakni berada pada interval 0, 60-0,799. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ha diterima, yang berarti ada korelasi antara pelatihan menjahit tingkat terampil dengan pembentukan jiwa wirausaha. Pelatihan menjahit memberikan konstribusi terhadap pembentukan jiwa wirausaha sebesar 73, 16 …
JPUS: Jurnal Pendidikan Untuk Semua 2 (1), 1-7, 2018