Publikasi S2 Pendidikan Luar Biasa
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Year | Title | Description | Publisher | Author(s) |
2019 | Sensopatic Games for the Early Childhood Sensory Integration Special Program | The purpose of this study was to examine the validity and practicality product of specific program of sensory integration through sensopatic games for early age children with total visual impairment. This development research uses a 4D model design from Thiagarajan. Besides, the results of specific program sensory integration through sensopatic games for early age children with total visual impairment contain product specifications such as, 1) sensopatic game equipment accompanied by two Braille dice, 2) printed gamebook in the form of mold and braille, 3) authentic assessment tool for measuring success in sensopatic games. Result this study: it shows that the product specific program sensory integration through sensopatic games for visual impairment children can be used as an effort to help facilitate learning in understanding sensory integration in the kindergarten environment. |
3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019), 322-325, 2019 | |
2019 | Development of Big Book Media to Visualizing The Concept of Narrative Text Through Shared Reading with Mentally Retarded | This study aims to develop a big book media in visualizing the concept of narrative text through reading together on class V mild mentally retarded students. This research and development uses a 4-D development model consisting of four stages, namely definition, design, development, and dissemination; but without the disssemination stage. The instrument used is the rating scale sheet. The big book media is tested by media experts and material experts. The practicality test is done by calculating the assessment of the user's response (class teacher and mentally retarded students) and effectiveness test seen from the value of the pretest and posttest. This research resulted in:(1) The results of the feasibility test from the experts showed a very decent score of 99.28% and 98.94%.(2) The practicality test results from user responses show very practical scores of 98.33% and 89.25%.(3) The results of the effectiveness test use the gain score with a score of 0.7 with a high category. |
3rd International Conference on Special Education (ICSE 2019), 126-128, 2019 | |
2019 | Model Orientation of Social Mobility and Communication Based on Problem-Based Learning Concepts for Environmental Understanding on Visually Impaired Students | This study aims to produce a prototype product of the model orientation of social mobility and communication based on problem-based learning for understanding environmental concepts on visually impaired students. This development research uses the Educational Research Development (R & D) design models from Gall, Gall and Borg (2003). The result of prototype products, as follows: 1) practical guide books on braille and alerts access to in-outdoor environments and roads to various campus environment, 2) audio program application in android as part of problem based learning, 3) authentic assessment tool for measuring success in social mobility and communication orientation. |
3rd International Conference on Special Education (ICSE 2019), 141-148, 2019 | |
2019 | Buku Panduan Guru dalam Bimbingan Pribadi Sosial dengan Teknik Role Playing untuk Meningkatkan Interaksi Sosial Anak Autis di SD Inklusi | Social interaction provides an opportunity for children with special needs how to interact with people different from themselves. Social competence is developed by the way children with special needs learn to interact with normal people and learners are shown real life situations in the classroom. Building a social interaction of children with autism in the scope of the school is not easy, so there needs to be guidance from teachers to build social interaction of children in the environment. To assist teachers in providing autistic child counseling services it is necessary to have a personalized social guidance guide that is molded into a manual. The purpose of this manual is to make it easier for teachers to deal with the problem of autistic children in terms of social interaction. |
Konvensi Nasional Bimbingan dan Konseling XXI, 23-27, 2019 | |
2018 | The Influence of Storytelling Method on Language Development | This study aimed to analyze the influence of storytelling through picture card on expressive language development of children aged 5 to 6 years. This study used a quantitative approach method. The independent variable was the storytelling method through picture card while the dependent variable is the expressive language development. The sample was group B students of some kindergartens. Data were collected using observation and analyzed using one-way ANOVA. The results showed that storytelling method through image card influenced children’s expressive language in East Java. It is suggested that early childhood teachers can utilize visualization media that can attract students' attention using storytelling through picture card which is interesting, funny and can make children laugh. |
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 256-259, 2018 | |
2018 | The Development Of Expressive Languages Viewed From Parents Parenting Patterns | This research is motivated by the development of child’s expressive language that has not developed according to this age. This is caused by parenting that is applied by parents. This study to analyze the development of expressive language of children in terms of parental care. This research includes descriptive qualitative research. Informants in this study are children and parents. Data collection techniques in this study are observation techniques, interview techniques and documentation techniques. The results of this study indicate that development of expressive language can develop with the tendency of democratic parenting. In the result of this study can be explained that the development of expressive language can develop with the tendency of democratic parenting. In parenting democracy parent pay more attention to the opinions of children, giving the freedom that remains controlled in the child so that when made a mistake can be immediately given advice to the children and listen to the complaints of children. Authoritarian parenting shows no ability to develop language according to the age of the child due ti the pressure that is given by the parent to always follow the wishes of parents, obey that the parent want without seeing the will and opinion of the child and the demands of parents demanding perfection of children. While the permissive parenting pattern shows the child is given freedom in determining what is desired and the attitudes of parent who are just as observers. In this study explained that parent influence to accommodate children’s language development, as evidenced by the interaction between parent and reciprocal … |
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 318-321, 2018 | |
2018 | The Effect of Multisensory Method on Children Language Development | This study aims to analyze the effect of multisensory method on language development for kindergarten students. Researchers choose a multisensory method to help 5-6 years old children in understanding early literacy. Multisensory method has the principle of teaching that involves several modalities of sense devices, including visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile. This research is included in a quantitative approach with quasi experimental research. The subjects of this research are 40 kindergarten students. Technique to obtain the data uses an observation. Data analysis technique used in this research is an independent sample t-test. The results of this research revealed that the multisensory method has a strong influence on the language of the children on the kindergarten level in Bangkalan. The language development in the experimental group shows a better result than the control group. It is expected that kindergarten teachers can utilize this method to maximize the language skills of children in kindergarten level that aged 5-6 years old. |
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 279-282, 2018 | |
2018 | The Implementation Of Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) Improving Social Skill And Cognitive Development Of Kindergarten Children Group B | The large number of learning applications focused on transferring knowledge, repetition, and non-contextual teaching in pre-school becomes the background of the study. The objectives of the research are 1) to know the influence of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) in improving cognitive development and social skill of early childhood (2) to prove the application of CTL learning that can change the mindset of early childhood teachers into methods that can be applied in the learning process. The research stands on constructivism theories because CTL is the learning that is based on situated cognition. The method of the research is quantitative experimental. The population of the research is 260 students TK-B cluster V Sukolilo district, Surabaya. The samples of the study are 36 students as an experimental group and 36 students as a control group which was selected randomly. The researchers compared the results of cognitive development that used CTL and without CTL. Data analysis used SPSS 17 program for windows evaluation version. The results showed that SPSS 17 proved the significant influence of cognitive development and social skill of TK-B cluster V Sukolilo district after applying CTL method. |
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 9-11, 2018 | |
2018 | The influence of storytelling method on children language development | This study aimed to analyze the influence of storytelling through picture card on expressive language development of children aged 5 to 6 years. This study used a quantitative approach method. The independent variable was telling story method through picture card while the dependent variable was expressive language development. The sample was group B students of some kindergartens. Data were collected using observation and analyzed using one-way ANOVA. The results showed that storytelling method through image card influenced the children's expressive language in East Java. It is suggested that early childhood teachers can utilize visualization media that can attract the students' attention using storytelling through picture card which is interesting, funny and can make children laugh. |
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 283-286, 2018 | |
2018 | Blended Learning berwawasan literasi digital suatu upaya meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran dan membangun generasi emas 2045 | Hasil kemajuan teknologi dan informatika telah membuka kesempatan warga masyarakat dunia yang termasuk Indonesia untuk memanfaatkan produk barang elektronik, di antaranya phone seluler. Hasil pengamatan lapangan tiga tahun terakhir ditemukan fenomena bahwa anak usia sekolah mulai taman kanak-kanak hingga mahasiswa cenderung dapat mengoperasikan phone seluler. Mencermati jenis literasi dasar yang dikembangkan oleh Kemendikbud, setiap jenis literasi dasar mempunyai kedudukan yang sama dengan literasi dasar lainnya untuk dikembangkan, termasuk jenis literasi digital. Keenam jenis literasi dasar dikembangkan dalam upaya mengantar warga masyarakat Indonesia (khusunya siswa SD dan SMP) memiliki keterampilan abad 21 menjadi manusia yang yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir kiris, krearif, komunikatif dan kolaboratif serta berkarakter. Fenomena di lapangan bahwa literasi digital dan ponsel yang dapat sebagai media pembelajaran belum dikembangkan secara proposional yang dimungkinkan dapat memberikan kontribusi untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran dalam setting Blended Learning. Selama ini literasi digital semata-mata dikenal dalam media sosial yang dapat menyampaikan berbagai informasi terkait dengan hal-hal yang dibutuhkan oleh warga masyarakat, namun masih belum dioptimalkan untuk bersinergi menunjang meningkatnya kualitas pembelajaran. |
Proceedings of the ICECRS 1 (3), v1i3. 1377-v1i3. 1377, 2018 |