Publikasi S1 Bimbingan Dan Konseling

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
Fenomena bullying masih banyak terjadi di lingkungan sekolah. Perilaku bullying dalam bentuk verbal, nonverbal dan reasional merupakan perilaku yang banyak terjadi antar peserta didik pada mitra sebayanya. Layanan bimbingan dan konseling yang ada di sekolah dapat membantu menyelesaikan permasalahan bullying. Pemberian layanan BK dapat diberikan secara langsung maupun secara tidak langsung, yakni melalui perantara media. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan satu produk media bimbingan dan konseling guna mencegah dan menangani perilaku bullying di kalangan peserta didik, yakni video cinematherapy “STOP BULLYING” yang layak dan efektif untuk mencegah dan menghentikan perilaku bullying. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan rancangan penelitian pengembangan dari Borg and Gall (2008). Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui angket askseptabilitas produk. Sumber data pada penelitian ini yakni validator media, validator materi, dan calon pengguna video cinematherapy. Analisis data dilakukan melalui teknik Content Validity Index (CVI) menurut Lawshe (1985). Hasil penelitian ini yakni terciptanya video cinematherapy yang memenuhi kriteria kegunaan, kelayakan, kepatutan dan ketepatan. Berdasarkan media yang dikembangkan, maka implikasi pada penelitian ini adalah video cinematherapy “STOP BULLYING” dapat membantu guru bimbingan dan konseling menahan dan menangani perilaku bullying yang terjadi di lingkungan sekolah. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan Video Cinematherapy, Bullying, Peserta Didik
Jurnal BK UNESA 11 (3), 2020
2020 Students’ self-control in writing negative comments in social media
The behavior of writing negative comments is one of the behaviors caused by weak self-control in using social media. The purpose of this study is to know how the students write negative comments based on their self-control especially as indicated by the use of correct spelling and meaning of language. This research is a case study research with a qualitative descriptive approach. The subjects of this study were 6 junior high school students who were netted using negative comment scale instruments, interviews, and documentation. Research analysis using triangulation starts from data reduction, data presentation, concluding, to data verification. The results of the study in the form of the subject’s self-control in writing negative comments on social media are based on differences in supporting factors they have.
International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020), 231-236, 2020
2020 Effectiveness of the Traumatic Counseling Model for Reducing PTSD Symptoms in High School Students
The objective of this reseach is to evaluate the effectivity of the model to reduce PTSD Symstoms on high school students in Surabaya. An experiment research with pre—test and post—test to a control group is conducted. The subjects of this research are high school students who have traumatic experience. A random sampling method is used to determine the subjects. The chosen subjects are 40 students whose are devided into four groups of 10. They are (i) a group that is treated by a cognitive behavioural counselling (CB),(ii) a group that is treated by the EMDR counselling,(iii) a group that is treated by the egostate counselling, and (iv) a control group. The instrument used in the research is IES-R (The Impact of even Scale-Revised). The experiment is conducted by 10 counsellors for 6 meetings of 60 minutes. The treatment is following the protocol of counselling traumatic model. The observed data is then analysed by a descriptive statistics and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results of the analysis show that the value of F inter group is 230.39; df= 3.36; sig= 0.00. The results of significance test prove that there is a signicant diference between average post—test marks of groups which are treated by CB, EMDR, egostat, and control. It can be concluded that the hypothesis of “there is a diference between average post—test marks of groups which are treated by CB, EMDR, egostat, and control can be accepted. The results of the analysis also show that the most effective method used in treating a traumatic students is the egostate counselling since the reduction of traumatic score is the most. Therefore, the developed traumatic counseling …
the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020) 491 …, 2020
2020 Contact tracing model for positive Covid-19 patients with digital and local wisdom
Contact Tracing is one of the effective ways to control the spread of COVID-19 by breaking the chain of transmission in a large crowd or community. The aim of this study was to conduct a contact tracing study of positive COVID-19 patients. The method used was in-depth interviews conducted in the midst of the Coronavirus outbreak. Conducting the face-to-face in-depth interviews could be problematic so that internet technology was alternatively used such as WhatApps. Online Research Methods (ORMs) is a research method to collect data via the internet, namely YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. This study found empirical data that users of the PenduliLindung and non-governmental organization (NGO) application claimed that this application was unsafe and vulnerable to be exploited. This made only 6% of residents use the PeduliLindung application. The data showed that Indonesia was 56 of 63 digital divide countries. In fact, PeduliLindung application was effective in tracing only 60% users to access this application.
International joint conference on science, technology, art, and humanities …, 2020
2020 Pelatihan Konseling Karier John Holland Bagi Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling
Karier adalah salah satu bidang pelayanan guru Bimbingan dan Konseling (BK). Pelayanan bidang karier yang dilakukan saat ini masih berorientasi pada pemilihan karier. Namun belum banyak guru BK yang mengidentifikasi kepribadian siswa untuk dikorelasikan dengan pilihan karier siswa. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakatan ini adalah untuk membantu guru BK dalam memberikan pelayanan di bidang Karier di SMK kabupaten Banyuwangi. Target khusus dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatanya pemahaman guru BK tingkat SMK di kabupaten Banyuwangi tentang pelayanan BK yang berorientasi pada teori karier John Holland. Metode dalam pengabdian ini yakni dengan memberikan seminar dan pelatihan secara terstruktur dan terbimbing. Kompetensi guru BK akan diukur dengan menggunakaa instrument yang diberikan kepada guru BK setelah pelatihan. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui …
Abimanyu: Journal of Community Engagement 1 (2), 29-33, 2020
2020 Peningkatan Self Compassion Untuk Mereduksi Perilaku Adiktif Pengguna Sosial Media Bagi Siswa SMP
The research aims to describe the process of counseling services on improving self-compassion of students in Surabaya Private Junior High Schools who have problems with addictive behaviors using sophisticated technology especially the social media section. The research methodology uses a descriptive qualitative method by collaborating with library research with an open questionnaire process and interviews with junior high school students who often use social media and addictive behavior on social media. The results of the study indicate that efforts to increase student self-compassion are able to show reduction and decrease the social media addictive behavior of students. Because in the counseling process increasing self-compassion requires a long process and factors that influence the addictive behavior of social media users. As well as looking at student activities from school and the environment so as not to influence about negative actions.
Indonesian Journal of Learning Education and Counseling 3 (1), 1-7, 2020
2020 Islamic Cognitive Behavior Therapy to Improve Student Self-Compassion
This study aims to test the effectiveness of group counseling with Islamic cognitive behavior therapy to improve student’s self-compassion. The study used a narrative research method with interviews and documentation. The process collaborates with library study research because the research data has not been fulfilled validity, and researchers have problem’s taking research subjects. The data collection was done by using an open questionnaire with a self-compassion scale to analyze students who fix low-level problems of self-compassion and interviews as the primary tool. The resulting research shows that group counseling with the Islamic cognitive behavior therapy approach with behavior rehearsal and reinforcement is effective in improving student’s self-compassion.
International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020), 385-388, 2020
2020 Online Counselling Website for Student Psychological Assistance in Learning From Home
There are several psychological problems that arise during Learning From Home (LFH), where students experience anxiety and academic stress related to online lectures. The research objective was to develop an online counselling website to provide psychological assistance during the Learning From Home period that met the acceptability criteria, namely the aspects of usability, accuracy, and feasibility. The development model used is the ADDIE model which includes:(1) Analysis,(2) Design,(3) Development,(4) Implementation,(5) Evaluation. The study population was students of Universitas Negeri Surabaya. The data collection instrument used was an acceptability assessment questionnaire which included aspects of usefulness, accuracy and appropriateness. Based on the trial results, the online counselling website was considered “very good” and obtained an alternative decision “very feasible”.
International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020), 1127-1130, 2020
2019 Why Does He Choose Home Schooling?
The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that encourage individuals to choose homeschooling. The emergence of homeschooling helps many students in completing primary to secondary school education. There are many things that encourage students to prefer the informal school. This research uses the case study method. The research subjects were active students in one of the homeschooling in Surabaya. This research uses a qualitative method by collecting data using interviews and analyzed descriptively. The results of this study indicate that bullying is one of the factors causing children or adolescents to choose education in homeschooling rather than in formal educational institutions. Bullying makes children more uncomfortable to go to school, bullying victims feel insecure if they are constantly in the school environment. The rise of bullying cases that occur in school-age children is currently very alarming. Even cases of bullying are a phenomenon that often occurs in schools. In addition to bullying, the overly rigid school regulations also reinforce students’ reasons for choosing homeschooling. the inability of to adapt to school rules will be a serious problem.
3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019), 111-114, 2019
2019 Studi Tentang Kematangan Emosi Siswa Pada Kasus Tawuran Di Smk Negeri 1 Trowulan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kematangan emosi siswa di SMK Negeri 1 Trowulan. Kematangan emosi adalah suatu keadaan atau kondisi mencapai tingkat kedewasaan yang ditandai dengan kemampuan diri mengolah dan mengontrol emosi dengan tepat. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan subjek siswa kelas X yang pernah terlibat kasus tawuran. Metode pengumpulan datanya adalah angket, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Angket digunakan untuk menentukan subjek penelitian, teknik wawancara dilakukan dengan tidak terstruktur dengan menggunakan pedoman wawancara, sedangkan dokumentasi dilakukan untuk mendukung hasil penelitian. Analisis data penelitian bersifat deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa kematangan emosi pada siswa kasus tawuran di SMK Negeri 1 Trowulan sangan rendah. Banyaknya aspek kematangan emosi yang tidak dimiliki subjek seperti kontrol emosi, pemahaman diri dan penggunaan fungsi kritis mental menjadi salah satu pemicu terjadinya tawuran. Kematangan emosi subjek berbeda-beda, hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Kedua faktor tersebut memiliki peran penting dalam mendukung pembentukan kematangan emosi. Sehingga kematangan emosi yang rendah akan berdampak negatif dalam kehidupan subjek. Namun, peran konselor di sekolah sangat membantu dalam menangani permasalahan siswa yang terlibat dalam kasus tawuran sehingga muncul perasaan menyesal dan jera bagi siswa yang melakukan tawuran.
Jurnal Bk Unesa 10 (1), 32, 2019