Publikasi S2 Pendidikan Luar Biasa
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Year | Title | Description | Publisher | Author(s) |
2020 | The Implementation Of Media Detector In Track Running Sport Learning For Visually-Impaired Student In Special Needs School | The purpose of this research is to describe the application of media detector in track running sports learning for visually-impaired students in special needs school. Educational Research Development (R&D) Gall, Gall and Borg (2003) is applied in this study. Prototype media detector product in track running learning for blind students in special needs school, containing the realization of product designs, included the following:(1) Curved track access guide from start to finish, 2) The form of learning media detector for running is held in the hands as instructions when starting towards the finish, 3) Operating how to press the keys when starting in accordance with the desired track running and recorded on the media detector, and (4) The Authentic assessment tools for track running learning as criterion to measure the success of visually-impaired students. Then the prototype produced of detector media for track running learning in special needs school can be used as an effort to introduce innovations to technological advancements that can gives a positive impact on blind students. Keywords—Media detector, Sport learning, track running |
International Conference on Research and Academic Community Services …, 2020 | |
2020 | Persepsi Anak terhadap Pola Asuh Orangtua Tunanetra | Persepsi Anak Terhadap Pola Asuh Orangtua Tunanetra dilatarbelakangi oleh pengalaman anak yang memiliki orangtua penyandang tunanetra yang telah mengasuh anak hingga sukses menjadi seorang sarjana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang (1) persepsi kognisi anak terhadap pola asuh orangtua tunanetra,(2) persepsi afeksi anak terhadap pola asuh orangtua tunanetra, dan (3) persepsi konasi anak terhadap pola asuh orangtua tunanetra. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif, data penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Rancangan penelitian terdiri atas tahap pra lapangan (studi pendahuluan), tahap pekerjaan lapangan, tahap analisis data, tahap pelaporan hasil penelitian. Data dianalisis melalui model Miles, Huberman, & Saldana. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) orangtua sangat tegas, disiplin, perhatian, bertanggung jawab, dan selalu memberikan keteladanan bagi anak,(2) anak merasakan perasaan senang, sedih, bangga, terharu selama di asuh oleh orangtua penyangan tunanetra.(3) anak termotivasi untuk selalu jujur, bersikap sopan, patuh terhadap orangtuanya dan selalu mendukung apapun yang diajarkan orangtua terhadap anak. |
Jurnal Ortopedagogia 6 (1), 50-61, 2020 | |
2020 | Online Learning of Children’s Education Subject With Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder for Undergraduate Students of Special Education | This study aims to examine the effectiveness of online learning products of children’s education subject with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder for undergraduate students majoring in special education, faculty of Education at Surabaya State University. This study uses the ADDEM design model (Analyze, Design, Develop, Deliver, Evaluate, and Maintenance). The data collected in this study used a validation test technique of learning media experts and Special Education experts before the product was tested on students. The effectiveness test data were obtained from the results of studying midterm exams and final semester exams for undergraduate students in class A and B totaling 93 people majoring in special education. The product validity test results from the learning media validator have obtained a good rating score of 3.3 while an assessment from the Special Education validator has obtained a good score of 3.2. In the effectiveness testing period, it showed 78 midterm results of students with excellent grades, and 15 students with good grades. Likewise, the results of the final semester exams showed 45 students with excellent grades, and 48 students are good grades. Thus, it can be concluded that online learning of children’s education subject with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in undergraduate students majoring in special education that is developed has the potential to improve learning outcomes. |
1st Progress in Social Science, Humanities and Education Research Symposium …, 2020 | |
2020 | Empowerment Academic Data as the Basis of Mapping Priority Program of Quality Assurance Organization | This study was inspired by the confusion of academic data at Postgraduate Program. Improving data by relying on the SIAKADU program as the mainstay of PPTI State University of Surabaya (Unesa) is just a pile of data that has no meaning. Therefore, through this evaluative research, the data collected in SIAKADU program is evaluated and processed to obtain information and have meaning. Through the technique of collecting data from SIAKADU application, the results can be obtained as follows:(1) SIAKADU academic data that can be studied includes;(a) menu of Course Lesson Plan (RPS),(b) menu of print order by lecturer, and list of Final Test/Midterm Test questions,(c) menu of lecturers questionnaire and registration per semester;(2) The programs produced in this study include;(a) planning an intensify learning devices program to the lecturers through massive collection by the head of the Study Program with UPM,(b) limitation on the number of course subjects that postgraduate lecturers must teach based on the scientific capabilities,(c) optimizing the doctoral staff potential to assist professors in teaching, so that a mature scientific development occurs from their seniors,(d) increasing an intense communication between heads of study programs and UPM in order to carry out balanced academic functions;(e) academic mentoring program by optimizing the role of academic supervisors for postgraduate and doctoral students who had run out their maximum time of courses. |
3rd International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2020), 242-247, 2020 | |
2020 | Assisting Learning From Home for Children: Developing the Video Tutorial for Parents | Corona Virus Disease-19 (Covid-19) began to grip the community, when the number of people who died has been increased since January 2020. Over time, the Minister of Education and Culture on March 24, 2020 issued a Circular on Education Policy in an Emergency for the Spread of Covid-19. In point (a), it states “Learning from Home through online/distance learning is carried out to provide a meaningful learning experience for students, without being burdened by demands to complete all curriculum achievements for class promotion and graduation.” In reality, facts show that not all parents have the ability to properly teach their children from home online. Based on these conditions, it is deemed necessary to have a video tutorial designed with a psychological and pedagogical approach for parents so that they can assist their children to learn from home during the Covid-19 pandemic which can be accessed online. This study applied the research and development model that refers to the design by Gall, Gall & Borg in which there are 8 stages completed. Those stages included developing and implementing a formative evaluation through the feasibility testing and practicality testing. The results showed that video tutorials for parents reached 87.8% of feasibility and 89.6% of practicality to be used to assist children’s learning from home. |
International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020), 1363-1367, 2020 | |
2020 | The Development of Guidance in Language Development Field: Listening and Speaking for Deaf Child (Hard of Hearing) in Special Kindergarten Schools for Deaf | The aim of this research development was to produce the product of guidance in language development field for deaf child (hard of hearing) in TKLB-B (Special Kindergarten School for Deaf) which is fulfilled the criteria of valid, practical, and effective. The guidance development in this research was used 4-D development model from Thiagrajan including define, design, develop. While disseminate was not done. The result of this guidance development was the product of guidance in language field: listening, and speaking for deaf child (hard of hearing) in TKLB-B which is packed in form of guidance in size 19 x 25 cm softcover binding. Meanwhile the number of participants in small scale test including six students, with research instruments used were validation sheets, teaching osbervation sheets, and pre test and post test questions, also the data were analyzed with analysis formula based on Riyanto’s argument in Laksono and Sugiyono, to analyze in small scale test used sign test. This feasibilibity of this guidance product has been tested with earn the result of data analysis which was done by three experts including content expert is 4, 3 (very feasible), design expert is 4, 37 (very feasible) and practician/teacher is 3, 75 (feasible), and the evaluation of practicality level is 4, 25 (very good), also test for knowing the efectiveness level from small scale was obtained z count 2,449> from z table 1, 96. So it can be concluded that the development of Guidance in Language Development Field: listening and reading for deaf child (hard of hearing) in TKLB-B is feasible to be used. |
1st Progress in Social Science, Humanities and Education Research Symposium …, 2020 | |
2020 | Development of Detector Vibrating Watch Model for 100-Meter Dash Race for Visually-impaired Athletes. | Rapidly developing technology in the 21st century brings significant change to youth education. The paradigm shift requires a change to comply to the model of technological knowledge century, including in sports. People with visual-impairment experiences movement limitations in their environment. Limited visual affects their daily activity. The 100-meter dash is one of the races performed by athletes with visually-impairment. Thus, the development of a detector vibrating watch model which can give signals or alarm when performing race in the track without an assistant is needed. The use of detector vibrating watch could help visually-impaired athletes to directly determine their position and when would they arrive to finish line. This conditioning could minimalize the crash between athletes because each athlete could finish in their respective supposed track. Thus, visually-impaired athletes could achieve their … |
International Journal of Online & Biomedical Engineering 16 (10), 2020 | |
2019 | The Influence of Learning Style Utilization towards Experimental Learning Outcomes of Cadets in Boarding School/Vocational Education | Learning style is the way individuals begin to concentrate on, process, internalize, and remember new and difficult academic information or skill. Learning styles or human learning modalities generally consist of visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles which are all related to the eye-brain. Although most humans have access to all three learning style modalities, but generally humans tend to be one of the learning modalities that stand out as a vehicle for learning, processing and communication. This research was related in order to investigate learning outcomes on experimental learning through the use of each lerning style in boarding school education. Boarding school is an educational institution where students not only study, but they live and live together in the institution. The research instrument used were questionnaires and tests, while the data analysis used two ways of ANOVA. The statistical analysis showed that there was difference learning outcomes in Electronica Solid State Subject among experimental learning with CBT and analog experimenter and each learning style. Furthermore, there is no influence of learning styles on student learning outcomes. |
Journal of Education, Health and Sport 9 (5), 120-126, 2019 | |
2019 | Learning Social Studies with STAD Model to Enhance the Learning Outcomes of Deaf Eight Grade Students in Special Junior High School | The teacher of eight grade students with deaf in SMPLB (Special Junior High School) of Dharma Wanita Sidoarjo found many difficulties in teaching Social Studies lesson. According to prior identification result, there were difficulties, namely:(1) unavailability of Social Studies books which were considered to be relevant for the deaf children’s characteristic,(2) learning facilities for Social Studies were not available,(3) the Social Studies learning outcomes still low,(4) the meeting allocation was less efficient. Through this classroom action research, it could solve Social Studies learning problems, so the teacher could improve Social Studies learning process and there was improving Social Studies learning outcomes of students with Deaf in SMPLB. The research result revealed that successful indicator attain 75% after taking action for two cycles. Social Studies learning outcomes of students on the basic competencies of |
3rd International Conference on Special Education (ICSE 2019), 99-102, 2019 | |
2019 | Think Pair Share (TPS) Model to Improve Learning Outcomes Mathematical Concepts of Multiplication for Students with Mentally Retarded | One obstacle to deaf students in mathematics is their understanding of the multiplication concept, so that it has an impact on poor mathematics learning outcomes. Based on these problems in this study applying cooperative learning think pair share (TPS) with the aim of analyzing the effect of cooperative learning think pair share (TPS) type on the learning outcomes of the concept of mathematical multiplication of mental retaldation students before and after treatment. The approach used is quantitative, with the type of pre-experiment and research design of one group pretest-posttest design. Data was collected using test, observation and documentation methods. Subjects numbered 6 people. The data collection technique is in the form of a test with non parametric statistical data analysis techniques with the Wilcoxon match pairs test test formula. The results of data analysis using the non-parametric statistical data analysis Wilcoxon match pairs test showed that the use of TPS cooperative learning models had a significant effect on the learning outcomes of the concept of multiplication of children with intellectual disabilities. |
3rd International Conference on Special Education (ICSE 2019), 117-121, 2019 |