Publikasi S1 Manajemen Pendidikan
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Year | Title | Description | Publisher | Author(s) |
2021 | Educational Management Graduates: A Tracer Study from Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia | Tracer Study is a study that can provide helpful information to evaluate higher education results and can then be used to improve and guarantee the quality of higher education institutions. This research uses a quantitative research approach with the type of survey research. The research population is graduates of the Educational Management Department who graduated in 2019 and 2020. The sample used is saturated sampling, where the entire population is a member of the sample. The study results were analyzed using descriptive statistics and extracted information about graduates, including the number of graduates. It includes who graduated, graduates employment status, waiting time for graduates, coverage of where graduates work, and other descriptions are required by Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (ie, BAN-PT). BAN-PT is an accreditation organization in Indonesia, where accreditation and input for curriculum development of Educational Management Department. The result showed that Educational Management graduates could be survived as employees or entrepreneurs that focus on Educational Management scope. |
IJORER: International Journal of Recent Educational Research 2 (6), 671-681, 2021 | |
2021 | Student exchange program of merdeka belajar-kampus merdeka (MBKM) in Covid-19 pandemic | The MBKM student exchange program is conducted in the Department of Educational Management, FIP, State University of Surabaya. The program is implemented online considering the pandemic is still ongoing. This research has a high urgency because it is important to know how the management of MBKM student exchanges during the Covid-19 pandemic, considering that so far student exchanges have been carried out directly or faceto-face before the Covid-19 pandemic. A qualitative approach with the case study method was used in this research. The results showed that student exchange management started from planning, organizing, implementing, to evaluating. The four steps are summarized in seven activities in the management of MBKM student exchange during the pandemic in the Department of Education Management, FIP Unesa, namely:(1) planning;(2) socialization;(3) recruitment;(4) student orientation;(5) student placement;(6) student development; and (7) recording and reporting. This study can be used as recommendations for the implementation of online student exchanges by other universities because it shows the process starting from program planning, organizing, implementing, to evaluation. |
JPP (Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran) 28 (1), 30-37, 2021 | |
2021 | Way of Improving Learning Effectiveness on Educational Supervision Course in Covid-19 Pandemic: Development of E-Learning-Based Teaching Materials | This research is motivated by the need of the availability of teaching materials for students as supporters of online/virtual learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Availability of E-Learning-based teaching material is expected to overcome the problems faced by students, especially how they understand teaching material on the Educational Supervision Course. This study was designed to produce E-Learning-based teaching materials for Educational Supervision as an effort to improve the effectiveness of learning. Development of teaching materials for Educational Supervision course is using ADDIE Model with the steps to apply this model sequentially include:(1) analyze,(2) design,(3) development,(4) implementation, and (5) evaluation. The result of this study is the implementation of using E-learning method requires instrumental support which includes the device or media used, readiness, and the ability of lecturers to implement a virtual learning system, including teaching material as a single component in the learning system. |
International Conference on Elementary Education 3 (1), 633-638, 2021 | |
2021 | Identifying School Principal Candidates’ Perception on Teacher’s Appointment as School Principal | In order to establish a successful school, prospective school principals' perceptions are crucial. Perception has an effect on school quality because it impacts reaction and decision-making. The aim of this study was to understand prospective school principals' perceptions of the Ministry of Education and Culture Regulation Number 6 of 2018 concerning the Appointment of Teachers as School Principals, which was conducted using a quantitative approach through a survey of 77 prospective school principals from Central and East Java Provinces. The findings revealed that: the age of the prospective school principal does not have a significant effect on policy perceptions; the length of work as a prospective school principal teacher has no significant effect on policy perceptions; there is a significant difference between the principal candidates for primary school, junior high school and senior high school/vocational high school in perceiving policies; there is no significant difference between male and female principal candidates in their perception of the policy; there is no significant difference between prospective school principals based on tank (from III b to IV b) in perceiving policies; there is a significant difference between prospective school principals with bachelor's and master's degrees in perceiving policies; there is no significant difference between prospective school principals who have not and have read Ministry of Education and Culture Regulation No. 6 of 2018 in perceiving the policy; and that there is no significant difference between prospective school principals who have not and have specifically reviewed Ministry of Education and … |
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran 54 (2), 220-229, 2021 | |
2021 | Children’s Well-Being During the Pandemic | Millions of individuals have been restricted to their houses as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in order to preserve social distance, including children who have been pulled out of school and are barely able to leave their homes. As a result, it would be beneficial to research children’s well-being in these stressful conditions. There were 907 participants completed the two parts of the questionnaire to investigate: how are the children studying from home during the pandemic?; how is school support in children’s academic activities at home during the pandemic?; what factors can help maintain children’s well-being in the future pandemic?. First, routines and addiction were the first top result of the indicators showing children’being discomfort. Second, most parents feel that the school had provided enough learning materials and assignments, although it is not always accompanied by the involvement of parents in doing school assignments. Third, there are three indicators support children’s well-being especially the indicators related to routines (parents assist children to make schedules during school from home) and physical activities (the child have sufficient activity and movement at home and the child has a regular exercise program). All in all, from the findings, it is expected that the school and government could also pay into attention to the parental education specifically in assisting the children’s well-being during the pandemic. |
International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2021 (IJCAH 2021 …, 2021 | |
2021 | Designing Educational Research Roadmap | The research aims to roadmap educational science research that meets the criteria of acceptability to guide, direct and enhance research on educational science. This research is development research with procedures referring to the ADDIE approach (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluation). The data obtained will be analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Based on the results and discussion, the following conclusions can be formulated. 1). Based on the above need assessment, it can be concluded that it is necessary to develop an educational science research roadmap to guide, direct and improve research on educational science, which in turn can clarify and improve the existence of educational science, 2) The educational science research roadmap developed applicable, highly feasible and highly appropriate, 3) the educational science research roadmap developed can guide and be a handle for the entire academic community of FIP in particular to meet the standards of eligibility. Based on the above conclusions, the following suggestions are formulated. 1) The prepared roadmap has met the acceptance criteria; therefore, the draft academic roadmap that has been prepared needs to be further processed to obtain approval from the Faculty Senate and Dean of FIP Unesa, 2) There needs to be dissemination to the academic community about the research roadmap that has been prepared so that the prepared roadmap can guide, direct and improve research on educational sciences, which in turn can clarify and improve the existence of educational sciences, 3) To complete the roadmap of educational science research, it is … |
International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2021 (IJCAH 2021 …, 2021 | |
2021 | Pengembangan instrumen supervisi akademik dalam penerapan pembelajaran berdiferensiasi | Kebijakan Merdeka Belajar digulirkan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan sebagai wujud transformasi pengelolaan pendidikan yang menempatkan well-being peserta didik sebagai orientasi utama dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Pembelajaran berdiferensiasi menjadi alternatif model pembelajaran yang mampu mewujudkan well-being bagi peserta didik. Sebagai seorang supervisor, Kepala Sekolah berperan penting dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran melalui kegiatan supervisi akademik. Pengembangan instrumen supervisi akademik yang mengarah pada pembelajaran berdiferensiasi menjadi salah satu upaya penting yang dapat mewujudkan well-being peserta didik sekaligus mendukung Kebijakan Merdeka Belajar. Analisis situasi di Kabupaten Nganjuk menghasilkan informasi:(1) pembelajaran berdiferensiasi belum diketahui secara detail oleh guru,(2) instrumen supervisi akademik … |
Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat (JIPEMAS) 5 (1), 33-44, 2021 | |
2021 | Pelatihan Implementasi Guided Discovery Learning Berbasis APOS pada Guru-guru SMP Plus Al-Azhar | Sebagian besar guru di level SMP, termasuk di SMP Plus Al-Azhar, kadangkala mengalami kesulitan dalam mengajarkan mata pelajaran ke peserta didik di sekolah, seperti halnya pada mata pelajaran MIPA (Matematika dan IPA) serta bahasa. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan inovasi pembelajaran yang dapat mengaktifkan peserta didik dalam belajar. Salah satu pembelajaran inovatif yang berbasis konstruktivisme adalah guided discovery learning berbasis Actions, Processes, Objects, Schema (APOS). Guided discovery learning berbasis APOS merupakan pembelajaran yang memberikan kesempatan pada peserta didik untuk melakukan upaya coba-coba, penyelidikan, dan menarik kesimpulan dalam rangka menemukan pengetahuan baru. Untuk mengoptimalkan gagasan dan strategi peserta didik dalam menemukan pengetahuan baru, guru memberikan LKS berbasis APOS sebagai bentuk dari ‘guide’agar proses penemuan menjadi terarah. Kegiatan pelatihan ini sangat berguna bagi guru-guru SMP Plus Al-Azhar karena mereka memperoleh pengetahuan dan wawasan terkait cara implementasi guided discovery learning berbasis APOS beserta aspek psikologinya agar dapat mengembangkan kemampuan kognitif peserta didiknya. |
Jurnal Abdimas Prakasa Dakara 1 (2), 66-73, 2021 | |
2021 | Preprospec Berbasis Daring: Alternatif Mengatasi Kesulitan Mahasiswa dalam Literasi Matematis | Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kesulitan mahasiswa yang telah memperoleh pembelajaran berbasis daring, yaitu Preprospec dan Direct Learning, dalam menyelesaikan soal terkait kemampuan literasi matematis pada Mata Kuliah Pengantar Teori Peluang di masa pandemi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Adapun subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika yang mengambil Mata Kuliah Pengantar Teori Peluang di salah satu PTS di Jakarta Timur. Teknik sampling yang digunakan berupa purposive sampling sedangkan instrumen yang digunakan adalah dokumen (hasil tes Kemampuan Awal Matematis dan Kemampuan Literasi Matematis mahasiswa), lembar observasi, pedoman wawancara, dan peneliti. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan teknik triangulasi. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa masih mengalami kesulitan, baik secara keseluruhan maupun berdasarkan level Kemampuan Awal Matematis (KAM), dalam menyelesaikan soal terkait kemampuan literasi matematis pada kedua pembelajaran yang berbasis daring (Preprospec dan Direct Learning). Namun, mahasiswa yang telah memperoleh pembelajaran Preprospec berbasis daring mengalami kesulitan yang lebih rendah daripada mahasiswa yang telah memperoleh Direct Learning berbasis daring. Adapun kesulitan paling banyak yang dialami mahasiswa pada kedua pembelajaran tersebut terletak pada indikator ‘membuktikan suatu argumen’. |
SINASIS (Seminar Nasional Sains) 2 (1), 2021 | |
2021 | Analisis Implementasi Project Based Learning Dengan Teknik Immediate Feedback Pada Materi Rantai Markov | This research aims to analyze of implementation of Project Based Learning with Immediate Feedback technique on Markov Chain material. This research used a qualitative method. Subjects of this research were students of Mathematics Education Program at one of the private universities in East Jakarta who were selected by purposive sampling technique. This research used a variety of instruments. The instruments were observation sheets, interview guidelines, document, and researcher. The data in this research were collected by triangulation technique. The result shows that in general, Project Based Learning with Immediate Feedback technique on Markov Chain material can be implemented well even though in the process of working in the field, lecturer must guide and motivate students intensively so that they can complete their project on time.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi Project Based Learning dengan teknik Immediate Feedback pada materi Rantai Markov. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Adapun subjek penelitiannya adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika di salah satu PTS di Jakarta Timur yang dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan beragam instrumen. Adapun instrumennya adalah lembar observasi, pedoman wawancara, dokumen, dan peneliti. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan teknik triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum, Project Based Learning dengan teknik Immediate Feedback pada materi Rantai Markov dapat diimplementasikan dengan baik meskipun pada proses pengerjaannya … |
Diskusi Panel Nasional Pendidikan Matematika 7 (1), 2021 |