Publikasi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2022 Thought Stopping Techniques to Reduce Social Anxiety
The word anxiety is not a new term to talk about nowadays. The community environment is gradually starting to open up to various kinds of mental issues such as depression and anxiety disorders. One of the problems that many adolescents experience is the problem in their social field, and that is the cause why there are a lot of adolescents indicated to have symptoms of social anxiety. Many factors influence the existence of social anxiety that adolescents have, such as pressure from peers, demands from the environment and people around them, the search for identity, experiences with other people and so on. In this article, the researcher will discuss about how social anxiety exists in one of Vocational High School in Surabaya. And how the thought stopping technique can be used to reduce the social anxiety. Thought stopping technique itself has been widely used to reduce anxiety symptoms in individuals. The application of the thought stopping technique will be done by giving individual counselling interventions to some students who have positive symptoms of social anxiety.
Bisma The Journal of Counseling 6 (2), 2022
2022 Pembelajaran Online Pasca Pandemi Covid 19: Identifikasi Masalah Pembelajaran Daring
Lebih dari satu tahun pandemi covid 19 berlangsung. Proses pembelajaran online sudah mulai tertata. Sistem pembelajaran online selayknya mulai lebih baik. Berbagai metode pembelajaran mulai diterapkan agar pembelajaran online mampu mencapai tujuan pendidikan. Namun, pembeljaran online di masa pandemic masih memilikk beberapa permasalahan baik secara teknis maupun non teknis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi permasalahan pembelajaran online dari sudut pandang mahasiswa dan dosen. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian survey. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui kuesionaer yang disebarkan secara online. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa dan dosen FIP-Unesa. Sampel diambil melalui nonprobability sampling teknik cluster sampling. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 481 mahasiswa dan 73 dosen. Data dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya permasalahan yang tergolong sedang pada aspek pedagogic dan standar teknis ketersediaan perangkat, serta komitment pada mahasiswa. Hasil berbeda didaat pada dosen yang hanya memiliki permasalahan pada aspek pedagogic.
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Jiwa 5 (1), 75-84, 2022
2022 Factors Affecting Teacher Digital Competence: An Exploratory Factor Analysis
This study aims to analyze the factor affecting the teacher competence in mastering digital technology in classroom learning during face-to-face learning in elementary schools in Lamongan district. This study used a quantitative approach using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) techniques. EFA is used to determine indicators related to teacher competence in mastering digital technology. The population of this study were teachers in Lamongan district. The sample of this research is 60 respondents with a cluster sampling method. The research stages include 1) instrument development, 2) instrument validation, 3) data collection, 4) data analysis, and 5) reporting. The results showed that there were 4 factors in mastering digital technology for teachers, namely collaboration, personal development, data literacy and information literacy. Collaboration and personal development in increasing digital competence influence on teacher performance in the teaching process. Teachers have numerous teaching materials due to collaboration using digital platforms.
Jurnal Kependidikan: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian dan Kajian Kepustakaan di …, 2022
2022 Organizational Change in Elementary School. Does Teacher Commitment Important?
This study aims to analyze theacher commitment’s effect on organizational change in elementary school. This study used a quantitative approach using simple linear regression test data analysis techniques. The populations of this study were teachers and principals of elementary schools in East Java with a total population of 55,152. The research sample was 396 respondents with simple random sampling method. The research questionnaire was prepared using a Likert scale of 1-5 and distributed via Google form. The results of this study indicated that teacher commitment influences organizational change in elementary schools. Moreover, affective commitment, normative commitment and continuing commitment impacted organizational changes in elementary schools.
Jurnal Paedagogy 9 (4), 637-645, 2022
2022 Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional Kepala Sekolah Terhadap Perubahan Organisasi Sekolah Dasar
Today's global world changes encourage schools to start making organizational changes. School leaders are expected to be able to develop competitive strategies and create organizational changes in schools. This study aims to determine the effect of transformational leadership on organizational change in elementary schools. This study uses a quantitative approach using simple linear regression test data analysis techniques. The independent variable in this study is the principal's transformational leadership while the dependent variable is organizational change. The sample was 396 respondents with simple random sampling method. The results of the study indicate that transformational leadership has an effect on organizational change in elementary schools. Organizational changes in elementary schools by 60% are influenced by the principal transformational leadership.
Kelola: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan 9 (1), 99-110, 2022
2022 Pengaruh Pendekatan Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Terhadap Pemahaman Matematis Dan Minat Belajar Siswa
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh pendekatan Realisctic Mathematics Educaion (RME) terhadap pemahaman konsep matematis dan minat belajar siswa kelas VII A SMPN 1 Sukosewu. Materi yang digunakan ialah aritmatika social. Pertama memberikan pre test sebelum dilakukan perlakuan dan diberikan post test setelah diberikan perlakuan. Nilai rata-rata peserta didik pre test adalah 52,08 kemudian pada akhir pembelajaran nilai rata-rata post test meningkat menjadi 88,01. Selanjutnya dilakukan penyebaran angket/kuisioner yang dilakukan kepada siswa kelas VII A untuk melihat bagimana peminatan siswa terhadap pembelajaran matematika setelah diterapkannya model pembelajaran Realistic mathematics Education (RME). Untuk melihat peminatan siswa kelas VII A peneliti hanya meneliti 1 kelas yang sebelumnya akan diberikan tes awal (pre test) terlebih dahulu dan setelahnya diberikan perlakuan dengan menggunakan Model pembelajaran RME disusul dengan diberikan tes akhir (post test). Adapun persepsi hasil angket minat belajar yang di peroleh dari pengisian angket ini terdapat peningkatan yang baik dari 60,28 untuk pre test nya menjadi 81,06 untuk nilai post test nya. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya peningkatan model realistic mathematic education terhadap kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis dan minat belajar siswa siswa.
Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri, 2022
2022 Cici senang bersikap baik
Buku cerita anak merupakan cerita yang narasinya sederhana namun bermakna kompleks. Kesederhanaan tersebut ditandai dengan kata yang dipilih dan gambar representative yang komunikatif. Buku cerita anak menggambarkan tentang kehidupan anak dalam keseharian. Buku cerita anak memiliki makna yang dapat mengembangakan bahasa, dan sosial emosional. Buku cerita ini mengajarkan anak untuk selalu bersikap baik kepada siapa pun.
Direktorat Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 2022
2022 Developing encyclopedia book of traditional games in Gresik City on learning my cultural theme in kindergarten
Grass motor skill and culture knowledge is important for early childhood development, however in the North Gresik Region found that children have never been introduced to local culture, lack of games variety, and there is no development of books that can support children's knowledge of children's culture and gross motor skills. So that, this study aims to develop an encyclopedia of traditional games. This development research uses the ADDIE model with involved PGRI Dalegan and Muslimat NU 41 Kindergarten (n= 30) which are divided into two classes. Data collected using questionnaires and observation. This research produces a product in the form of a traditional game encyclopedia of Gresik City which is feasible and effective to be applied to the learning of my culture theme with a material validation percentage value of 95.83%, media validation of 88.63% which is classified as very good category. Data analysis used independent sample t-test with the value of= 0.000 that there was a difference in gross motor skills between the experimental class and the control class. The results obtained after applying the traditional game encyclopedia of Gresik city, children can understand and carry out activities playing various traditional games of Gresik city. This book is useful for improving children's gross motor skills and introducing local culture to early childhood, especially traditional games
Journal of Early Childhood Care and Education 5 (1), 45-58, 2022
Tujuan dari penelitian berikut ini untuk mengetahui tingkat keefektifan media game eduspasial yang menggunakan aplikasi dan mudah diakses melalui handphone. Kecerdasan visual spasial bertujuan untuk membuat seseorang memiliki tingkat keahlian dalam memahami secara mendalam hubungan antara objek, ruang dan numerik. Game Eduspasial menjadi faktor penunjang yang dibuat agar anak memiliki minat belajar dirumah yang dapat mengasah kecerdasan visual spasial anak melalui konsep bermain game spasial, tujuan dari pembuatan game eduspasial ini untuk menambah pengetahuan anak dalam mengenal huruf, konsep, numerik yaitu berhitung bahkan dapat menyusun puzzel. Sehingga dengan anak bisa bermain game eduspasial ini diharapkan bisa menunjang anak dalam belajar dan mengasah kemampuan kecerdasan visual spasial pada anak usia diniJenis penelitian ini menggunakan …
Thufuli: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini 4 (1), 1-17, 2022
2022 Analysis of Elementary School Selection Factors During Pandemic
School selection has always been a problem for parents to get the best school for their children, especially during a pandemic. The purpose of this study was to describe the factors for selecting primary schools during the pandemic. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation. The sample in this study was spread from the Gresik, Surabaya and Sidoarjo areas with a total of 15 parents. This research used Milles and Huberman analysis technique. The results of the study describe the factors of parents in choosing schools during the pandemic. The findings of this study are that there are many factors that influence parents in choosing elementary schools for their children, including 1. Location or distance 2. Environment 3. Circumstances 4. School status 5. Teacher background at school 6. Costs 7. Social and economic status of parents. And based on the results of the research, the distance factor that most influences parents in choosing a school. When viewed from the school status of the 15 parents, there were 13 parents who chose to send their children to private schools. So the findings from this study are that parents are not currently concerned about the cost of schooling their children, but rather the quality and distance between school and home.
Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini 6 (5), 4944-4953, 2022