Publikasi S2 Pendidikan Luar Biasa
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Year | Title | Description | Publisher | Author(s) |
2022 | Pengaruh Media Puzzle Education Game terhadap Perkembangan Kognitif dan Bahasa Anak TK | Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji Puzzle education game terhadap kemampuan kognitif dan bahasa anak. Untuk melihat pengaruh media Puzzle peneliti menggunakan metode quasi eksperimental; nonquivalent control group design. Subyek penelitian adalah anak kelompok B Gugus I di Kecamatan bandung. Pengumpulan data mengggunakan observasi, porto folio. Kesimpulan dari hasil analisis yaitu terdapat pengaruh media Puzzle education terhadap kemampuan kognitif dan bahasa anak kelompok B Gugus 1 di Kecamatan Bandung Kabupaten Tulungagung. Dengan media Puzzle education game perkembangan kognitif dan bahasa lebih baik dari pada penggunaan majalah, atau lembar kerja anak. |
JOEAI (Journal of Education and Instruction) 5 (1), 52-64, 2022 | |
2022 | Evaluasi Perangkat Pembelajaran Daring dalam Menstimulus Enam Aspek Perkembangan Anak Usia Dini | Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas guru dalam proses belajar mengajar secara virtual, melalui diskusi terkait penyusunan RPPH daring untuk meningkatkan kreativitas guru dalam memilih aktivitas pembelajaran, dan meningkatkan kecakapan guru dalam mengevaluasi pembelajaran sebagai bahan perbaikan untuk penyusunan RPPH daring di TK Islam Terpadu Al Ummah Manyar Gresik. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data observasi dan wawancara, menggunakan empat belas subjek untuk diamati dalam waktu yang relatif panjang, yakni enam bulan. Para guru TK Islam Terpadu Al Ummah juga sudah memanfaatkan media dan sumber belajar yang sesuai dengan pendekatan bermain sambil belajar. Dalam pengembangan perencanaan kegiatan masih belum terlihat, hasil wawancara dengan wali murid juga menyatakan bahwa, untuk yel-yel atau jargon yang digunakan guru kurang inovasi, dan lagu-lagu tema kurang bervariasi. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan mengikuti berbagai pelatihan dan juga bisa melakukan study banding ke sekolah-sekolah lain terkait pengelolahan pembelajaran daring dapat meningkatkan kreativitas guru dalam merancang kegiatan pembelajaran. |
Journal of Elementary School (JOES) 5 (1), 8-20, 2022 | |
2022 | Technology As A Product Of Science Based On Philosophy | FALASIFA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman 13 (02), 105-112, 2022 | ||
2022 | The Influence Of Mathematics Learning Media On Students' Creative Mindsets Based On Philosophy Of Science | Improvement in the quality of education, one of which is indicated by improving learning outcomes, cannot be separated from efforts to improve learning innovations in learning media are very much currently, especially in the field of mathematics with the existence of learning media eating the creative and innovative mindset of students is developing well. The use of teaching aids in the learning process in students is very helpful in increasing the understanding of concepts and skills in the subject matter taught, especially mathematics lessons, in philosophy of science and education there are several aspects that are the basis of learning media, namely aspects of ideas and facts, as well as abstract and concrete both theoretically and practically. The approach of philosophy of science and education ontologically, epistemologically, and axiologically in the development of learning media if summarized in accordance with their practical objectives, will be able to form practical values that lead to the ability of student learning outcomes. |
Cendikia: Media Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan 13 (2), 232-238, 2022 | |
2022 | Pengaruh Pendekatan Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Terhadap Pemahaman Matematis Dan Minat Belajar Siswa | Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh pendekatan Realisctic Mathematics Educaion (RME) terhadap pemahaman konsep matematis dan minat belajar siswa kelas VII A SMPN 1 Sukosewu. Materi yang digunakan ialah aritmatika social. Pertama memberikan pre test sebelum dilakukan perlakuan dan diberikan post test setelah diberikan perlakuan. Nilai rata-rata peserta didik pre test adalah 52,08 kemudian pada akhir pembelajaran nilai rata-rata post test meningkat menjadi 88,01. Selanjutnya dilakukan penyebaran angket/kuisioner yang dilakukan kepada siswa kelas VII A untuk melihat bagimana peminatan siswa terhadap pembelajaran matematika setelah diterapkannya model pembelajaran Realistic mathematics Education (RME). Untuk melihat peminatan siswa kelas VII A peneliti hanya meneliti 1 kelas yang sebelumnya akan diberikan tes awal (pre test) terlebih dahulu dan setelahnya diberikan perlakuan dengan menggunakan Model pembelajaran RME disusul dengan diberikan tes akhir (post test). Adapun persepsi hasil angket minat belajar yang di peroleh dari pengisian angket ini terdapat peningkatan yang baik dari 60,28 untuk pre test nya menjadi 81,06 untuk nilai post test nya. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya peningkatan model realistic mathematic education terhadap kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis dan minat belajar siswa siswa. |
Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri, 2022 | |
2022 | The Effect of Blended Learning on Problem-Solving Ability in Islamic Cultural History Lessons | Blended learning is one of the many learning models that can be applied to learning activities at this time. The study was conducted to determine the effect of blended learning on the ability to solve problems in the subject history of Islamic culture. The study used a quasi-experimental quantitative approach (nonequivalent control group design). The data collection technique used a test (essay) given at the pre-test and post-test; the data analysis used a prerequisite test, namely, the normality test and homogeneity test, followed by an independent sample t-test. The research location was at MTsN 1 Jombang, involving 120 students, 60 students as the experimental group applying blended learning and 60 as the control group applying conventional learning. The study's results based on the independent sample t-test showed that the pre-test scores of the two groups had no significant difference, namely tcount< ttable (0.393< 2.001) with sig.(2–tailed) 0.695> 0.05, it can be ascertained that there is no difference between the pre-test data of the experimental and control groups. And the results of the independent sample t-test showed that the post-test scores of the two groups had significant differences, namely the results tcount> ttable (12.370> 2.001) with sig.(2-tailed) 0.000< 0.05. So it can be ascertained that there is a difference between the post-test of the experimental and control groups. The conclusion is that blended learning significantly affects problem-solving ability in the subjects History of Islamic Cultural at MTsN 1 Jombang in the experimental group compared to conventional learning in the experimental group by reviewing the post-test … |
Edureligia: Jurnal Pendidikan Aagama Islam 6 (01), 50-58, 2022 | |
2022 | How Thinking Routines Enhance Critical Thinking of Elementary Students | Learning English as a foreign language within a primary school in Indonesia tends to be teacher-centered and focuses on the single correct answer. The demands of tests and covering textbook materials for tests prevent students from becoming active thinkers. Specific strategies have been proposed to promote critical thinking skills. Previous studies focused on applying thinking routines either in early childhood or higher education. This study examines the effect of thinking routines on sixth-grade elementary school students' critical thinking ability within an English lesson. The quasi-experimental research was conducted with 64 students divided into a control group (N= 32) and an experimental group (N= 32) at two different schools. This research was conducted online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The data is analyzed statistically using the Mann-Whitney U Test. Critical thinking ability tests and observation sheets were used as data collection tools. The results reveal that thinking routines significantly improved sixth-grade students' critical thinking skills. The result suggests using thinking routines in teaching and learning to support students thinking from different points of view. |
IJORER: International Journal of Recent Educational Research 3 (6), 640-650, 2022 | |
2022 | Involving Children with Special Needs in Managing a Digital-based Waste Bank | The Covid-19 pandemic has increased plastic waste. Those may cause microplastics and nanoplastics contaminants in soil, water, and air that have the potential to interfere with environmental health and human health. Waste management from the source is important in solving the problem of plastic waste, one of which is through a waste bank. Can children with special needs be involved in managing a digital-based waste bank? This study aims to determine:(1) the skills of children with intellectual disabilities in sorting waste, and (2) the skills of children with hearing impairments to record waste transactions digitally. This research is a one-group posttest only design. The sample was carried out purposively, totaling 10 children with intellectual disabilities and 14 children with hearing impairment in special high schools. Data were collected through tests after training. Data analysis used descriptive statistics. The … |
INCLUSIVE EDUCATION 1 (1), 38-47, 2022 | |
2022 | Innovation on Education and Social Sciences: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2021) October 2, 2021, Surabaya, Indonesia | After a year of a global Covid-19 pandemic, still, we have more questions than answers to the future of education and our social life. It is more important than ever to follow the developments closely in the coming period, pay attention to critical concerns such as inequality, as well as positive signs of transformation and innovation in all aspects of the world of teaching and learning. Expectations on what the future brings will have to be based on solid research rather than short-term perceptions. The proceedings of IJCAH 2021 are an interdisciplinary platform for teachers, researchers, practitioners, and academicians to discuss the latest research findings, concerns, and practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Arts and Humanities. The subject areas within the proceeding are education, language learning, arts, culture, social sciences. |
Taylor & Francis, 2022 | |
2022 | Utilization of Educational Games For Distance Learning In Mathematics Class VIII Middle School | The development of information and communication technology has now touched various domains that are able to change conventional methods into modern ones. As an example of technological developments in student learning media which are now varied and creative, such as the application of learning through educational-themed games. The game contains content in the form of interesting and interactive learning materials with the aim of being able to increase student interest in learning and form a fun learning environment. This study used the research and development (R&D) method with the aim of implementing a design game with the theme of educating mathematics subjects at the VIII grade level of junior high school in the distance learning process. The results of the study, namely educational game learning media, met the validity criteria with an average proportion obtained from expert validators of 85.94% and included in the |
Devotion Journal of Community Service 3 (14), 2534-2542, 2022 |