Publikasi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2018 Pengembangan Perangkat Asesmen Autentik pada Tema Makanan Sehat dan Bergizi Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar
Kurikulum 2013 ini mewajibkan setiap guru untuk menggunakan tema pada jenjang Sekolah Dasar (SD) atau Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI). Siswa dituntut menjadi orang yang aktif untuk memperoleh pengetahuan. Keterampilan proses yang dimiliki siswa selama pembelajaran, menentukan hasil belajar yang diperoleh. Asesmen autentik memberikan kesempatan luas pada siswa untuk menunjukkan apa yang telah mereka pelajari selama pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini menghasilkan produk perangkat asesmen autentik pada tema Makanan Sehat dan Bergizi subtema Makananku Sehat dan Bergizi siswa kelas IV SD, serta mengetahui hasil uji validasi perangkat asesmen autentik pada tema Makanan Sehat dan Bergizi Subtema Makananku dan Bergizi siswa kelas IV MI melalui uji coba ahli, telaah guru, dan tanggapan siswa. Desain penelitian pengembangan yang digunakan ini adalah model pengembangan asesmen autentik O’ Malley & Pierce yakni (1) membangun sebuah tim;(2) menentukan tujuan dari asesmen autentik;(3) analisis konstruk;(4) melakukan pengembangan professional pada asesmen autentik;(5) mengkaji penelitian terdahulu mengenai asesmen autentik;(6) mengadaptasi asesmen yang ada atau mengembangkan yang baru;(7) mencoba asesmen; dan (8) revisi asesmen. Hasil uji coba ahli evaluasi pembelajaran mendapatkan 86, 6% dan ahli pembelajaran tematik memperoleh skor 78, 85%. Hasil uji lapangan kepada guru dan siswa mengenai keefektifan, keterterapan, dan keterbacaan mendapatkan kategori sesuai.
INVENTA: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar 2 (2), 55-62, 2018
The research goal is to understand the appropriateness of E learning based on Moodle that is applied as learning material for increasing student class XI independence and study result at SMA Khadijah Surabaya. The research is applying Bord and Gail research procedure (2003). The test is done by individual test, small group test, and largegroup test. The validity test is applied for understanding the degree of measurement accuracy through expert test for knowing the degree of validity construct while for knowing the validity we use content validity test. Validity test and instrument reliability analysis is applied for knowing the reliability of the instrument. When the instrument is stated reliable, then the instrument test is applied for actual measurement through pretest and posttest, with applying sign test by SPSS 24. The appropriateness development result is proven by 89, 59% of expert test, 89, 19% by media expert, 88, 96% learning expert. The development is effective for increasing leaner autonomy is proven by 82, 96% questionnaire result and the development is considered able to increase learning result is shown by the pretest average is 50, 11 and posttest average is 75, 68 so that obtaining gain 0,545. It means learning result of experiment increase which categorized as medium because 0, 7> g> 0, 3 so, there is different between learning result before and after the application of E learning media based on Moodle.
PROCEEDING International Conference Technopreneur and Education 2018 1 (1), 2018
2018 The Impact of Self-Regulated Learning to Wards on The Ability to Understand A Concept of Pratical Chemical Engineering Operation
The purpose of this research is to reveal the impact of self-regulated learning on the result of a learning, especially the ability to understand the concept of practical chemical engineering oper-ation. Self-regulated learning is an ability that can be measured through the level of participation, it is a metacognition motiva-tion, or behavior. Furthermore, understanding a concept is the ability to build a meaning from any information gathered from the learning process. The methodology used quasi experiment be-cause this research is using a group of students who have been in their own classes and it is more applicable for real learning. In conclusion, this research showed that there is a significant impact of students with high self-regulated learning have a high under-standing towards on a concept compare to those with low self-regulated learning.
1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017), 90-92, 2018
2018 The Essential Principles of Practice-Based Learning
Vocational education faces a number of challenges, in which one of the biggest issues is skills mismatch. Skills mismatch occurs when workers have either fewer or more skills than jobs require. Some mismatch is inevitable, as the labor market involves complex decisions of employers and workers, and depends on many external factors. Skills mismatch has become more prominent in the global economic crisis. Practice-based learning can be considered to overcome this issue. This paper is offered as an introduction to practice-based learning. The nature of practice-based learning is defined and its essential principles are introduced. The paper concludes with some of the advantages of practice-based learning along with some of its drawbacks.
1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017), 170-172, 2018
This study is aimed to create a learning media that can improve student’ s learning outcomes in the subject of †œTable Manner†focusing on †œTable Settingâ€. This study was applying †œBorg and Gall research development modelâ€. The subject of this study was 65 Navy Enlisted trainees in Housekeeping. By treating a different way from a controlled class, a taped video containing subject matter was mainly delivered in an experimental class. And a posttest was conducted to clarify the final result of learning for both type of classes. It has been proven that posttest result of an experimental class has a higher mean than in a controlled class. Researcher believed that the use of video as a learning media boost trainees potential to achieve the learning outcomes. In other words, the developed product of learning video would potentially increase trainee understanding toward the subject matter.
2018 The Effect of Field Trip Method on Social Emotional and Language Development in The Kindergarten
Low social emotional ability and language development in children is caused by several factors, such as the choice of inappropriate learning methods, the attention of learning activities and the lack of teacher enthusiasm in the field of social and emotional development of language. Outside class activity like field trip in kindergarten is an opportunity that must be used well. If the children do activity outside the class, they will meet life that is rich from thing which they can learn directly. This study aims to know the effect of field trip method to the social emotional and langage development in the kindergarten. This study uses experimental design, by using pretest and post test control group design. The data was collected by observation, documentation, and interview. The data was analyzed using SPSS 22.0. It can be concluded that field visits significantly affect the development of social and language emotions in kindergarten.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 172-174, 2018
2018 The Effect of Pindan Gonnung Traditional Game Toward Cognitive and Rough Motoric Development in Kindergarten
This research aims to test the effect of
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 86-88, 2018
2018 Game Lempar Gelang for Problems Know the Concept of Numbers and Emotional Regulation on Child B Group Kindergarten
One of the best strategies for stimulating children's cognitive and emotional development is to play. Playing with children also learns to recognize itself and the world around it by exploring and examining some of the things that are heard, felt and seen. In developing cognitive and emotional needs of a fun activity for children. Playing activities are activities that children love, because playing children can express themselves by exploring his knowledge. Therefore, it is inspired to create an exciting game for children that is a game
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 213-216, 2018
2018 The Development Of Learning Technology Based On Character Building With Dick And Carey Model
This research aims to develop teaching materials learning technology by integrating the strengthening of the characters are arranged with the Dick and Carey model. Strengthening the characters are built with the spirit of
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 133-136, 2018
Tujuan pembelajaran IPA berfungsi untuk memberikan pengetahuan tentang lingkungan alam, mengembangkan ketrampilan, wawasan, dan kesadaran teknologi dalam kaitan dengan pemanfaatannya bagi kehidupan sehari-hari. Terdapat peristiwa lingkungan yang terjadi di waktu tertentu atau tidak dapat dilihat secara kasat mata peristiwa alam. Pengamatan tentang sistem gerak pada manusia memerlukan media gerak yang dapat menjelaskan proses terjadinya. Masalah tersebut terdapat juga di SMP Negeri 1 Driyorejo pada mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam materi sistem gerak pada manusia. Masalah ini didapat dari hasil observasi terhadap siswa kelas VIII-C yang mempelajari materi system gerak pada manusia. Data yang diperoleh menunjukkan rata-rata siswa mendapatkan nilai 65-70, nilai ini dibawah dari standar nilai ketuntasan minimal 75. Sehingga rumusan masalah yang muncul adalah perlunya sebuah media Computer Asisted Instruction (CAI) yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan bagi sekolah, diperlukan uji kelayakan media CAI bagi sekolah, dan diperlukan uji efektifitas media CAI bagi sekolah. Media CAI dikemas dengan bentuk DVD Di dalamnya berisi tampilan yang menjelaskan tujuan dikembangkannya media CAI, petunjuk penggunaan media CAI, sebuah penjelasan tentang tulang, otot, serta gangguan yang ada pada tulang dan otot, dan soal-soal evaluasi yang di buat secara acak sesuai dengan materi. Beserta bahan pernyertanya yang berisi petunjuk pemakaian, bertujuan sebagai pemandu penggunaan, untuk memudahkan guru dan siswa dalam menggunakan media CAI.
Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan 9 (2), 1-7, 2018