Publikasi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2018 The Practicality of Learning Based OrDeP2E Model to Trained Problem Solving Skills of The Science in Elementary School
In the 21 st century it takes people who have the skills and skills to be able to compete in all areas of life. The cultivation of skills can be done through education. Therefore a learning model is needed that can improve the skills developed in the 21st century. One of the skills developed in the 21 st century is problem solving skills. A learning model capable of improving problem solving skills is the OrDeP2E model. The OrDeP2E model stands for problem orientation, problem definition, hypothesis submission, hypothesis testing, evaluation. The purpose of this research is to describe the practicality of learning based on OrDeP2E model. The subject matter used in this research is about the properties of light.
MISEIC 2018, 2018
2018 What is Visual Quantum Learning Effect to Student Learning Results
The problem faced by developing countries, including Indonesia, are still the lowest thinking of student ability, proved the low value of the PISA test. An alternative to improving the problem of student ability is the application of visual quantum learning. The research aims to determine how the influence of visual quantum learning on the result of learning. Which is this research experimental with pretest-posttest control group design? Data collection was done using the test method. The test used is a written that is a matter of multiple choice with 4 answers choices. The data obtained than in the analysis using a t-test. The result showed that students learning outcomes in the learning using visual quantum learning with an average score of 80.74 compared to students whose learning using classical learning, with an average of 78.28. this is reinforced by the results of the t-test analysis showing significant differences between students who were treated through visual quantum learning models with students who were not treated through classical learning. The results of this research can be concluded that visual quantum learning model learning model influences the 4th grade of science learning outcomes in elementary school. In order for science learning to obtain good results, then learning can be done by using visual quantum learning of models.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 382-388, 2018
2018 Project Based Learning by Utilizing Used Material to Improve Students' Creativity in Primary School
Creativity is important in the 21st century and the ASEAN economic community era. Used materials are infrequently used, especially as a learning media. This research aims to investigate the effect of used materials usage on Project Based Learning towards students' creativity. This research is experimental research with a quasi-experimental design, ie nonequivalent control group design. Samples were taken randomly (n= 70). Data was taken from tests and observations. Based on the results of data analysis by different test there are differences in students' creativity in both groups. The difference of students' creativity shows that the improvement of students' creativity in the experimental class which applied the Project Based Learning is higher than in the control class. This shows that Project Based Learning has an effect on students' creativity in used materials usage. Learning activities with Project Based Learning is recommended by utilizing used material to improve students' creativity.
Series:Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research 173 …, 2018
2018 The Effectiveness of Integrated Learning of Immersed Models to Improve Students’ Ability on the Environment
The main purpose of this study is to describe the effectiveness of integrated learning of immersed models to improve the ability of elementary school students in the environmental field. Education on the environment needs to be organized given the increasingly severe environmental damage symptoms from year to year. This research uses experimental research design that is one group pre-test and post-test design. The results of this study indicate that (1) the implementation of integrated learning of immersed model in Class VI A, class VI B and class VI C shows increasing results in each meeting (2) the students' ability on the environment increases.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 205-207, 2018
2018 The application of inquiry learning to train critical thinking skills on light material of primary school students
Critical thinking skills are seen as important skills for survival and have become one of Indonesia's educational goals. The results of initial observation of critical thinking skills in Kemangsen 2 primary school involving students of grade V, revealed that 95% students possessed score 2 (with the scale, ranging from 1 to 4). Therefore, critical thinking skills of students need to be improved by applying hands-based learning of Hands on Science; one of which is through inquiry learning. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of inquiry learning model in trained critical thinking skills of elementary students (n= 22). This research was conducted by One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Data were analyzed using t-dependent tests for overall critical thinking skills and descriptive analysis for critical thinking skills for each indicator. The critical thinking skills trained in this study include evaluation, explanation …
Journal of physics: Conference series 1108 (1), 012128, 2018
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran, menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran yang baik, dan mendeskripsikan keefektifan pembelajaran operasi penjumlahan dan pengurangan pecahan desimal di kelas V Sekolah Dasar dengan pendekatan matematika realistik. Model pengembangan yang digunakan sebagai acuan adalah model Plomp. Model pengembangan ini meliputi lima fase yaitu fase investigasi awal (preliminary investigation), fase desain (design), fase realisasi/konstruksi (realization/construction), fase tes, evaluasi dan revisi (test, evaluation, and revision), dan fase implementasi (implementation). Penelitian ini menghasilkan (1) perangkat pembelajaran yang baik dengan kriteria:(a) kevalidan, hasil penilaian validator terhadap perangkat pembelajaran mencapai 82, 75%;(2) Pembelajaran matematika realistik untuk mengajarkan operasi penjumlahan adalah minimal dalam kategori baik;(b) kepraktisan, diindikasikan dengan kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran berada dalam kategori baik;(c) keefektifan, dengan indikator aktivitas siswa memenuhi kriteria efektif sesuai dengan waktu ideal dan ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa secara klasikal mencapai 82, 75%;(2) Pembelajaran matematika realistik untuk mengajarkan operasi penjumlahan dan pengurangan pecahan desimal dengan kriteria:(a) hasil belajar siswa tuntas dengan persentase ketuntasan secara klasikal mencapai 92, 85%;(b) kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran berada dalam kategori baik;(c) aktivitas siswa memenuhi kriteria efektif;(d) respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran positif.
Jurnal Review Pendidikan Dasar: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan dan Hasil …, 2018
2018 Logical thinking ability and expressive language in early childhood learners
The purposes of this research were to produce a magic box of expressions as a feasible and effective medium in enhancing the ability to think logically and to use expressive language in early childhood. The research used Dick and Carey instructional model. The feasibility was tested using a percentage formula. The effectiveness of this research was tested using a t-test. Finally, the research used one group pre-test post-test design with 30 children as research subjects. The results of this study reveal (1) the development of magic box of expression media for early childhood learners showed an excellent result (2) magic box of expressions is proven effective in improving the skill of children in the sense of thinking logically and in using expressive language. The conclusion is promoting the logical thinking skill and using expressive language in early childhood learners may be done through involving children in a dialog using cause and effect relation.
1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017), 306-308, 2018
2018 The Development of Learning Tools Based on SETS with Interactive Multimedia to Improve Science Learning Outcomes
The purpose of this research is to produce a learning tool based on SETS with interactive multimedia to improve science learning outcomes. Feasibility is seen from the results of validation, practicality, and effectiveness. This research uses Dick and Carey model with Pretest-Posttest One Group Design. Data were collected through observation method, interview, validation, questionnaire, and test. The data analysis technique used quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. The results show that the developed learning tools are valid; students show a positive response to the learning process; the score of learning outcomes from the knowledge aspect increased from an average of 40 to 82 with high N-gain categories. Meanwhile, the average score of attitudinal aspects in good categories and the average score of skills aspect was 79. Therefore, it can be concluded that learning tool based on SETS with interactive multimedia is feasible to improve students' science learning outcomes.
1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017), 105-108, 2018
This research aims to develop the interactive learning multimedia Computer Based Instruction (CBI) using ispring presenter for material of accounting Service Company and determine its feasibility. The development was done using ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) approach. Data analysis used in this research is descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The results showed that the level of eligibility of interactive learning multimedia based on the assessment: 1) Material experts, included in the category Very Eligible, 2) Media experts, included in the Eligible category, 3) Accounting lecturer, included in the category Very Eligible, 4) Students, included in the category Very Decent. According the results, the interactive learning multimedia CBI developed this has the advantage in the aspect of attraction in the delivery of material. Thus, the interactive learning multimedia CBI is a …
Proceeding Icon-ELite 1 (1), 287-293, 2018
2018 Entering Children’s Literacy Through Whole Language Approach
The aim of this research was to determine the influence of the whole language for kindergarten students, especially in early literacy. The researcher chose a whole language approach to help children age 4-5 years understanding early literacy because it integrated 4 language capabilities: reading, writing, listening and speaking in one package, and the children could learn all materials effectively. The samples of this research were 54 kindergarten students aged 4-5 years in Surabaya, following a quasi-experimental design that had an experimental group and control group. In the experimental group, the students did various interesting activities relating to literacy, while in the control group the students did usual learning activities. In this study, the data collection technique used were observation and documentation. The results of this research suggest that students in the experimental group show a greater development at all levels in literacy compared to the students in the control group. In addition, whole language approach was proven effective for early literacy learning.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 12-17, 2018