Publikasi S1 Teknologi Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2023 Training Based on the Andragogy Approach to Improve the Ability to Develop Independent Learning Modules for Vocational School Teachers
This service activity aims to improve the ability of teachers to arrange learning modules. This program was carried out through in-service training (IST) and on-service training (OST) methods. The andragogy approach was used in IST activities to improve teachers' ability to analyze learning materials that can be the basis for learning modules. Thirty Vocational High School Teachers attended this activity. The evaluation used was to give project assignments to the teacher for module work. The training participants were also given a Google form to fill out. The analysis used was descriptive quantitative. The results of the OST showed that the teacher had been able to analyze learning problems; the teacher understood the concept of the learning module. Moreover, the teacher could understand the idea of preparing a learning module, and the concept of evaluating the learning module. A series of OST activities conclude that teachers have the potential to develop themselves in preparing learning modules; the resulting learning modules can be categorized as good and, in general, have met the criteria for learning modules.
Jurnal Pengabdian UNDIKMA 4 (1), 2023
2023 Increasing Competence in Compiling Teaching Materials through Assistance in the Development of Teaching Materials for Lecturers
This activity seeks to support lecturers in producing instructional materials corresponding to the characteristics of courses and students in the IAI Al-Khairat Pamekasan Madura environment. One of the performance factors used to measure the lecturers' contribution to the university's leading performance indicators is the creation of instructional materials. Key performance indicators instructional materials can be utilized to demonstrate that individuals are utilizing them. Assistance in the development of teaching materials is carried out using the project-based learning method, where participants will produce drafts of teaching materials for courses. Participants in the mentoring program, namely professor representatives from each study program. Participants have explained teaching materials and activity plans. Then, participants conduct guidance to produce teaching materials
International Journal of Community Service Learning 7 (1), 2023
2022 Pengaruh Model Project-Based Learning Terhadap Keaktifan Belajar Siswa Pada Kelas X Di MAN 1 Lombok Tengah
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model project based learning terhadap keaktifan belajar siswa kelas X di MAN 1 Lombok Tengah. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan metode quasi experiment. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain pre test post-test control group design. Subjek dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 60 siswa yang terbagi menjadi dua kelompok, yakni kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol yang masing-masing berjumlah 30 siswa. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini menjukkan bahwa model project based learning memberikan dampak positif terhadap keaktifan siswa. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan perolehan nilai rata-rata pada kelompok eksperimen yang dibelajarkan dengan project based learning memproleh nilai rata-rata lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol yang dibelajarkan tanpa project based learning. Penggunaan model project based learning mendorong siswa lebih aktif dalam belajar. Pada kelas control siswa cenderung lebih pasif dalam belajar. Berdasarkan hasil signifikansi, model project based learning memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap keaktifan belajar siswa.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education 8 (4), 2022
2022 Mengembangkan Kemampuan Self-Regulated Learning Bidang Metakognisi
Kemampuan self-regulated sangat penting untuk dimiliki oleh mahasiswa. Hal ini mencakup perilaku, karena individu mengatur tindakan mereka untuk membuat mereka tetap berfokus pada pencapaian tujuan. Self regulated learning diperlukan oleh mahasiswa untuk dapat menjadikan dirinya pribadi yang bertanggung jawab atas dirinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebutuhan di lapangan terkait pengembangan self regulated learning dalam metakognisi mahasiswa. Subjek penelitian ini melibatkan 100 mahasiswa dari program studi teknologi pendidikan. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini dilakukan dengan metode survei. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Lembar kuesioner digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data tentang self regulated learning mahasiswa program studi teknologi pendidikan. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif dari data penelitian dilakukan. Berdasarkan temuan investigasi yang dilakukan, terlihat bahwa self regulated learning sangat dibutuhkan dalam pembelajaran di tingkat universitas. Mahasiswa membutuhkan pembelajaran yang bisa meningkatkan kemandirian belajar dalam diri mereka serta bisa menjadi pribadi yang jauh lebih baik. Langkah selanjutnya yang diperlukan adalah mengembangkan pembelajaran berbasis self regulated learning untuk mahasiswa teknologi pendidikan.
Jurnal Pedagogi dan Pembelajaran 5 (3), 518-524, 2022
2022 Pelatihan Intensif Pembuatan Alat Permainan Edukatif Pada Guru PAUD
Kegiatan pelatihan yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk membantu guru dalam meningkatkan kompetensi dalam hal membuat alat permainan edukatif. Pendampingan pada pelatihan ini dilakukan secara intensif, dimana peserta akan menghasilkan alat permainan edukatif. Partisipan yang mengikuti pendampingan, yaitu guru Taman Kanak-Kanak se Kecamatan Pakal Kota Surabaya. Peserta diberikan penjelasan tentang konsep Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini dan pernacangan alat permainan edukatif. Kemudian, peserta melakukan pembimbingan sehingga menghasilkan alat permainan edukatif yang tepat.
DEDICATE: Journal of Community Engagement in Education, 69-77, 2022
2022 Developing Self-Regulated Learning Ability in Metacognition Field
Self-regulated or to be well-known as the ability to self-control. It is generally character-ized where the students are active and able to efficiently control their own learning expe-riences in various ways, includes: to determining a productive learning environment and using the learning sources effectively, to organize various kinds of information to be learnt, and maintaining to belief in the positive motivation about students’ ability, aca-demic mark, and other factors might affect organizing learning activity. Students do self-control (self-regulation learners) through experiences and self-reflection. Metacognition digs in humans’ thoughts about “thinking about thinking”. It leads to the understanding of knowledge, an understanding that could be reflected by an effective use or a clear ex-planation of knowledge in a question. This means metacognition is basically related to someone understanding about the knowledge he …
Jurnal Pedagogi dan Pembelajaran 5 (3), 2022
2022 Development of hybrid project-based learning in State University of Surabaya
All aspects of life are connected to the internet in the industrial revolution 4.0 era. All information can be accessed quickly and easily without regard for space, distance, or time. Students can learn with anything, anywhere, and at any time. Lecturers are not the only source of information. Today’s online learning environment makes it challenging to incorporate project-based learning in order to produce usable products. Project-based learning is a type of learning that applies to both online and offline learning environments. This research aims to create a viable and effective hybrid project-based learning environment that will improve learning outcomes. The ADDIE model is used to develop products. An expert validated the feasibility model, and the effectiveness model was validated using independent t-test samples and the SPSS program. Based on the results of expert assessment, the following feasibility results are known:(1) expert assessment related to learning model of 96.87%;(2) expert assessment related to learning materials of 95.34%; and (3) expert assessment related to learning design of 97.39%. Experts gave an overall rating of 95.78%. As a result, a value of 96.53% was obtained from all expert trials. The findings indicate that hybrid project-based learning is both feasible and effective in terms of enhancing learning outcomes. Hybrid Project-Based Learning (HPjBL) provides numerous benefits to students and educators. Academic research is increasingly supporting the use of HPjBL to engage students, reduce absenteeism, enhance collaborative learning skills, and boost academic performance.
Innovation on Education and Social Sciences, 11-18, 2022
2022 Student Responsibilities Towards Online Learning in Interactive Multimedia Courses
In online learning, an attitude of responsibility is needed in the learning process. Today, the attitude of responsibility in students is reduced. This study aims to look at the student's responsible attitude towards online learning in the interactive multimedia development course. This research is descriptive, namely research to describe the symptoms, phenomena, or facts studied by describing the independent variables, without intending to connect or compare. Data collection techniques using a Google Form questionnaire. The population in this study were students who were taking Interactive Multimedia courses totaling 167 respondents. The data obtained were analyzed using a descriptive percentage technique. The results of this study indicate that a very good attitude of responsibility in online interactive multimedia learning is related to aspects of punctuality in collecting assignments and knowing the lecture schedule, aspects of revising work and doing all assignments independently, aspects of using original ideas, and do not do plagiarism works. While the attitude of responsibility that is still lacking in online interactive multimedia learning is related to aspects of participation in online class forum discussions and providing suggestions or input on the work of colleagues, aspects of using illustrations/drawings themselves. So that we get the results that there are aspects of the attitude of responsibility related to social responsibility that is still lacking, while individual responsibility is quite good.
Journal of Education Technology 6 (1), 38-44, 2022
2021 Pengembangan Mobile Learning Berbasis Android Pada Materi Pokok Sistem Pertahanan Tubuh Mata Pelajaran Biologi Kelas XI di SMA Negeri 19 Surabaya
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan suatu media berupa aplikasi pembelajaran mobile learning berbasis android pada materi pokok sistem pertahanan tubuh mata pelajaran biologi kelas XI. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 19 Surabaya. Model pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model pengembangan ADDIE (Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation) karena model pengembangan ini dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan suatu media yang menghasilkan suatu produk dan tahapan model tersebut sistematis dan sederhana. Tahapan model pengembangan terdiri dari lima tahapan yaitu analyze (analisa), design (desain/perancangan), develop (pengembangan), implementation (implementasi), dan evaluation (evaluasi). Media ini sudah diujicobakan kepada ahli materi, ahli media, dan uji coba ke peserta didik di SMA Negeri 19 Surabaya. Pada uji coba oleh ahli materi memperoleh presentase sebesar 85% yang termasuk ke dalam kategori sangat baik. Selanjutnya, pada uji coba oleh ahli media memperoleh presentase sebesar 96%. Lalu media mobile learning berbasis android ini juga diuji cobakan kepada peserta didik dengan tiga tahap uji coba. Tahap pertama yaitu uji coba perseorangan dengan presentase 100%. Tahap kedua yaitu uji coba kelompok kecil dengan presentase 92, 5%. Tahap ketiga yaitu uji coba kelompok besar dengan presentase 94%. Dengan presentase tersebut termasuk ke dalam kategori sangat baik. Maka, mobile learning berbasis android ini layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran pada materi pokok sistem pertahanan tubuh mata …
Jurnal Mahapeserta didik Teknologi Pendidikan 1, 12, 2021
2021 Job Burnout on Teachers as Public Servant
Workers in the public service sector are one type of work with high risk of job burnout. This study aims to examine the descriptive data of job burnout of teachers as public servants. The data is collected by distributing online questionnaires. Analysis of the demographic data and the level of burnout of the subjects was conducted using descriptive statistical analysis. The results showed variations in the level of burnout when viewed from gender, age, marital status, education level, and length of working as a teacher. In addition, a more significant variation was found in aspects of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization compared to aspect of personal accomplishment. Further research is needed to explore the relationship between these factors and the level of teacher’s job burnout.
International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2021 (IJCAH 2021 …, 2021