Publikasi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2018 Agents of Change in the Management of Community Empowerment through Nonformal Education in Kampung Inggris, Indonesia
Kampung Inggris, a community of English language courses in Indonesia based on a nonformal education model, has successfully met the community demand for life skill. The purposes of this research are to analyze the characteristics of the agents of change and the characteristics of changes occurred in the community development of Kampung Inggris in the fields of education, economy, and social. In This research, the qualitative method was maintained by using a case study approach with a descriptive format. From the data analysis, it can be concluded that the agents of change have the following characteristics: humble, upholding the values of humanity, religious, qualified, always trying to communicate with community leaders and individuals, demonstrated familiarity, organized and adapt with the local community by empathy approach of interacting with good ethics. Furthermore, the changes in the economic sector and education of the society, as the agents of change decided to build the course without the dorm, therefore, it provides enjoyable working environment.
Social Science Development Journal 15 (3), 722-735, 2018
2018 Implementation Of Strategic Management In The Establishment Of Characters In Basic School
The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze:(1) management strategies in the formation of student character,(2) implementation of strategic management in the establishment of characters in basic school. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The method that is used in this research are observation, interviews, and documentation. Examination of the validity of the data is done by triangulation technique, which is by checking information on the results of interviews with documentation and observation. The results in this study indicate that each elementary school has a strategy in character building. Teachers as managers in the implementation of strategic management in the formation of character students are expected to be able to plan the right strategy, so that the goals of the school can be achieved. Future planning should be applied optimally. After a good implementation, it still requires an evaluation to improve and develop the implementation of the management strategy in the formation of the character of students in the implementation of management strategies in the formation of student character.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 291-294, 2018
2018 Education Management of Early Childhood Education Programs (Case Study in Ciputra International School)
Early childhood is an early stage associated with growth and development, education provided early on can create qualified Human Resources (HR). Early childhood education will be able to restore future community portraits to face the challenges of globalization, most of the early childhood that follows the early childhood program benefit when they have entered adulthood. it can be said that the ability of both children is cognitive and non-cognitive that is able to facilitate to learn at the next level. This research used a qualitative approach with a case study model. The results of this study indicate that:(1) planning starts from formulating the vision and mission and socializing to all stakeholders, the planning consists of several programs namely improving the quality of education, teaching staff and education planning program is packaged in a strategic plan with analysis SWOT,(2) organizing the process of determining various tasks and various programs to be achieved together. The initial steps taken are the recruitment process, organizational structure based on the job that has been determined,(3) the implementation of Ciputra SPK PAUD by holding orientation, competency development and motivation. given by the principal to improve the performance of educators and tenders, and (4) the supervision and evaluation process is carried out every semester, one month or one week.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 419-423, 2018
Artikel ini berisikan tentang deskripsi dan analisis model evaluasi yang bisa memberikan gambaran secara Countenance/keseluruan meskipun pihak penyelenggara sudah mempunya standart sendiri tetapi peneliti ingin membandingkan (evaluasi) terhadap program pelatihan handpone yang ada di DISNAKER Kabupaten Mojokerto dengan standart yang ada dengan teori adalah standart teori evaluasi Model Countenance. Penelitian ini menggunkan metode kualitatif. jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian evaluasi penentuan sumber data berupa purposive atau sample bertujuan. Teknik pengambilan data terdiri dari wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis datanya yaitu, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Untuk uji keabsahaan data terdiri dari kredibilitas, dependabilitas, konfrimabilitas dan transferabilitas. Berdasarkan hasil analisi data dan pembahasan temuan penelitian, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Context dalam sebuah kebijakan atau dasar program pelatihan ini adalah usulan pada musyawarah pembangunan desa untuk kegiatan pelatihan handpone. 2. Proses pelatihan service handpone mulai dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan sampai akhir sudah berjalan dengan baik, hal ini terbukti dengan tercapainya tujuan pelatihan yang telah direncanakan. Selain itu terpenuhi aspek aspek pelatihan meliputi, pengorganisasian peserta pelatihan, adanya perlangkapan yang memadai serta sarana dan prasarana yang sudah cukup baik dalam mendukung berjalannya pelatihan. 3. Output dari pelatihan ini sendiri adalah peserta pelatihan dapat mengenali perangkat atau komponen handpone serta …
JPUS: Jurnal Pendidikan Untuk Semua 2 (2), 1-7, 2018
2018 Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Terpadu Model Sequenced Tema Berbagai Pekerjaan Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran terpadu model sequenced pada tema berbagai pekerjaan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa kelas IV di SDN Tambak Sumur Kecamatan Waru. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua tahap, yaitu tahap persiapan yang bertujuan mengembangkan perangkat dengan mengikuti rancangan 4-D model dari Thiagarajan (1974) yang dimodifikasi menjadi 3-D dilanjutkan dengan tahap pelaksanaan pembelajaran di kelas dengan menggunakan rancangan one group pretest-posttest design. Data hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah sebagai berikut: hasil validasi perangkat pembelajaran berkatogori baik dan dapat digunakan dengan revisi. Tingkat kesulitan BAS sangat rendah dan mudah dipahami. Tingkat keterbacaan BAS sangat tinggi dan mudah dipahami. Skor keterlaksanaan pembelajaran sebesar 3, 34 yang berkategori baik. Frekuensi aktivitas siswa yang menonjol adalah mendengarkan atau memperhatikan penjelasan guru sebesar 26, 37%. Persentase respon siswa terhadap model pembelajaran sebesar 94, 6%. Skor ketuntasan belajar siswa dari Tes Hasil Belajar (THB) uji coba I soal pretest adalah 66, 5 (20%), pada posttest 88 (90%). Uji coba II soal pretest adalah 57, 1 (17%), pada posttest 81, 5 (92%). Kendala dalam kegiatan pembelajaran adalah media yang dimiliki sekolah sangat sedikit dan pada awal pertemuan ada beberapa siswa yang masih pasif, namun pada pertemuan berikutnya sudah tidak nampak. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, dapat disimpulkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran terpadu model sequenced untuk …
JP (Jurnal Pendidikan): Teori dan Praktik 3 (2), 92-96, 2018
2018 The Principals’ Leadership As Academic Supervisor In Elementary School
This study aims to determine the leadership of the principal as an academic supervisor, supporting factors and inhibiting the implementation of academic supervision. This research uses qualitative approach with case study type. The result is that the principal work with teachers and other stakeholders in achieving school goals, facilities and infrastructure from donors and governments, decisions are taken by deliberation and direct from the principal. The principal has a good relationship with the school and the surrounding community, the role of the supervisor starts from preparing the schedule, using the necessary techniques and then following up, the supporting factor is that teachers have an awareness of the importance of academic supervision and the obstacles consist of: teachers’ difficulty in completing learning tools and business of schools’ headmaster with departmental tasks. The supervision is done to improve teachers' ability to learn in school.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 157-161, 2018
2018 Developing Video Media learning to Enhance Learning Outcomes of the Learning Media Production Process at Postgraduate Students of Education Technology
This research aimed to develop learning devices which can facilitate and give an explanation to students regarding the production process at educational technology of postgraduate program at Adi Buana University, Surabaya. In fact, not all students had a basic knowledge of learning video development required to produce a single video media learning at the end of a lecture. This learning video development process used the design model ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). Video learning developed was validated by material and media experts to determine feasibly or in the process of teaching and learning in the classroom. Based on the results of the development of research data, it can be drawn the conclusion that learning video materials are worthy and able to overcome the problem of practicality and ease learning in the classroom and can effectively enhance student learning outcomes.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 673-675, 2018
2018 Publications of Islamic University of Indonesia in Scopus Database: a bibliometric assessment
This paper analyses publications of Islamic University of Indonesia in Scopus database. It aims to analyse the publications from number of document, author, collaborating affiliations, and comparison with other universities. Data was collected from Scopus database for the university between 2005 and 2017. The results show that university document improve continuously during research time frame. Furthermore, the results indicate that university collaboration in research is still limited to some universities having close location or having alumni as university faculty members. In comparison with other universities in Indonesia, the university is left behind and in need for further improvement. Based on the results, some suggestions can be recommended: improving faculty members’ competitiveness through incentives and commitments; enhancing more research collaboration; and expanding internationalization horizon …
COLLNET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management 12 (1), 109-131, 2018
2018 Alternatif Pembelajaran matematika Menggunakan Media Papan Arsir pecahan
Pembelajaran merupakan kegiatan yang membawa peserta didik memahami materi, ilmu pengetahuan, dan juga pengalaman untuk bekal kehidupannya di masa mendatang. Salah satu komponen dalam menunjang pembelajaran ialah media pembelajaran. Media memiliki peran penting dalam menyampaikan pesan dari guru kepada siswa salah satunya dalam materi matematika. Mengajarkan matematika di Sekolah Dasar haruslah disesuaikan dengan beberapa hal. Matematika Sekolah Dasar mencakup materi-materi yang diajarkan dengan konsep-konsep dan sesuai teori belajar yang mendukung. Penanaman dan pemahaman konsep dari suatu materi memerlukan proses pembelajaran yang menarik dan sesuai agar tidak menjadikan peserta didik mengalami miskonsepsi, untuk itu diperlukan alternatif pembelajaran yang sesuai salah satunya ialah papan arsir pecahan. Papan arsir pecahan merupakan media visual yang dikembangkan menggunakan papan yang berasal dari papan melamin dan akrilik yang dilapisi kain flanel. Media papan arsir pecahan merupakan media yang penggunaannya dengan cara diarsir. Media papan arsir pecahan akan memberikan penjelasan mengenai konsep operasi hitung pecahan. Media pembelajaran yang papan arsir pecahan ini memiliki komponen –komponen yaitu:(1) Papan utama (2) Papan arsir transparan (3) Papan Arsir tidak trasparan (4) buku petunjuk (5) Alat untuk mengarsir (Spidol)(6) box (7) Penghapus. Komponen-komponen tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif pembelajaran matematika di Sekolah Dasar.
INVENTA: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar 2 (2), 74-82, 2018
2018 Examined The Social Competence: A Case Study on Parenting and Emotional Development in Children
This study aimed to analyze the effect of parenting and socio-emotional development to social skill in early childhood in B group at Restu I Malang kindergarten. The data was collected through questionnaires and checklists. This study used a quantitative method with multiple regression and compare mean (one-way ANOVA) to analyze the data. The results showed that parenting and socio-emotional development partially influenced the children's social skills, and there was no significant difference in children's social skills between the parenting parents authoritarian, permissive parenting, and parenting democratic.
1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017), 377-379, 2018