Publikasi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2019 Analisis Implementasi Guided Discovery Learning Berbasis PACE pada Mata Kuliah Statistika Matematika
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi Guided Discovery Learning Berbasis PACE pada mata kuliah Statistika Matematika. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Adapun subjek penelitian yang digunakan adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika di salah satu universitas swasta di Jakarta Timur yang mengontrak mata kuliah Statistika Matematika. Penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling dan beragam instrumen. Adapun instrumennya meliputi lembar observasi, pedoman wawancara, dokumentasi, dan peneliti. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan teknik triangulasi. Adapun hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara umum, Guided Discovery Learning Berbasis PACE dapat diimplementasikan dengan baik pada mata kuliah Statistika Matematika.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Matematika (SNPM) 1 (1), 537-551, 2019
2019 Total Quality Management: Developing Schools Qualities
Improving the quality of education has been done in various ways, one of the strategies to improve it is by applying Management theory known as Total Quality Management (TQM). Namely the philosophy of improving the quality of education continuously and can be used as a practical tool by educational institutions in meeting the needs, desires, and expectations of current and future customers. The main goal is customer or customer satisfaction. TQM is related to the creation of a quality culture with the aim that Management can satisfy all educational customers, teachers/employees or staff can satisfy both internal and external customers. Educational institutions that implement TQM make continuous improvements in order to win global competition. Achieving the above objectives can use principles: focus on the customer, improve the quality of the process and involve all components of education. Leading schools that prioritize the quality and quality of education, one way that can be done is by applying TQM. At present there are not many superior schools that have used the ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management System, both excellent schools in state institutions and excellent schools in private institutions. Leading schools that have ISO 9001: 2008 certification include the AT-Taqwa Surabaya school. This is the reason for researchers to take the object of research in the flagship school.
3rd International Conference on Special Education (ICSE 2019), 206-210, 2019
2019 The Student’s Conflict Resolution in Individual Psychological Dynamics
This article aims to describe the factors that cause conflict, how the process of conflict and the solution of the conflict in the framework of individual psychological dynamics. This qualitative research analyzes conflict case data with selected references to answer the focus of the study. Ten cases of interpersonal conflict were chosen which included destructive conflict and constructive conflict. Conflict actors are interviewed in-depth based on the focus of the study. Conclusion (1) Conflict is caused by differences of opinion, misunderstandings, actions that are considered detrimental to others, and feelings of being too sensitive to negative thoughts. Conflict is triggered by differences in views and perceptions that are prevented from achieving goals;(2) Three focus views on conflict include (a) perceptions of the problem of conflict,(b) perceptions of objectives, and (c) perceptions of the perpetrators of the conflict;(3) Understanding of conflict is formed by the reality of the object and the individual's perception of conflict.(4) the psychological dynamics of conflict are described in the ABC triangle, as a series of mutual influences between Attitudes+ Behavior+ Contradiction.
3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019), 366-370, 2019
2019 The Development of Peer Mediation Training for Senior High School Students
This study aims to develop products and test the feasibility of products through expert validation and user validation. The tools of the mediation program that have been developed include (1) training guidebooks as mediators,(2) peer mediation model videos,(3) evaluation instruments resulting from the application of peer mediation. Product validators include 4 Guidance and Counseling experts and 5 school counselors. The feasibility test shows the product meets criteria of usability, feasibility, accuracy, propriety.
3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019), 337-339, 2019
2019 Pengembangan Aplikasi Need Assessment Siswa untuk Penyusunan Progam BK di SMP
Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan aplikasi angket kebutuhan peserta didik dalam penyusunan progam kerja BK. Penelitian ini menggunakan model RnD (Research and Development). Penelitian ini memiliki 4 langkah seperti: 1). Analisa produk yang di kembangkan, 2). membuat draf produk awal, 3) Validasi ahli dan pengguna dan 4) Revisi hasil berdasarkan uji ahli praktisi (Borg And Gall yang di sederhanakan oleh tim Puslitjavnov: 2008)
Jurnal BK UNESA 10 (3), 2019
2019 Overview of Self-Esteem in Adolescent Behavior that do Self-Injury (Case Studies)
This study aims to look at the picture of adolescent self-esteem that performs self-injury behavior. The subjects of this study were 3 junior high school students in Tulangan District, Sidoarjo. The method of data collection carried out was an independent interview and observation. Analysis of the data used in this study is qualitative analysis. The results showed that individuals who engage in self-injury with the kind of slashing body parts using the help of sharp objects (broken glass, needles, and a small knife), inhaling hazards, as well as hitting themselves they basically have self-esteem is low due to the factors from personal-social, parents, friends and academics. The three subjects carried out self-injury behaviors on the basis of their perceived worthlessness both from lack of attention from parents, inability to accept themselves, conflict with parents and friends, failure in academic activities and social interaction. Based on the results of this study, it is expected that further research can carry out development studies for developing a model in increasing self-esteem and reducing or overcoming self-injury behavior in adolescents.
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding 6 (3 …, 2019
2019 Pemetaan Potensi Mahasiswa Bimbingan Dan Konseling Berdasarkan Instrumen Kecerdasan Majemuk Angkatan 2015-2017
Manusia pasti dilahirkan dengan kemampuan dan kelebihan yang berbeda antara satu dan yang lain, begitu juga dengan kecerdasan yang dimilikinya. Kecerdasan pasti berhubungan dengan kemampuan kognitif yang dimiliki individu. kecerdasan majemuk adalah kemampuan untuk memecahkan dan menyelesaikan masalah, selain itu kecerdasan ini juga diartikan sebagai keahlian seseorang dalam berpikir, bertindak dan berperilaku sesuai dengan apa yang dihadapinya. Menurut Gardner kecerdasan terbagi menjadi sepuluh yaitu kecerdasan linguistik, matematika-logika, gerak-kinestetik, visual-spasial, musikal, intrapersonal, interpersonal, naturalis, emosional dan spiritual. potensi merupakan sesuatu yang ada pada manusia dan bisa dikembangkan semaksimal mungkin. Banyak ragam atau jenis dan faktor yang mempengaruhi kemampuan dan potensi yang dimiliki mahasiswa jurusan Bimbingan dan Konseling selain dibidang akademis yang mendorong adanya penelitian survei ini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ragam atau jenis kemampuan serta faktor yang menpengaruhi dan potensi yang dimiliki mahasiswa jurusan Bimbingan dan Konseling. metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei dengan angket kecerdasan majemuk. Data yang telah di kumpulkan dengan metode survei kemudian dianalisis dengan teknik tabulasi.Hasil penelitian ini 1) Mahasiswa Bimbingan dan Konseling Angkatan 2015 mempunyai potensi pada aspek kecerdasan spasial, intrapersonal, dan kinestetis-jasmani. 2) Mahasiswa Bimbingan dan Konseling Angkatan 2016 mempunyai potensi dalam aspek kecerdasan spasial …
Jurnal BK UNESA 9 (2), 2019
2019 5 Lessons Learned from The Implementation of Online Teacher Professional Education Program for In-service Teachers in Indonesia
Learning analytic is one of data mining method that is widely used to investigate online learning behavior of online education program. Learning analytic data findings are very important. It can be used as a foundation to improve the quality of online education program. This study is aimed at finding some lessons learned from the implementation of online learning implemented in the Teacher Professional Education for in-service teachers in Indonesia by using learning analytic method. Some set of data from four batches of around 40.000 in-service teachers, as participant of online teacher professional education was collected and analyzed. Learning analytic findings showed five lessons learned, ie 1) civil effect is matter and will lead online learning participant to consider online teacher professional education as not only a demand, but also a need; 2) good quality of online content delivery is important to enhance …
International Conference on Educational Technology 1, 2019
2019 Fingerprint-based Presence Application for Children with Disabilities
The development of fingerprint-based presence applications for children with disabilities aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of institutions in managing the system of attendance or presence. The development of a fingerprint-based presence application for children with disabilities uses a procedural model development research design. The research design of the development of procedural models is a descriptive qualitative research design that uses steps that must be followed to produce a product. The procedural development model must include several stages so that the resulting product can be developed optimally. The steps taken in the procedural method are preliminary study, development, and testing. The results of this product development provide several implications, namely the development of science and technology, managers of institutions or organizations and also for children with disabilities. First, the implications for the development of science and technology. Second, the implications for managers of institutions or organizations. Third, the implications for children with disabilities themselves.
3rd International Conference on Special Education (ICSE 2019), 303-306, 2019
2019 E-Counseling for Children with Disabilities
E-counseling for children with disabilities aims to provide services or facilitate children with special needs or children with disabilities to be able to communicate the problems faced in their environment. This e-counseling was developed through the establishment of a website that connects disabled students with counselors at the university level. Through the website, children with disabilities are able to talk about problems they face with counselors without worrying about privacy. The e-counseling development also aims to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the management of counseling services at the university because it is more systematic, namely through the website.
3rd International Conference on Special Education (ICSE 2019), 299-302, 2019