Publikasi S2 Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2019 Pengaruh latihan imagery dan tingkat konsentrasi terhadap peningkatan keterampilan lay up shoot bola basket SMAN 1 Menganti Gresik
Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan menggunkan metode eksperimen semu (quasi experimental design). Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan desain Faktorial (Factorial Design) dengan analisis data menggunakan uji t (paired t-test). Berdasarkan hasil penelitianini menunjukkan:(1) Terdapat pengaruh latihan imagery pada siswa tingkat konsentrasi rendah terhadap peningkatan keterampilan lay up shoot kanan dan kiri bola basket.(2) Terdapat pengaruh latihan imagery pada siswa tingkat konsentrasi tinggi terhadap peningkatan keterampilan lay up shoot kanan dan kiri bola basket.(3) Terdapat perbedaan pengaruh latihan imagery pada siswa tingkat konsentrasi rendah dan tinggi.
Jp. Jok (Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga Dan Kesehatan) 2 (2), 1-13, 2019
2019 School Literacy Movement, Scientific Literacy, and Science Matter Inventory for Hearing Impaired Students
This paper aim to describe results of inventory school literacy movement, scientific literacy, and science matter in school for dissabilities especially hearing impairment students. This results used to design science multimedia was appropriate with hearing impairment students, especially for elementary school for dissabilities. The design used to basic of developing and producing, so can provided utilities that needed for scientific literacy activity as supporting SLM. The inventory data obtained through direct observation and assessment sheets of SLM, science literacy, and science matter, and then analyzed descriptively. Based on the inventory results there are components has not been maximized, so it needs active roles from various parties to completed the utilities in scientific literacy activity in school for dissabilities hearing impairment
National Seminar on Chemistry 2019 (SNK-19), 132-138, 2019
2019 Teacher Skills in Communicating with Students with ASD in Inclusive Schools
The aim of this research is to describe the teacher's ability to interact with students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in several aspects namely: speaking skills, writing skills, listening skills, and nonverbal communication. This research applied descriptive qualitative research design. Data were collected through interview and observation. Data were analyzed by applying interactive model. Findings report that in terms of speaking teachers still have difficulty understanding the spoken words of students with ASD but have applied the right principle of speaking. Written communication is not yet to be implemented. In terms of listening skill, the teacher is patient enough in waiting and understanding the response of ASD students. The nonverbal communication and communication using visual media have not yet been implemented.
3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019), 340-343, 2019
2019 Development of Computer Based Teaching Materials to Increase Phonetic Awareness of Deaf Students in Special Schools for Deaf
This paper aims to describe the development of computer-based teaching materials to increase phonemic awareness of deaf students in special deaf schools. The development of teaching materials is based on the background of the lack of teaching materials in the learning of Communication Development and Sound and Cadence Performance (PKPBI). This situation resulted in learning becoming less flexible, and not giving many opportunities for students to carry out adequate exploration and learning experiences especially in language development. The main problem of children with hearing impairments is a communication problem rooted in the limitations of language acquisition. The development of language skills in special deaf schools is carried out through language learning, speech training and the development of communication and sound perception and rhythm. The low level of language skills in deaf students in both oral and written schools is one indication that the learning that has been carried out is not optimal. This condition reflects the need for efforts to deepen learning. implying the need for learning as a system is a complex process involving the teacher component, teaching material, strategy and environment.
International Conference on Education, Science and Technology, 97-103, 2019
2019 Excessive Internet Use and Its Hours Usage Control among Indonesian Students in China
At one decade, the internet has changed human lifestyles, and it harms daily student life. The adverse effects including physically and mentally problem had decreased student social skill and coping styles on real life. The aims of these studies were to explore the predictions of Internet hour usage on Indonesian student internet excessive use. Indonesian students in Wuhan have been participating in this study. This study using quantitative approached using descriptive statistic. The main finding revealed, regarding the daily internet use, comparison among Indonesian on internet addiction level have the difference which is Indonesian students using the Internet from less than 1hour until more than 12 hours per day otherwise students no one uses the Internet less than 1 hour. The data above revealed internet addiction level on Indonesian could be described based on daily internet usage. Therefore, daily internet usage could predict the Indonesian level addiction on the Internet. Otherwise, it could not be applied to the students, whereas Indonesian students on the daily usage have higher Internet addictive level than Chinese students.
3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019), 332-336, 2019
2019 Descriptive Analysis of Parent Involvement in Learning Students Special Needs in Inclusive Schools
The research is intended to describe the involvement of parents of special needs students in children's education in inclusive schools. The study was conducted with a quantitative descriptive research approach, data collection was done through quisioner techniques and interviews as supporters. Analysis using percentage descriptive statistics. The results showed:(1) The involvement of parents was 34% good, 36% was enough, 26% was lacking, and 4% was very lacking.(2) Efforts that have been made by the school in involving parents in:(a) planning aspects 42% are good, 33% are sufficient, 20% are lacking, and 5% are very lacking.(b) program implementation aspects 26% are good, 39% are sufficient, 31% are lacking, and 4% are very lacking.(c) assessment aspects 33% good, 37% sufficient, 25% less, and 5% very poor.(d) mentoring aspects 38% good, 39% sufficient, 20% less, and 3% very less.(e) the drafting aspect of the PPI is 27% good, 34% sufficient, 34% less, 5% very lacking.(3) Constraints encountered in involving parents in school education are:(a) parents do not go to school,(b) there are often different perceptions about the ability of students and teachers.(c) parents cover up their abilities.(d) parents are less cooperative with the teacher.(4) Parental constraints to getting involved in school education are:(a) Parents work.(b) limited knowledge so that they do not understand what must be done.(c) Not having enough time.
3rd International Conference on Special Education (ICSE 2019), 211-215, 2019
2019 Efektivitas pelatihan identifikasi anak berkebutuhan khusus pada guru sekolah inklusi
Kemampuan guru sekolah inklusi dalam melakukan identifkasi anak berkebutuhan khusus sangat diperlukan agar dapat memberikan pelayanan pendidikan yang sesuai. Guru sekolah inklusi harus mengetahui jenis-jenis, gejala dan ciri-ciri anak berkebutuhan khusus untuk dapat melakukan identifikasi yang sesuai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui efektivitas pelatihan identifikasi anak berkebutuhan khusus (ABK) pada guru sekolah inklusi. Penelitaian ini adalah penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan rancangan one group pre-test dan post-test design. Peserta dalam pelatihan identifikasi ABK ini adalah guru-guru yang menangani siswa ABK dengan jumlah 30 orang. Analisis dilakukan dengan paired sample t-test dengan nilai signifikansi 0,000< alpha (0.05). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan identifikasi ABK ini efektif bagi para guru di sekolah inklusi. Kemampuan para guru sekolah inklusi dalam melakukan identifikasi pada ABK mengalami peningkatan setelah dilakukannya pelatihan.
Psikosains: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pemikiran Psikologi 13 (2), 109-121, 2019
2019 Apa yang berbeda? Kemampuan kognitif pada anak tunanetra tanpa pengalaman visual (congenital visual impairment)
This study is aimed to obtain cognitive profile of children with congenital visual impairment. The method used is research synthesis. The sample in this study is 11 research-based references on visual impairment. The data is collected using online search engine that is google scholar using specific keywords. The references were chosen based on the relevance with criteria set up for this study. The variables in each articles were then identified assuming that there should be at least one variable in each research-based article. There were 5 variables identified that are reasoning, memory, spatial orientation, vocabulary, and verbal reasoning. Variables, aspects, and indicators were identified using reduction and coding. The result in this study is presented in a matrix consisting variable, aspects, and indicators of cognitive ability of children with visual impairment.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil kognitif anak dan remaja tunanetra. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sintesis riset (research synthesis). Sampel dalam penelitian ini merupakan 11 referensi ilmiah tentang ketunanetraan yang dianggap paling merepresentasikan fokus penelitian ini. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan mesin pencari daring, yaitu melalui scholar. google. com, dengan memasukkan kata kunci tertentu. Referensi ilmiah dipilih berdasarkan kesesuaian dengan kriteria dan batasan dalam penelitian ini. Variabel diidentifikasi berdasarkan fokus dari masing-masing referensi ilmiah, dengan asumsi bahwa referensi dari hasil penelitian memiliki fokus variabel tertentu yang diukur. Adapun 5 variabel tersebut adalah penalaran …
JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Inklusi) 3 (1), 20-39, 2019
2019 Development of Circuit Games to Develop Rugged Motoric Ability and Language
The purpose of this study is to analyze the feasibility and effectiveness of the circuit game of the recognize me have in developing gross motor skills and children's language in group A at RA Al-Qodir Wage Sidoarjo. This development research use the Dick & Carey research and development model. The result of the development are circuit game products to develop gross motor skill and children’s language in group A. The development of the media includes material about the introduction of indonesian culture, namely traditional clothes in Indonesia. The study was conducted in class A1 at RA Al-Qodir Wage Sidoarjo. Based on the formative test to experts and children obtained qualitative and quantitative data, qualitative data are suggestions from experts and quantitative data in the form of a percentage of child observasion sheets. From the percentage of asessment of formative tests experts and also children, the circuit game is feasible and effective to be used in learning to develop gross motor skills and children’s language in group A in RA Al-Qodir Wage Sidoarjo.
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies 1 (3), 166-169, 2019
2019 The effect of playing bridge beams on the coordination and balance of the body of early childhood
This study aims to determine the effect of playing bridge beams on the coordination and balance of the body of children aged 5-6 years. The research subjects were children aged 5-6 years in Raudhatul Athfal (Kindergarten School) Munawwarus Sholeh of Situbondo district. The research approach used is a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental design. Research data was obtained through tests given to children and documentation taken at the time of the study. Data analysis techniques in this study using independent sample t-test. The results of the data analysis show the number sig. 0,000> 0,050, it shows that the null hypothesis is rejected so that it can be concluded that there is the influence of playing the bridge beams on the coordination and balance of the body of children aged 5-6 years.
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies 1 (1), 72-74, 2019