Publikasi S1 Pendidikan Luar Sekolah

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2017 Penerapan Pembelajaran Daring Kombinasi dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belaja Peserta Didik Paket C Vokasi di Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat(PKBM) Pioneer Karanganyar
E-Journal UNESA, 1-12, 2017
2017 The Impact of Basic Literacy Program to Create a Learning Society
Basic literacy is a program that focused on reading, writing and counting skill as an effort of adult low literacy skill improvement or illiteracy age 15-59. This research aim to determine the implementation, analyses result, and the effect of learning society creation, supporting and inhibiting factors of basic literacy program on SKB Malang target group. In this research applied qualitative method, research subject were student, tutor, and program organizer. Research result showed that basic literacy program implementation referred to 10 learning community standards namely: 1) student, 2) tutor, 3) learning instructor, 4) learning place, 5) learning infrastructure, 6) learning group, 7) learning formulation, 8) learning funding, 9) learning program, 10) learning result. Program results referred to three domains covered cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. Program affected to student if they can implement its basic literacy program result to daily live supporting factor in this program was internal factor namely motivation and family support and external factor was supporting learning environment, flexible learning hours, conducive local area, and support from village officer. While for inhibiting factors which can hampered the achievement of program purposes were learning hours adjusted student's activity, lack of tutor's advocacy, lack of infrastructure and advocacy funding.
9th International Conference for Science Educators and Teachers (ICSET 2017 …, 2017
2017 Adult Interest On Following English Course at BEC Kampung Inggris Pare Kediri
The purpose of this study is 1). To describe the learning programs in BEC, 2). To describe and analyze the meaning of adult interest in attending English courses at BEC. This research was conducted with qualitative approach with phenomenology design of data collection under three techniques, namely: 1). In-depth interview, 2). Observation, 3). Documentation. The results of the study that is 1). Communication as an action or one-way communication puts instruction as an action giver, active instructor to passive course participants. 2). Communication as a two-way interaction or communication, the instructor acts as the actor or the recipient of the action, 3). Communication as a transaction or communication. While the interest of adult learners in English courses are 1). BEC is the pioneer institution of the course, the oldest course institution, very famous due to its successful alumni, awarded by the ministry of education for its dedication in English education. 2). BEC values brotherhood and religion 3). BEC makes rules to every participant to speak English in the BEC area and intensive meeting arena and thus put pride amongst the participants 4). The cheap cost of the courses that can be reached by every people and the time or duration given for learning activities is quite proportional. 5). In BEC they can seek new experiences like teaching practices, English communication with other course participants, new friends, new family, including looking for spouse.
9th International Conference for Science Educators and Teachers (ICSET 2017 …, 2017
2017 Implementation lifelong learning: The Adult Learners Based Learning Needs
Adult education has the approach, scope and objectives as well as different strategies to education for children. Learners are adults in learning activities to choose, establish and develop the method chosen to achieve the desired learning outcomes. Selection, establishment and development of methods based on the conditions existing learning The adult learners as a lifelong learning process, adult has a self-concept, experience, learning orientation and readiness to learn. Learning need of adult have variation, such as: Learning needs relate to job duties. Learning needs associated with indulgence and recreation. Learning needs related to religious. Learning needs related to language skill and general knowledge. Learning needs related to domesticity. Learning needs relating to personal appearance. Learning needs related to knowledge about new event. Learning needs related to business in agriculture. Learning needs relating to services. Those classifications can adult learners wider of learning needs vary, presumably can be concluded that multiple purposes, multiple agents and multiple programs can be used as input in determining the course of study in a non-formal education to develop a variety of learning programs.
3rd NFE Conference on Lifelong Learning (NFE 2016), 169-172, 2017
2017 Pelaksanaan Programpendidikan Kecakapan Hidup (PKH) Menjahit Bagi Perempuan Dalam Meningkatkan Kemandirian Peserta Didik di LKP Modes Muria Sidoarjo-Jawa Timur
Pendidikan kecakapan hidup adalah salah satu jenis pendidikan non formal yang memberikan keterampilan menekankan pada vocational skill keterampilan menjahit kepada peserta didik di lembaga kursus dan pelatihan. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan dan hasil pada programpendidikan kecakapan hidup (PKH) menjahit bagi perempuan dalam meningkatkankemandirian peserta didik. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah koleksi data, reduksi data, display data dan verifikasi. Sedangkan dalam uji keabsahan data peneliti menggunakan kredibilitas, dependabilitas, konfirmabilitas dan transferabilitas. Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa pelaksanaan program PKH Menjahit dapat berjalan dengan baik, efektif dan efisien, dimana dapat dilihat dari terselesainya tahapan demi tahapan dalam setiap komponen penyelenggaraan PKH yaitu 1). Analisis peluang 2). Kursus dan pelatihan kerja 3) Penilaian hasil pembelajaran atau uji kompetensi 4). Jaminan penempatan lulusan, sehingga menghasilkan peserta didik yang trampil dan siap ditempatkan di dunia usaha dan industri. Sedangkan peningkatan kemandirian dapat dilihat dari beberapa indikator, antara lain: memiliki ide-ide kreatif, disiplin, tidak tergantung orang lain dan mampu memenuhi kebutuhan seharihari.
JPUS: Jurnal Pendidikan Untuk Semua 1 (1), 29-36, 2017
2017 Local Wisdom of Samin Community: The Core Values to Build Characters
Education and Humanities Research 173, 196-198, 2017
2017 Keberdayaan perempuan pasca pelatihan mengolah sampah bagi kelompok pemberdayaan dan kesejahteraan keluarga
Kelompok pemberdayaan dan kesejahteraan keluarga sebagai salah satu unit desa dapat dioptimalkan untuk mewujudkan keberdayaan perempuan melalui program pelatihan mengolah sampah. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian survai, yaitu penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mencari informasi faktual yang memperlihatkan gejala yang ada, mengidentifikasi masalah atau untuk mendapatkan justifikasi keadaan dan kegiatan yang sedang berjalan, serta untuk mengetahui hal-hal yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang yang menjadi sasaran penelitian dalam memecahkan masalah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi dan wawancara. Keberdayaan perempuan dengan indikator partisipasi, akses, kontrol, kerja sama, dan percaya diri yang didasarkan perhitungan dari hasil observasi menunjukkan jumlah persentase 82, 5%. Nilai tersebut termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik karena berada pada interval koefisien 80%-100% berdasarkan pedoman untuk memberikan interpretasi terhadap persentase.
JPPM (Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat) 4 (2), 146-156, 2017
2016 Pengaruh Strategi Bauran Pemasaran Terhadap Keputusan Siswa dalam Memilih Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Tuban
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh bauran pemasaran yang terdiri dari produk, harga, lokasi, dan bukti fisik secara parsial terhadap keputusan siswa dalam memilih MAN Tuban, serta mengetahui pengaruh produk, harga, lokasi, dan buti fisik secara bersama-sama terhadap keputusan siswa memilih MAN Tuban. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode analisis linear berganda, dengan menggunakan uji simultan dan uji parsial. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 81 siswa kelas X MAN Tuban dengan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling.
JDMP (Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen Pendidikan) 1 (1), 68-78, 2016
2016 The Contestation of Discourses on Sustainable Development in The Controversy of Benoa Bay Reclamation
International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Affair …, 2016
2016 Teenagers are subjected to cyber bullying in social media Ask. fm
Re-Examining Governance: Strengthening Citizenship In The Changing World …, 2016