Publikasi S1 Manajemen Pendidikan
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Year | Title | Description | Publisher | Author(s) |
2019 | Back Matter (Biography, Author Guideline) | Ringkas maksimal 150 kata untuk abstrak Bahasa Inggris, 1 paragraf, berisi latarbelakang, tujuan, metode, hasil, kesimpulan. style _ABSTRACT |
JDMP (Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen Pendidikan) 3 (2), 2019 | |
2019 | The Role of Higher Education Leaders to Engage Research | This study seeks to explore the role of the leadership of the college in cultivating research using a qualitative approach. The data collection methods used are interviews, observations, and document studies. Data analysis used is data condensation, data display, and data verification, while the validity test of the data used is the triangulation of source and engineering, and the member check. Results of this study showed that the role of the university leader in the study of research can be done by providing fund support, spreading research information, giving motivation, appropriate policy retrieval related With lecturer research activities, establishing cooperation, facilitating the civitas in research, and through a humanistic approach. The role was implemented so that the lecturers especially the lecturer could familiarize themselves with the research culture. |
3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019), 130-133, 2019 | |
2019 | Pengaruh Etos Kerja dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Peningkatan Ekonomi Pekerja Kuli Aangkut (Manol) di UPT TPI Mayangan | Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) pengaruh etos kerja terhadap peningkatan ekonomi kuli angkut (manol) di UPT TPI Mayangan 2) untuk mengetahui pengaruh disiplin kerja terhadap peningkatan ekonomi kuli angkut 3) untuk mengetahui pengaruh etos kerja dan disiplin kerja terhadap peningkatan ekonomi kuli angkut. Data etos kerja dan disiplin kerja didapatkan melalui penyebaran kuesioner kepada 30 kuli angkut, sedangkan data peningkatan ekonomi di peroleh melalui wawancara kepada 30 kuli angkut. Data di analisis dengan menggunakan regresi linear berganda. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa etos kerja tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap peningkatan ekonomi. Hasil pengujian lain menunjukkan tidak ada pengaruh disiplin kerja terhadap peningkatan ekonomi. Begitu juga secara simultan etos kerja dan disiplin kerja tidak memiliki pengaruh pada peningkatan ekonomi kuli angkut di UPT TPI Mayangan. |
BALANCE: Economic, Business, Management and Accounting Journal 16 (2), 2019 | |
2019 | Cost Analysis in the Community-Based School Transportation Service | This study aims to analyze the magnitude of the costs and factors that influence the implementation of community-based school transportation services. Implementation of school transportation services as simple mass transportation as an effort to reduce congestion on the highway. The research method uses a qualitative approach with a case study research design. The location of the study was at Al-Falah Elementary School in Surabaya which enabled the community to maximize school-specific services to support the learning process. Data collection techniques used by interviews, observation, and documentation. Data collected, then processed by step condensing data, presenting data, then verifying data. To ensure data can be properly accounted for, the data validity test is carried out which includes credibility testing, transferability, dependability, and confirmation. The results of the study indicate that the analysis of the cost of association-based school transportation services is determined by the parents' background factors and the amount of school transportation operational costs. Where education and economic level parents have a big contribution to determine the choice of school transportation services. Meanwhile, the determination of school transportation costs is determined by personal costs, operational costs, distance or location, number of interested persons in one area, and the type of vehicle used |
5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2019), 122-126, 2019 | |
2019 | Evaluating Teachers’ Assignment Implementation as School Principals Preparation Program in Indonesia | Study about policy education based on its criteria benefits to develop science by having new knowledge to enrich research in public evaluation discipline and educational management research area. Policy evaluation of teachers’ assignment as school principals will not only be able to give inputs to ministry of education and culture. But it will also give reinforcement to policy decision to make it successful for what it has been done. The role of principals is very essential to make the school have capability to shape intelligent and competitive Indonesian human capital. School principals as leaders are expected to become contributor to the success of governance reinforcement, accountability and public image of education. Their success to develop educational quality at school is very determined by their professionalism to do their duties, roles and function as principals. To develop their professionalism, it is very imperative to prepare selection of principal candidates. The implementation of proper selection system is hoped to bring about principal candidates who have high credibility since it has important role for education nowadays. It is also hoped that competent principals have capability to build good school cultural organization by emphasizing excellent service to learners and its community. |
3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019), 134-137, 2019 | |
2019 | Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja Dan Kompensasi Guru Terhadap Kinerja Guru SMK Swasta Se-Kecamatan Bangil | This research objective to find out the impact of motivation and compensation through teachers performance Vocational High School in Bangil district. Collecting data technique used questionnaire and distributed to respondent. Sampling technique is cluster random sampling. Sample for every school are 3 teachers from each major. Totally sample 42 respondents from 5 schools. Validity test used pearson product moment. Analisis technique to answer the research questions are inferential statistic multiple linier regression. Research results showed motivation and compensation have an impact through teachers performance Vocational High School in Bangil District. |
Kelola: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan 6 (2), 188-192, 2019 | |
2019 | Perbedaan Hasil Belajar antara Model Kooperatif Tipe Teams Games Tournament dan Pair Checks | Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar matematika antara pembelajaran kooperatif tipe team games tournament (TGT) dan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe pair checks. Penelitian kuasi eksperimen ini hanya pada materi bangun datar dan dilakukan pada sampel sebanyak 72 orang siswa, yaitu 36 siswa kelas VIIA dalam kelompok pembelajaran TGT dan 36 siswa kelas VIIB dalam kelompok pembelajaran pair checks. Sampel dipilih secara cluster random. Instrumen penelitian adalah soal pilihan ganda. Berdasarkan analisis data diperoleh nilai t hitung kurang dari t tabel yaitu-2, 4380<-1, 9967. Dengan demikian disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar dengan model kooperatif tipe TGT dan pair checks. |
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan STKIP Kusuma Negara, 2019 | |
2019 | Perbedaan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa antara Pembelajaran Kooperatif Student Team Achievement Division dan Team Assisted Individualization | Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar matematika siswa antara pembelajaran kooperatif tipe student team achievement division (STAD) dan team asissted individualization (TAI). Sampel penelitian ini adalah 30 orang siswa kelompok STAD dan 30 orang siswa kelompok TAI. Data penelitian diperoleh dari instrumen tes hasil belajar matematika pada materi bilangan bulat. Data dianalisis dengan uji persyaratan. Hasil perhitungan uji normalitas data siswa kelompok pembelajaran STAD didapat L hitung= 0, 1026< 0,161= L tabel sedangkan untuk data siswa kelompok pembelajaran TAI diperoleh L hitung= 0,159< 0,161= L tabel, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa kedua data berdistribusi normal. Kemudian hasil perhitungan uji homogenitas diperoleh F hitung= 1, 22< 1, 85= F tabel, sehingga variansi data homogen. Berdasarkan analisis data dengan uji-t, didapat t hitung= 2, 50> 2, 00= t tabel dengan taraf signifikansi?= 0, 05 sehingga disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar matematika siswa antara pembelajaran kooperatif STAD dan TAI. |
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan STKIP Kusuma Negara, 2019 | |
2019 | Relationship between school leadership style and teachers’ motivation with teachers discipline | The background of this research is based on the teacher's lack of work discipline. There are still teachers who are late for class. In addition there are teachers who are late in collecting lesson plans. The research was conducted at VI Elementary School Elementary School, Palmerah, West Jakarta, with a survey method. The study population amounted to 133 people, while the sample amounted to 100 people, the data were analyzed using correlation and regression techniques. Based on the results of research to improve teacher work discipline can be done with a leadership style that is in accordance with situational motivation and work motivation of the teacher itself. |
ICTES 2018: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Technology …, 2019 | |
2019 | Analisis Implementasi Guided Discovery Learning Berbasis PACE pada Mata Kuliah Statistika Matematika | Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi Guided Discovery Learning Berbasis PACE pada mata kuliah Statistika Matematika. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Adapun subjek penelitian yang digunakan adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika di salah satu universitas swasta di Jakarta Timur yang mengontrak mata kuliah Statistika Matematika. Penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling dan beragam instrumen. Adapun instrumennya meliputi lembar observasi, pedoman wawancara, dokumentasi, dan peneliti. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan teknik triangulasi. Adapun hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara umum, Guided Discovery Learning Berbasis PACE dapat diimplementasikan dengan baik pada mata kuliah Statistika Matematika. |
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Matematika (SNPM) 1 (1), 537-551, 2019 |