Publikasi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2021 Gambaran Kesejahteraan Psikologis pada Karyawan Terdampak Pandemi COVID-19
This research discusses the psychological well-being of employees affected by COVID-19 pandemic. This research was a descriptive study that used a quantitative approach. The subjects in the study were 118 employees who are working in an educational institution. Data were collected using the psychological well-being scale which was constructed based on the Ryffs (1989) concept of psychological well-being. Data analysis were carried out by compiling categorization and cross-tabulating in order to determine the psychological well-being of employees. The results showed that the psychological well-being of employees was in the high category. The dimension of psychological well-being that stands out is the life purpose, followed by the positive relationships with others.
Jurnal Psikologi Teori dan Terapan 11 (3), 315-325, 2021
Learning to write stories is one of the competencies taught to elementary school students. Therefore we need an appropriate learning module in the learning process. This research uses a literature study method which is taken from relevant previous research. Literature retrieval techniques based on keywords, year of publication, and research problems. Keywords that are the focus of the search on google scholar are the learning module to write stories for elementary school students with the publication year between 2015-2021. The literature study aims to find and analyze the learning module to write short stories in elementary school students so that the learning model found can be known, selected, and applied to elementary school students in accordance with the characteristics and needs of students. The results of this study obtained as many as 7 literature. The conclusion obtained in this study is that there are several modules used in short story writing. Among them include an enrichment module for writing children's stories with character values based on CLIL, a learning module for reading comprehension of adventure story texts, a module for writing creative stories, a module that is oriented towards a scientific approach to learning narrative writing.
Jurnal MUDARRISUNA: Media Kajian Pendidikan Agama Islam 11 (2), 306-315, 2021
2021 Pemanfaatan Model Bahan Ajar pada Materi Menulis Cerpen
Short story writing skills are considered complex skills and difficult to master. The obstacles when learning to write short stories are in students who tend to be lazy to read, while external factors lie in the availability of teaching materials, media, and strategies used by the teacher. The research objective was to determine the model of teaching materials in short story writing material. This type of research uses qualitative research with literature review methods. The library selection technique is based on the keywords of the teaching material model in short story writing material. The literature comes from accredited national journals on Google Scholar with a publication limit of the last 10 years. The literature study technique uses a synthetic matrix based on reference sources, sample types, methods, interventions, and findings. The conclusion is that the teaching material model in writing short story materials can be done using the storyboard learning method, experience, paraphrasing, short stories gram, audiovisual media, documentary films, and adobe flash.
Jurnal MUDARRISUNA: Media Kajian Pendidikan Agama Islam 11 (2), 278-290, 2021
2021 Contingency Framework on Online Based Learning Relationships and Academic Performance Postgraduate
This research examines the relation between online-based teaching and learning process and learning outcomes through mediation between emotional quotient, motivation, and human capital. The hypothesis in this research is that online-based teaching and learning processes and learning outcomes through mediation between emotional quotient, motivation, and human capital. This research is quantitative at the explanatory level. The population of this research is Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. There are 120 students. The data is collected through questionnaires. There are 95 questionnaires or a response rate of 80%. The analysis unit is the perception of the student from a fair value topic. The research result shows that the emotional quotient mediates partially the relation between learning strategy and learning outcomes. Therefore, Motivation and human capital do not mediate the relation between learning strategy and outcomes learning performance.
2021 Pengembangan Digital Story Telling untuk Menumbuhkan Kebiasaan Anak Minum Air
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: Mendeskripsikan proses pengembangan digital story telling untuk menumbuhkan kebiasaan anak minumair; Menghasilkan produkpengembangan digital story telling untuk menumbuhkan kebiasaan anak minumair dan; Menghasilkan produk pengembangan digital story telling untuk menumbuhkan kebiasaan anak minumair. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembagangan digital storytelling untuk menumbuhkan kebiasaan anak minum air meliputi tiga hal, yaitu Pengembangan digital storytelling untuk menumbuhkan kebiasaan anak usia minum air memenuhi kelayakan dengan hasil validasi dari tiga validator ahli yang meliputi materi isi dengan skor 75, 71%, materi teknik storytelling skor 82, 14%, materi desain pengembangan digital storytelling skor 72, 85% dengan kategori sangat berkualitas; Pengembangan digital storytelling untuk menumbuhkan kebiasaan anak minum air merupakan hasil pengembangan media pembelajaran yang dapat membantu daring online guru disaat pandemi untuk tetap dapat mengedukasi yang menarik minat anak dan meningkatkan motivasi wawasan anak dan orang tua akan pentingnya menumbuhkan kebiasaan minum air sejak dini dan; pengembangan digital storytelling untuk menumbuhkan kebiasaan anak minum air cukup praktis dan efektif diimplementasikan karena dikemas dalam bentuk kanal youtobe, sehingga mudah di akses dengan mudah saat ini.
Jurnal Pelita PAUD 6 (1), 1-6, 2021
2021 Short Story Materials through Explanation, Space, Time of Writing Techniques in Elementary School
This study aims to train students’ writing skills with short story material through the URW technique of writing. Thus, it can make it easier for students to find events according to stages. In this research with a development approach, when viewed in terms of writing skills, the ADDIE method uses. The results of this study are the process of developing teaching materials with a collection of short story material with short story material through writing URW techniques. arithmetic 17.748> t table 1.734, while the large class obtained t count 22.49> t table 1.672. Thus, it can be concluded that the development of teaching materials with a collection of short story material through writing URW technique, is effectively used as a short story writing skill with the URW technique for class V elementary school.
International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2021 (IJCAH 2021 …, 2021
Berdasarkan pengamatan kendala yang dialami guru adalah kesulitan dalam menemukan media yang tepat untuk keterampilan membaca siswa kelas 1 sekolah dasar pada pembelajaran daring. Maka dari itu dibuat media puzzle kata bergambar menggunakan aplikasi instagram untuk materi membaca permulaan. Media puzzle kata bergambar merupakan susatu permainan menyusun huruf menjadi sebuah kata dengan memanfaatkan fitur instagram. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan prosedur, mengetahui kevalidan dan mengetahui kepraktisan media puzzle kata bergambar menggunakan aplikasi instagram untuk siswa kelas 1 sekolah dasar pada keterampilan membaca permulaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan atau dalam bahasa Inggris disebut Research and Development (R&D). Model penelitian dan pengembangan yang digunakan merupakan model pengembangan ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Jenis data yang digunakan yaitu data kuantitatif yang diperoleh dari hasil penilaian lembar alidasi dan angket. Sedangkan data kualitatif diperoleh dari saran dan masukan. Media puzzle kata bergambar memperoleh tingkat validitas sebesar 87, 5% dari uji validasi media dan 95% dari uji validasi materi sehingga keduanya termasuk dalam kategori sangat valid dan tidak perlu revisi. Sedangkan untuk tingkat kepraktisan yang diperoleh dari hasil angket respon guru dan siswa masing-masing memperoleh persentase tingkat kepraktisan 100% sehingga termasuk dalam kategori sangat praktis dan tidak perlu revisi. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut dapat …
Jurnal PGSD 9, 2597-2609, 2021
2021 Media Pembelajaran Audio Visual: Literature Review
The use of media and learning methods is the right solution for basic education teachers to develop students' skills. The media most likely to be applied in schools is the use of audio media. The research objective was to determine the benefits of audio-visual media in learning the speaking skills of low-grade students (Elementary School). This type of research uses qualitative research with literature review methods. The library selection technique is based on audiovisual media keywords on speaking skills. The literature comes from accredited national journals on Google Scholar with a publication limit of the last 10 years. The literature study technique uses a synthetic matrix based on reference sources, types of samples, methods, interventions, and findings. The results obtained in this study are as many as 12 journals about audio-visual learning media. The conclusion of this study is that it is found that audio-visual media that can be applied in the learning process include the audiobilingual method assisted by wayang media, the VAKS method (Visual, auditors, kinesthetic, suggestopedia), role playing learning using audio-visual media, the re-reading method-said with the aid of a tape recorder, learning model SAVI (Somatis Auditory Visual Intellectual), learning using film media, learning retelling methods using audio-visual media.
Pionir: Jurnal Pendidikan 10 (1), 2021
2021 Media Words Card to Improve Reading Skills at the beginning of the First Grade Students in Primary School
This study aims to find the use of word cards to improve reading skills at the beginning by using the action class room method. Based on the results of research conducted in 2 cycles. In cycle I showed that through the Use of Word Card Media in Beginning Reading the average value of student learning outcomes obtained was 68.84 and mastery learning reached 53.85% or there were 14 students out of 27 students who had finished learning. These results indicate that in the first cycle the criteria for student learning are not yet completed, because students who score> 65 are only 68.84% smaller than the desired completeness percentage of 85%, and (2) Furthermore, the results of the study cycle II shows through the Use of Word Card Media in Reading the Beginning obtained the average value of student learning outcomes is 76.92 and mastery learning reaches 88.46% or there are 23 students out of 26 students have finished learning. These results indicate that in the second cycle classically students have finished learning, because students who score> 65 are 92.30% greater than the desired completeness percentage of 85%.
Jurnal Basicedu 5 (2), 531-537, 2021
2021 Gadget-Based Interactive Multimedia on Socio-Scientific Issues to Improve Elementary Students’ Science Literacy
Students’ science literacy in Indonesia is considered very low and needs improvement. Knowledge, such as science, can be learned naturally and effectively in social context (Social Scientific Issues/SSI). The current elementary students are regarded as generation Z students who are interested in technology and skill-based education, namely, interactive multimedia. This study aimed to develop SSI Gadget-based interactive multimedia in order to improve elementary students’ science literacy skills. This is a Research and Development study with 4-D model; define, design, develop, disseminate. The subjects of this research were 23 students. The data were collected using validation sheet, observation sheet and science literacy test. The data then being analyzed by using descriptive statistic of presentation and N-gain. The result indicated that interactive multimedia based on SSI-Gadget are compatible as an …
International Association of Online Engineering, 2021