Publikasi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2021 Persepsi mahasiswa pgsd tentang penggunaan padlet pada pembelajaran microteaching
Microteaching merupakan salah satu matakuliah yang wajib diikuti bagi calon pendidik di Sekolah Dasar. Adanya kebijakan Pembelajaran online saat Pandemi Covid 21 menjadi sebuah tantangan dalam melaksanakan Microteaching. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendekripsikan respon mahasiswa tentang penggunaan Padlet sebagai media pembelajaran daring. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, yang dilaksanakan di Prodi PGSD Universitas Negeri Surabaya dengan responden 39 mahasiswa. Instrumen pengumpulan data terdiri dari angket dan wawancara. Hasil penelitan menunjukkan bahwa 97, 4% mahasiswa terbantu dengan penggunaan media Padlet saat matakuliah Microteaching. Hal yang diminati oleh mahasiswa tentang padlet secara rinci sebagai berikut, 33, 3% mahasiswa menyukai padlet karena ada interaksi dengan teman dan Dosen; 30, 8% merasa mudah dalam menggunakan padlet; 17, 8% membantu mahasiswa memahami materi; dan 17.8% menarik minat mahasiswa untuk belajar. Saran yang diberikan mahasiswa meliputi penambahan fitur dan tugas-tugas dalam padlet sehingga lebih bervariasi.
Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pengembangan Sekolah Dasar (JP2SD) 9 (2), 103-115, 2021
2021 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pembelajaran Universitas Negeri Malang 2021: Pemberdayaan Teknologi Pembelajaran dalam Tatanan Multidisipliner di Era 4.0
Tema seminar nasional ini dibagi menjadi Sembilan subtema, yaitu: 1. Pembelajaran Adaptif 2. Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar 3. Model Pembelajaran 4.0 4. Evaluasi Pembelajaran Daring 5. Andragogy dan Heutagogy 6. Profesionalisme Guru 7. AI dan Learning Analytics 8. Virtual and Augmented Reality 9. Game dan Gamifikasi Penyusunan prosiding ini dimaksudkan agar masyarakat luas dapat mengetahui berbagai informasi terkait dengan penyelenggaraan Seminar Nasional
Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Malang, 2021
2021 Children’s Well-Being During the Pandemic
Millions of individuals have been restricted to their houses as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in order to preserve social distance, including children who have been pulled out of school and are barely able to leave their homes. As a result, it would be beneficial to research children’s well-being in these stressful conditions. There were 907 participants completed the two parts of the questionnaire to investigate: how are the children studying from home during the pandemic?; how is school support in children’s academic activities at home during the pandemic?; what factors can help maintain children’s well-being in the future pandemic?. First, routines and addiction were the first top result of the indicators showing children’being discomfort. Second, most parents feel that the school had provided enough learning materials and assignments, although it is not always accompanied by the involvement of parents in doing school assignments. Third, there are three indicators support children’s well-being especially the indicators related to routines (parents assist children to make schedules during school from home) and physical activities (the child have sufficient activity and movement at home and the child has a regular exercise program). All in all, from the findings, it is expected that the school and government could also pay into attention to the parental education specifically in assisting the children’s well-being during the pandemic.
International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2021 (IJCAH 2021 …, 2021
2021 Designing Educational Research Roadmap
The research aims to roadmap educational science research that meets the criteria of acceptability to guide, direct and enhance research on educational science. This research is development research with procedures referring to the ADDIE approach (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluation). The data obtained will be analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Based on the results and discussion, the following conclusions can be formulated. 1). Based on the above need assessment, it can be concluded that it is necessary to develop an educational science research roadmap to guide, direct and improve research on educational science, which in turn can clarify and improve the existence of educational science, 2) The educational science research roadmap developed applicable, highly feasible and highly appropriate, 3) the educational science research roadmap developed can guide and be a handle for the entire academic community of FIP in particular to meet the standards of eligibility. Based on the above conclusions, the following suggestions are formulated. 1) The prepared roadmap has met the acceptance criteria; therefore, the draft academic roadmap that has been prepared needs to be further processed to obtain approval from the Faculty Senate and Dean of FIP Unesa, 2) There needs to be dissemination to the academic community about the research roadmap that has been prepared so that the prepared roadmap can guide, direct and improve research on educational sciences, which in turn can clarify and improve the existence of educational sciences, 3) To complete the roadmap of educational science research, it is …
International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2021 (IJCAH 2021 …, 2021
2021 Story time in early childhood education: designing storytelling activities to enhance (digital) literacy development
Literacy skills in early childhood contribute to overall academic achievements across the school years. This finding has stimulated research on the best way of supporting children’s literacy development. This thesis sets out to explore the design and effectiveness of an innovative approach for literacy and digital literacy development in early childhood education. The design integrated storytelling as a natural activity within a structured method, the nine events of instruction from Gagné. There are two main phases in the design namely storytelling and follow-up activities. Along with the new activities designs, the project for this thesis also developed a new set of tests focused on assessing early literacy and early digital literacy development. The effectiveness of storytelling activities on children’s (digital) literacy development was assessed in a natural context. Three studies were conducted in public kindergartens (4-6 …
Univesity of Twente, 2021
2021 Siap Untuk Flip: Menuju Model Pembelajaran Flipped Classroom Yang Efektif
Most higher education institutions in Indonesia have already developed web portals to support the teaching and learning process. Some have taken it into advanced level like e-learning practices within or between universities, while others still need supports to be able to use them accordingly. To maximize the potentials, the educators are challenged to implement different teaching approaches, which are suitable with the integration of the media. While not a new concept, one approach that could go along with such condition is flipped classroom. The flipped classroom concepts are more than just flipping the inside and outside classroom activities, but to carefully planning difference learning experience to meet the needs of the students. This paper aims at guiding to plan an effective flipped classroom in the context of higher education based on a review of recent literature. The paper includes the reason to implement …
Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pembelajaran 1 (1), 145-155, 2021
Tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini adalah (1) Untuk menghasilkan hasil akhir berupa sebuah produk Video Motion graphic dengan materi Format Penyajian Program Audio mata kuliah Pengembangan Media Audio/Radio pada peserta didik S1 Kurikulum dan Teknologi Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Surabaya.(2) Untuk mengetahui kelayakan dari media Motion graphic dengan menggunakan angket dan didapatkan hasil bahwa persentase kelayakan validasi ahli materi mendapatkan 85%, ahli media 85% dan bahan penyerta 89, 3% dengan analisis data menggunakan skala Likert yang menunjukkan bahwa materi, media dan bahan penyerta sangat layak digunakan saat pembelajaran.(3) Untuk mengetahui keefektifan media Video Motion graphic dengan cara menggunakan uji coba pre-test dan post-test. Hasil pre-test menunjukkan hasil nilai rata-rata 63, 89, setelah dilakukan penerapan media video motion graphic menunjukkan peningkatan hasil nilai dengan rata-rata 87, 34. Dengan selisih perbandingan 24, 67 dapat dikatakan bahwa media video motion graphic dengan materi Format Penyajian Program Audio layak dan efektif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa S1 Kurikulum dan Teknologi Pendidikan
Jurnal……….. Volume…. Nomor….. Tahun, 0-8, 2021
2021 Pengembangan Media Video Pembelajaran Materi Reservasi Individu Mata Pelajaran Front Office Kelas XI Jurusan Perhotelan di SMKN 1 Jombang Rizky Khairani Majiid Teknologi Pendidikan
Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media video pembelajaran materi Reservasi Individu pada mata pelajaran Front Office jurusan Perhotelan SMKN 1 Jombang yang layak dan efektif digunakan pada pembelajaran. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implement and Evaluate). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket untuk mengetahui tingkat kelayakan media dan juga tes untuk menguji keefektifan media. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, didapatkan dari validasi oleh ahli materi, ahli media dan ahli desain pembelajaran mendapatkan persentase nilai sebesar 100%, validasi oleh siswa untuk mengetahui kelayakan berdasarkan daya tarik mendapat nilai sebesar 99, 19%. Hasil uji Paired Sample t-test menunjukkan nilai Sig.(2-tailed) sama dengan 0,000 atau kurang dari 0, 05, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar pada pretest dan posttest dengan peningkatan rata-rata antara nilai pretest dengan posttest adalah sebesar 20.00 poin. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa media video pembelajaran ini layak dan efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran.
Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Surabaya Andi Kristanto Un, 2021
2021 Integration of a Constructivism Approach in E-learning Photography Subjects: Feasibility and Effectiveness in Learning
Lack of lecture time was a serious problem and must be addressed immediately in the study of photography courses because of the large amount of material; the number of cameras is not comparable to that of students. Moreover, conventional learning through the face of the muka by using PowerPoint makes students bored and less interested in learning. This research aimed to develop e-learning with a constructive approach to photography subjects triangle exposure material and know the feasibility and effectiveness. This research was a type of research R &D (Research and Development) using the Addie model, Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This study involved three validators, namely learning design experts, material experts, media experts and student motorcycle taxis, and there were control classes and experiments with a sample count of 80 students per class. The method of collecting data using questionnaire instruments and tests. Method analysis data using descriptive percentage and independent test t-test samples. The average assessment results of each expert's percentage were:(a) the assessment of learning design experts 96.66% of the excellent category;(b) material experts 95% excellent category;(c) media experts 95.58% excellent category, individual trials 84.05% excellent category, individual trials 88.37% excellent category. The effectiveness of constructivist e-learning with significant results in sig (2-tailed) column of 0.00 or significance of< 0.05. Based on the research results obtained, e-learning with a viable constructivist approach and effective implications used in lectures on …
Journal of Education Technology 5 (2), 167-174, 2021
This study aims to compile teaching materials in the form of modules on local culture courses through the analysis of the structure and meaning of ancient Minangkabau manuscripts. This research is a development research. Research and development models adapted from ADDIE.(1) Research begins by carrying out preliminary observations to look for research findings related to the state of local cultural teaching materials as the product to be compiled.(2) Product development based on research findings, namely analyzing materials about the cosmological reflection of the Bakumpai Dayak people.(3) Conducting field tests on teaching material products in the form of a cosmology reflection module for the Dayak Bakumpai community.(4) Carry out improvements on the suggestions of the material validator and media validator based on the validation results.(5) Furthermore, conducting product trials for students. Information on the results of development research in the form of module validity percentages is obtained based on information from the validator and assumptions obtained based on the validation of material experts and media experts, as well as trials on students that have been carried out. Based on the validation, it can be concluded that the cosmology reflection module of the Dayak Bakumpai people is very feasible and very valid for use in local culture courses.
Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 13203-13216, 2021