Publikasi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2021 Prokrastinasi Akademik Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic is currently affecting education bodies including universities. The negative impacts of pandemic on students academic lives cannot be underestimated primarily on the final-year undergraduate students who are working on their thesis. Various obstacles encountered by the students due to the distance learning applied by universities in responding to the pandemic can cause academic problems including procrastination. The main impact of academic procrastination on students is the delay in graduation that affects both the students future careers and the image of the university. The study aims to describe the academic procrastination of the final-year students during the COVID-19 pandemic. This was a survey research that applied saturated samples for recruiting subjects. A number of 224 final-year students were involved. Data was collected using an academic procrastination …
Jurnal Psikologi Teori dan Terapan, 278-292, 2021
2021 The effect of demonstration and mind mapping learning methods on achievement of cultural arts course
This study has looked at the variations in cultural learning outcomes for groups of students that utilize the methods and methods of thinking mapping, as well as the interaction between the two approaches in their role in learning arts. This study used experimental methods and a 2x2 factorial design to conduct quantitative research. All Junior High School second-grade pupils use the population. The analysis technique used is a two-way variant (two-way ANOVA). Student learning outcomes utilizing a demonstration technique are better than student learning outcomes using the mind monitoring method, according to the results of data processing. Students who use the demonstration approach perform better than those who use the mind mapping method. The average score for learning activeness with high demonstration methods and employing the approach of mapping student activeness thinking is poor.
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies 3 (6), 403-408, 2021
2021 The Effect of STEAM-Robotics on Science Subjects on Students' Ability to Solve Problems
The development of the industrial and social revolutions today demands an increase in the quality of human resources who appear as intelligent humans and are able to solve problems. This study aims to determine the effect of the STEAM-Robotics approach in science learning on students' ability to solve problems. So it is hoped that STEAM-Robotics can make students find innovative solutions to real problems and convey them well. This study used an experimental research design, pretest-posttest control group design with one type of treatment. Methods of data collection are done using observation and performance tests. This research was conducted on 81 grade VII students with two T-test analyses, namely the pretest and post-test results of the experimental and control groups. The results showed that the STEAM-Robotics approach in science subjects affected students' problem-solving ability.
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan 13 (3), 3061-3070, 2021
2021 Pengaruh penerapan strategi Pq4R menggunakan media flip book terhadap hasil belajar IPS siswa kelas V SD di era pandemi
Penelitian ini bertujuan menerapkan strategi PQ4R dengan media flip book IPS terhadap siswa kelas 5 SDN Geluran 1 dalam pembelajaran daring. Hal ini dilakukan dalam rangka meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa selama pembelajaran melalui daring yang kurang interaktif akibat pandemi Covid-19. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pretest-posttest control group design. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut:(1) Aktivitas pembelajaran dengan penerapan strategi PQ4R melalui media flip book terdapat dua aktivitas yaitu aktivitas guru diperoleh hasil sebesar 86, 25% dapat dikategorikan baik sekali dan untuk aktivitas siswa diperoleh sebesar 84% dengan kategori baik sekali.(2) Respon siswa terhadap penerapan strategi PQ4R melalui media flip book terhadap hasil belajar IPS di kelas V terdapat pesentase sebesar 73% dapat dikategorikan baik.(3) Penerapan strategi PQ4R melalui media flip book terhadap hasil belajar IPS pada kelas 5 pada sampel sejenis, yakni kelompok eksperimen terdapat thitung> ttabel atau 33,609> 1,708. Sedangkan hasil belajar dengan data beda jenis, yaitu kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol memperoleh thitung sebesar 2,262 dan ttabel sebesar 2,000, maka thitung> ttabel. Dengan kata lain, Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan PQ4R menggunakan media flip book sangat berpengaruh baik terhadap hasil belajar mata pelajaran IPS siswa kelas 5 SDN Geluran 1 Kecamatan Taman Kabupaten Sidoarjo.
Autentik: Jurnal Pengembangan Pendidikan Dasar 5 (2), 111-125, 2021
2021 Pengembangan dan Validasi Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Problem Based Learning untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa Sekolah Dasar
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis model Problem Based Learning (PBL) yang layak digunakan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa kelas IV Sekolah Dasar. Perangkat pembelajaran meliputi Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS), dan instrumen tes keterampilan berpikir kreatif. Metode pengembangan produk penelitian ini berdasarkan tahapan four-D (Define, Design, Development, Dissaminate). Data penelitian meliputi tiga hal yakni hasil validitas, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan perangkat pembelajaran. Validitas mencakup validitas isi dan konstruk yang diperoleh dari penilaian dua pakar. Kepraktisan perangkat pembelajaran disusun berdasarkan data uji terbatas dan uji lapangan. Sedangkan keefektifan dari perangkat pembelajaran dilihat dari hasil aktivitas dan respon siswa. Produk diujicobakan pada siswa kelas IV Sekolah Dasar pada materi IPA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hasil uji validitas dengan kategori valid, keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dengan kategori sangat baik, Aktivitas siswa dengan kategori sangat tinggi, respon siswa dengan kategori sangat baik. Secara keseluruhan disimpulkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran berbasis model PBL dinyatakan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran IPA untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa
Jurnal Basicedu 5 (4), 2685-2690, 2021
2021 Pengembangan Mobile Learning Berbasis Android Pada Materi Pokok Sistem Pertahanan Tubuh Mata Pelajaran Biologi Kelas XI di SMA Negeri 19 Surabaya
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan suatu media berupa aplikasi pembelajaran mobile learning berbasis android pada materi pokok sistem pertahanan tubuh mata pelajaran biologi kelas XI. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 19 Surabaya. Model pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model pengembangan ADDIE (Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation) karena model pengembangan ini dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan suatu media yang menghasilkan suatu produk dan tahapan model tersebut sistematis dan sederhana. Tahapan model pengembangan terdiri dari lima tahapan yaitu analyze (analisa), design (desain/perancangan), develop (pengembangan), implementation (implementasi), dan evaluation (evaluasi). Media ini sudah diujicobakan kepada ahli materi, ahli media, dan uji coba ke peserta didik di SMA Negeri 19 Surabaya. Pada uji coba oleh ahli materi memperoleh presentase sebesar 85% yang termasuk ke dalam kategori sangat baik. Selanjutnya, pada uji coba oleh ahli media memperoleh presentase sebesar 96%. Lalu media mobile learning berbasis android ini juga diuji cobakan kepada peserta didik dengan tiga tahap uji coba. Tahap pertama yaitu uji coba perseorangan dengan presentase 100%. Tahap kedua yaitu uji coba kelompok kecil dengan presentase 92, 5%. Tahap ketiga yaitu uji coba kelompok besar dengan presentase 94%. Dengan presentase tersebut termasuk ke dalam kategori sangat baik. Maka, mobile learning berbasis android ini layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran pada materi pokok sistem pertahanan tubuh mata …
Jurnal Mahapeserta didik Teknologi Pendidikan 1, 12, 2021
2021 The Literature Review of Tengger Tribe Local Wisdom
Tengger is one of the tribes in East Java, Indonesia, with much interesting local wisdom to study. Learning based on local wisdom is essential to be integrated into the curriculum to sustain the values of local cultural heritage. This study aims to describe the local wisdom of the Tengger Tribe and its character values so that they can be integrated into elementary school learning. The research method used is qualitative research with the type of literature study, by reviewing journals from Publish and Perish with the keywords Tengger, Local Wisdom, Learning, Elementary School. The results of the study found that the local wisdom of the Tengger Tribe is very diverse. They start from oral traditions, traditional ceremonies, folklore, cultural traditions, and traditional teachings that contain character values that can be incorporated into learning in elementary schools. Some of the values of local wisdom of the Tenggerese can be linked to elementary school materials, both for essential competencies in low and high grades. Both have different characteristics in their integration with the local wisdom of the Tengger Tribe.
International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2021 (IJCAH 2021 …, 2021
2021 Traumatic Counseling
Traumatic events can be experienced by anyone who is still alive. The role of counselors in schools is certainly very helpful in solving students’ traumatic problems. Traumatic counseling is one type of counseling for clients with special needs. Counselors need to master this type of counseling because every client is at risk of experiencing a traumatic event that can lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This article aims to understand what happens in PTSD cases in schools and how techniques can be used in dealing with PTSD cases. The techniques discussed in this paper are EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and Religious techniques. EMDR is one of the counseling approaches in handling trauma cases that are reported to have high efficacy. Indonesia, which has religious diversity, is a consideration. The application of EMDR in Indonesia needs to be combined with the culture and religiosity of the community.
International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2021 (IJCAH 2021 …, 2021
2021 Job Burnout on Teachers as Public Servant
Workers in the public service sector are one type of work with high risk of job burnout. This study aims to examine the descriptive data of job burnout of teachers as public servants. The data is collected by distributing online questionnaires. Analysis of the demographic data and the level of burnout of the subjects was conducted using descriptive statistical analysis. The results showed variations in the level of burnout when viewed from gender, age, marital status, education level, and length of working as a teacher. In addition, a more significant variation was found in aspects of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization compared to aspect of personal accomplishment. Further research is needed to explore the relationship between these factors and the level of teacher’s job burnout.
International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2021 (IJCAH 2021 …, 2021
2021 Studi Litearatur: Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Using sebagai Sumber Belajar IPS di Sekolah Dasar
Globalization has positive and negative impacts on human survival and culture. The positive impact discusses the role of advances in science and technology to make it easier for humans to solve problems, related to information literacy. The negative impact is related to the ease with which students are influenced by a culture that is not in accordance with the personality and character of the nation. Local wisdom-based education has an important role in internalizing the nation's values and culture. Social Studies as an integrated subject in elementary schools, accommodates material about the socio-cultural diversity of the local community. The Using community in Banyuwangi, East Java has a tourist village that supports cultural preservation, but the reality on the ground shows that teachers still do not have enough information about local wisdom. The purpose of the study was to describe the local wisdom of the Using Community as a source of social studies learning in elementary schools. The method in this research is literature study, by reviewing international and national journals about the local wisdom of the Using community in the last 10 years. The results show that the local wisdom of the Using community that can be used as a source of social studies learning and is relevant to the 2013 curriculum in elementary schools is the local wisdom of water conservation, agriculture, traditional houses, traditional ceremonies, and arts. The Using community upholds the customs that have been passed down from generation to generation. This local wisdom can be integrated into social studies learning in elementary schools at the high grade level …
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan 6 (9), 1447-1453, 2021