Publikasi S1 Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
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Year | Title | Description | Publisher | Author(s) |
2020 | Trial Design of Sexual Education Module on Children | Safety behavior is an important development aspect to anticipate violence against children. This study aim to develop the sex education module for kids. The participants came from all the children in Surabaya. Through the R&D, this study has developed the module to protect children from the sexual abuse. Learning in the module includes knowing parts of the body that may be touched or parts of the body that cannot be touched by others, covering up the genitals and knowing who can hug and kiss the cheek of a child, know the behavior of abuse, abuse situations, and how to reject and report it, The material can develop aspects of child development, namely cognitive, motor, language, social emotional, and art. Used the experimental trial design for the dissemination revealed that significance difference between per and post test. The implications of this study are build the awareness for the parent and help children recognize their sensitive part of body. Therefore they can be assertive whether they face on the abuse problem. |
1st International Conference on Early Childhood Care Education and Parenting …, 2020 | |
2020 | Instrumen Kesiapan Belajar: Asesmen Non-Tes untuk Mengukur Kesiapan Belajar Anak Usia Dini dalam Perspektif Neurosains | Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Instrumen Kesiapan Sekolah (SRI) menggunakan perspektif ilmu saraf untuk mengukur kesiapan anak ke sekolah dasar yang dirancang untuk memudahkan guru dan orang tua untuk menilai perkembangan anak melalui pengamatan kinerja harian mereka. Metode yang digunakan adalah mengikuti desain model ADDIE dengan subjek 50 anak usia 5-6 tahun. Analisis awal menunjukkan perlunya tiga domain: pengembangan motorik, kognitif dan bahasa, dan pengaturan diri untuk kesiapan belajar. Hasil validitas mengungkapkan perubahan pada lima domain SRI yang lebih terperinci: pengembangan motorik, kognitif dan bahasa, perkembangan sosial, kematangan emosi, dan keterlibatan belajar. Uji coba dilakukan dalam dua kelompok dengan hasil pembangunan tinggi dan rendah. Reliabilitas interrater menunjukkan konsistensi antara guru dan orang tua. Dari hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa SRI merupakan indikator yang tepat untuk digunakan sebagai ukuran kesiapan sekolah anak usia dini. |
JP2KG AUD (Jurnal Pendidikan, Pengasuhan, Kesehatan Dan Gizi Anak Usia Dini …, 2020 | |
2020 | Pengembangan Potensi Lembaga melalui Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Paud | Pelatihan Kewirausahaan PAUD ini bertujuan mengembangkan potensi lembaga PAUD untuk mencapai kemandirian ekonomi lembaga. Sasaran pelatihan ini adalah pengelola dan guru PAUD dari perwakilan setiap gugus di Kota Kediri. Metode pelatihan menggunakan ceramah, diskusi, praktik, dan pendampingan perencanaan usaha lembaga. Pada kegiatan awal peserta diarahkan untuk memahami materi tentang manajemen lembaga PAUD, pengembangan potensi sekolah serta beberapa contoh kegiatan dan usaha yang dapat dilakukan di Lembaga PAUD. Langkah selanjutnya peserta diarahkan menganalisis situasi lembaga dan menemukan potensi yang ada di lembaga masing-masing. Potensi sekolah tersebut kemudian dikembangkan sebagai kekuatan untuk menghasilkan rancangan usaha milik lembaga. Evaluasi pelatihan dilakukan dengan menggunakan survei kepuasaan peserta dan analisis outline rancangan usaha lembaga. Hasil survei menunjukkan bahwa materi pelatihan kewirausahaan merupakan hal baru bagi peserta pelatihan, sangat bermanfaat bagi pengembangan kewirausahaan di lembaga PAUD, dan kehadiran narasumber membantu memfasilitasi peserta sehingga tidak mengalami kesulitan dalam membuat rancangan usaha lembaga. Hasil pelatihan ini adalah rancangan usaha yang dibuat oleh pengelola dan guru PAUD sesuai dengan potensi lembaga untuk mendorong kemandirian ekonomi lembaga PAUD di Kota Kediri. |
JP2KG AUD (Jurnal Pendidikan, Pengasuhan, Kesehatan dan Gizi Anak Usia Dini …, 2020 | |
2020 | Parental Education Program Based on the ADDIE Text Book Model | The development of student textbooks on children’s education courses in the family has a mission to build student competencies in the Department of Early Childhood Teacher Education in understanding material about children’s education in the family. The use of this textbook can provide systematic direction because the written material is consistent with the RPS on children’s education courses in the family so that students are expected to be able to have fun and meaningful learning by using this textbook during lectures. Based on the results of observations and polls to students who have taken courses in children’s education in the family of 2017, the Department of PG PAUD FIP Unesa, totaling 98 students, it was found that almost 80% of students still had difficulty in understanding and doing assignments on children’s education courses in the family. This research aims to: 1) find out the validity of student textbooks on children’s education courses in the family and 2) knowing the proper use of student textbooks on children’s education courses in the family. Research conducted is development research. The development model used is ADDIE Model (analyze, design, development, implementation, evaluation). The instruments used were questionnaires and interview guidelines. Data were analyzed with qualitative descriptive analysis techniques and quantitative descriptive analysis. The results of the material validation test showed that the assessment of student textbook products in children’s education courses in the family was 88.9%, while the results of the validation test of media experts showed that the assessment of student textbook … |
1st International Conference on Early Childhood Care Education and Parenting …, 2020 | |
2020 | Penulisan Naskah Anak Usia Dini | Buku ini membahas tentang sejarah literatur anak usia dini secara umum di Indonesia serta berbagai macam literatur bagi anak usia dini secara umum di dunia. Buku ini kiranya dapat membuka cakrawala bagi para pembaca dalam memberikan tambahan wawasan dan pengetahuan mengenai sejarah literatur anak usia dini serta berbagai macam literatur bagi anak usia dini selain itu bagaimana cara membuat beberapa naskah yang baik dan sesuai untuk anak usia dini. |
Jakad Media Publishing, 2020 | |
2020 | Developing educational game tools of JUMOFAN (Fantasy Jumanji Modification) to enhance the begining literacy ability to the children of 4–5 years old | The Language aspect is the one of the children’s development aspects, which needed to be noticed because the children to communicate with other people used language. The language development aspect is the one of six aspects, which should be developing in kindergarten. The current research had purpose to disseminate, the educational game tools of JUMOFAN product properness and effectiveness. The research method applied in this research was Research & Development by Borg and Gall. The researcher used R&D in level 3, which behaved to develop the product, had been existed. Moreover, the one-group pretest-posttest design, which was applied to the children 4-5 years old in Surabaya with number of kids, is 10. Besides, a content validity those are validating by two expert judgments, both media and content is confirmed valid. Furthermore the major finding using Wilcoxon test obtained the JUMOFAN is effective to develop the children language ability. Moreover, this study contribute in an educational curriculum to use game tools of JUMOFAN (Fantasy Jumanji Modification) in order to develop children’proficiency in language. |
International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020), 303-307, 2020 | |
2020 | Traditional Games Usage to Improve the Children’s Independence Skill | This paper seeks to foreground the role of traditional children’s games as indigenous games of learning rather than digital games. It comes high interest of traditional games. This study used an online questionnaire to reveal the prevalence of traditional children’s games which exists in the digital era. The results showed the influence of traditional games on children in physical activities was 83% while the influence of social interaction on children was 77%. This showed that the digital era can be balanced by physical activities and technological knowledge without having to use gadget continuously. |
International Conference on Early Childhood Education and Parenting 2019 …, 2020 | |
2020 | Research and Development on Authentic Assessment for Language Domain in Kartika Batu Kindergarten | Educator and parents need clear information about how and what children learn. In Early Childhood Education (ECE), children’s literacy abilities are often assessed by conventional tests to determine a child’s ‘readiness’ for school. Readiness in terms of literacy consists of letter identification, phonemic awareness, letter-writing, and other functions related to language mechanics. Related to this, several studies conducted to find out a proper assessment for children’s abilities. Thus, this study aims to produce a valid, practical, and effective conversation books and authentic assessment instruments that can be used by teachers in improving the assessment in learning process. This research used the Analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation (ADDIE) model. |
International Conference on Early Childhood Education and Parenting 2019 …, 2020 | |
2020 | Student’s Perception Using the BIG BOOK Desk Calender for Story Telling for Young Learners | Storytelling activities are part of the learning process that is in Early Childhood Education. It depicts the literacy activities particularly for children. Thus, It is salient to develop literacy in children from an early age. This is based on the results of a survey of Indonesia ranked 60 out of 61 countries surveyed. The aim of this study is to to describe the perceptions of PGPAUD students after using the Big Book Desk Calendar for storytelling activities in early childhood. Due to this study dealth with the GERNAS BAKU program, which stands for the National Movement for Parents Reading Books, the results of this study are expected to support the GERNAS BAKU program. This research is a qualitative research since the media used is Big Book, which has been modified to form a large table calendar, A3 size. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire through Google form. Data analysis techniques used descriptive statistics. According to the data, it can be concluded that the Big Book desk calendar is very helpful for the teacher’s fluency in telling stories to children. The implication of this research is the Big Book desk calendar can be used as an appropriate and appropriate media when telling stories for early childhood. |
International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020), 199-202, 2020 | |
2020 | Melipat Manakah Yang Paling Mudah? Pada Kegiatan Melipat Satu Untuk Anak Usia Dini | Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dari hasil penelitian sebelumnya yang berjudul kegiatan melipat kertas lipat bermotif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan motorik halus anak. Melipat yang sering diberikan pada anak umumnya adalah kegiatan melipat origami. Melipat origami memerlukan lebih dari satu kali lipatan. Hasil origami yang paling sedikit memerlukan tiga kali lipatan. Untuk dapat melakukan kegiatan melipat origami dengan baik, anak memerlukan kemampuan yang baik dalam melipat satu. Dari penelitian sebelumnya ditemukan adanya perbedaan tingkat kesulitan pada kegiatan melipat satu. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan lipatan paling mudah pada kegiatan melipat satu. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan analisis data statistik deskritif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah anak usia 5-7 tahun yang berjumlah 12 orang anak di TK DWPW. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan lembar observasi. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa anak kegiatan melipat satu menghasilkan bentuk segitiga lebih mudah dilakukan dibandingkan kegiatan melipat satu bentuk persegi panjang dan kegiatan melipat satu paling mudah adalah melipat satu yang menghasilkan segitiga dari proses pembuatan atas ke bawah. Kesimpulannya bahwa sebaiknya anak memulai kegiatan melipat satu dengan yang paling mudah yaitu kegiatan melipat satu menghasilkan bentuk segitiga. |
Al-Athfaal: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini 3 (2), 126-139, 2020 |