Publikasi S2 Manajemen Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2020 SWOT Analysis: Special Training Center of Athletic
Athletics is a sport branch that fights for medals. The study aimed to evaluate the implementation of a special athletic training center that has been running for two years managed by the East Java Provincial Management of Athletic Union. Qualitative research methods were used to obtain data. The instruments used were structured interviews and observations. Data triangulation was carried out for each of the 2 athletes, coaches and administrators as well as field visits to check the correctness of the data. SWOT analysis was used to evaluate the program. The strengths of the training center program were strong funding, support and implementation of sports science and a good management system, while the weakness was that the coach didn’t assist the athletes for full time. The long term opportunity was the increasing of athlete achievements, while the threat was the risk of athletes not to run a training program properly because they were not accompanied by a coach directly. By optimizing strengths and covering existing weaknesses, it is hoped that the program can contribute further for the development of Indonesia’s athletic achievements.
The 1st International Scientific Meeting on Public Health and Sports …, 2020
2020 The Effect of Plank Training With The Concept of Training from Home During The Covid-19 Pandemic
The Covid-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia, made people have to limit activities outside the home, including athletes who have to maintain their physical quality. With the implementation of large-scale social restrictions, all athletes are required to continue training even though it is done at their respective homes. Training from home is a way for athletes to maintain their condition at home. This study aims to determine the effect of plank training through the concept of training from home which is carried out on athletes who come to the provincial sports week (Porprov) in Tuban during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used was an experimental design with a randomized control group pretest-posttest design, the sample of this study involved 24 male athletes who were born in Tuban porprov which were divided into two groups, namely the treatment group and the control group. The results of the data analysis showed an increase by an average of 3.84 meters in the treatment group and 0.02 meters in the control group. Based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded that plank training using the training from home concept has a significant improvement
Journal of Physical Education Health and Sport 7 (2), 38-42, 2020
2020 Pembelajaran di Masa Covid 19: Work From Home
Kondisi dalam masa pandemi Covid 19 mengakibatkan kegiatan pembelajaran pada dunia pendidikan dasar sampai perguruan tinggi mengalami perubahan. Sistem pendidikan yang didominasi oleh pembelajaran tatapmuka berganti dengan pembelajaran dalam jaringan (daring). Kebijakan ini tiba-tiba tidak diperkirakan sejak awal. Dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring, para dosen harus bekerja keras untuk menyelenggarakan pembelajaran daring, walau sebagian besar belum disiapkan sumber belajar digitalnya. Kebijakan pembelajaran daring ini didasarkan pada Surat Edaran (SE) pemerintah melalui Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dengan mengeluarkan Nomor 36962/MPK. A/HK/2020 tanggal 17 Maret 2020 tentang: Pembelajaran secara daring dan bekerja dari rumah dalam rangka Pencegahan Penyebaran Covid-19. Untuk perguruan tinggi Dirjen Dikti menyampaikan sejumlah hal terkait dengan:(1) masa belajar penyelenggaraan program pendidikan,(2) praktikum laboratorium dan praktik lapangan,(3) penelitian tugas akhir,(4) periode penyelenggaraan kegiatan pembelajaran semester genap 2019/2020 pada seluruh jenjang program pendidikan, dan (5) persiapan pelaksanaan (1) sampai dengan (4) dikoordinasikan dengan lembaga layanan pendidikan tinggi setempat. Dibandingkan dengan pendidikan dasar dan menengah, perubahan pembelajaran di Perguruan Tinggi relatif sudah dapat berjalan, karena sebagaian besar perguruan tinggi sedang getol mengembangkan Learning Management System untuk pengembangan pembelajaran berbasis blended lerning. Pengembangannya sepenuhnya diserahkan …
Wineka Media, 2020
2020 Developing Management Model of School Health Services to Encourage Clean and Healthy Life Behavior in Junior High School
The complexity of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the government’s scheme regarding the return of students to school in new normal conditions demands school readiness to implement health protocols. The School Health Unit has an important role in educating school members in the habit of clean and healthy living, thus an effective management system is needed in its management. Therefore, this study aims to develop a school health unit management model as a guide that has aspects of feasibility for junior secondary school education unit managers. This research employed Borg and Gall development model. The results of validation by experts in the field of Educational Management and Model Design experts state that this model is feasible. Therefore, it can be concluded that the school health unit management model is appropriate as a guide in implementing the healthy and clean life habit in junior high schools.
International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020), 423-428, 2020
2020 Simple Trick: Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi Dosen Pendidikan Jasmani Selama Pandemi Covid-19
Tri dharma perguruan tinggi sudah menjadi rambu bagi dosen pendidikan jasmani untuk menjadi belajar dan mendidik. Namun pandemic virus corona (COVID-19) membuat tri dharma PT dosen pendidikan jasmani mengalami banyak kendala. Solusi sederhana yang bisa dilakukan dosen pendidikan jasmani di bidang pengajaran adalah dengan melakukan pembelajaran berbasis proyek (PjBL). Bidang penelitian, dosen pendidikan jasmani bisa melakukan penelitian meta-analisis metode belajar yang sedang dilaksanakan (PjBL). Bidang pengabdian masyarakat, dosen pendidikan jasmani bisa membuat seminar virtual dengan tema sesuai pengalaman dosen, yaitu pengalaman menulis artikel dan kiat untuk publikasi.
Wineka Media, 2020
2020 The Effects of Zigzag Ladder Exercise Crossover Shuffle, In Out Shuffle and Ali Shuffle Against Speed and Agility
The purpose of this study was to analyze:(1) the effect of the Ladder Zigzag crossover shuffle exercise on speed and agility;(2) the effect of the Ladder In out shuffle exercise on speed and agility;(3) the effect of the Ladder Ali shuffle exercise on speed and agility;(4) differences in the influence of Ladder Zigzag crossover shuffle, In out shuffle and Ali shuffle on speed and agility. This type of research is quantitative with quasi-experimental methods. The research design used is maching only design and data analysis using t-test and ANOVA. Retrieval of data using a sprint 30 meters to measure speed and agility t-test to measure agility at the time of the pretest and posttest. The results showed that the difference between the pretest and posttest of each group were:(1) experimental group I for speed= 0.787 and agility= 0.731 (2) experimental group II for speed= 0.866 and agility= 0.881 (3) experimental group III for speed= 0.863 and agility= 0.84 (4) the control group for speed= 0.115 and agility= 0.118. Based on the above analysis, it can be concluded that there was an increase in speed and agility for each group after being given the Ladder Zigzag crossover shuffle, In out shuffle and Ali shuffle exercises seen from the t-test. In addition, through the ANOVA test, where the Ladder Zigzag crossover shuffle, In out shuffle and Ali shuffle exercises had a better effect than the control group.
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies 2 (1), 109-114, 2020
2020 The Evaluation of Athletic Extracurricular Management of Dr. Soetomo and Jalan Jawa Junior High School in Surabaya
One of the fundamental strategies in attempts to develop athletic sports in Surabaya was to conduct special training through athletic extracurricular activities in schools, hence it was the starting point for the discovery of potential athletes. The purpose of this study was to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and Threat from athletic extracurricular management which included Planning, Organizing, Implementing and Supervising which was conducted by Dr. Soetomo and Jalan Jawa Junior High School in Surabaya. The approach used in this study was a qualitative approach and the type of evaluative research (Evaluation Research) used descriptive methods. The evaluation design used in this study was the SWOT Analysis. The results and conclusions of this study indicated that the athletic extracurricular management at Dr Soetomo Junior High School; The Planning was already a good program, The Organizing used the organizational structure and cooperation which already existed so the working mechanism was clear of its functions and parts, The Actuating contained the schedule of activities, the attendance of students and the coaches are well-monitored by the extracurricular coordinator, The Controlling implemented a routine evaluation that carried out at the end of the school year, but for the achievements have not been as the expectation. On the other hand, Jalan Jawa Junior High School implemented the management as; The Planning of this school did not have a good program, The Organizing included the involved cooperation of leaders, teachers and parents of students was very good, The Actuating related to the …
Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education …, 2020
2020 Pengaruh latihan hiit dan saq terhadap kelincahan dan kecepatan
Latihan adalah proses sistematis dan terprogram yang dilakukan berulang kali dengan beban bertahap untuk tujuan tertentu seperti peningkatan kelincahan, kecepatan dan daya tahan kardiovaskular. HIIT adalah latihan yang menggunakan intensitas tinggi dengan beban latihan di atas ambang anaerob dalam waktu singkat dengan waktu istirahat 1: 2 (30 detik: 60 detik). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh metode pelatihan High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) dan Speed, Agility and Quickness (SAQ) pada kelincahan dan kecepatan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan metode kuasi eksperimental menggunakan pencocokan desain saja dan analisis data menggunakan uji-t. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 30 siswa peserta Ekstrakulikuler SMAN 1 Lawang kabupaten Malang. Data dikumpulkan dengan Pre-Test dan Post-Test dari tes Agility menggunakan T-test, tes kecepatan menggunakan run test 30 m. Hasil menemukan bahwa ada peningkatan yang signifikan dalam kelincahan dan kecepatan masing-masing 3, 2%, dan 4, 2%. Sedangkan untuk metode Latihan menggunakan SAQ didapatkan hasil 0, 79% dan 3, 7%. Kesimpulannya, sesi metode pelatihan HIIT dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kelincahan dan kecepatan.
Multilateral: Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga 19 (2), 146-153, 2020
Kelompok tani sebagai kelembagaan petani berfungsi sebagai kelas belajar-mengajar, wahana kerjasama, dan unit produksi. Dengan mengetahui pentingnya fungsi kelompok tani maka kelompok tani sumber jaya jinangkah di Desa Teja Timur sebagai salah kelembagaan tani perlu diberdayakan agar kelompok tani sumber jaya jinangkah di Desa Teja Timur menjadi mandiri, tangguh, dan dapat menjalin mitra usaha dengan pihak lain serta adanya keefektifan dalam kelompok tani hamparan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengkaji faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi efektivitas kelompok tani sumber jaya jinangkah di Desa Teja Timur, tingkat efektivitas kelompok tani sumber jaya jinangkah di Desa Teja Timur, dan hubungan antara faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi efektivitas kelompok tani dengan efektivitas kelompok tani sumber jaya jinangkah di Desa Teja Timur.
Pangtonggel Village is a large red chilli income research has been conducted with the title Efficiency of large red chilli marketing channels in the Pangtonggel Village, Propponent Savings, Pamekasan Regency, to know the form of marketing channels, marketing efficiency, which is obtained by each marketing marketing channel. Data collected by observation and interviews with large red chilli farmers, the population of this study were large red chilli farmers in Pangtonggel Village, large red cebe collectors, large red chilli traders, and large red chilli retailer traders in Pangtonggel Village. research can be seen that in the marketing of large red chilli in Pangtonggel Village, Proppo District, Pamekasan Regency, there are two forms of channel patterns. In channel I pattern, farmers sell to collectors, then sell to large traders, then sell to retailers and then to end consumers. Channel II pattern, from farmers to retailers, then …