Publikasi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2017 Manajemen Kurikulum Berbasis Lingkungan Di Sdn Lidah Kulon 1 Surabaya
Pendidikan lingkungan dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan kepedulian masyarakat dalam masalah lingkungan. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi kurikulum berbasis lingkungan di SDN Lidah Kulon 1 Surabaya dengan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dan rancangan penelitian studi kasus. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasikan, mendeskripsikan dan memaparkan manajemen kurikulum berbasis lingkungan di SDN Lidah Kulon 1 Surabaya. Aktivitas dalam analisis data kualitatif dilakukan secara model interaktif dengan uji keabsahan data meliputi triangulasi, membercheck dan kecukupan referensial. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Studi ini menunjukkan (1) tujuan dan konten kurikulum berbasis lingkungan dirancang dengan menyesuaikan visi, misi dan tujuan sekolah yaitu peduli dan berbudaya lingkungan serta merancang semua program pendukung pengimplementasi kurikulum berbasis lingkungan (2) pelaksanaan kurikulum berbasis lingkungan menggunakan sistem integrasi,(3) evaluasi dilakukan melalui rapat kordinasi untuk melihat progress, dilakukan dengan tes tulis, lisan dan portofolio, tujuan dan fungsi evaluasi kurikulum adalah menilai seberapa jauh keberhasilan kurikulum yang telah dijalankan, dampak dari pengimplementasian kurikulum berbasis lingkungan, dan untuk mendukung kegiatan adiwiyata yaitu menumbuhkan karakter peduli dan berbudaya lingkungan pada siswa-siswi sesuai dengan visi misi sekolah. Ketiga tahapan tersebut merupakan proses …
Inspirasi Manajemen Pendidikan 5 (1), 2017
2017 Determinant factors of student procrastination behavior of technical and vocational teacher education
Teachers are required to have a good ability to manage tasks. Teacher education must develop the ability to manage tasks on the students themselves. Procrastination is a problematic behavior undertaken by students of vocational teacher education. This study aims to measure the contribution of information literacy, emotional regulation and self-directed learning on the behavior of procrastination. Research conducted in December 2016 at the Faculty of Engineering, State University of Jakarta with 341 respondents from various departments. The method used quantitative descriptive survey approach. The research found that:(1) the correlation coefficient between the information literacy with procrastination behavior is-0.192 (negative correlation);(2) the correlation coefficient between emotional regulation with procrastination behavior is-0.192 (negative correlation); and (3) the correlation coefficient between self-directed learning with procrastination behavior is-0.279 (negative correlation). The correlation between the information literacy with self-directed learning at 0.645 and the correlation between emotional regulation with self-directed learning at 0.551. Variable information literacy contributes to procrastination behavior 4%. Variable emotional regulation contributes to procrastination behavior 4%. Variable self-directed learning contributes to procrastination behavior by 8%. Based on these findings, the intervention variable information literacy, emotional regulation and self-directed learning can reduce procrastination behavior problems in students of vocational teacher education. So as to suppress the behavior of procrastination, college LPTK …
1st Yogyakarta International Conference on Educational Management …, 2017
2017 Environment-Based Curriculum Management In Primary School
Environmental education is an effort to improve the understanding and awareness of the community in seeking solutions and prevention of environmental problems. School authority in developing curriculum and designing learning, enables schools to adapt to the needs of environmental students. This study aims to identify and describe the planning, implementation and evaluation process of environment-based curriculum at SDN Lidah Kulon 1 Surabaya with a qualitative research approach. We used qualitative data analysis interactively and continuously to find out what the data describes. Data collection techniques are unstructured interviews, observation and documentation. The result of the research at SDN Lidah Kulon 1 Surabaya shows:(1) the purpose and content of the environment-based curriculum is designed by adjusting the vision, mission and objectives of the school that has high awareness and cultured-school environment,(2) the implementation of environment-based curriculum using integration system,(3) evaluation through coordination meetings to see and measure the progress, conducted by written test, oral and portfolio within three months and six months. Those three stages are the process of implementing the environment-based curriculum so that it will create and build environmental curriculum management as the basis of curriculum development, effective and efficient curriculum implementation, and also learning quality improvement and the growth of environment caring character of the student and school personnel.
9th International Conference for Science Educators and Teachers (ICSET 2017 …, 2017
2017 Hubungan Antara Mutu Sekolah dan Pemasaran Sekolah dengan Minat Siswa Memilih Pendidikan di SD Raden Fatah Surabaya
Abstrak: Sekolah sebagai salah satu institusi pendidikan menjadikan sekolah yang bermutu agar meningkatkan minat siswa memilih sekolah tersebut yang tentunya diimbangi pemasaran sekolah yang baik juga. Terdapat salah satu sekolah dasar di Surabaya yang memiliki siswa banyak, yaitu mencapai 400 siswa. SD Raden Fatah adalah sekolah berstatus swasta namun memiliki peminat yang banyak, hal ini bisa dikarenakan mutu dan sekolah yang baik atau pemasaran sekolah yang baik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara mutu sekolah dan pemasaran sekolah dengan minat siswa memilih pendidikan di SD Raden Fatah Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah wali murid kelas I–IV dan tenaga pendidik serta kependidikan di SD Raden Fatah Surabaya sebanyak 104 orang. Penelitian ini menunjukkan kuatnya hubungan mutu sekolah dan pemasaran sekolah dengan minat siswa memilih pendidikan di SD Raden Fatah Surabaya sebesar 41, 3% sedangkan sisanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis korelasi sederhana dan ganda dengan product moment. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data product moment hubungan yang kuat pada variabel minat siswa memilih pendidikan memperoleh nilai signifikan 0,000< 0,005, dengan demikian H 0 ditolak dan Ha diterima, maka artinya terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara mutu sekolah dan pemasaran sekolah dengan minat siswa memilih pendidikan.
Inspirasi Manajemen Pendidikan 5 (1), 2017
2017 The influence of metacognition and E-Learningto Learning outcomes on reading English texts
English has 4 language skills and 2 language components. Language skills include, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Meanwhile, two language components are grammar and vocabulary. At the level of Senior High School (SMA) the things mentioned above are taught in an integrated way with emphasis on language skills elements focused on reading English texts. The periods are mostly allocated for reading English texts while other components are the supporting elements of the pursuit. Assessments, daily assessments, semester-end assessments, year-end assessments to national assessments (UNBK-CBT), used to determine students' progress in English lessons are focused on reading English texts. The students have many difficulties in understanding English texts. Lack of vocabulary, lack of grammatical knowledge, and lack of self-regulation and strategy setting in English learning affect the barriers …
Proceeding the International Conference on Education Innovation 1 (1), 718-721, 2017
2017 Cognitive Apprenticeship Model in The Aesthetics and Ergonomics Material of Entrepreneurship Subject on Students' Creativity in Vocational Higher School
This research aims to know the influence of cognitive apprenticeship model against the creativity of students. The research method used is the true experimental research design in form of matched comparison group. In this design, there are two groups which consist of experimental group and control group. While some of the learning processes done by the students through 5 stages starting from preparation until verification obtained the different result in the process of practical learning activities compare with the traditional learning. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference on the application of learning model cognitive apprenticeship in the learning process.
9th International Conference for Science Educators and Teachers (ICSET 2017 …, 2017
2017 Improving students’ participation in lecturing through cooperative learning model in Jigsaw type
Based on the observations by the researcher during being a lecture in S1 degree [G1] of PGSD in education UNESA, the level students’ participation at the time of lecturing is not as expected. In the previous research, the lecturing activities which have done until mid-semester, the researcher observed 31 students, only a small percentage of students actively participated in the way of asking questions, answering questions, also conveying an idea. In the previous result [G2][G3] showed that the level of students’ participation in the course less than 35%. Whereas, the researcher expects every student should more actively to contribute either assessment of course participation which has 2 points, equal with mid-term test point (UTS). At least, the target of the researcher is 50% or more than students' participation actively. So, classroom action research is needed. In this research, the observer [G4] applied jigsaw learning model as the basic concept [G5] ofPPKn course particularly. Jigsaw learning model was chosen because the steps used were known be able involve all students as the result that in the course every students will be prosecuted as skilled team activities and work well together independently as well as group to understand the concept or material which being learning, therefore it can move the students [G6][G7] to participate in the way of asking questions, answering questions, also conveying idea.[G8][G9][G10] This research used two cycles which include four steps ie planning, action, observation, and reflection. The result of observation and reflection in every cycle, it can conclude the first cycle was successful with the participate rate 64 …
Pancaran Pendidikan 6 (3), 2017
2017 Scientific approach through inquiry process activities setting inclusive among students with visual impairment
The research aimed was to developed measurement experiment student worksheet base on scientific approach through inquiry process activity setting inclusive. The research design was Thiagarajan through define, design and development phases. The experiment student worksheet consists five phases activities, includes engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate who accommodate students with visual impairment work together with student regular. The worksheet design begins with real life activities, problems, and questions to learn about measurement to assess students prior knowledge. Students explore the content by adapting and implementing materials of an inquiry process activities. The final stages evaluate how they work and extend by applying it to new situation to their own experience. The conclusion has been found that the measurement experiment student worksheet design was …
Proceeding the International Conference on Education Innovation 1 (1), 111-115, 2017
2017 Increasing Students’ Capabilities in Writing Simple Present Tense through Engklek Modification with CTL Approach
This research was motivated by the low ability of hearing impairment students in SLB Negeri I Gunungkidul in writing Simple Present Tense. Overcoming this problem, the Class Action Research (CAR) was done by using Engklek modification with CTL approach to increase the students’ ability in writing Simple Present Tense. This study was aimed at describing the improvement of the students’ ability in grade VII SLB Negeri 1 Gunungkidul in writing Simple Present Tense through Engklek modification with CTL approach. The method used was a Classroom Action Research with spiral model research design by Kemmis and McTaggart. This study was conducted in 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of stages:(1) planning,(2) implementation,(3) observation, and (4) reflection. The subjects were 4 students with hearing hearing of grade VII at SLB Negeri 1 Gunungkidul. It can be concluded that the learning of modification with CTL approach could increase students’ ability in writing Simple Present Tense. So, it is recommended that teachers should use a modified Engklek with CTL approach for writing Simple Present Tense.
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Luar Biasa 4 (2), 105-110, 2017
2017 The Effect Of Inquiry Based Science To Science Skill Process And Deviant Behavior Of The Cognitive Disability Students
purpose of this study is to analysis the inquiry strategies through hands on activities teaching to increase the science skill process and decrease deviant behavior of the cognitive disabilities students in an special school science classroom. Using experiment, observations, test, it is revealed that this teacher’s approach focuses on two major ideas: (a) Combining activity-oriented science curriculum of scale unit with the building of comprehension relationships in her classroom; and (b) Developing comprehension for science skill process and fulfilling students’ personal purposes. Research design was Single Subject Research Design. AB Design through 1 base line and 1 intervention phase. Participant from special need schools about 3 participant (ANS, ABD, ADL). The data analysis uses assess trends and levels between adjacent phases. Level refers to change in value or magnitude of science skill process and …
Asia-Pacific Journal of Intellectual Disabilities 4 (1), 22-27, 2017