Publikasi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2019 Flash Card Media Utilization To Improve Student Activity and Learning Outcomes of Fauna Distribution Subtopic in Class Xi Ips I Sma Xin Zhong Surabaya
The purpose of research to determine and describe whether the concept of flash card utilization is able to increase students activity students in learning in Geography subject. Though geography is a very important subject, particularly in determining the ample number of fauna found in Indonesia, which is even categorized as an endemic fauna. In addition, the manner in delivering subtopic which is considered monotonous by relying solely on reading books and summarizing what they have read are two things that are not surprising. Hence, those two facts encourage students not perform geography lessons enthusiastically. Considering the problems that occur, therefore I am interested in engaging the learning media
Geosfera Indonesia 4 (2), 90-104, 2019
2019 The Evaluation of Field Experience Program in Special Education Department: Pedagogy Competence of Master Students
Field Experience Program (FEP) in the special education department is important for prospective teachers to gain a foundation of knowledge about pedagogy and subject matter, as well as early exposure to the practical classroom experience. The purpose of this study was to evaluating the effectiveness of FEP in 2014 and 2015 classes by preparing master students to work in undergraduate classrooms. The research design was quantitative and qualitative evaluative which showed procedure and process program implementation by Cronbach evaluation approach and responsive evaluation Stake. Data were collected from 128 graduate students and 12 supervising professors through questionnaire and interview. The result showed FEP is very effective with pedagogy competence indicates the average performance of 3.55 standard 1 to 5. The highest score especially regarding use media appropriate of characteristics of students with score 4.25.
3rd International Conference on Special Education (ICSE 2019), 63-66, 2019
2019 Kemampuan Pragmatik dalam Interaksi Sosial Anak Tunarungu Melalui Penggunaan Metode Komunikasi Total
This research aims to determine the pragmatic ability of the deaf child in the aspect of social interaction with the use of the total communicational supporting aspects (oral, aural and manual). One aspect of pragmatic ability to do two-way communication with interaction. This research in SLB-B Kab. Sidoarjo consisting of 8 research subjects and 5 informant. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive with the instrument of the data collector used ie observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the research obtained is the ability of deaf children in initiating, maintaining and ending communication politely in domination with oral (speech), manual (gesture, finger spelling, gesture, and expression) and the use of 1-3 words.
Jurnal Pendidikan Kebutuhan Khusus 3 (volume 3 nomor 2), 22-25, 2019
2019 DESA VOKASI MENUJU KEMANDIRIAN EKONOMI MASYARAKAT (Studi Kasus Di Desa Vokasi Kembang Kecamatan Pacitan Kabupaten Pacitan)
Vocational village is an area of vocational skills education intended to develop human resources to be able to produce products/services or other works of high economic value, are unique and have a comparative advantage by utilizing local potential. The purpose of the vocational village program is to help the community to have the provision of productive knowledge and skills that can be utilized to manage the potential of local resources so that they have value for themselves and the community, have entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviors that are in line with the values or rules that apply in regions as well as preserving and developing noble values of regional culture in order to support national development. This research explains how Vocational Village with batik making training program can create economic independence in the Flower Village. This study uses a qualitative approach, data collection using in …
JPUS: Jurnal Pendidikan Untuk Semua 3 (2), 46-55, 2019
2019 Partisipasi masyarakat dalam mewujudkan masyarakat pembelajar (learning society) melalui kampung herbal Nginden Kecamatan Sukolilo Surabaya
Kampung Herbal Nginden merupakan variasi dari program bentukkan masyarakat yang mana kegiatannya meliputi penghijauan dengan TOGA berbasis masyarakat yang dapat meningkatkan kesadaran nilai-nilai lokal dan kesadaran pemberdayaan serta pendidikan dalam masyarakat serta perwujudan masyarakat pembelajar (learning society). Tujuannya untuk mengetahui bagaimana program tersebut mampu menumbuhkan masyarakat pembelajar di Kampung Herbal Nginden, dengan menganalisis implementasi masyarakat pembelajar, mendeskripsikan bentuk dan faktor yang memengaruhi partisipasi masyarakat dalam mewujudkan masyarakat pembelajar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa 1. Terimplementasikannya 8 dari 9 prinsip masyarakat pembelajar, 2. Bentuk-bentuk partisipasi masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh warga Kampung Herbal Nginden meliputi buah pikiran, tenaga, harta benda, keterampilan serta sosial, 3. Faktor yang memengaruhi partisipasi masyarakat dalam mewujudkan masyarakat pembelajar melalui Kampung Herbal Nginden: a) fasilitas yang dimiliki oleh Kampung Herbal Nginden cukup lengkap, b) adanya respon yang positif dari masyarakat, c) komitmen dan semangat yang tinggi dari pengurus, d) serta adanya sumber dana yang memadai e) usia. Faktor penghambat: pasang surut semangat warga.
JPUS: Jurnal Pendidikan Untuk Semua 3 (1), 27-36, 2019
2019 The Use of Language Variation in Friday Prayer Sermon in Accordance with the Congregations Social Stratification in East Java: A Sociolinguistics Study
The purpose of this study was to describe the language variations in friday prayer sermons based on social stratification of pilgrims in mosques in the East Java Province, Indonesia. This study used a qualitative descriptive method with the setting as it is (natural setting) which basically described qualitatively in the form of words. The object of this study was the oral text of the sermon on friday prayers in the mosques of the East Java Province, among others in the areas of Madiun, Jombang, Surabaya, Bangkalan, and Jember. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Each area was taken by one mosque during friday prayer. The data collection technique uses record and technique notes. In addition, structured interview techniques using questionnaires were also given to 10 respondents in each mosque. So, the number of respondents is around 50 pilgrims. These data are sorted (classified), analyzed, then concluded. The results of the study prove that most (80%) oral texts on sermon friday prayers in mosques in the East Java Province use a variety of mixed languages, namely Indonesian and Arabic. Whereas, in Jombang region uses mixed language, namely Indonesian, Arabic, and Javanese. In Bangkalan, Madura, friday sermon sermons use mixture language, namely Indonesian, Arabic, and Madurese. The use of mixed language in friday sermons is in accordance with the social stratification of the congregation.
Fifth Prasasti International Seminar on Linguistics (PRASASTI 2019), 135-139, 2019
2019 Pengembangan Modul Berbasis Android Pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Jawa Materi Basa Rinengga Untuk Siswa Kelas VIII Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama
Berdasarkan studi awal dan observasi yang dilakukan peneliti di SMPN 22 Surabaya pada tanggal 31 Maret 2017 diperoleh informasi bahwa terdapat permasalahan yaitu belum tercapainya tujuan pembelajaran mata pelajaran bahasa jawa materi basa rinengga yang bertujuan siswa dapat memahami basa rinengga. Hal ini diketahui ada 55% dari 38 siswa mendapatkan nilai dibawah KKM pada pelajaran bahasa Jawa.
Jurnal Unesa 4 (20), 33-42, 2019
2019 “It’s Pre-Service Teacher’s Time”: Shifting the Focus of Communication Apprehension (CA) Research
Anxiety to communicate in front of public is significantly associated with how individuals cope with and adjust to the stress of apprehension. Studies across multiple disciplines have investigated connections among Communication Apprehension (CA), instructional communication (eg language and various discipline applications), coping strategies (eg computer-mediated communication features), and psychological behaviors (eg introvert and extrovert traits). However, there has not been yet a systematic review of this discourse to date. This study explored 23 research articles and summarized how CA and coping tend to focus much on students and little to teachers, particularly pre-service ones. The exposure on students includes CA profile, demographics, causes, and remedy approaches. Communication scholars contribute to innovation of reducing CA level using computer-mediated communication. Yet, face-to-face interactions might potentially decrease pre-service teacher’s CA level taking into account his cultural background and power which he would exercise to boost his confidence. Further research on this particular topic is worth investigating in the future.
Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Conference (SoSHEC 2019), 2019
2019 The Application of the CTL Model for Junior High School Students in Social Studies in Grade VII Students
Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) is the solution to this problem. students will be more active in learning in class and to improve their learning outcomes. While students who use the CTL model, will be active in the retaliation process because the material used is related to real situations and conditions, this research is a type of quasiexperimental research that uses research designs True Experimental Design,, because of the other known group of experiments and participate get observation. The author takes a study of inter-class populations to find out the results of learning. In this case the students of class VII A and VII B at Sunan Ampel Middle School, but class VII B only as a control class. Data collection techniques in this study used observation and tests. Based on student learning outcomes in the application of the Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) data learning model, the pretest value was 68.52 …
PROCEEDING 1st International Seminar STEMEIF (Science, Technology …, 2019
2019 The Effect of Curing and Extraction Time against Yield and Quality of Type B Gelatin from Goat Bone
In this study evaluated the effect of preparation conditions (curing) and extraction time on the yield and quality (water and ash content, gel, and organolaptic properties) of type B gelatin from goat bone. In general, the yield of goat's gelatin (GBG) increases with increasing curing (10-50 days) and extraction time (4-5 hours). Under the same conditions, a decrease in water content, gel strength and brightness was detected on GBG. Specifically, lower ash content was produced from 50 days curing and 5 hours extraction compared to other conditions. In line with this, lower water content, gel strength and brightness were also observed in this condition. However, by referring to the GMIA, the highest quality GBG is obtained from the manufacturing process using a 30-day curing time and 5-hour extraction time.
National Seminar on Chemistry 2019 (SNK-19), 86-90, 2019