Publikasi S2 Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2018 Are You a Zaman-Now Teacher? The correlation between work experience and meaning of work with the accuracy of selecting learning methods in early childhood education
At the present time, the role of early childhood teachers is not just as teachers but also lesson designers. The current phenomenon shows that the accuracy of selecting a learning method is supported by work experience and work interpretation. The purpose of this research is to explore the phenomenon and test the correlation. From 129 teachers, it was obtained a result that the phenomenon was correlated with F value 1.667, R2 0.256 (25.6%). Meanwhile, the partial correlation of work experience was 0.444 and the work interpretation was 0.392. Based on the results of this study, the teachers are expected to join the training consistently and periodically in the appropriation of the working length and also construct self-discipline in running their role as teachers. Such a way will give positive effects on the quality of work performance and improvement of work effort, that can be seen from the satisfaction and loyalty bond to always become a teacher.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 152-156, 2018
2018 Pengaruh PETTLEP Imagery terhadap Efikasi Diri Atlet Lari 100 Meter Perorangan
Penelitian dilatabelakangi oleh pentingnya aspek mental berupa efikasi diri yang harus dimiliiki oleh atlet karena berpengaruh pada performa atlet. Salah satu treatment yang dapat dilakukan agar atlet yakin dengan kemampuannya sehingga bisa menghadapi situasi latihan dan perlombaan dengan performa yang maksimal adalah dengan melakukan PETTLEP Imagery. PETTLEP merupakan akronim dari physic (fisik), enviroment (lingkungan), task (tugas), timing (waktu), learning (belajar), emotion (emosi) dan perspective (perspektif). Penelitian ini berujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh PETTLEP imagery terhadap efikasi diri atlet lari 100 meter perorangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan one group pre-and post-test design. Partisipan adalah 6 orang atlet lari 100 meter yang tergabung dalam PRAPELATNAS B (Pra-Pelatihan Nasional B). Data diperoleh dari hasil pretest dan posttest skala efikasi. Analisis data menggunakan Uji Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh PETTLEP Imagery terhadap peningkatan efikasi diri atlet lari 100 meter perorangan.
Jurnal Psikologi Teori dan Terapan 8 (2), 154-164, 2018
2018 Pengaruh Latihan Relaksasi Secara Progresif Terhadap Penurunan Kecemasan Pada Pembinaan Prestasi Sepak Takraw
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui besar penurunan tingkat kecemasan setelah melakukan latihan relaksasi secara progresif. Pembinaan prestasi perlu diperhatikan aspek latihan mental untuk mencapai prestasi maksimal. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu quasi experimental dengan bentuk nonequivalent control group design. Sampel berjumlah 24 orang. Istrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Skala Linkert. Teknik analisis data dengan menggunakan uji t. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan diperoleh t hitung= 2, 20dan besarnya †’ t tabel ’ ’ yang tercantum pada tabel nilai t tabel 5%= 2, 07 dapat diketahui bahwa t hitung> t tabel, yaitu 2, 20> 2, 07. Dengan demikian latihan relaksasi secara progresif memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap penurunan kecemasan pada pembinaan prestasi sepak takraw putra di Universitas Sriwijaya. Latihan relaksasi secara progresif dilakukan secara sistematis maka akan mampu menurunkan kecemasan pada saat menghadapi situasi yang penuh ketegangan.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional IPTEK Olahraga (SENALOG) 1 (1), 2018
2018 The Influence of Athlete Students' Psychological Capital on Track and Field Performance
This study aims to know the correlation between students' psychological capital on track and field performance. The subjects of this study were 18 athletes who still studied in Senior High School in East Java. The adapted Psychological Capital Questionnaire for sport was constructed by Luthans, et al.(2007). The product moment method is utilized for statistic analyzing. The result of data analysis was 0.473, meaning that the psychological capital variable influences the individual performance on track and field. The variable influenced 47.3% of the athlete's performance. Therefore, it can be concluded that track and field athletes must join the psychological coaching in order to develop their performance.
1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017), 219-221, 2018
2018 Penentu Kemenangan : Problematika dan Solusi Mental dalam Olahraga
Unesa university press, 2018
2018 Anxiety and mental toughness among athlete students
This research purpose was to analyze the relationship between anxiety and mental toughness among athlete students. A quantitative method with correlation design was used in this research. Subjects of this research were one hundred and twenty-eight athlete students. All participant were athlete students at State Senior High School of Sport or namely SMANOR in Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia. There were seventy eight male and fifty female. The average age of participants was sixteen and half years old. Data were collected using two instruments: An adapted Sport Anxiety Scale with unfavorable score to measure an anxiety, A mental toughness scales to measure mental toughness. The research result indicates that there was a significant relationship between anxiety and mental toughness with coefficient correlation zero point seventy-five. These results can be interpreted that the higher the level of anxiety, the lower the level of mental toughness is. This is because of anxiety make athlete students have bad feeling and negative emotion that influence their mental toughness.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 547-549, 2018
2018 Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif Untuk Psikologi
Unesa university Press, 2018
2018 Examined The Social Competence: A Case Study on Parenting and Emotional Development in Children
This study aimed to analyze the effect of parenting and socio-emotional development to social skill in early childhood in B group at Restu I Malang kindergarten. The data was collected through questionnaires and checklists. This study used a quantitative method with multiple regression and compare mean (one-way ANOVA) to analyze the data. The results showed that parenting and socio-emotional development partially influenced the children's social skills, and there was no significant difference in children's social skills between the parenting parents authoritarian, permissive parenting, and parenting democratic.
1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017), 377-379, 2018
2018 T-Mobile Learning Android Model-Based to Improve Students' Listening Capability
The study was conducted to develop the students' listening capability by using t-mobile learning android model-based. It provides suggestions about how to perform an appropriate model based on android application. The subjects were 60 students who have undertaken the listening program in 2016 until 2017. There were only two variables studied, including the T-mobile learning model, and the studentslistening capability. The study used a quantitative method. The findings of this research showed that the feasibility of t-mobile learning and the studentslistening capability were sufficient and appropriate.
1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017), 360-364, 2018
2018 The effect of geometric puzzle game towards children’s recognition of geometric shapes and fine motor
The research found that the children’s recognition of geometric shapes and fine motor in Group A was low. Such finding was caused by the classical method of learning applied in the classroom such as lecturing and having the children do worksheets so that the learning activities were not attractive as well as less innovative. This research aims at knowing the influence of the puzzle game about geometry towards the ability to know the geometric shapes and fine motor of older group of children. The research used was quantitative method with quasi experimental as the design with the use of non-equivalent control group design. This study involved 103 children from some kindergartens in Surabaya. The data were collected using observation sheets and documentation. The results of this study showed that the children in the experimental group showed greater ability to know the geometric shapes and fine motor compared to the children in the control group. In addition, the geometric puzzle game proved that it was an effective way to help students with the ability to know the geometric shapes and fine motor.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 340-342, 2018