Publikasi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2019 Cognitive Apprenticeship Improves Self Efficacy At Aviation Polytechnic Of Surabaya
Internships are a method of connecting learning in schools with actual work powered by experts in
Journal of Education and Vocational Research 10 (1 (V)), 9-11, 2019
2019 Development of Chemistry Subject Module to Improve Student’s Critical Thinking in SMA Negeri 1 Pulau-Pulau Terselatan Southwest Maluku
The study aims to develop the chemistry subject module and its effectiveness in learning to improve students' critical thinking. It was conducted on the students of class XI in SMA Negeri 1 Pulau-Pulau Terselatan Southwest Maluku. It is the research of development which uses the Borg and Gall (2003) model, who adapted Dick and Carey's model named Instructional System Design which includes ten stages of development. The product of this development research is the chemistry subject module for the lesson about the colloidal system. Afterward, the developed module gets validation test using questionnaires that are given to the experts and the users, to know its feasibility to use in learning. Then, the results indicate that it is in the criteria of very feasible to use in learning. After get validation, it is analyzed using Normalized Gain (N-gain) to determine its effectiveness to improve students' critical thinking. The analysis data is obtained through one group pre-test and post-test design. Then, the result of N-gain analysis is 0.74 categorized as “High” means that there is an increase in students' critical thinking after the application of the module. Thus it can be concluded that the chemistry subject module is suitable for use in learning, and it influences the effectiveness of learning since it can effectively improve students' critical thinking in SMA Negeri 1 Pulau-Pulau Terselatan Southwest Maluku.
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies 1 (8), 884-892, 2019
2019 Influence of Learning Model Type Cooperative Scramble with Picture Media on Motivation and Student’s Learning Outcomes of IPS Class 2 SDN 2 Tropodo
This study aims to determine the effect of the Scramble type cooperative learning model with image media on the motivation and learning outcomes of grade 2 elementary school students. This research was conducted at the SDN Tropodo 2 Waru Sidoarjo Regency 2018/2019. This type of research experiment uses a quantitative approach, with nonequivalent (pretest and posstest) design contril group design. This study uses two classes namely the experimental class and the control class. The study sample was class 2A as the experimental class and 2B as the control class. The instruments used were motivation observation sheets and learning outcomes tests. Data analysis techniques used included normality test, homogeneity test, and independent sample t-test. The results of the study showed that there was an effect oflearning model the scramble type cooperative on media images on the motivation and learning outcomes of grade 2 elementary school students. value of gain normalized Motivatedexperiment class 0.174, control class 0.115 value gain normalized of student learning outcomes experimental class 0.192, control class 0.141 test results independent samples t-test motivation showed tcount of 7.845> ttable of 1,677. the results of the test of independent samples t-test of learning outcomes indicate that the value of tcount is 5.254> ttable of 1,677. It can be concluded that thelearning model scramble type cooperative with image media influences the motivation and learning outcomes of grade 2 students in elementary school.
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies 1 (2), 81-85, 2019
2019 Implementation of Management Based School in Improving the Quality of Secondary Education
The implementation of school-based management in Indonesia itself is contained in the Act National Education System Number 20 of 2003 which reads
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies 1 (8), 904-907, 2019
2019 The development of pop up 3d general map using discovery learning models to improve creativity and learning outcomes of social studies grade V elementary school
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies 1 (2), 86-91, 2019
2019 Analisis pola asuh grandparenting dalam pembentukan karakter anak di TK Dharma Wanita di Desa Drokilo Kecamatan Kedungadem Kabupaten Bojonegoro
Grandparenting merupakan pengasuhan anak yang dilakukan oleh kakek dan nenek. Pengasuhan anak menjadi tanggungjawab kedua orangtuanya, namun karena beberapa faktor tanggungjawab tersebut dialihkan kepada keluarga yang lebih luas. grandparenting membentuk karakter anak dengan pengasuhan grandparenting dengan itu anak lebih memiliki karakter yang baik dan sama pada umumnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola asuh yang digunakan kakek dan nenek dalam pembentukan karakter anak di TK Dharma Wanita I Drokilo. Dalam pola asuh yang dilakukan oleh kakek nenek menerapkan 3 indikator dalam metode penelitian yakni 1). Mengasuh dengan memberikan pujian, 2). Mengasuh dengan memberikan nasihat, 3). Mengasuh dengan memberikan hukuman. Kemudian dalam pengasuhan di terapkan Pendidikan karakter anak yakni 1). Keagamaan 2). Kemandirian 3). Kedisiplinan
Jpus: Jurnal Pendidikan Untuk Semua 3 (1), 9-16, 2019
2019 Manajemen Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter Pada Sekolah Menengah Atas
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis data tentang manajemen penguatan pendidikan karakter di Kabupaten Sidoarjo dengan studi multi kasus di SMAN 1 Krian dan SMAN 1 Taman. Komponen manajemen tersebut mulai dari perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, pengawasan, dan evaluasi penguatan pendidikan karakter di SMAN 1 Krian dan SMAN 1 Taman Sidoarjo. Hasil penelitian terkait manajemen penguatan pendidikan karakter di kabupataen Sidoarjo (studi multi kasus di SMAN 1 Krian dan SMAN 1 Taman) menunjukkan bahwa, perencanaan penguatan pendidikan karakter harus memenuhi minimal lima aspek yaitu mengacu pada visi dan misi sekolah, melakukan asesmen untuk mengidentifikasi potensi sekolah, merumuskan dan menentukan nilai-nilai karakter utama yang akan dikembangkan, program sekolah disusun secara bersama seluruh komponen sekolah, serta guru membuatan perangkat pembelajaran (RPP) berbasis karakter.
Halaqa: Islamic Education Journal 3 (2), 111-117, 2019
2019 The Influence of Multimedia Assisted Inquiry Learning Methods on My Heroes' Theme of Critical Thinking Skills and Learning Outcomes of Class IV Students of Elementary School
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies 1 (2), 75-80, 2019
2019 Pengembangan Blanded Learning Mata Kuliah Bilangan dan Pengolahan Data Untuk Mahasiswa PGSD
Applying science and technology in the lecture process can be done by applying blended learning, namely offline and online. Technology adaptation must be immediately familiarized for students and lecturers to optimize the effectiveness of lectures. This study describes the development of blended learning in number lectures and data processing and the feasibility of developing and knowing student responses after attending lectures. Development research using the ADDIE model, which includes analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Design of lecture meetings with seven online and eight face-to-face meetings. Data were obtained from material and media validation instruments and student response questionnaires. The research subjects were 39 students of class D Class 2018. The percentage of the score analyzed the data obtained divided by the maximum score multiplied by 100%. The development of blended learning is arranged at LMS Unesa. Expert lecturers validate the materials and media in the LMS with the available position of lector and in charge of mathematics courses in the PGSD major. The results of the media validation test were 84%, and the material validation was 96%, with a very valid category. The student's questionnaire response was 95% in the very good category. The results of this development research were declared feasible with a few revisions and were effective for student lectures.
INVENTA: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar 3 (1), 136-147, 2019
2019 Pengembangan Buku Panduan Menggambar Tema Diriku Terhadap Kreativitas Anak Kelompok B di Balongbendo
Penelitian ini didasarkan pada hasil observasi awal di RA Perwanida 1 Kemangsen Balongbendo pada kelompok B yang menunjukkan tingkat kreativitas menggambar rendah, serta kegiatan pembelajaran yang hanya menggunakan LKPD (Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik) dan contoh gambar yang dibuat guru di papan tulis. Untuk itu peneliti merancang buku panduan menggambar yang berisi tahapan menggambar sederhana. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan kreativitas menggambar dengan menggunakan buku panduan menggambar. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan yang menggunakan model pengembangan 4D. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah anak kelompok B, ahli materi, ahli media dan guru. Objek penelitian ini adalah pengembangan buku panduan menggambar tema diriku. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi dan wawancara sedangkan kelayakan media diketahui dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan persentase.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dari pembahasan diketahui bahwa media buku panduan layak digunakan untuk pengembangan kreativitas menggambar anak di RA/TK. Kelayakan uji coba skala kecil termasuk dalam kategori “sangat valid”(96, 5%), uji coba skala besar termasuk kategori “sangat valid”(95, 27), ahli materi termasuk kategori “valid”(80%), ahli media termasuk kategori “valid”(77, 7%). Berdasarkan hasil penilaian dari LKPD anak, media buku panduan menggambar dinyatakan layak dan efektif digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran yang mampu mendukung perkembangan kreativitas anak.
Jurnal PAUD Teratai. 8 (3), 2019