Publikasi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2019 Identifikasi Bentuk kekerasan dan Penangannya di Lingkungan Sekolah Dasar
Kekerasan terhadap anak bisa terjadi kapan saja dan dimana saja termasuk pada saat di rumah, tempat bermain bahkan di sekolah. Padahal sekolah merupakan tempat dimana anak menerima pendidikan moral, etika dan akademik, bahkan menjadi rumah kedua bagi anak. Namun, kenyataannya justru di sebagian sekolah terjadi kasus kekerasan. Baik yang dilakukan oleh teman sepermainan, senior, guru atau penjaga kebersihan sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap bentuk kekerasan yang terjadi disekolah, Mengungkap faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi kekerasan di sekolah, Mengungkap dampak tindakan kekerasan di sekolah, mengungkap upaya yang dilakukan sekolah dalam menangani kekerasan di sekolah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, data diperoleh melalui penerapan sejumlah teknik pengumpulan data dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan rumus statistik deskriptif dan analisis naratif untuk dapat memberikan deskripsi tentang hal-hal yang menjadi fokus penelitian ini. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa-siswa SDN Kebaraon 1 Surabaya sebanyak 50 siswa. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwasanya, 1) Faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi munculnya kekerasan di Sekolah Dasar berasal dari seringnya melihat pertengkaran di lingkungan melihat adegan pertengkaran di TV, meniru kalimat didalam TV, suka dianggap sebagai jagoan, 2) Dampak tindak kekerasan meliputi takut mengunkapkanm pendapat di kelas memilikiki luka fisik tidak berani memulai pembicaraan dengan teman tidak mempunyai teman di sekolah, 3) Upaya yang dilakukan sekolah dalam menangani kekerasan di …
Child Education Journal 1 (2), 58-64, 2019
2019 Job Opportunities For Mentally Retarded Children After High School
Education for mentally retardation children in special high school level was more emphasized to vocational skill which could be used as a provisions entering job fair. With the provisions of vocational skill it was hoped mentally retardation children obtained larger work opportunity after graduating from special high school. However, that fact was not suitable with the expectation. Two mentally retardation children of 2014 graduation in state special school Gedangan did not get work opportunity and went back to school for only playing. The purposes of this research were to describe mentally retardation children’s work opportunity after graduating from special high school with vocational skill provisions obtained from the school and to describe the parents’ role in helping mentally retardation children getting work opportunity after graduating from special high school. This research used qualitative approach. The research kind used here was expose facto descriptive. The research result could be concluded that mentally retardation children who obtained the vocational skill provisions after graduating from school did not also obtain work opportunity in the society while mentally retardation children who obtained work opportunity after graduating from school had unsuitable job with the vocational skill they got from school. Mentally retardation children got vocational skill provisions in silk-screening domain but the work opportunity obtained was furniture domain, rubbing wood part. Mentally retardation children who had automotive background got work opportunity in the restaurant and mentally retardation children with the background of knitting vocational …
3rd International Conference on Special Education (ICSE 2019), 335-340, 2019
2019 The Effect of managerial skills (conceptual, human, and technical) of headmasters to the effectiveness of islamic senior high schools in jombang district
This study aims to determine the effect of managerial skills of a headmaster to the effectiveness of islamic senior high school in Jombang District. This research is a quantitative study with a type of survey approach. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents, namely teachers from 4 islamic senior high schools in Jombang District as samples of this study. The research data were obtained from a questionnaire containing 45 statements regarding managerial skills and school effectiveness. The results of this study found that managerial skills of a headmaster affected school effectiveness. The results of the test of the individual parameters significance state that managerial skills (conceptual, human, and technical) are respectively influential by 72%, 75%, and 62% on school effectiveness. Meanwhile, simultaneously managerial skills have an effect of 77% on school effectiveness.
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies 1 (6), 539-544, 2019
2019 The Use of Modified Index Card Match to Enhance Social Interaction of Children with Intellectual Disability
This study aims to examine the effect of using the modified index card on the social interaction of children with intellectual disability. This study used a pre-experimental research of one-group pre-test post-test. The number of subjects in this study were 6 children with intellectual disability. The average pre-test score was 33.92 and the average post-test score was 78.96 by giving treatment/intervention 6 times in class. The conclusion of this study is that H zero (H0) is rejected and the working hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, Z count (Zh)= 2.096 is greater than Z table (Zt)= 1.96 with a critical value= 5%. So the use of modified index card match affects the social interaction of children with intellectual disability.
5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2019), 83-86, 2019
2019 Modified Traditional Hide and Seek Game to Improve the Social Skills of Students with Mild Intellectual Disabilty
Mild intellectual disability children have barriers to social skills which include social interaction, cooperation, and obedience to rules so that it need to be improved. In this study the social skills of mild intellectual disability children can be improved through traditional games hide and seek modification. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of traditional hide and seek modification on the social skills of mild intellectual disability students in grade 7 of Al-Falah School for Specific Purpose (SSP) Sembayat Gresik. The research design used pre experimental of one-group pre-test post-test. The subjects of the study were six mild intellectual disability students. Average pre-test results 53.12 and the average post-test results 81.24 by giving interventions 8 times in class and outside the classroom. The conclusion of the H zero (Ho) research results is rejected and the working hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, Z count (Zh)= 2.20 is greater than Z table (Z t)= 1.96. This means that there is the influence of the traditional game of hide and seek modification on the social skills of the students with the intellectual disability.
3rd International Conference on Special Education (ICSE 2019), 107-109, 2019
2019 The Use of Guidebook on Socio-Personal Guidance for Autism Children
Enhancing a social interaction of children with autism at the school is challenging. Therefore, a guidebook for teachers regarding building social interaction among children with autism is essential. The purpose of this guidebook is to help teachers to improve children with autism social interaction. Thus, this research aims to understand the teachers' reception using guidebook on socio-personal guidance to improve social interaction among children with autism in an inclusive school. This research applied a quantitative approach. Data were collected through a questionnaire and analyzed with simple statistic descriptive. The results showed that teacher guidebook in personal social guidance with role-playing technique to increase social interaction of children with autism in inclusive school is well accepted by teachers as teachers' responses towards the use of this guidebook are positive.
3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019), 196-198, 2019
2019 English Language Communication in PGSD Through the TPR Method
This article aims to describe how the TPR method can introduce English to the Primary Teachers Education (PGSD) students or Primary Teacher candidate. In this research is focused on communication skill or speaking. On other words, students concentrate on listening and speaking skills in learning English. The techniques used for fresh man PGSD students and related to TPR method are game. Media used are digital picture, cards, English song etc. in hope that students can memorize English words easily. The used method is Classroom Action Research. The results showed an increase in results from 69% of students who reached Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) in the first cycle and increased to 83% of students who achieved Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) in the second cycle
5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2019), 127-128, 2019
2019 Pengaruh promosi kesehatan dengan media berbeda aplikasi whatsapp terhadap tingkat pengetahuan WUS tentang kanker serviks di RW 10 Kelurahan Pudak Payung
Metode. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasy experiment dengan rancangan pre–post test design. Teknik pengambilan sampling menggunakan purposive sampling. Jumlah responden sebanyak 93 responden. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu kuisioner tingkat pengetahuan tentang kanker serviks.Hasil. Hasil penelitian ketiga kelompok sebelum dan sesudah diberi promosi kesehatan kanker serviks menggunakan uji Kruskall-Wallis didapatkan nilai p value 0,000 yang menunjukkan ada perbedaan pengetahuan wus setelah diberi intervensi. Hasil uji Mann-Whitney menunjukkan kombinasi memberikan perbedaan lebih baik dan signifikan dibandingkan hasil kelompok gambar vs teks karena nilai p< 0,001.Kesimpulan. Promosi kesehatan kanker serviks berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pengetahuan wus di RW 10 Kelurahan Pudak Payung
Prodi DIV Keperawatan Semarang POLTEKKES KEMENKES SEMARANG, 2019
2019 Pengaruh Media Video Binatang Terhadap Motorik Kasar Anak Kelompok A TK Permata Bunda Surabaya
Penelitian Pre-Experimental Design ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji ada atau tidaknya pengaruh media video binatang terhadap motorik kasar anak kelompok A TK Permata Bunda Surabaya. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah anak kelompok A TK Permata Bunda Surabaya yang berjumlah 18 anak. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan dokumentasi dan observasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Wilcoxon Match Pairs Test dengan rumus Thitung< Ttabel, dan menggunakan taraf signifikan 5%. Jika Thitung lebih kecil dari pada Ttabel maka H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data diperoleh, Thitung= 0, sedangkan Ttabel dengan subjek 18 anak dengan taraf signifikan 5%= 40. Dari angka yang diperoleh berarti Thitung< Ttabel (0< 40) sehingga hipotesis alternatif (Ha) diterima dan hipotesis nol (H0) ditolak. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa media video binatang berpengaruh terhadap motorik kasar pada anak kelompok A TK Permata Bunda Surabaya. Kata kunci: media video binatang, motorik kasar.
Jurnal PAUD Teratai 8 (3), 1-4, 2019
2019 Peran Gabungan Kelompok Tani (GAPOKTAN) Dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Di Desa Gunungsari Kecamatan Tlogowungu Kabupaten Pati
UIN Walisongo, 2019