Publikasi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
Efektivias pengelolaan program kesetaraan Paket C merupakan serangkaian kegiatan atau tindakan yang saling memiliki hubungan dan ketergantungan secara bertahap, terarah untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Tujuan penelitian yaitu mendiskripsikan dan menganalisis (1) efektivitas pengelolaan program paket dengan mengacu pada 4 dasar pengelolaan yaitu perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan dan pengawasan (2) faktor pendukung (3) faktor pengahambat pelaksanaan program Paket C. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang dikumpulkan menggunakan observasi partisipatif, wawancara terstruktur, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian efekitviats pengelolaan program Paket C yang mencakup 4 dasar pengelolaan sudah cukup efektif terbukti dalam …
JPUS: Jurnal Pendidikan Untuk Semua 4 (3), 132-141, 2020
Mahasiwa di Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Surabaya memiliki masalah dalam mencapai indeks akademik yang baik, gagal dalam lomba karya tulis ilmiah, dalam perkuliahan Mahasiswa kurang bertanya, tidak aktif mengikuti kegiatan seminar atau diskusi. Pendekataan penelitian yang digunakan peneliti adalah deskripsi kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam proses pengelolaan program trust sangat dibutuhkan proses manajemen yang baik mulai dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi agar setiap program atau kegiatan dapat berjalan terarah. Dari kegiatan pengelolaan program bimbingan studi dalam meningkatkan kemampuan penalaran mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Surabaya memiliki dampak yang positif bagi peningkatan indeks prestasi akademik.
JPUS: Jurnal Pendidikan Untuk Semua 4 (3), 19-25, 2020
Kemampuan literasi menjadi hal penting yang perlu dikembangkan sejak dini karena literasi mampu mengembangkan kemampuan fisik, motorik, emosi, dan sosial anak. Upaya penanaman minat literasi bukan hanya tanggung jawab keluarga atau sekolah saja, namun juga tugas lembaga perpustakaan untuk membentuk generasi yang literat di era gadget ini. Hilangnya kontrol anak terhadap penggunaan gadget menjadi masalah penting yang harus di selesaikan. Penelitian ini bertuuan untuk mendeskripsikan upaya meningkatkan literasi anak melalui program Perpustakaan Rumah Pelangi Gresik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan upaya Perpustakaan Rumah Pelangi dalam meningkatkan minat literasi anak dilakukan dengan peningkatan fasilitas sarana dan prasarana perpustakaan, melaksanakan program layanan anak, menambah jenis koleksi bahan pustaka, serta membangun lingkungan literat dengan menggelar outdoor library. Namun Rumah Pelangi belum memiliki fasilitas perpustakaan keliling serta belum melakukan kerja sama dengan orangtua anak untuk mengembangkan minat literasi.
JPUS: Jurnal Pendidikan Untuk Semua 4 (4), 81-91, 2020
2020 Optimizing Golden Age Through Parenting in Saqo Kindegarten
The aim of the community service to optimize the golden age through parenting activities for parents in SAQO Early Childhood Education Institution Kraksaan, Probolinggo aims to improve education carried out by families by utilizing the resources available in the family and the environment in the form of independent learning activities. The method of implementing the parenting education program at SAQO Early Childhood Education Institution was a participatory, demonstration, and assignment method with a share and care approach. It was carried out through the stages of the identification process of parents’ learning needs. Parents understand the importance of parenting programs for child development. The results obtained are 1). Parents understand the golden age of children. 2). Parents understand the importance of parenting styles for early childhood. 3). Availability of facilities and infrastructure used by presenters to deliver parenting programs to parents, 4). Parents were very enthusiastic about participating in the program activities provided by the team—proven by 90% of the number of parents’ attendance. 5). During the delivery of material, parents actively and responsively responded to the material provided. 6). Teachers and parents expect that the team can provide an advanced material presentation on other occasions. With this parenting education, parents receive new knowledge and experience. Therefore, parents could take care of their children positively according to children’s development stage
1st International Conference on Lifelong Learning and Education for …, 2020
2020 Keterlibatan orangtua dalam pendampingan belajar anak selama masa pandemi covid-19
Kebijakan pemerintah untuk belajar dari rumah selama masa pandemi Covid-19 membuat orang tua semakin banyak terlibat dalam pendampingan anak. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengukur peran orang tua selama anak belajar dari rumah, dan mengukur tingkat pendampingan belajar anak yang dilakukan orang tua selama masa pandemi. Pendekatan kuantitatif dilakukan dengan teknik statistik deskriptif, dan sampel penelitian sebanyak 40 orang tua peserta didik PAUD SKB Cerme Gresik. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan proportional random sampling, serta analisis data dengan descriptive statics frequencies dan persentase. Uji validitas menggunakan korelasi product moment dan Uji reliabilitas menggunakan Alfa Cronbach. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa orang tua memiliki peran sebagai pembelajar anak, pemenuh kebutuhan anak, pemahaman spiritual, pengawasan, motivasi, dan penyedia fasilitas anak. Pendampingan belajar anak terlihat dari cara orang tua membantu kesulitan tugas anak, menjelaskan materi yang tidak dimengerti anak, dan merespon dengan baik semua pembelajaran daring dari sekolah.
Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini 5 (2), 1138-1150, 2020
2020 Principal Leadership Strategies in Developing Teacher Professionalism at Elementary School Level
Principal leadership plays a vital role in school effectiveness through its direct effect on teachers. This study aimed to explore the leadership strategies performed by school principals to develop teacher professionalism at elementary schools. This study was guided by the theoretical underpinnings of interpretivism. It employed in depth semistructured interviews and document analysis to collect data. The interviews were conducted with 9 elementary school principals in Klaten district, Indonesia. Data were analyzed using the grounded theory data analysis method, specifically the use of constant comparison through open coding. The ‘open-coded’data were then analyzed using the analytic induction technique. The results show that the principals employ a wide range of leadership strategies to develop teacher professionalism. The strategies include providing exemplary behavior and attitude, fostering work discipline, motivating teachers, providing educational supervision, and encouraging teachers to participate in continuing professional development programs.
Principal Leadership, 2020
2020 Teacher’s Professionalism of Those Receiving Professional Allowance: Empirical and Critical Review
Professionally-certified teachers are considered those who are qualified to work professionally and therefore, they deserve to get profession allowance. This study aims to discover a picture of the performance of teachers who have been received professional allowances. The study was conducted using descriptive-quantitative methods with survey techniques. The sample in this study was 207 state high school teachers in East Java Province. Professionalism was measured based on professional task aspects, teachers’ self-development, scientific publications, and innovative works. Based on the data analysis, it is known that the implementation of the professional task is in low category (index of 44, 01), as well self-development (index of 44, 52), and scientific publications are in very low category (index of 29, 16). From the total sample, there are only 44% of teachers making innovative works. On average, teachers have received profession allowance for 8, 6 years. Teachers taking master’s degree as their professional self-development are 32, 9%. Based on the results of the study, it can be noted that the professional allowance does not significantly correlate to the professional performance of teachers. However, teachers who conduct self-development in the form of advanced studies have better professional performance than teachers who do not study further.
1st Progress in Social Science, Humanities and Education Research Symposium …, 2020
2020 Improving Teacher Pedagogy In the Creation of IT-Based Learning Media
Effective learning using information technology is one of the opportunities that can be utilized by teachers to improve the effectiveness of learning. This study aims to describe the implementation of IT-based learning media creation training to improve teacher pedagogical skills as measured from the practical aspects and effectiveness of the Model used, namely the Critical Event Model (CEM). The subjects of this study were the teachers of SD Santo Yosef Surabaya. This research is an implementation research with quantitative approach. The data collection method used in this research is in the form of questionnaires to assess aspects of practicality and media assessment to assess aspects of effectiveness. The results showed that the training that had been evaluated through media assessment by the trainer and questionnaire scores by participants, both had a high percentage. Based on the results of the research shows that the implementation of training on creating IT-based learning media has been effective and practical
Jurnal Al-Murabbi 6 (1), 48-57, 2020
2020 Leadership Strategies of Elementary School Principals in Developing Teacher Professionalism
Principal leadership plays a vital role in school effectiveness through its direct effect on teachers. This study aimed to explore the leadership strategies performed by school principals to develop teacher professionalism at elementary schools. The theoretical underpinnings of interpretivism guided this study. It employed in-depth semi-structured interviews and document analysis to collect data. The interviews were conducted with nine elementary school principals in Klaten district, Indonesia. Data were analyzed using the grounded theory data analysis method, specifically the use of constant comparison through open coding. The'open-coded'data were then analyzed using the analytic induction technique. The results show that the principals employ a wide range of leadership strategies to develop teacher professionalism. The strategies include providing exemplary behavior and attitude, fostering work discipline, motivating teachers, providing educational supervision, and encouraging teachers to participate in continuing professional development programs.
Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan: Jurnal Ilmiah Administrasi, Manajemen dan …, 2020
2020 Pentingnya fasilitas belajar berbasis teknologi informasi terhadap hasil belajar siswa
Jurnal Inspirasi Manajemen Pendidikan 8 (04), 558-569, 2020