Publikasi S2 Manajemen Pendidikan
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Year | Title | Description | Publisher | Author(s) |
Karwanto. 2016.” Manajemen Pembelajaran Dengan Pendekatan Tematik Integratif di MIN Kawistolegi Karanggeneng Lamongan” | Inspirasi Manajemen Pendidikan 1 (1), 1-9, 0 | |||
Karwanto. 2004. Manajemen peserta didik di SMP Baitussalam Surabaya | Jurnal Inspirasi Manajemen Pendidikan 4 (4), 72-84, 0 | |||
DEVELOPING ENTREPRENEUR LEADERSHIP IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS | Schools are important places for the development of human resource quality. They should be responsive to the changes which needed by all elements of schools and the users. Changes carried out by an entrepreneur are directed towards dynamic behaviors, a bravery in risk taking, reactiveness, and improvement. The effective school changes are dependent upon on the ideas and activities performed by the principal, and then understood, followed, and supported by all elements of the ces, directs, develops, and empowers people under their management. Changes can only come into being from the nature of self-sufficiency and the creativity which are built via entrepreneurship. An entrepreneur leadership is a change strategy in managing the entire school activities.(2) changing climate and conditioning,(3) structure modification, and (4) institutionalization. The four steps are performed with a system of so that it will bring a paradigm developed by teachers themselves. Self-finding of teachers is conditioned in team work. The empowerment of team work is well planned, measured, and continuous in accordance with the school plans and programs. |
PEMENUHAN STANDAR KELULUSAN DALAM PERSPEKTIF MANAJEMEN BERBASIS SEKOLAH | This study design refers to action research’s model by Kemmis and Mc Taggart, which comprises the steps of:(1) planning (2) implementation and observation; and (3) reflection. The subjects were school principals and teachers in Elementary School X of Surabaya (anonymous). The results of this study, Primary School X of Surabaya has been able to create and apply:(1) MBS as a support system;(2) A good school work plan;(3) A good work plan annual; and (4) The school development plan.Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengupayakan penerapan MBS dalam menjawab permasalahan yang ada. Desain penelitian ini merujuk pada desain penelitian tindakan model Kemmis dan McTaggart, dimana terdiri dari tahap:(1) perencanaan (2) pelaksanaan dan observasi; dan (3) refleksi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah dan guru Sekolah Dasar. Hasil penelitian ini, menunjukkan sekolah telah mampu membuat dan menerapkan:(1) MBS sebagai support system;(2) Rencana Kerja Sekolah baik;(3) Rencana Kerja Tahunan yang baik; dan (4) Rencana Pengembangan Sekolah (RPS) |
Ketua Penyunting, 121, 0 | ||
Implementasi Permainan Bisik Berantai Berbasis Kartu Bergambar Dalam Menstimulasi Kemampuan Mengingat Anak Kelompok A Di TK Santhi Puri Sidoarjo | Penelitian kualitatif deskriptif ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana implementasi permainan bisik berantai berbasis kartu bergambar dalam menstimulasi kemampuan mengingat pada anak kelompok A di TK Santhi Puri Sidoarjo. Subyek penelitian ini adalah anak kelompok A di TK Santhi Puri Sidoarjo yang berjumlah 22 anak. Tehnik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga tehnik analisis data model Miles dan Huberman yaitu: reduksi data, display data, penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Berdasarkan hasil data observasi diperoleh data dari 22 orang anak terdapat 7 orang anak yang dominan pada kemampuan menyampaikan pesan (kategori berkembang sangat baik), 18 orang anak yang dominan pada kemampuannya dalam mengingat pesan (kategori berkembang sangat baik) dan 18 anak yang dominan pada kemampuan menyebutkan gambar pada kartu bergambar (kategori berkembang sangat baik). Dari data tersebut disimpulkan bahwa implementasi permainan bisik berantai berbasis kartu bergambar dapat menumbuhkan perkembangan kognitif anak. |
Jurnal PAUD Teratai 6, 1-4, 0 | ||
Evaluasi Kemampuan Teknik Dasar Sepakbola pada Ssb Mitra Surabaya Ku 11-12 | Teknik dasar sepakbola merupakan suatu kewajiban yang harus dimiliki dan dikuasai oleh pemain sepakbola, era modern sekarang semua pemain dituntut memiliki fisik, teknik dan taktik yang berkualitas. Pendidikan usia dini adalah salah satu cara untuk mencetak pemain sepakbola yang mempuni. Latihan yang sesuai dengan usia dini dan pemberian asupan gizi bagi pemain usia dini harus diutamakan, mengingat mereka dalam masa pertumbuhan. SSB sebagai wadah untuk mendidik dan menyalurkan bakat anak harus mengerti segala kondisi yang dimiliki oleh pemain usia dini. |
Jurnal Prestasi Olahraga 1 (1), 248116, 0 | ||
Potret Pembinaan Ekstrakurikuler Tim Bolavoli Putri SMA Negeri 4 Sidoarjo | Pembinaan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pembinaan ekstrakurikuler bolavoli di SMA Negeri 4 Sidoarjo. Fokus masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pelaksanaan pembinaan prestasi olahraga bolavoli putri SMA Negeri 4 Sidoarjo. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pola pembinaan prestasi bolavoli dengan manfaat untuk memberikan informasi kepada Pembina, pelatih, atlet, masyarakat, serta instansi terkait khususnya penggemar permainan olahraga bolavoli. |
Jurnal Prestasi Olahraga 1 (1), 248504, 0 | ||
Efektivitas Shooting Terhadap Kemenangan Tim Putra St. Louis 1 Surabaya Pada Honda Dbl East Java Series 2017 | a victory especially in sport is something that is desired by each team participating in the competition in order to win the title. Because the team never won a national championship, especially at the level of students will bring a positive impact on the players. Among them got the chance to pursue a career as a professional basketball player and student. Therefore any basketball team is expected to win consistently in order to escape from national towards regional phase and compete in the final round. To be able to win consistently obtain the necessary mastery of one of the basketball technique which has an important role to victory is shooting in it which is important in scoring points. The purpose of this study was to obtain information: how much of the effectiveness of shooting two-point, three-point and free throw. individually to form winning score at basketball games and know a large percentage of victories have been obtained team St. Louis 1 Surabaya higher than percentage shooting owned by the opponent in every game. Goal of this study is the men's basketball team St. Louis 1 Surabaya in Honda DBL East Java Series 2017 by analyzing three games. The method used in this analysis using the method of description, while the process of data collection is done by taking secondary data in the form of documentation in the form of statistical data samples basketball game. Conclusion:(1) The effectiveness of shooting free throw obtained by the team St. Honda DBL Louis Surabaya in 2017 was 55%.(2) The effectiveness of shooting two points earned by the team St. Louis Surabaya on Honda DBL 2017 is 50.42%.(3) The effectiveness of shooting … |
Jurnal Prestasi Olahraga 2 (1), 249405, 0 | ||
Contribution of Arm Strenght, Back Strenght and 30m Sprint | Praise be to Allah the merciful and grateful, we have finished the Proceeding book of International Conference of Sport Science. This book was a draft of an international seminar which is the final project of seminar subjects. |
SCIENCE 2, 16, 0 |