Publikasi S3 Manajemen Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2003 Pembelajaran Entrepreneurship di Perguruan Tinggi
Kemendikbud, 2003
2001 Pengaruh Bimbingan Ketrampilan Berbahasa Terhadap perkembangan Bahasa Anak Tunarungu Usia Pra–Sekolah
Tesis Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, 2001
2001 Metodologi pendidikan
Jakarta: SIC, 2001
2001 Metodologi penelitian pendidikan
Surabaya: Sic 318, 2001
1996 Metodologi Penelitian suatu Tindakan Dasar
Surabaya: Sie Surabaya, 1996
1996 Metodologi penelitian pendidikan tinjauan dasar
Surabaya: Sic, 1996
Hasil klarifikasi agff diunggah melalui ftr* pada tautan
Hasil klarifikasi agff diunggah melalui ftr* Page 1 RISTEKDIKTI KEMENTE,RIAN RISET, TE,KNOLOGI, DAN PENDIDIKAN TINGGI LE,MBAGA LAYANAN PENDIDIKAN TINGGI WILAYAH VII Jl. Dr. Ir. H. Soekarno No. Surabaya60119 Telepon (03 l) 5925418, 5925419, 5947473 Fax. Laman :, Surel : Nomor : 0949lL7lPTl20l9 Lampiran : satu set Hal : Klarifikasi Data Profesor 2 7 F[8 201s Yth. Rektor/Ketua/Direktur Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di lingkungan l,embaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi Wilayah VII (daftar terlampir) Menindaklanjuti hasil dari kegiatan Workshop Instalasi dan Penggunaan Aplikasi SISTER yang diselenggarakan oleh Ditjen Sumber Daya Iptek dan Dikti pada tanggal I I sd l3 Februari 2019 bagi Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi dan dalam rangka pemutakhiran data Profesor di PDDIKTI, kami menyampaikan daftar dosen berjabatan akademik …
Universitas 4, 071024, 0
Universitas 585621, 31, 0
Yuliati. 2009
Pengembangan Model Scaffolding Dalam Pembelajaran Menulis Dengan Pendekatan …, 0
Unpreparedness of schools as the education provider in facing some changes in the global era like today, give an impact on school effectiveness in producing highly competitive graduates. The author tries to assess and analyse the complexity of the unpreparedness problem of the school from the viewpoint of the teachers as the front liners and the actualization of school principal as leader. Teachers are the critical components in the implementation of education, moreover in the dynamics changing of the community, teachers have to be able adaptively responsive to these changes, both in its substantive and technical-practical of teachers. Teacher’s ability to carry out their duties need to be supported by the self-efficacy on the teachers. The efficacies of teachers do not grow by themselves but formed in the triangular relationship among personal characteristics, behavioural patterns and environmental factors. The school principal as leaders of the institutions has an important role in creating school environment which help teachers to establish their efficacy. Leaders have an important role because they serve as important figures, giving direction in transformation time, and are responsible for the effectiveness of institutions led. The author uses the study of literature which is done by collecting on literature review and researchbased articles that have been published previously. The conclusion that can be formulated based on the findings of this study and discussion is that the actualization of school leadership becomes essential to cope with any changes in implementation of education in schools. The development efficacy of teachers becomes an …
The Challenges of Educational Management And Administration in Competitive …, 0