Publikasi S3 Teknologi Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
This research aims to develop the interactive learning multimedia Computer Based Instruction (CBI) using ispring presenter for material of accounting Service Company and determine its feasibility. The development was done using ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) approach. Data analysis used in this research is descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The results showed that the level of eligibility of interactive learning multimedia based on the assessment: 1) Material experts, included in the category Very Eligible, 2) Media experts, included in the Eligible category, 3) Accounting lecturer, included in the category Very Eligible, 4) Students, included in the category Very Decent. According the results, the interactive learning multimedia CBI developed this has the advantage in the aspect of attraction in the delivery of material. Thus, the interactive learning multimedia CBI is a …
Proceeding Icon-ELite 1 (1), 287-293, 2018
2018 Entering Children’s Literacy Through Whole Language Approach
The aim of this research was to determine the influence of the whole language for kindergarten students, especially in early literacy. The researcher chose a whole language approach to help children age 4-5 years understanding early literacy because it integrated 4 language capabilities: reading, writing, listening and speaking in one package, and the children could learn all materials effectively. The samples of this research were 54 kindergarten students aged 4-5 years in Surabaya, following a quasi-experimental design that had an experimental group and control group. In the experimental group, the students did various interesting activities relating to literacy, while in the control group the students did usual learning activities. In this study, the data collection technique used were observation and documentation. The results of this research suggest that students in the experimental group show a greater development at all levels in literacy compared to the students in the control group. In addition, whole language approach was proven effective for early literacy learning.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 12-17, 2018
2018 The Development of “Lianala” Game Device for Early Childhood
The purpose of this study is to produce a
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 332-333, 2018
2018 Use Assessment Screening Socio-Emotional Development by Teachers Playgroup
For educators, it is very important to know how easy and can be done to recognize the child's emotional and social behavioral symptoms and their effects. Some of the simple abilities that educators need to master in recognizing the emotional social behavior of children are the ability to observe or observe identifying the various emotional and social characteristics of the child, and the ability and skills to record, record and make predictions about what actions will accompany them. The screening process is one form of assessment to identify early childhood development that has problems that have not been clearly visible or neglected. Through the screening assessment, the educator can understand the objectives to be achieved, important information needed, implementation time and methods to be used in the screening assessment. Assessments conducted through screening will help educators to inform early childhood development.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 705-709, 2018
2018 Developing a Short Character Based Film Increasing the Moral Value of Kindergarten
The Background of this research focuses on the effort of developing Learning Media In form of character-based film. The film is applied in order to help the character of Early Childhood education in learning process of the character. The research questions are: 1. How is the feasibility of character the based film as learning media to increase the development of students’ moral value in TK Wildani 2, Surabaya. 2. How is the effectivity of the character based film to increase the development of students’ moral value in TK Wildani 2, Surabaya. The objective of this research is developing an audio-visual media to increase the Early Childhood Character. The character-based film is as a tool for the teachers to transform the students' values of characters so that character education can be delivered and applied in daily life well. The film has some advantages, they are: 1. The film is presented by the early childhood students’. It also has a manual book of how to apply it in the character learning. The research is conducted in ten phases as in Dick and Carey’s theories of research development in Borg and Gall (2003).(1) Identify Instructional Goal,(2) Conduct Instructional Analysis,(3) Analyze Learners and Contexts,(4) Write Performance Objectives,(5) Develop Assesment Instruments,(6) Develop Instructional Strategy,(7) Develop and Select Instructional Materials,(8) Design and Conduct Formative Evaluation of Instruction.(9) Revise Instruction,(10) Design And Conduct Summative Evaluation.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 260-269, 2018
2018 Textbook Development Of Game Education Tools In Courses Oriented To Contextual Approach To Improve Student Learning Outcome at PIAUD Bachelor
This study aims to develop and test the feasibility, and the effectiveness of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)-oriented textbooks of educational game. The observation model and the Dick and Carey development model were used in this research. The results show that CTL-oriented textbooks are worthy and effective. The use of CTL-oriented textbooks influences students' learning outcomes. The use of CTL-oriented textbooks as learning media also received a good response from students of PIAUD STAI YPBWI Surabaya. Therefore, it can be concluded that CTL-oriented textbooks are feasible and effective to improve students’ learning outcomes in APE courses of S1 PIAUD.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 68-71, 2018
2018 The Influence of Modified Dakon on the Understanding of the Concept of Numbers and Motor Abilities
This quantitative research aims to examine the influence of Modified dakon on the ability to understand the concept of numbers and motor abilities of children group A. Research children aged 4-5 years at RA STAI Laboratorium background by the lack of ability to count numbers 1-10. The population of this research is children of group A at RA Laboratorium STAI Rewwin Waru Sidoarjo which amounts to 25 children. Data collection techniques in this study using observation and documentation. Based on the research that has been done then the data obtained from the average value before being treated (pre-test) is 3.33 while the average value after being treated (post-test) is 7.29. The result of data analysis shows that T arithmetic= 0 is smaller than T table with significant level 5%(0.05)= 0.5 so Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. Thus, it can be stated that the use of Modified dakon has an effect on the ability to understand the concept of child number and motor ability of A group on children in RA Laboratorium STAI Rewwin Waru Sidoarjo.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 208-212, 2018
2018 The Effect of Cooperative Learning Model in Social Science Class
This study aims to determine the effect of cooperative learning model on the fifth grade students’ motivation of SD Negeri 2 Puter Kembangabhu-Lamongan in social science learning process. This research uses a quasi-experimental design using Non-equivalent Control Group. The subjects of this research are 40 students of 2 class, that is class VA as experiment class and class VB as control class. The results show that the students who learn social science by using cooperative learning method simultaneously have a better learning motivation than those who learn social science by using conventional learning methods.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 668-672, 2018
2018 Exploring Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices in Early Childhood Classroom
The world of the future is and will be increasingly become digital and therefore, multicultural. The dynamic changes in how children learn and live challenged the early childhood teachers to adjust the curriculum in order to support the children accordingly. This study aims at reviewing the teacher beliefs and practices of multi-culture in early childhood classrooms. The review of the teacher beliefs will be based on the questionnaire about multiculturalism. The review of the teacher practices will be based on the one week lesson plan analysis. The findings described the exploration of the teachers beliefs and practices on multiculturalism in early childhood. As the curriculum still currently using the tourist approach, the teacher beliefs and practices in multicultural education are around the objectified culture. However, apart from the findings, this study provides the benefits in another fold: how the process of the investigation raised the teachers’ awareness to introduce multiculturalism for young children. All in all, the study hold promise for utilization in future research on teachers beliefs and practices in multicultural education in early childhood education.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 221-225, 2018
2018 The Impact of Learning Cycle 5E On Children’s Logical Thinking Ability and Symbolic Thinking
This study aims to determine the impact of learning cycle on children’s logical thinking and symbolic thinking ability in Gugus Jempiring Kindergarten in North Denpasar. This research uses quantitative approach with quasi-experiment design. Seventy four children were selected as a sample in this research. Group B one as a group of experiments was given treatment of learning cycle and B two as a control group. The data collection techniques is by using an instrument of logical thinking ability and symbolic thinking. The data were analyzed using non parametric statistics so that the Sign Test was done as well as Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Test.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 698-700, 2018