Publikasi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

Year Title Description Publisher Author(s)
2018 Anxiety and mental toughness among athlete students
This research purpose was to analyze the relationship between anxiety and mental toughness among athlete students. A quantitative method with correlation design was used in this research. Subjects of this research were one hundred and twenty-eight athlete students. All participant were athlete students at State Senior High School of Sport or namely SMANOR in Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia. There were seventy eight male and fifty female. The average age of participants was sixteen and half years old. Data were collected using two instruments: An adapted Sport Anxiety Scale with unfavorable score to measure an anxiety, A mental toughness scales to measure mental toughness. The research result indicates that there was a significant relationship between anxiety and mental toughness with coefficient correlation zero point seventy-five. These results can be interpreted that the higher the level of anxiety, the lower the level of mental toughness is. This is because of anxiety make athlete students have bad feeling and negative emotion that influence their mental toughness.
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 547-549, 2018
2018 Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif Untuk Psikologi
Unesa university Press, 2018
2018 Lifelong Learning as a Response toward Learning Society
The importance of lifelong learning is in accordance with human life in fulfilling the learning needs and the education needs. The existence of lifelong learning is caused by the appearance of learning needs that keeps growing along with human life. People get an education through several methods. Firstly, they get it from their families and neighbors where they live. Such process of education is known as an informal education. Secondly, people get an education through school and known as a formal education. Third, education is gotten through the social life and known as a nonformal education. There is a learning process within these three educational processes. Such processes are used to improve a quality within a person and the society because they provide knowledge, skill, moral values, attitude and functional understanding. Therefore, the spirit of learning needs to be enhanced by the people and society. A society that is open to the learning is a society that can grow to a betterment of life. Learning activity must be the life needs and social habit.
1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017), 373-376, 2018
2018 Binary Opposition in the Educational Study in Indonesia: Non Formal Education Deconstructs Formal Education
Binary Opposition in the Educational Study in Indonesia: Non Formal Education Deconstructs Formal Education Page 1 Binary Opposition in the Educational Study in Indonesia: Non Formal Education Deconstructs Formal Education by Sjafiatul Mardliyah And Zainal Abidin Achmad Fakultas Pendidikan Unesa Submission date: 30-Nov-2021 07:30PM (UTC+0700) Submission ID: 1716289175 File name: -777_Binary_Opposition_in_the_Educational_Study_in_Indonesia.pdf (325.03K) Word count: 2830 Character count: 15731 Page 2 1 3 7 Page 3 Page 4 2 2 Page 5 10 Page 6 1 4 6 9 Page 7 5 8 11 12 Page 8 6% SIMILARITY INDEX 5% INTERNET SOURCES 2% PUBLICATIONS 3% STUDENT PAPERS 1 1% 2 1% 3 1% 4 1% 5 <1% 6 <1% 7 <1% 8 <1% Binary Opposition in the Educational Study in Indonesia: Non Formal Education Deconstructs Formal Education ORIGINALITY REPORT PRIMARY SOURCES …
International Conference on Education Innovation 1 (1), 772-777, 2018
2018 The Importance of Parental Control of Teenagers in Wacthing Anime with Pornographic Content on the Internet
The purpose of this study was to explain the communication experiences between parents and teenagers in providing an understanding of the impact of watching pornographic content on the internet, and to identify the perceptions of parents and teenagers about anime with pornographic content. So that parents will get the best way of controlling. Most parents perceive anime as a cartoon for children, whereas many anime have pornographic content or ecchi elements (nudity and sexual intercourse). It is necessary to disseminate knowledge for parents to control teenagers when watching anime. Theories used include: stimulus organism response (SOR) theory to analyze perceptions, dialogical ethical theory to explain the process of interpersonal communication between parents and teenagers through dialogue, as well as role theory to explain how parents control teenagers. The research method used is qualitative through in-depth interviews of two groups of informants: teenagers anime buffs and parents. The results show that parents assess many inappropriate scenes in some anime, because they have ecchi or pornography and are not appropriate for children and teenagers to watch. Teenagers are free to watch anime with pornographic content because it takes advantage of parents' ignorance. Parents and teenagers have different experiences in understanding anime impressions with pornographic content. Limitations of parental knowledge are the main reason in the process of providing an understanding of the impact of watching anime with pornographic content to teenagers. Growing awareness for parental control should be done in …
International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Affairs …, 2018
2018 The Use of Social Media in The Ability of Self Regulated Learning on Teacher Education Students of Early Childhood Education
This study aims to determine the description of self-regulated learning in Teachers Education Teacher Education Early Childhood. Self Regulated Learning is an activity where individuals have the ability to learn actively and individuals have the ability to plan, set goals, organize, self-monitor and self-evaluate. This process allows the individual to become self-aware, knowing and determining the learning approach. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. Subjects involving a number of six students, with the technique of taking subjects using purposive sampling techniques. Data collection techniques were conducted using semi-structured interviews. The results showed that the self regulated learning picture on each subject is quite diverse. Three subjects have good self regulated learning abilities. This is because they already have the ability to control the time, have a plan in managing the tasks of college. While the other three subjects, yet can maximize self regulated learning in him. This is because: 1). Assuming that is still the initial semester, 2). Inability to control time, 3). In the course of work the lectures tend to rely on friends, 4). Spend more time using social media
4th International Conference on Early Childhood Education. Semarang Early …, 2018
2018 Konseling Kelompok Pendekatan REBT untuk Menurunkan Prokrastinasi Akademik Siswa Kelas XI IPS SMAN 1 Pulung Kabupaten Ponorogo
Prokrastinasi akademik merupakan masalah serius yang membawa konsekuensi bagi pelakunya. Prokrastinasi akademiaberpengaruh terhadap prestasi belajar semakin tinggi tingkat prokrastinasi akademik semakin rendah prestasi belajar. Remaja dibimbing agar mandiri dan sadar dalam untuk menemukan solusi-solusi yang tepat untuk mengubah pola pikirnya yang manaapengubahan pola pikir itu akan membentuk perilaku baru.
Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling UNESA 8 (2), 2018
2018 Bimbingan Kelompok Teknik Homeroom untuk Meningkatkan Konsep Diri Siswa
Konsep diri yang rendah sering kali menjadi permasalahan yang utama dalam hal perkembangan siswa. Mereka cendenrung merasa rendah diri, pesimis, takut akan kritikan dan muncul rasa untuk menarik diri. Dalam kasus ini, konsep diri rendah menjadi faktor penyebab gagalnya prestasi akademik. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini membahas tentang peningkatan konsep diri siswa.
Jurnal BK Unesa 8 (2), 381-386, 2018
2018 Konseling Rasional Emotif Perilaku Untuk Meningkatkan Percaya Diri Siswa Korban Verbal Bullying
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan konseling rasional emotif perilaku dalam meningkatkan percaya diri siswa korban verbal bullying di SMP Negeri 1 Sukosewu Bojonegoro. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pre-experiment design dengan rancangan penelitian pre-test post-test one group design. Alat pengumpul data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu angket percaya diri untuk korban verbal bullying yang terdiri dari 27 butir item. Subjek penelitian pada penelitian ini adalah lima siswa dari SMP Negeri 1 Sukosewu Bojonegoro yang menjadi korban verbal bullying dengan perolehan skor percaya diri rendah yang telah diukur menggunakan angket percaya diri. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah statistik non parametrik dengan menggunakan Uji Wilcoxon.
Jurnal BK UNNESA, 78-85, 2018
2018 Latihan asertif untuk meningkatkan self-esteem korban cyberbullying pada siswa
Berdasarkan hasil studi pendahuluan yang telah peneliti lakukan di SMP Negeri 5 Sidoarjo, bahwa terdapat 5 siswa yang menjadi korban cyberbullying yang memiliki self esteem rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan self esteem korban cyberbullying siswa SMP Negeri 5 Sidoarjo dengan menggunakan strategi konseling Latihan asertif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode eksperimen, bentuk desain penelitian ini adalah one group pre-test design–post-test design. Alat pengumpul data yang digunakan adalah angket self esteem korban cyberbullying, Subjek penelitian ini adalah 5 siswa korban cyberbullying yang memiliki self esteem rendah. Teknik analisis data menggunakan statistic non parametric dengan uji Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test untuk menguji perbedaan signifikansi terhadap kelompok eksperiman yang diberikan perlakukan latihan asertif. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan diatas, mean pre-test sebesar 51, 8 dan mean post-test 74, 4 dan selisih antara mean pre-test dan mean post-test adalah sebesar 22, 6. Hasil Analisis menunjukan bahwa berdasarkan output “Test Statistics” diketahui Asymp. Sig.(2-tailed)= 0,042. karena nilai 0,042 lebih kecil dari< 0, 05, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa “Ha diterima”, artinya ada perbedaan hasil self esteem korban cyberbullying untuk pre-test dan post-test, Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa “Latihan Asertif Dapat Meningkatkan Self esteem Korban Cyberbullying Pada Siswa SMPN 5 Sidoarjo.”
Jurnal BK Unesa 8 (2), 2018