Publikasi S3 Manajemen Pendidikan
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Year | Title | Description | Publisher | Author(s) |
2019 | Job Opportunities For Mentally Retarded Children After High School | Education for mentally retardation children in special high school level was more emphasized to vocational skill which could be used as a provisions entering job fair. With the provisions of vocational skill it was hoped mentally retardation children obtained larger work opportunity after graduating from special high school. However, that fact was not suitable with the expectation. Two mentally retardation children of 2014 graduation in state special school Gedangan did not get work opportunity and went back to school for only playing. The purposes of this research were to describe mentally retardation children’s work opportunity after graduating from special high school with vocational skill provisions obtained from the school and to describe the parents’ role in helping mentally retardation children getting work opportunity after graduating from special high school. This research used qualitative approach. The research kind used here was expose facto descriptive. The research result could be concluded that mentally retardation children who obtained the vocational skill provisions after graduating from school did not also obtain work opportunity in the society while mentally retardation children who obtained work opportunity after graduating from school had unsuitable job with the vocational skill they got from school. Mentally retardation children got vocational skill provisions in silk-screening domain but the work opportunity obtained was furniture domain, rubbing wood part. Mentally retardation children who had automotive background got work opportunity in the restaurant and mentally retardation children with the background of knitting vocational … |
3rd International Conference on Special Education (ICSE 2019), 335-340, 2019 | |
2019 | The Effect of managerial skills (conceptual, human, and technical) of headmasters to the effectiveness of islamic senior high schools in jombang district | This study aims to determine the effect of managerial skills of a headmaster to the effectiveness of islamic senior high school in Jombang District. This research is a quantitative study with a type of survey approach. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents, namely teachers from 4 islamic senior high schools in Jombang District as samples of this study. The research data were obtained from a questionnaire containing 45 statements regarding managerial skills and school effectiveness. The results of this study found that managerial skills of a headmaster affected school effectiveness. The results of the test of the individual parameters significance state that managerial skills (conceptual, human, and technical) are respectively influential by 72%, 75%, and 62% on school effectiveness. Meanwhile, simultaneously managerial skills have an effect of 77% on school effectiveness. |
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies 1 (6), 539-544, 2019 | |
2019 | Implementation Of School Principal Managerial Competency In Building Competitive Advantage (Case Study At 7 Muhammadiyah Vocational High School In Gondanglegi Malang, East Java … | The focus of this research was managerial competence of the Muhammadiyah 7 Gondanglegi Vocational high School in Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia, includes technical skills, human skills and conceptual skills in building competitive advantage. Research findings on principal managerial competency in building school competitive advantage, researchers had found new findings, was to need strengthening the ability of principals to create social skills, namely harmonization of work by the entire team and mastery of principal to managerial competency in the field of human resource development with high commitment to school for developing of educational institutions so that it becomes educational institution as public pride. |
IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature …, 2019 | |
2019 | The Character Education Strengthening Management: Multiple-Case Study in Senior High School | This study aims to describe and analyze data about the management of character education strengthening in Sidoarjo Regency of Indonesia with a multi-case study in Senior High School. The qualitative approach using to analysis that emphasizes the meaning and understanding of the inside (verstehen), reasoning, definition of a particular situation (in certain contexts) in the case in the Implementation of Character Education in Sidoarjo Regency. The management component starts with planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating the strengthening of character education. The management of character education strengthening in Sidoarjo regency indicates that planning for character education must meet at least five aspects. Organizing in character education strengthening is done with four aspects. The implementation of character education strengthening there is six main components. Supervision of the strengthening of character education there are four main components. However, the resulting study reveals that there are four main components in evaluating character education, including the preparation and manufacturing of assessment instruments, carried out by internal and external parties, producing factors that influence the program, and requiring follow-up to make continuous improvements. |
Opción: Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales 35 (20), 764-788, 2019 | |
2019 | Development of Computer Based Teaching Materials to Increase Phonetic Awareness of Deaf Students in Special Schools for Deaf | This paper aims to describe the development of computer-based teaching materials to increase phonemic awareness of deaf students in special deaf schools. The development of teaching materials is based on the background of the lack of teaching materials in the learning of Communication Development and Sound and Cadence Performance (PKPBI). This situation resulted in learning becoming less flexible, and not giving many opportunities for students to carry out adequate exploration and learning experiences especially in language development. The main problem of children with hearing impairments is a communication problem rooted in the limitations of language acquisition. The development of language skills in special deaf schools is carried out through language learning, speech training and the development of communication and sound perception and rhythm. The low level of language skills in deaf students in both oral and written schools is one indication that the learning that has been carried out is not optimal. This condition reflects the need for efforts to deepen learning. implying the need for learning as a system is a complex process involving the teacher component, teaching material, strategy and environment. |
International Conference on Education, Science and Technology, 97-103, 2019 | |
2019 | The Development of Archipelago Roaming Board Game to Improve Motivation and Learning Outcomes of Social Studies Grade V Elementary School Student | Researchers are interested in developing a boardsgame to teach the material Indonesian geographic characteristics. The media was named “Archipelago Roaming Board Game”. This study aims to develop the media and describe the feasibility and effectiveness in improving social studies motivation and learning outcomes in the V grade elementary school. This research was conducted at Gelam 2 Elementary School Candi-Sidoarjo, in the second semester of the 2018-2019 school year. The development of media in this study uses a 4-D model. Instruments were used in this study is the form of validation sheets, student activity observation sheets, teacher and student response questionnaires to the media, student learning motivation questionnaires, learning outcomes tests, affective and psychomotor observation sheets. The results showed:(1) the media developed met the criteria validity, feasibility, and effectiveness.(2) the media is effective for teaching the material Indonesian geographic characteristics. Thus, the media developed can be used as an alternative medium in social studies learning at the fifth grade. |
IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education 9 (3), 66-74, 2019 | |
2019 | The influence of cooperative learning model type course review horay with audiovisual media against social skills and student learning outcomes | This research uses a quantitative approach. This type of research is a quasi-experimental research with a nonequivalent design (pretest and posttest) control group design. The research uses two classes, which are experimental classes and control classes. A research sample is a grade IIIA student as an experimental class and IIIB as a control class. The research instruments used are social skills observation sheets and student learning tests. The data analysis techniques used include the normality test, homogenization test, an independent samples t-test.The results showed that there was an influence of cooperative learning and the type of course review horay was assisted audio visual on social skills and student learning outcomes. The results of independent samples of t-test students' social skills showed that Tcount 4.762> Ttable 2.02280. The results of the student study results independent samples t-test showed that Tcount 11.483> Ttable 2.02280. It can be concluded that the cooperative learning model of the course review horay has an audio-assisted visual impact on social skills and student learning outcomes. |
International Journal of Educational Researchers 10 (3), 1-10, 2019 | |
2019 | The Impacts of Verbal Violence by Family Members on Children's Social Emotional Aspects | The research is aimed to know the impact of violence verbal carried members of the family of the aspects of social emotional children aged early 2-4. With the approach to study the case with methods of qualitative found that violent verbal in children aged early majority do mothers with an age, angry exaggeration, understatement, compare and threats. The cause of mother doing verbal among them: factor of economic, educational, rage against the couple as well as how to view the parents, of the children and factors environment. Impacts on children's emotional social aspects: a) intensity of violence around, imitated by children and difficult to be dammed by parents, b) always must be number one, c) instructive, d) aggressive and sensitive, e) difficult to succumb to, f) dependence on high mother. When members of the family often yell, children also perform on other people even dare to yell at people of his own as well as loss of independence and a sense of trust themselves children. So, the level of emotional social maternity of family members is very influential on the development of emotional social aspects of children of age religious. |
3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019), 74-78, 2019 | |
2019 | Cognitive Apprenticeship Improves Self Efficacy At Aviation Polytechnic Of Surabaya | Internships are a method of connecting learning in schools with actual work powered by experts in |
Journal of Education and Vocational Research 10 (1 (V)), 9-11, 2019 | |
2019 | Development of Chemistry Subject Module to Improve Student’s Critical Thinking in SMA Negeri 1 Pulau-Pulau Terselatan Southwest Maluku | The study aims to develop the chemistry subject module and its effectiveness in learning to improve students' critical thinking. It was conducted on the students of class XI in SMA Negeri 1 Pulau-Pulau Terselatan Southwest Maluku. It is the research of development which uses the Borg and Gall (2003) model, who adapted Dick and Carey's model named Instructional System Design which includes ten stages of development. The product of this development research is the chemistry subject module for the lesson about the colloidal system. Afterward, the developed module gets validation test using questionnaires that are given to the experts and the users, to know its feasibility to use in learning. Then, the results indicate that it is in the criteria of very feasible to use in learning. After get validation, it is analyzed using Normalized Gain (N-gain) to determine its effectiveness to improve students' critical thinking. The analysis data is obtained through one group pre-test and post-test design. Then, the result of N-gain analysis is 0.74 categorized as “High” means that there is an increase in students' critical thinking after the application of the module. Thus it can be concluded that the chemistry subject module is suitable for use in learning, and it influences the effectiveness of learning since it can effectively improve students' critical thinking in SMA Negeri 1 Pulau-Pulau Terselatan Southwest Maluku. |
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies 1 (8), 884-892, 2019 |